1,574 research outputs found

    Intercambio de talentos

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    Desde los últimos 10 años ha existido un incremento exponencial de la salida de cerebros de nuestros países latinoamericanos buscando mejoría, con la creencia de que la excelencia se consigue fuera del país, y es posible que en cierto sentido se tenga razón. en américa Latina el éxodo de personas cualificadas ha incrementado más del triple desde el año 1990 hasta el año 2000. Para nadie es un secreto que el bajo apoyo económico que recibe la investigación, ciencia y tecnología, es una de las razones principales por las cuales nuestros investigadores noveles, y en nuestro caso particular, los médicos decidan probar suerte en otro país. en un artículo publicado en el año 2008 donde se comparan algunos países de Latinoamérica con Brasil, se evidencia el bajo porcentaje de migración que tienen los brasileros, y no en vano actualmente se ha convertido en una de lasfuturas potencias del mundo, y eso es gracias a la visión que han tenido ellos en incrementar el apoyo que reciben en las diferentes áreas de investigación.http://revistas.utp.edu.co/index.php/revistamedic

    Developing Empathetic Leaders through Storytelling: The Global Citizen Story Exercise

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    The global citizen story is an exercise aimed at developing empathy in leaders and aspiring leaders in cross-cultural settings. The exercise, which was designed in the context of a MBA course in International Business, asks students to write and tell stories about fictitious characters in other countries. It gives students the opportunity to research the circumstances surrounding their characters, imagine their lives, re-write, and re-tell their stories in the first person in front of the class. By asking students to speak in the first person while putting themselves in the shoes of characters from other countries and cultures, the exercise aims at increasing empathy for others. The exercise can be useful in university courses or leadership development workshops that target empathy as an essential leadership skill

    Metaphors in Hugo Chávez's political discourse:conceptualizing nation, revolution and opposition

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    This dissertation examines Hugo Chávez's choice of metaphors in his efforts to construct and legitimize his Bolivarian Revolution. It focuses on metaphors drawn from three of the most frequent target domains present in his discourse: the nation, his revolution, and the opposition. The study argues that behind an official discourse of inclusion, Chávez's choice of metaphors contributes to the construction of a polarizing discourse of exclusion in which his political opponents are represented as enemies of the nation.The study shows that Chávez constructs this polarizing discourse of exclusion by combining metaphors that conceptualize: (a) the nation as a person who has been resurrected by his government, as a person ready to fight for his revolution, or as Chávez himself; (b) the revolution as war; and (c) members of the opposition as war combatants or criminals. At the same time, the study shows that by making explicit references in his discourse about the revolution as the continuation of Bolívar's wars of independence, Chávez contributes to represent opponents as enemies of the nation, given that in the Venezuelan collective imaginary Simón Bolívar is the symbol of the nation's emancipation.This research, which covers a period of nine years (from Chávez's first year in office in 1999 through 2007), is part of the discipline of Political Discourse Analysis (PDA). It is anchored both in the theoretical framework provided by the cognitive linguistic metaphor theory developed by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson described in their book Metaphors We Live By, and in Critical Metaphor Analysis (CMA) as defined by Jonathan Charteris-Black in his book Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis.The study provides the first comprehensive analysis of metaphors used by Chávez in his political discourse. It builds upon the findings of previous studies on political discourse analysis in Venezuela by showing that Chávez's discourse not only polarizes the country and represents opponents as detractors of national symbols such as Bolívar or his wars of independence (which have been clearly established in previous studies), but also represents political opponents as enemies of the nation

    Biracial Students on Campus: The Question of Identity

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    poster abstractAlthough the growing emphasis on celebrating diversity and multiculturalism has brought forth positive recognition to many varying identities, all have not benefitted equally. Lacking a solitary racial anchor, bi- and multi-racial individuals may have difficulty ‘choosing’ a preferred racial identity or ‘conforming’ to others’ preferences. Accordingly, this project examines how and why biracial IUPUI students come to embrace, reject, or alternate among the generally prescribed racial identities. By conducting penetrating interviews of biracial students while immersed in their immediate environment, I will explore their choices, the factors influencing such choices, their satisfaction with their choices, and the choices’ stability. I am especially concerned with whether students feel pressured to embrace one or another identity, and whether the prescribed goes against the students’ instincts or preferences, and to what extent they may alternate among various identities in varying contexts. The ongoing work has begun to provide hints to the ultimate findings ahead. Preliminary results show that 1) subjects feel pressured by the rigidity of historically established racial categories, especially since such pressures are often reinforced by peers, and 2) the context provided by IUPUI’s diverse student body engenders increased confidence in their embracing a “multiracial” identity, despite an abundance of contrary prescriptions. Anticipated conclusions include disconfirmation of the original hypothesis that most biracial IUPUI students maintain a fluid racial identity. Uncertainty and frustration, rather than the confidence to switch identities across varying contexts, appears to characterize student reactions to varying pressures to identify as either black or white. In addition, the more likely identity response, embracing the biracial persona, does seem to work for some, but others may require still more inclusive milieus for truly engaging in more thorough explorations of their identity

