Adoption of Innovation of Go-Car Driver Application in Conventional Taxi Driver in Semarang City


The use of a manual system for conventional taxis causes companies to lose money because they cannot compete with private cars using the Go-Car online application. A new breakthrough made by conventional taxi companies is to work with the Go-Car applicator. Conventional taxi drivers are pleased with the presence of the Go-Car Application in the company. The purpose of this study is to determine the adoption of innovations that occur in GO-CAR partners in the city of Semarang, the role of communication in the process of innovation diffusion so that it becomes a GO-CAR partner in the city of Semarang, and the factors that influence the adoption of innovations, namely individual factors and social factors. Method. The method used is a qualitative research method. The subjects used in the study are GO-CAR partners from GO-JEK Indonesia who are still active as partners. Sources of data used in this study include primary data, that is data obtained directly when researchers are in the field or research location. It can be in the form of GO-CAR partners' daily activities while working, and the results of interviews with predetermined informants and secondary data are supporting data from data obtained from research sites or primary data, literature studies, such as journals, theses, books and documents. Secondary data in this study can also be obtained through the official website of GO-JEK. This research data collection technique uses in-depth interviews using open-ended questions and documents as past data from the research object in order to obtain information about the state of the object before the GO-CAR from GO-JEK Indonesia in Semarang City. Technical analysis using the Miles and Huberman (2014) model, namely condensing, presenting, and concluding or verifying data from the data obtained. The results showed that there was diffusion of innovation in conventional taxi drivers using the Go-Car Driver application in Semarang in the form of acceptance of a new culture of innovation in the conventional taxi company and innovation diffusion occurred in conventional taxi drivers using the Go-Car Driver application in the City Semarang and the acceptance of a new culture of innovation in this conventional taxi company. There is a difference in the concept of the innovation adoption decision process from several informants of this research, namely the reversal of the persuasion process with the decision process of several informants due to the role of the authoritarian figure in the adoption decision process. In this study, interpersonal communication channels proved to be more effective than mass media channels in the diffusion process of the Go-Car Driver Application in conventional taxi drivers in the city of Semarang

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