5,031 research outputs found

    Bryozoans from Chella Bank (Seco de los Olivos), with the description 7 of a new species and some new records for the Mediterranean Sea

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    Chella Bank (also known as Seco de los Olivos seamount) is a volcanic submarine elevation (76–700 m deep) located ca. 16 km off the southern coast of Spain, within the Alboran Sea, in the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition zone. It represents a biodiversity hotspot for Europe, with more than 600 species listed to date, and contains several habitats included in the EU Habitats Directive. During three ship-based expeditions, several areas of Chella Bank were surveyed and sampled in a depth range of 95–729 m, resulting in new records that improve our knowledge on poorly studied phyla, such as bryozoans. In 14 of the 21 samples examined during this study, 43 bryozoan taxa could be identified. Among these, one species is described as new to science (Buskea medwaves sp. nov.) and three other ones are reported for the first time from the Mediterranean Sea, namely Terminoflustra barleei (Busk, 1860), Marguetta pulchra Jullien in Jullien & Calvet, 1903, and Schizomavella (Schizomavella) linearis profunda Harmelin & d’Hondt, 1992a. Some species were abundant in the samples, such as Adeonellopsis distoma (Busk, 1859), B. medwaves sp. nov., Entalophoroecia cf. deflexa, and Reteporella pelecanus López de la Cuadra & García-Gómez, 2001. The highest species richness was detected in rhodolith beds and on coral rubble bottoms (especially exposed above the sediments) compared with other bottom types and habitats such as sandy bottoms and muddy bottoms. The finding highlights the importance of these environments for bryozoans.En prens


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    Cerro Punta is one of the main producing areas of fresh vegetables in Panama; responsible for the supply of more than 80% of these items in the country. Recently, a characterization of these productive systems was carried out, which reflected that agricultural activity is the main source of income for the community, but they are very dependent on the use of synthetic pesticides. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sustainability of horticultural agroecosystems in Cerro Punta, Chiriquí, Panama. For this, a K means cluster analysis was carried out in a preliminary manner, in which the cultivated area (ha) and the productive cost (USD per ha) were taken into consideration. Next, one farm per conglomerate was randomly selected and ten sustainability indicators were defined on a scale of 1-5, corresponding to the social (2), economic (4) and technical-environmental (4) dimensions; being required for a farm to be considered sustainable to achieve at least an average of 3 per dimension and the general sustainability index (ISG), must be 3 or superior. According to the results, only cluster 4 turned was sustainable, with an ISG of 3.9. However, the five types of farm turned out to be sustainable in the social dimension, due to the satisfaction of basic services. Yield improvements, crop diversification and other economic activities are required; in addition to promoting Integrated Pest Management. In conclusion, horticultural agroecosystems in Cerro Punta could be sustainable.Cerro Punta es una de las principales zonas productoras de hortalizas frescas en Panamá; responsable del abastecimiento de más del 80% de estos rubros en el país. Recientemente, se realizó una caracterización de dichos sistemas productivos, la cual reflejó que la actividad agrícola es la principal fuente de ingresos de la comunidad, pero dependen en gran medida del uso de plaguicidas de síntesis. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas hortícolas en Cerro Punta, Chiriquí, Panamá. Para ello, se realizó de manera preliminar, un análisis de conglomerado de K medias, en el cual se tomó en consideración el área cultivada (ha) y el costo productivo (USD por ha). Seguidamente, se seleccionó al azar una finca por conglomerado y se definieron, en una escala de 1 – 5, diez indicadores de sostenibilidad, correspondientes a las dimensiones social (2), económica (4) y técnico-ambiental (4); siendo requerido para que una finca se considere sostenible lograr como mínimo un promedio de 3 por dimensión y que el índice de sostenibilidad general (ISG), sea igual o mayor que 3. De acuerdo con los resultados, solamente el conglomerado 4 resultó ser sostenible, con ISG de 3.9. Sin embargo, los cinco tipos de finca resultaron ser sostenibles en la dimensión social, gracias a la satisfacción de servicios básicos. Se requieren mejoras en cuanto al rendimiento, la diversificación de cultivos y otras actividades económicas; además de fomentar el manejo integrado de plagas. En conclusión, los agroecosistemas hortícolas en Cerro Punta podrían ser sostenibles

    Relationship between Determinants of Health, Equity, and Dimensions of Health Literacy in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