    Complicaciones graves de apendicitis aguda con abordaje laparoscópico

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    La configuración del campo de la rectoría escolar oficial en Colombia

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    Este artículo se inscribe en el contexto de las reformas educativas contemporáneas y caracteriza cómo se está configurando el campo de la rectoría oficial escolar en Colombia a partir de las relaciones de poder que se generan entre el rector o rectora y las dimensiones macropolítica y micropolítica de las instituciones educativas. Los resultados muestran cómo el campo de la rectoría está fuertemente regulado por las normas y políticas educativas nacionales y la recontextualización que se hace de éstas en los escenarios macropolíticos locales. El campo del rector o rectora se configura a través de tres líneas de fuerza de dominio que cambian la orientación de la rectoría, afectan su función y generan cambios en sus relaciones: la primera hala al rector o rectora hacia el entorno en búsqueda de recursos, proyectos y relaciones con el gobierno local; la segunda hala al rector o rectora hacia la promoción de la democratización de la institución educativa y el disciplinamiento de los maestros y maestras; la tercera se orienta hacia la rendición de cuentas. Concluimos que la reconfiguración del campo del rector o rectora se da en un contexto socialmente problematizado y signado por amplias expectativas sobre el papel de la escuela y los rectores y rectoras. La labor directiva está marcada por un sesgo altamente administrativo, una orientación hacia el disciplinamiento de los maestros y maestras, y la rendición de cuentas. En medio de restricciones, los rectores y rectoras ensayan estrategias de negociación, y promueven acciones para lograr cumplir con los objetivos institucionales, con las demandas de la comunidad escolar y con las expectativas de su rol.-1. Introducción. -2. Marco teórico. -3. Antecedentes investigativos. -4. Método. -5. Resultados. -6. Discusión. Puntos de tensión: orígenes y trayectorias. -7. Conclusiones. -Lista de referencias

    High velocity infrared thermography and numerical trajectories of solid particles in compressible gas flow

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    The use of High Velocity Infrared Thermography as a valuable alternative to other existing techniques for the visualization and tracking of solid particles transported by a gas jet has been assessed by considering different situations in terms of problem characteristic numbers (jet Reynolds and Mach numbers and Particle Stokes and gravitational Froude numbers). Particles paths have also been calculated by means of a hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian technique under the intent to cross-validate the two (experimental and numerical) approaches. The results indicate that such a strategy is robust and sufficiently flexible to be used in relatively wide regions of the space of parameters. Experiments have clearly demonstrated that thermography can properly capture particle dynamics with a level of detail comparable to that provided by simulations. Computations have proved to be valuable on their own by allowing the explorations of regions of the parameters space otherwise out of reach. Different tests have been conducted considering both isolated particles and "swarms". We show that the observed dynamics are induced by the delicate interplay of different effects, including inertial, gravitational and eventually "lift" contributions produced by a non-perfect horizontal orientation of the jet or other uncertainties (such as those due to a non mono-sized set of particles). (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    Wetlands in the developing world are disappearing due to bad management and urban growth, threatening the birdlife that inhabits them. The Huacho-Hualmay-Carquin wetland is located on Peru’s central coast, it has recently begun to be researched. Yet, it’s already losing ground to urbanization and public beachside development. 12 bird censuses (with two simultaneous transects: “supralittoral” and “urban”) were conducted; bird diversity and its correlation with 2 thermal-related oceanic parameters of the South Pacific (SST and ICEN) were calculated. Seventy-eight bird species were found, with abundances as high as 19,000 individuals. Species richness and abundance were higher in the supralittoral transect, while diversity was higher in the urban transect. We found correlations between the alpha diversity and abundance with both the SST and ICEN. This ecosystem exhibits high bird diversity and demonstrates the importance of studying small wetlands, as means of developing better management and conservation strategies in the region