1,338 research outputs found

    Upper Jurassic Hybodontidae (Selachii) from Lourinhã, Portugal

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    Hybodontidae teeth and spines from the Lourinha Formation, Sobral unit are described. These teeth and spines have been ascribed to the genus Hybodus and regarded as Hybodus cf. reticulatus

    Material paleontológico no Claustro da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa

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    Fósseis encontrados nas escavações permitiram identificar os táxones indicados no Quadro 1, que datam do Cretácico (Cenomaniano superior) e outros do Miocénico inferior (Aquitaniano). Todos os fósseis foram encontrados em posição secundária, nunca in situ. A origem primária dos fósseis do Miocénico inferior pode situar-se nas proximidades imediatas ou em áreas bastante próximas. A ocorrência pode resultar de simples remeximento local de sedimentos. Quanto aos rudistas do Cenomaniano superior, é provável que a sua presença indique transporte acidental, de mistura com restos humanos, a partir de afloramentos de enchimentos cársicos, entulhos ou solos com fósseis desagregados; o que corrobora outras indicações indicativas de transporte de despojos humanos oriundos de áreas algo afastadas. A sua origem situar-se-ia, o mais perto, na faixa de calcários que se estende de Alcântara às imediações de Santos-o-Velho, de onde proviria também material humano

    Langhian rays (Chondrichthyes, Batomorphii) from Brielas, Lower Tagus Basin, Portugal

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    The Langhian Vc unit of Brielas section (Caparica road, Almada), in the marine Miocene of the Lower Tagus Basin (West Portugal), is rich in batoid species. In this study, batoids are represented by 149 isolated fossil teeth and a single fossil dental plate collected from a bulk sample of washed and sorted sediment. A total of 12 species belonging to the orders Rhinopristiformes, Rajiformes, Torpediniformes and Myliobatiformes were identified. All genera and some species are known to have extant representatives. Aetobatus cappettai Antunes and Balbino, 2006, is described now from Langhian material which suggests it is older than previously supposed. The biogeographic ranges, environmental constraints and behaviour of the species described in this study point out to an infralittoral environment characterized by the dominance of warm water conditions, where episodic upwelling contributed to the occurrence of different types of batoids coexisting in the same habitat

    Fauna malacológica moderna no Claustro da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa

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    A malacofauna marinha autóctone colhida no Claustro do Convento de Jesus (Academia das Ciências de Lisboa), inclui 21 espécies de bivalves e 15 de gastrópodes. Muito variada, é compatível com as condições ecológicas no Mar da Palha até a década de 60 do século xx. Desde então, a poluição levou ao desaparecimento de muitas espécies. Predominam moluscos consumidos: mexilhão (Mytilus), ostras( Ostrea, Crassostrea), sobretudo o berbigão (Cerastoderma), amêijoas (Spisula e Tapes) e Burriés (Littorina. etc.), outrora abundantes nos fundos litorais das praias arenosas circundantes de Lisboa. A escassez de lapa (Patella), conquilha (Donax) e lam- bujinha (Scrobicularia) poderá significar maior distância aos locais de recolh

    Uppermost Miocene Lamniform Selachians (Pisces) from the Alvalade basin (Portugal)

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    This paper deals with Lamniform teeth collected in deposits from the Esbarrondadoiro Formation, Alvalade Basin in Southern Portugal. The following genera were recognized: Carcharias, Pseudocarcharias, Alopias, Isurus and Carcharocles. The species Carcharias acutissima is by far the most predominant, all other taxa being rare or very rare. This situation points to neritic, tropical to subtropical, rather shallow waters not far away from the coast. This is corroborated by the rarity of the associated, mainly pelagic, taxa. The ratio between C. acutissima and the remaining Lamniforms as a whole is markedly uneven between Esbarrondadoiro and the localities of Santa Margarida and Vale de Zebro. This suggests quite different environmental conditions, a matter that will require a more thorough examination taking into account all palaeontologic and geologic data

    Integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta. 1. Estruturação dos sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária.

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    Sistemas de Produção; Sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária; Pastagens anuais em sucessão às culturas de verão; Rotação de pastagem em áreas de lavoura; Rotação de culturas anuais em áreas de pastagens; ILP com rotação parcial de lavoura ou pecuária; ILP na agricultura familiar; Sistema integrado de produção; Investimentos necessários: estruturais, animais, adequações do solo , cercas, aguadas, máquinas e equipamentos, unidade de manejo, identificação dos animais,necessidade de pessoal e conhecimento; Oportunidades proporcionadas pela iLP; Da pecuária para a lavoura; Da lavoura para a pecuária; Consequência da interação entre ambas, Para o produtor.bitstream/item/58600/1/DOC2011110.pd

    Mise en valeur des Ferralsols de la région du Cerrado (Brésil) et évolution de leurs propriétés physiques : une étude bibliographique