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    Background: Health literacy (HL) has been linked to empowerment, use of health services, and equity. Evaluating HL in people with cardiovascular health problems would facilitate the development of suitable health strategies care and reduce inequity. Aim: To investigate the relationship between different dimensions that make up HL and social determinants in patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in patients with cardiovascular disease, aged 50-85 years, accessing primary care services in Valencia (Spain) in 2018-2019. The Health Literacy Questionnaire was used. Results: 252 patients. Age was significantly related with the ability to participate with healthcare providers (p = 0.043), ability to find information (p = 0.022), and understanding information correctly to know what to do (p = 0.046). Level of education was significant for all HL dimensions. Patients without studies scored lower in all dimensions. The low- versus middle-class social relationship showed significant results in all dimensions. Conclusions: In patients with cardiovascular disease, level of education and social class were social determinants associated with HL scores. Whilst interventions at individual level might address some HL deficits, inequities in access to cardiovascular care and health outcomes would remain unjustly balanced unless structural determinants of HL are taken into account

    Latin American aquatic mammals : an overview of 12 years focusing on molecular techniques applied to conservation

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    Ecological information useful for conservation purposes have benefitted from recent and rapid advancements in genetic techniques, revealing unknown aspects of behavior, natural history, population structure and demography of several aquatic mammal species, many of them with conservation concerns. Molecular markers have been used to define management units, to settle taxonomic uncertainties, to control illegal wildlife trade, among others, providing valuable information to decision-making to conserve and manage aquatic mammals. We review genetic studies applied to conservation-related issues involving natural populations of more than 40 species of aquatic mammals in Latin America, covering four taxonomic groups. The main goal was to assess which genetic approaches have been used and to identify gaps in genetic research relating to geographic areas and species. We reviewed studies published in peer-reviewed journals between 2011 and 2022, and found that most were focused on population structure, phylogeography, gene flow and dispersal movements. The review revealed that researchers need to increase and improve the knowledge in those species which face major conservation concern. Scarce findings were related to forensics and its application to wildlife trade. In the era of next-generation-sequencing techniques, just a few studies used genomics as a tool for monitoring gene diversity, an important goal to help us predict how species will cope with climate change events. Looking to the future we suggest which species, geographic areas and genetic studies should be prioritized in a scenario of climate change and increased human threats (e.g., fishery bycatch, habitat degradation, etc.) and the urgent need for conservation actions. Finally, we highlight the benefits of the collaborative works and the necessity of generating a conservation genetic network, with an open agenda to discuss the local and regional problematics. All in all, we strongly emphasize the generation of critical information towards the effective conservation and management of aquatic mammals in Latin America.Peer reviewe

    Transformación vía Agrobacterium tumefaciens para inducir tolerancia a la podredumbre blanca del aguacate

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    Comunicación presentada en el VII World Avocado Congress, celebrado en Cairns (Australia) del 5 al 9 de septiembre de 2011.[EN] One of the most important limiting factors for avocado production in Spain is the disease caused by the fungus Rosellinia necatrix . Genetic manipulation could be useful for the introduction of fungal resistance traits into this crop. A n efficient Agrobacterium - mediated transformation protocol for avocado using AGL1 Agrobacterium strain and somatic embryos as the target material has been established by our group, although embryo conversion rate into plants needs to be improved. For that reason, we are using the strawberry, another Rosellinia necatrix ́s host, as model species to test the effect of several transgenes (two of fungal origin, chit 42 chitinase and β - 1,3 - glucanase from Trichoderma harzianum , and one of plant origin, At NPR1), on inducing tolerance to this fungus. Strawberry transformation with the β - 1,3 - glucanase gene has allowed the selection of two lines, β6 and β10, with enhanced tolerance to R. necatrix while no positive results were obtained following transformation with the chit - 42 gene. In relation to the At NPR1 gene more than 30 independent transgenic lines have been obtained whose tolerance to R. necatrix is currently under evaluation. Concerning avocado transformation, more than 10 independent transgenic lines (derive d from an embryogenic line of an immature Duke7 zygotic embryo) have been obtained with At NPR1 gene. Plants have been recovered from one line and efforts are underway to recover plants from other lines following micrografting of the transgenic sprouted sho ots onto in vitro germinated seedlings.[ES] Uno de los factores limitantes de la producción de aguacate en España es la enfermedad causada por el hongo R. necatrix. La manipulación genética podría ser de utilidad para introducir caracteres de resistencia en este cultivo. Se ha establecido un sistema eficiente de transformación en aguacate usando la cepa de Agrobacterium AGL1 y células embriogénicas como diana, sin embargo, la conversión en plantas de los embriones transgénicos necesita ser mejorada. Por esta razón, estamos utilizando la fresa, otro huésped de R. necatrix, como especie modelo para testar el efecto de varios transgenes (2 de origen fúngico, la quitinasa chit-42 y la β-1,3-glucanasa de Trichoderma harzianum, y uno derivado de plantas, AtNPR1), en la inducción de tolerancia a este patógeno tras la transformación de esta especie. La transformación de fresa con el gen de β -1,3-glucanasa ha permitido la selección de dos líneas, β6 y β10, con mayor tolerancia a R. necatrix, mientras que no se han obtenido resultados positivos con el gen chit-42. En relación con el gen AtNPR1, se han obtenido más de 30 líneas transgénicas independientes, cuya tolerancia frente a R. necatrix se está evaluando en la actualidad. En relación con la transformación de aguacate, más de 10 líneas transgénicas independientes (derivadas de una línea embriogénica obtenida a partir de un embrión zigótico inmaduro del cv. Duke 7) se han obtenido con el gen AtNPR1. Se han recuperado plantas de una línea y actualmente se está intentando recuperar plantas de otras líneas mediante microinjerto de los embriones transgénicos germinados.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto AGL2008 - 05453 - C02 - 01/AGR.Peer Reviewe

