20 research outputs found
Role of basal cells in nasal polyp epithelium in the pathophysiology of eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis (eCRS)
Basal cell hyperplasia is commonly observed in nasal polyp epithelium of eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis (eCRS). We examined the function and mechanisms of basal cell hyperplasia in the pathophysiology of eCRS.
We found that normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells obtained basal cell characteristics when cultured with PneumaCult™-Ex Plus Medium. Most of the cells passaged three times expressed basal cell surface markers CD49f and CD271 by flow cytometry, and basal cell nuclear marker p63 by immunohistochemical staining. We named these NHBE cells with basal cell characteristics cultured Basal-like cells (cBC), and NHBE cells cultured with BEGM™ cultured Epithelial cells (cEC). The characteristics of cBC and cEC were examined and compared by RNA sequencing, RT-PCR, ELISA, and cell proliferation studies.
RNA sequencing revealed that cBC showed higher gene expression of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), IL-8, TLR3, and TLR4, and lower expression of PAR-2 compared with cEC. The mRNA expression of TSLP, IL-8, TLR3, and TLR4 was significantly increased in cBC, and that of PAR-2 was significantly increased in cEC by RT-PCR. Poly(I:C)-induced TSLP production and LPS-induced IL-8 production were significantly increased in cBC. IL-4 and IL-13 stimulated the proliferation of cBC. Finally, the frequency of p63-positive basal cells was increased in nasal polyp epithelium of eCRS, and Ki67-positive proliferating cells were increased in p63-positive basal cells.
Type 2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 induce basal cell hyperplasia, and basal cells exacerbate type 2 inflammation by producing TSLP in nasal polyp of eCRS.令和6年度doctoral thesi
Proximity-Induced Nucleic Acid Degrader (PINAD) approach to targeted RNA degradation using small molecules
Nature has evolved intricate machinery to target and degrade RNA, and some of these molecular mechanisms can be adapted for therapeutic use. Small interfering RNAs and RNase H-inducing oligonucleotides have yielded therapeutic agents against diseases that cannot be tackled using protein-centered approaches. Because these therapeutic agents are nucleic acid-based, they have several inherent drawbacks which include poor cellular uptake and stability. Here we report a new approach to target and degrade RNA using small molecules, proximity-induced nucleic acid degrader (PINAD). We have utilized this strategy to design two families of RNA degraders which target two different RNA structures within the genome of SARS-CoV-2: G-quadruplexes and the betacoronaviral pseudoknot. We demonstrate that these novel molecules degrade their targets using in vitro, in cellulo, and in vivo SARS-CoV-2 infection models. Our strategy allows any RNA binding small molecule to be converted into a degrader, empowering RNA binders that are not potent enough to exert a phenotypic effect on their own. PINAD raises the possibility of targeting and destroying any disease-related RNA species, which can greatly expand the space of druggable targets and diseases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Dichloro Butenediamides as Irreversible Site‐Selective Protein Conjugation Reagent
We describe maleic-acid derivatives as robust cysteine-selective reagents for protein labelling with comparable kinetics and superior stability relative to maleimides. Diamide and amido-ester derivatives proved to be efficient protein-labelling species with a common mechanism in which a spontaneous cyclization occurs upon addition to cysteine. Introduction of chlorine atoms in their structures triggers ring hydrolysis or further conjugation with adjacent residues, which results in conjugates that are completely resistant to retro-Michael reactions in the presence of biological thiols and human plasma. By controlling the microenvironment of the reactive site, we can control selectivity towards the hydrolytic pathway, forming homogeneous conjugates. The method is applicable to several scaffolds and enables conjugation of different payloads. The synthetic accessibility of these reagents and the mild conditions required for fast and complete conjugation together with the superior stability of the conjugates make this strategy an important alternative to maleimides in bioconjugation