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    Le Cerrado recouvre 206 millions d'hectares et représente environ un quart du territoire Brésilien. Cette région correspond originellement à des écosystèmes de type savane tropicale. Le développement de l'agriculture n'y débute réellement qu'à la fin du XIXE siècle, s'accélère au XXE siècle durant les années trente et atteint son maximum entre les années 60 et 80. Aujourd'hui, cette région, où les surfaces affectées à l'activité agricole n'augmentent plus que très lentement, voit sa structure foncière évoluer avec le développement des grandes exploitations et le potentiel agricole de ses sols de plus en plus fréquemment dégradé par des pratiques agricoles extractivistes. Dans ce contexte, les Ferralsols qui couvrent environ la moitié de la surface du Cerrado constituent un modèle très sensible, leurs propriétés chimiques et physiques pouvant être rapidement affectées par les pratiques agricoles. S'il est bien établi que la fertilité chimique est rapidement affectée par la mise en culture, cela apparaît être nettement moins bien établi pour la fertilité physique. En effet, l'analyse détaillée de la littérature montre que si la gestion de la fertilité chimique des Ferralsols pour de nombreuses cultures repose aujourd'hui sur de nombreux travaux, la gestion de la fertilité physique est en revanche moins bien établie. Les études révèlent que la mise en culture s'accompagne d'une importante et rapide évolution de la porosité en surface qui se traduit fréquemment par une augmentation de la masse volumique alors que celle-ci est faible sous végétation naturelle, en particulier dans les Ferralsols argileux. On observe alors une diminution de la stabilité structurale, un accroissement de la proportion d'argile dispersable dans l'eau, une augmentation de la résistance à la pénétration et une plus faible conductivité hydraulique. Enfin, si un certain nombre d'études ont bien montré comment évoluaient les propriétés physiques en fonction de l'usage des Ferralsols, il n'en reste pas moins que la qualité des résultats obtenus est encore très inégale et que les études sont très partielles. Il en résulte que ces résultats sont difficilement généralisables à l'ensemble des Ferralsols du Cerrado. Par conséquent, le rôle de l'évolution des propriétés physiques dans celle de l'évolution globale de la fertilité de Ferralsols lorsqu'ils sont mis en culture reste difficile à cerner

    Aproximación hermenéutico-crítica a la fenomenología de la razón en Ideas I

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    The phenomenology of reason inspects all rational processes involved (which participate) in the apprehension of real object and its constitution, and the respective noetic-noematic relationships. Only the pure reason comprehended, first of all, as a strength which purifies the mentioned processes, the evidence and the subject positions. Secondly the reason, also comprehended as a process which confirms the object verificability which gives itself and the other processes and relationships, appears as the only possible power, which is able to guarantee the validity of the knowledge, and so the object of knowledge. On the other hand, the reason plays a very important role in the subject of the reason. This is the constitutive and respective note of the human being, the power (strength) that separates it from the labyrinth of facts and contingencies which makes up reality, so that this (human being) isn’t a fact among all objectivities, as postulated by psychology and natural sciences. The human being is a worldly being; he is really in the world. Now then, “his being-in” and “his staying-in” are modified by the strength of the reason. His way of being worldly is being rationaly. Only in this way the “Umwelt” becomes “Lebenswelt”.La fenomenología de la razón escudriña todos los procesos racionales que intervienen en la aprehensión del objeto real y de su constitución, y las consiguientes relaciones noético-noemáticas. Sólo la razón pura colegida, primero como fuerza que depura los procesos de la evidencia y las posiciones del sujeto, y sólo la razón entendida también como proceso que ratifica la verificabilidad del darse el objeto y de todos los demás procesos y relaciones, se revela como la única instancia posible capaz de asegurar la validez del conocimiento y del objeto del conocimiento. Por otro lado, la razón juega un papel decisivo en lo que respecta al sujeto de razón. Ésta es la nota constitutiva y respectiva del ser humano, el poder que lo separa del entramado de facticidades y contingencias de las que se compone la realidad, de suerte que éste no es un factum más entre todas las objetividades, tal como postulan la psicología y las ciencias naturales. El hombre es un ser mundano, está efectivamente en el mundo. Ahora bien, “su ser en” y “su estar en” son modificados por el poder de la razón. Su modo de ser mundano es serlo racionalmente. Únicamente de este modo el Umwelt deviene Lebenswelt.The phenomenology of reason inspects all rational processes involved (which participate) in the apprehension of real object and its constitution, and the respective noetic-noematic relationships. Only the pure reason comprehended, first of all, as a strength which purifies the mentioned processes, the evidence and the subject positions. Secondly the reason, also comprehended as a process which confirms the object verificability which gives itself and the other processes and relationships, appears as the only possible power, which is able to guarantee the validity of the knowledge, and so the object of knowledge. On the other hand, the reason plays a very important role in the subject of the reason. This is the constitutive and respective note of the human being, the power (strength) that separates it from the labyrinth of facts and contingencies which makes up reality, so that this (human being) isn’t a fact among all objectivities, as postulated by psychology and natural sciences. The human being is a worldly being; he is really in the world. Now then, “his being-in” and “his staying-in” are modified by the strength of the reason. His way of being worldly is being rationaly. Only in this way the “Umwelt” becomes “Lebenswelt”