156 research outputs found

    Progress report and first operation of the GANIL injector

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c81/papers/abp-07.pdfInternational audienc

    MicroRNA regulation of the paired-box transcription factor Pax3 confers robustness to developmental timing of myogenesis

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    Commitment of progenitors in the dermomyotome to myoblast fate is the first step in establishing the body musculature. Pax3 is a crucial transcription factor, important for skeletal muscle development and expressed in myogenic progenitors in the dermomyotome of developing somites and in migratory muscle progenitors that populate the limb buds. Down-regulation of Pax3 is essential to ignite the myogenic program, including up-regulation of myogenic regulators, Myf-5 and MyoD. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) confer robustness to developmental timing by posttranscriptional repression of genetic programs that are related to previous developmental stages or to alternative cell fates. Here we demonstrate that the muscle-specific miRNAs miR-1 and miR-206 directly target Pax3. Antagomir-mediated inhibition of miR-1/miR-206 led to delayed myogenic differentiation in developing somites, as shown by transient loss of myogenin expression. This correlated with increased Pax3 and was phenocopied using Pax3-specific target protectors. Loss of myogenin after antagomir injection was rescued by Pax3 knockdown using a splice morpholino, suggesting that miR-1/miR-206 control somite myogenesis primarily through interactions with Pax3. Our studies reveal an important role for miR-1/miR-206 in providing precision to the timing of somite myogenesis. We propose that posttranscriptional control of Pax3 downstream of miR-1/miR-206 is required to stabilize myoblast commitment and subsequent differentiation. Given that mutually exclusive expression of miRNAs and their targets is a prevailing theme in development, our findings suggest that miRNA may provide a general mechanism for the unequivocal commitment underlying stem cell differentiation

    Factors of interrupting chemotherapy in patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little is known about prognosis of metastatic patients after receiving a first-line treatment and failure. Our group already showed in pre-treated patients enrolled in phase I clinical trials that a performance status (PS) > 2 and an LDH > 600 UI/L were independent prognostic factors. In this prospective study, which included 45 patients, we identified clinical and biological variables as outcome predictors in metastatic Non-Small Cell lung cancer after first line chemotherapy were identified.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Forty-five patients that were previously treated for metastatic disease from 12/2000 to 11/2005 in the comprehensive cancer centre (Centre Léon Bérard). Clinical assessment and blood parameters were recorded and considered. Patient prognostic factors for overall survival (OS) with a 0.05-significance level in univariate analysis were entered in a multivariate Cox model for further analysis.</p> <p>Patients' median age was 58.5 years (range: 37 - 76). Sixty two percent of the patients were PS = 0 or 1. After inclusion, nine patients received second-line (22.5%), and two received third-line chemotherapy (5%). Univariate analysis showed that the factors associated with reduced OS were: PS > 2, weight loss >10%, more than one line of chemotherapy treatment and abnormal blood parameters (hemoglobin (Hb), platelet and neutrophils counts). Multiple regression analysis confirmed that PS > 2 and abnormal hemoglobin were independent predictors for low overall survival. According to the presence of none (33%), 1 (37%) and 2 (30%) prognostic factors, median OS were 12, 5 and 2 months respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From this prospective study, both PS and anemia were found as independent determinants of survival, we found that both PS and anemia were independent determinants of survival. The combination of poor PS and anemia is an effective strategy to predict survival in the case of patients with metastatic NSCLC receiving further treatment after the first line.</p

    Permanent 125I-seed prostate brachytherapy: early prostate specific antigen value as a predictor of PSA bounce occurrence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>To evaluate predictive factors for PSA bounce after <sup>125</sup>I permanent seed prostate brachytherapy and identify criteria that distinguish between benign bounces and biochemical relapses.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Men treated with exclusive permanent <sup>125</sup>I seed brachytherapy from November 1999, with at least a 36 months follow-up were included. Bounce was defined as an increase ≥ 0.2 ng/ml above the nadir, followed by a spontaneous return to the nadir. Biochemical failure (BF) was defined using the criteria of the Phoenix conference: nadir +2 ng/ml.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>198 men were included. After a median follow-up of 63.9 months, 21 patients experienced a BF, and 35.9% had at least one bounce which occurred after a median period of 17 months after implantation (4-50). Bounce amplitude was 0.6 ng/ml (0.2-5.1), and duration was 13.6 months (4.0-44.9). In 12.5%, bounce magnitude exceeded the threshold defining BF. Age at the time of treatment and high PSA level assessed at 6 weeks were significantly correlated with bounce but not with BF. Bounce patients had a higher BF free survival than the others (100% versus 92%, p = 0,007). In case of PSA increase, PSA doubling time and velocity were not significantly different between bounce and BF patients. Bounces occurred significantly earlier than relapses and than nadir + 0.2 ng/ml in BF patients (17 vs 27.8 months, p < 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>High PSA value assessed 6 weeks after brachytherapy and young age were significantly associated to a higher risk of bounces but not to BF. Long delays between brachytherapy and PSA increase are more indicative of BF.</p

