447 research outputs found

    Leadership and human resource management: response to the COVID-19 outbreak

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    This project reviewed the potential for leadership and human resource management in response to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. In any emergency in a country, the role of a leader with the ability and seriousness of human resource management is believed to be very important. To prove this belief, we have collected many-related literature, such as understanding deeply the aspects of leadership and HR management that have been applied successfully in various international contexts. How this leadership role with good management of HR is effectively applied. Because we conducted this study in the pandemic era, an era where restrictions on public movement are being treated, the method of data collection was through engine searches by relying on keyword utility, for example, "leadership potential", "HR management", "responding to the COVID-19 outbreak", and "qualitative studies". Because this study is categorized, we present the results of the study in the descriptive analysis method under the phenomenological approach. For the findings of this review study to meet the principles of validity and trustworthiness, we, the findings of this study, must be able to answer research questions

    The Implications of Traditional Market Development for Governance of Conflicts: an Experience from Klewer Market of Surakarta, Indonesia

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    Klewer market has been developing since over six decades ago. Since the beginning of its development, conflicts among stakeholders in the market have repeatedly happened. By using ethnographic method, the study shows that intensive interactions amongst the associations of traditional market traders, the City government, street traders and other interest groups of Klewer market created conflicts. The causes of conflicts are not simple. Each group of traders tends to have its own interest agenda that contradict to that of the others. In some occasions, a group of traders built social capital intended to resolve conflict but it is not always the case because it tends to be used for maximizing its own interests but at the expense of others so that vigorous conflict is unavoidable. Sometimes a conflict was managed by avoidance but it is easy to raise againsince the roots of conflict were not entirely resolved. One of the causes of conflict was the competition for limited resources among diverse interest groups. Since the city government of Surakarta has insufficient resources, it collaborated with other parties including the royal family of the former Surakarta monarchy, state banks, private enterprises and the central government to provide the required resources which is the part of governance of conflict

    Community Governance of Prostitution: Social Rehabilitation for Sex Workers through Social Capital

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    The Indonesian government has closed entire prostitution sites, one of them is Sunan Kuning with 500 sex workers in 2019. The study aims to investigate the implementation of social rehabilitation programs for its members through different networks covering social capital in bonding, bridging and linking social capital. This study used ethnographic method and showed that since the zone was covered by uncompromising Islamist group in 1998, the government was reluctant to manage prostitution and the area was reopened in 2003 after hundreds poor sex workers and procurers approached to local authorities and other parties to support them. Since then, the city government delegated authority to the society to manage it as a prostitution rehabilitation site. To be successful, the community required its members to obey established rules and created networks horizontally and vertically to diverse groups to provide health and social service and empowerment. However, the program implementation of social rehabilitation was ineffective because of limited networks and resources; community inconsistency to define prostitution rehabilitation, members’ inconstancy to follow agreed rules; lack of government responsiveness to the community conditions, and failure to define the substance problem. To solve this complex problem, it required continuing and synergistic collaborative governance with diverse stakeholders to resolve the problems. Keywords: Community Governance, Social Capital, Social Rehabilitation, Sex Workers. Abstrak Pemerintah Indonesia sudah memutuskan untuk menutup semua lokasi prostitusi, salah satunya adalah Sunan Kuning dengan jumlah hampir 500 pelacur, pada 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menelaah secara rinci bagaimana komunitas pekerja seks, Sunan Kuning Semarang mengimplementasikan program rehabilitasi sosial bagi para anggotanya melalui bentuk-bentuk jaringan yang mencakup modal sosial secara bonding, bridging dan linking. Dengan menggunakan metode etnografi, studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa sejak zona tersebut ditutup oleh kelompok Islam yang tidak kenal kompromi pada tahun 1998, pemerintah kota enggan untuk menangani prostitusi, dan area tersebut dibuka kembali pada tahun 2003 setelah ratusan pelacur miskin dan mucikari mendekati para tokoh lokal dan pihak lain untuk mendukung mereka. Sejak itu, pemerintah kota melimpahkan otoritas kepada komunitas untuk mengelolanya sebagai wilayah rehabilitasi sosial bagi para pekerja sex. Agar rehabilitasi sosial berhasil, komunitas mengharuskan anggotanya untuk mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku dan membuat jaringan secara horizontal dan vertikal ke berbagai kelompok untuk menyediakan layanan kesehatan dan sosial dan pemberdayaan. Namun implementasi program rehabilitasi sosial tersebut tidak efektif karena keterbatasan jaringan dan sumberdaya; ketidakkonsistenan komunitas dalam memaknai rehabilitasi prostitusi; ketidakkonsistenan anggota untuk mengikuti aturan yang disepakati; kurangnya responsivitas pemerintah terhadap kondisi komunitas; dan kegagalan dalam mendefinisikan substansi masalah dengan tepat. Untuk memecahkan masalah yang sangat kompleks ini secara efektif memerlukan collaborative governance yang melibatkan berbagai pemangku kepentingan secara berkesinambungan dan inergis. Kata Kunci: Tata Kelola Komunitas, Modal Sosial, Rehabilitasi Sosial, Pekerja Sex

