274 research outputs found

    A path analysis study of school culture and teachers' organisational commitment

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    In this study, the direct and indirect relations between school culture and the organisational commitment of primary school teachers were analyzed. the subjects of the research consisted of primary school teachers who worked at a district in istanbul in the academic year 2007-2008. the sampling group was defined by the cluster sampling method. in total 200 teachers participated. two scales were used to collect data, the organisational commitment scale (ocs) and the school culture scale (scs). linear regression and path analysis were used to explain the influence of school culture on organisational commitment, and lisrel 7 was used as a structural equation model. the findings indicated that although there was a positive correlation between school culture and organisational commitment, the direct effect of school culture on organisational commitment was not meaningful

    High efficiency indirect shoot regeneration and hypericin content in embryogenic callus of Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra

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    A method to induce indirect regeneration from Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra was described in the present study. Callus was induced from cotyledon explants of 35 days old aseptic seedlings on semisolid MS supplemented with IAA (0.5 mg.L-1) combined with BAP (2 mg.L-1). Meristemoids developed on the surface of callus by decreasing of the cytokinins and plantlet regeneration with 100% frequency through these embryogenic calli occured in semi-solid medium when the PGRs were removed completely. Embryogenic calli obtained during the experiments were analyzed for their hypericin content. And they were found to produce hypericin as 48 ìg/g DM. Regenerated plantlets were rooted in MS containing 1 mg/L IAA. The highest percentages (94%) of survival of transferred plantlets to freeliving circumstances were limited when they were acclimatized in sand : peat : perlite (1:1:1; v/v/v) mixture

    A Search for Vector Diquarks at the CERN LHC

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    Resonant production of the first generation vector diquarks at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is investigated. It is shown that the LHC will be able to discover vector diquarks with masses up to 9 TeV for quark-diquark-quark coupling alpha_(D)=0.1 and 4 TeV for alpha_(D)=5x10^(-4).Comment: 9 pages, 4 tables, 4 figure

    Has the anomalous single production of the fourth SM family quarks decaying into light Higgs boson been observed by CDF?

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    Superjet events observed by the CDF Collaboration are interpreted as anomalous single production of the fourth SM family u_4 quark, decaying into a new light scalar particle. The specific predictions of the proposed mechanism are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 tabl

    3D LiDAR Scanning of Urban Forest Structure Using a Consumer Tablet

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    Forest measurements using conventional methods may not capture all the important information required to properly characterize forest structure. The objective of this study was to develop a low-cost alternative method for forest inventory measurements and characterization of forest structure using handheld LiDAR technology. Three-dimensional (3D) maps of trees were obtained using an iPad Pro with a LiDAR sensor. Freely-available software programs, including 3D Forest Software and CloudCompare software, were used to determine tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and distance between trees. The 3D point cloud data obtained from the iPad Pro LiDAR sensor was able to estimate tree DBH accurately, with a residual error of 2.4 cm in an urban forest stand and 1.9 cm in an actively managed experimental forest stand. Distances between trees also were accurately estimated, with mean residual errors of 0.21 m for urban forest, and 0.38 m for managed forest stand. This study demonstrates that it is possible to use a low-cost consumer tablet with a LiDAR sensor to accurately measure certain forest attributes, which could enable the crowdsourcing of urban and other forest tree DBH and density data because of its integration into existing Apple devices and ease of use

    Mel-cepstral feature extraction methods for image representation

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    An image feature extraction method based on the twodimensional (2-D) mel cepstrum is introduced. The concept of onedimensional mel cepstrum, which is widely used in speech recognition, is extended to 2-D in this article. The feature matrix resulting from the 2-D mel-cepstral analysis are applied to the support-vector-machine classifier with multi-class support to test the performance of the mel-cepstrum feature matrix. The AR, ORL, and Yale face databases are used in experimental studies, which indicate that recognition rates obtained by the 2-D mel-cepstrum method are superior to the recognition rates obtained using 2-D principal-component analysis and ordinary image-matrixbased face recognition. Experimental results show that 2-D mel-cepstral analysis can also be used in other image feature extraction problems. © 2010 SPIE

    Quantum information transfer for qutrits

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    We propose a scheme for the transfer of quantum information among distant qutrits. We apply this scheme to the distribution of entanglement among distant nodes and to the generation of multipartite antisymmetric states. We also discuss applications to quantum secret sharing

    Persistent entanglement in three-level atomic systems

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    We discuss the evolution towards persistent entangled state in an atom-photon system. A maximally entangled state can be stabilized at a local minimum of the system by draining some energy, thus obtaining a persistent entangled state. This scheme can be realized in three-level, A type atomic systems since the third level is a meta-stable state. In particular, we compare dynamical description based on the exact and effective models. Some experimental realizations are discussed

    Evaluation of the Relative Tectonic Activity of the Adıyaman fault within the Arabian-Anatolian plate boundary (eastern Turkey)

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    The left-lateral strike-slip Adıyaman fault is located in eastern Turkey within the plate boundary deformation zone between Arabia and Anatolia. The Adıyaman fault is a major splay from the East Anatolian Fault (EAF), one of the most important tectonic structures in the Eastern Mediterranean region. These faults are consequence of the collision between the Arabian and Anatolian plates and the resulting westward tectonic escape of Anatolia. Although the EAF has been intensively studied since its discovery in the late 1960s, little is known about the Adıyaman fault and its tectonic activity. In this study, we extract geomorphic indices including mountain-front sinuosity (Smf), valley floor width-to-height ratio (Vf), stream length-gradient (SL), catchment Asymmetry Factor (AF) and hypsometric integrals and curves (HI and HC) to evaluate the relative tectonic activity of the Adıyaman fault. These three geomorphic indices (AF, HI, and HC) are averaged to define an index for Relative Tectonic Activity (RTA) that allows the Adıyaman fault to be divided into categories of low, moderate and high RTA. The results confirm that the Adıyaman fault is an active fault with high to moderate Quaternary tectonic activity. However, this fault is of minor importance on accommodating plate boundary deformation, as evidenced by the recent crustal motions determined by GPS studies. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to note that the Adıyaman fault still poses a significant seismic hazard for the region despite its relatively moderate tectonic activity

    General entanglement

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    The paper contains a brief review of an approach to quantum entanglement based on analysis of dynamic symmetry of systems and quantum uncertainties, accompanying the measurement of mean value of certain basic observables. The latter are defined in terms of the orthogonal basis of Lie algebra, corresponding to the dynamic symmetry group. We discuss the relativity of entanglement with respect to the choice of basic observables and a way of stabilization of robust entanglement in physical systems.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure,1 tabe, will be published in special issue of Journal of Physics (Conference Series) with Proceedings of CEWQO-200