    Functional Myogenic Engraftment from Mouse iPS Cells

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    Direct reprogramming of adult fibroblasts to a pluripotent state has opened new possibilities for the generation of patient- and disease-specific stem cells. However the ability of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to generate tissue that mediates functional repair has been demonstrated in very few animal models of disease to date. Here we present the proof of principle that iPS cells may be used effectively for the treatment of muscle disorders. We combine the generation of iPS cells with conditional expression of Pax7, a robust approach to derive myogenic progenitors. Transplantation of Pax7-induced iPS-derived myogenic progenitors into dystrophic mice results in extensive engraftment, which is accompanied by improved contractility of treated muscles. These findings demonstrate the myogenic regenerative potential of iPS cells and provide rationale for their future therapeutic application for muscular dystrophies

    Improved Bootstrapping for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption

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    Since Cheon et al. introduced a homomorphic encryption scheme for approximate arithmetic (Asiacrypt ’17), it has been recognized as suitable for important real-life usecases of homomorphic encryption, including training of machine learning models over encrypted data. A follow up work by Cheon et al. (Eurocrypt ’18) described an approximate bootstrapping procedure for the scheme. In this work, we improve upon the previous bootstrapping result. We improve the amortized bootstrapping time per plaintext slot by two orders of magnitude, from &#8764; 1 second to &#8764; 0.01 second. To achieve this result, we adopt a smart level-collapsing technique for evaluating DFT-like linear transforms on a ciphertext. Also, we replace the Taylor approximation of the sine function with a more accurate and numerically stable Chebyshev approximation, and design a modified version of the Paterson-Stockmeyer algorithm for fast evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials over encrypted data

    Integrated Functions of Pax3 and Pax7 in the Regulation of Proliferation, Cell Size and Myogenic Differentiation

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    Pax3 and Pax7 are paired-box transcription factors with roles in developmental and adult regenerative myogenesis. Pax3 and Pax7 are expressed by postnatal satellite cells or their progeny but are down regulated during myogenic differentiation. We now show that constitutive expression of Pax3 or Pax7 in either satellite cells or C2C12 myoblasts results in an increased proliferative rate and decreased cell size. Conversely, expression of dominant-negative constructs leads to slowing of cell division, a dramatic increase in cell size and altered morphology. Similarly to the effects of Pax7, retroviral expression of Pax3 increases levels of Myf5 mRNA and MyoD protein, but does not result in sustained inhibition of myogenic differentiation. However, expression of Pax3 or Pax7 dominant-negative constructs inhibits expression of Myf5, MyoD and myogenin, and prevents differentiation from proceeding. In fibroblasts, expression of Pax3 or Pax7, or dominant-negative inhibition of these factors, reproduce the effects on cell size, morphology and proliferation seen in myoblasts. Our results show that in muscle progenitor cells, Pax3 and Pax7 function to maintain expression of myogenic regulatory factors, and promote population expansion, but are also required for myogenic differentiation to proceed

    Evaluating the effectiveness of heuristic worst-case noise analysis in FHE

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    The purpose of this paper is to test the accuracy of worst-case heuristic bounds on the noise growth in ring-based homomorphic encryption schemes. We use the methodology of Iliashenko (PhD thesis, 2019) to provide a new heuristic noise analysis for the BGV scheme. We demonstrate that for both the BGV and FV schemes, this approach gives tighter bounds than previous heuristic approaches, by as much as 10 bits of noise budget. Then, we provide experimental data on the noise growth of HElib and SEAL ciphertexts, in order to evaluate how well the heuristic bounds model the noise growth in practice. We find that, in spite of our improvements, there is still a gap between the heuristic estimate of the noise and the observed noise in practice. We extensively justify that a heuristic worst-case approach inherently leads to this gap, and hence leads to selecting significantly larger parameters than needed. As an additional contribution, we update the comparison between the two schemes presented by Costache and Smart (CT-RSA, 2016). Our new analysis shows that the practical crossover point at which BGV begins to outperform FV occurs for very large plaintext moduli, well beyond the crossover point reported by Costache and Smart