    Review of Online Discussion Board to Improve Academic Achievement in Pandemic Time Learning

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    This article analyzed online board discussions' effectiveness as an alternative learning method in response to health protocol policies and compulsory education during Indonesia's pandemic emergency. Since COVID-19 hit in the world, WHO and UNESCO have obliged all countries has been applying technology-assisted distance learning. To get the learning application's effectiveness using the online discussion board method. The researcher analyzed fifteen findings of learning experts during the pandemic, which were published in international journals. The researcher analyzed qualitatively through coding, in-depth interpretation and concluding and ensures that the findings were valid and reliable. The results showed that the online discussion board has become an alternative method during learning during the COVID-19 period, such as podcast applications, ZOOM, Google Classroom. Therefore, the researcher recommends that applying this online discussion as most method was recommended to improve learning and maintain safety during a pandemic. Keywords: Online Discussion Board, Improving Academic Achievement, Learning in Pandemi

    Reformasi Birokrasi Pelayanan Publik dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di RSUD Dr. Moewardi (Pencanangan Pembangunan Zona Integritas WBK & WBBM)

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    Bureaucratic reform has the meaning of major changes in Indonesian governance to create good government agencies in providing services to the community. Various government agencies are competing to commit to bureaucratic reform, one of which is regional hospitals which are bureaucratic institutions engaged in health services. Hospitals that work in the medical or health sector bear a double burden because they have to guarantee the quality of health services and also organize their bureaucracy. Therefore, efforts to reform the public service bureaucracy in hospitals are interesting to be studied further. Through qualitative research, this article analyzes the process of reforming the public service bureaucracy at RSUD Dr. Moewardi in improving the quality of health services. Data were obtained from interviews, observations, and document analysis on the direction of changes in bureaucratic reform to improve the quality of public services which were then analyzed using the PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, act). Through this analysis, it can describe the efforts of RSUD Dr. Moewardi in controlling the commitment to bureaucratic reform to improve the quality of public services

    Empowerment Program for a Poor Elderly Group in Boyolali, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to strengthen the participation of a poor elderly group in a community-based empowerment program at the PKH Elderly Garden located in Andong District, Boyolali Regency, Indonesia. Old age is the final stage of the human development cycle and is a natural and unavoidable process. Psychological, physical, social, and economic changes are experienced by the elderly. So far, there have not been many similar studies focusing on strengthening the participation of the elderly in the context of social change in development. Qualitative methods were used with a case study approach. The results demonstrated that social engagement was the most important social capital for optimizing roles, building trust, respecting differences, providing tolerance, and increasing self-confidence in empowering the elderly group. Participation of the elderly in the program could have a positive impact on their psychological, physical and socio-economic characteristics, through good communication, socialization, mobilization, and personal contribution. In addition, social assistants had an important role as enablers, facilitators, dynamists, mediators, and motivators. Keywords: elderly group, social engagement, community empowermen

    Adoption of Private Radio Internet-Based Technology Innovation (Case Study of Metta FM Radio and Soloradio Radio)

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    The development of the new media that changes public consumption patterns, requiere private radio management to increase some performance’s to follow the trends and media consumers  interests. The research was conducted to find out the efforts of private radio to face the new media era, through the adoption of internet-based technology. In this study, the researcher focuses on communication process of adoption. Using qualitative methods, the study collected primary data through interviews on private radio stations in Surakarta, Metta FM radio and Soloradio radio. They were adopt some innovation technology based on internet, to increase the number of listeners and increase income as radio defense.