    Caspase-8 inhibition represses initial human monocyte activation in septic shock model

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    In septic patients, the onset of septic shock occurs due to the over-activation of monocytes. We tested the therapeutic potential of directly targeting innate immune cell activation to limit the cytokine storm and downstream phases. We initially investigated whether caspase-8 could be an appropriate target given it has recently been shown to be involved in microglial activation. We found that LPS caused a mild increase in caspase-8 activity and that the caspase-8 inhibitor IETD-fmk partially decreased monocyte activation. Furthermore, caspase-8 inhibition induced necroptotic cell death of activated monocytes. Despite inducing necroptosis, caspase-8 inhibition reduced LPS-induced expression and release of IL-1β and IL-10. Thus, blocking monocyte activation has positive effects on both the pro and anti-inflammatory phases of septic shock. We also found that in primary mouse monocytes, caspase-8 inhibition did not reduce LPS-induced activation or induce necroptosis. On the other hand, broad caspase inhibitors, which have already been shown to improve survival in mouse models of sepsis, achieved both. Thus, given that monocyte activation can be regulated in humans via the inhibition of a single caspase, we propose that the therapeutic use of caspase-8 inhibitors could represent a more selective alternative that blocks both phases of septic shock at the source.Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2012-39029Unión Europea, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2015-64171REspaña,Junta de Andalucía P10-CTS-649

    Impacto de los insectos en la seguridad alimentaria en Panamá

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    La seguridad alimentaria de un país representa la piedra angular de la nutrición, así como del desarrollo económico y social. Son diversos los factores que pueden impactar la seguridad alimentaria, entre los cuales destacan los insectos. El presente trabajo es una revisión sobre el impacto de los insectos en la seguridad alimentaria en Panamá. El estudio se desarrolló a través de la búsqueda de información relevante publicada asociada a la temática, considerando tres aspectos fundamentales: los insectos plaga, los insectos benéficos (enemigos naturales, polinizadores) y los insectos como alimento para humanos y animales, desde una perspectiva general. Sobre esto último, los insectos representan una de las alternativas de producción de proteínas de mayor importancia para el futuro tanto en Panamá como a nivel mundial, considerando las deficiencias nutricionales y de seguridad alimentaria existente

    Reproductive management of the goat

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    Objective: To share technical aspects with specialists in animal reproduction and producers that could help to improve the reproductive capacity of caprine livestock. Design/Methodology/Approach: Scientific evidence and experience in the reproductive management of goats are the basis that sustains the information presented in this article. Results: The goat is widely distributed in Mexico; it is a species with seasonal reproductive activity, but of easy manipulation with hormonal and natural means. Presently there is a large variety of biotechnologies that can be applied in the production units, to potentiate the reproductive activity of the goat. Study Limitations/Implications: The lack of knowledge and the lack of consulting and technical training limit the productive and reproductive potential of goat breeding in Mexico. Findings/Conclusions: Knowledge of the reproductive physiology of the goat and understanding of the means available to manipulate it guarantees its reproduction at the time and in the conditions desired by the producer and the marke