Sublingual immunotherapy decreases the avidity of antigen-specific IgE in patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis
journal articl
Structure-Guided Approach for the Development of MUC1-Glycopeptide-Based Cancer Vaccines with Predictable Responses
Mucin-1(MUC1)glycopeptidesareexceptionalcandidatesforpotentialcancervaccines.However,theirautoantigenicnatureoftenresultsinaweakimmuneresponse.Toovercomethisdrawback,wecarefullyengineeredsyntheticantigenswithprecisechemicalmodifications.Tobeeffectiveandstimulateananti-MUC1response,artificialantigensmustmimictheconforma-tionaldynamicsofnaturalantigensinsolutionandhaveanequivalentorhigherbindingaffinitytoanti-MUC1antibodiesthantheirnaturalcounterparts.Asa proofofconcept,wehavedevelopeda glycopeptidethatcontainsnoncanonicalaminoacid(2S,3R)-3-hydroxynorvaline.Theunnaturalantigenfulfillsthesetwopropertiesandeffectivelymimicsthethreonine-derivedantigen.Ontheonehand,conformationalanalysisinwatershowsthatthissurrogateexploresalandscapesimilartothatofthenaturalvariant.Ontheotherhand,thepresenceofanadditionalmethylenegroupinthesidechainofthisanalogcomparedtothethreonineresidueenhancesa CH/interactionintheantigen/antibodycomplex.Despiteanenthalpyentropybalance,thissyntheticglycopeptidehasabindingaffinityslightlyhigherthanthatofitsnaturalcounterpart.Whenconjugatedwithgoldnanoparticles,thevaccinecandidatestimulatestheformationofspecificanti-MUC1IgGantibodiesinmiceandshowsefficacycomparabletothatofthenaturalderivative.Theantibodiesalsoexhibitcross-reactivitytoselectivelytarget,forexample,humanbreastcancercells.Thisinvestigationreliedonnumerousanalytical(e.g.,NMRspectroscopyandX-raycrystallography)andbiophysicaltechniquesandmoleculardynamicssimulationstocharacterizetheantigenantibodyinteractions.Thisworkflowstreamlinesthesyntheticprocess,savestime,andreducestheneedforextensive,animal-intensiveimmunizationprocedures.Theseadvancesunderscorethepromiseofstructure-basedrationaldesignintheadvanceofcance
Terzo tempo. Pratiche riflessive per i professionisti dello sport
Il contributo illustra la possibilità rappresentata da uno sviluppo riflessivo della professionalità di allenatori e operatori dello sport. Il contesto sportivo italiano vede la presenza di un vivace tessuto di associazionismo, sport educativo, inclusivo e promozionale. Sarebbe un errore pensare che i benefici derivanti da una ridefinizione in senso riflessivo della professione debbano riguardare solo il professionismo e lo sport d’élite. Il testo presenta il tema della riflessività professionale, illustra le principali teorie riguardanti la professionalità riflessive e delinea alcune proposte per la formazione continua degli operatori delle discipline motorie e sportive
Valorizzare il gruppo nelle organizzazioni: il team e la team leadership
a presente pubblicazione nasce da una ricerca commissionata da Theorema s.r.l. al Centro di Ricerca sulle Relazioni Interculturali dell’Uni- versità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano con il dispositivo del credito di imposta per attività di ricerca e sviluppo. A partire dalla ricerca e dai suoi principali esiti si sono identificati i temi-chiave della consulenza ai processi organizzativi. Su tali temi viene elaborata una riflessione teorico-pratica che individua le peculiarità delle aree di azione della consulenza ai processi organizzativi, definendone i riferimenti di carattere teorico e le connessioni con la pratica organizza- tiva. La declinazione di teorie, approcci e modelli nella pratica aziendale è infatti fondamentale per proporre a dirigenti, responsabili, manager, HR sguardi divergenti utili a rivisitare le posture professionali individuali, dei gruppi e delle organizzazioni. Teoria, ricerca scientifica e pratiche si incon- trano all’interno di un rapporto virtuoso a partire dalla consapevolezza che i tre elementi sono indispensabili per promuovere sviluppo e innovazione in ogni sistema lavorativo, in modo particolare in questo momento storico in cui le imprese e le aziende vivono cambiamenti ed evoluzioni epocali