    Patient-Centered Communication in the Era of National Health Insurance at Surakarta City, Indonesia

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    This study discusses patient-centered communication in the era of national health insurance. The next study aims to determine the supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and the doctor's communication process that is patient-centered in the JKN system in the city of Surakarta , Indonesia. This study uses a case study method with qualitative analysis that emphasizes certain cases that occur in the object of analysis. This method uses descriptive analysis with an inductive approach in analyzing data. The research subjects were BPJS primary health facilities, located in Surakarta City. The results showed that there was a patient-centered communication process in building good and effective relationships between primary health facility physicians and patients. Patient-centered communication has a very important role, as stated by Debra Roter and Judith Hall who have described a patient-centered communication model that includes four key elements and is supported by a focus on remote communication. High context communication that emphasizes the main focus on implicit, unspoken, and nonverbal messages is not explicit and verbal messages, as written in the Handbook of health communication, that the quality of interaction between patients and providers is very important for health outcomes in patients. The interaction between the service provider in the patient and the outcome of the patient determines the step of selecting the patient in the next primary health facility. At the end of the achievement, it will further determine the success of patient-centered communication, so that the relationships that occur will influence the outcome of the primary goal of primary health care services to the health of patients.Keywords: patient-centered communication, national health insurance

    Conflict Resolution in the Performance of Collaborative Governance: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Conflict is one of the problems that occurs when every human, organization, and the social life of the organization. Conflict can be reviewed through the root of existing problems that can be internal or can be external. The science of public administration has the right resolution in dealing with the mechanism of collaborative governance. The literature review approach applied was based on scientific journals published in the database. The database that the authors used were Scopus, Science Direct, and Taylor and Francis Group. The result of this research showed that the implementation of the proposed collaborative governance form of cooperation structure and the policy then is the creation of the community plan making. Furthermore, the types of conflicts resolved by collaborative governance in the 2015-2019 period were the source of conflicts that often occur in that period. Researchers suggested that researching collaborative governance can be developed in government so that it can be implemented in overcoming various public problems

    Adoption of Innovation of Go-Car Driver Application in Conventional Taxi Driver in Semarang City

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    The use of a manual system for conventional taxis causes companies to lose money because they cannot compete with private cars using the Go-Car online application. A new breakthrough made by conventional taxi companies is to work with the Go-Car applicator. Conventional taxi drivers are pleased with the presence of the Go-Car Application in the company. The purpose of this study is to determine the adoption of innovations that occur in GO-CAR partners in the city of Semarang, the role of communication in the process of innovation diffusion so that it becomes a GO-CAR partner in the city of Semarang, and the factors that influence the adoption of innovations, namely individual factors and social factors. Method. The method used is a qualitative research method. The subjects used in the study are GO-CAR partners from GO-JEK Indonesia who are still active as partners. Sources of data used in this study include primary data, that is data obtained directly when researchers are in the field or research location. It can be in the form of GO-CAR partners' daily activities while working, and the results of interviews with predetermined informants and secondary data are supporting data from data obtained from research sites or primary data, literature studies, such as journals, theses, books and documents. Secondary data in this study can also be obtained through the official website of GO-JEK. This research data collection technique uses in-depth interviews using open-ended questions and documents as past data from the research object in order to obtain information about the state of the object before the GO-CAR from GO-JEK Indonesia in Semarang City. Technical analysis using the Miles and Huberman (2014) model, namely condensing, presenting, and concluding or verifying data from the data obtained. The results showed that there was diffusion of innovation in conventional taxi drivers using the Go-Car Driver application in Semarang in the form of acceptance of a new culture of innovation in the conventional taxi company and innovation diffusion occurred in conventional taxi drivers using the Go-Car Driver application in the City Semarang and the acceptance of a new culture of innovation in this conventional taxi company. There is a difference in the concept of the innovation adoption decision process from several informants of this research, namely the reversal of the persuasion process with the decision process of several informants due to the role of the authoritarian figure in the adoption decision process. In this study, interpersonal communication channels proved to be more effective than mass media channels in the diffusion process of the Go-Car Driver Application in conventional taxi drivers in the city of Semarang
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