51,018 research outputs found

    “Relación y nuevas y visitas”: la primera carta conservada de Quevedo al duque de Osuna

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    Después de los análisis históricos y biográficos de la correspondencia mantenida entre Quevedo y el duque de Osuna publicados por James O. Crosby hace casi medio siglo, y su tratamiento en la biografía escrita por Pablo Jauralde, este estudio pretende analizar la primera carta de Quevedo a Osuna en tanto discurso comunicativo. Partiendo de la epígrafe que le puso el propio Quevedo —«Relación y nuevas y visitas»— se comenta su relación satírica del doble casamiento real hispano-francés de 1615 y de su subsiguiente estancia en la Corte madrileña, destacándose su evidente intención de divertir, a la vez que informar, a Osuna. En un breve apéndice se aborda la cuestión de cuándo se conocieron Quevedo y Osuna. In the wake of the historical and biographical analises of the correspondence between Quevedo and the Duke of Osuna published by James O. Crosby nearly half a century ago, as well as its treatment in Pablo Jauralde’s biography, the present study seeks to analyse Quevedo’s first letter to Osuna as a piece of communicative discourse. Taking as its starting point the title that Quevedo himself gave to his letter — «Relación y nuevas y visitas»— this essay discusses his satirical account of the double royal Spanish-French marriage of 1615 and of his subsequent stay at the court in Madrid, stressing his obvious aim of amusing Osuna, as well as informing him. The question of when Quevedo and Osuna first met is treated in a brief appendix

    New contributions on altarpiece and sculpture in osuna during the first half of the 18th century

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    En este artículo se analiza una serie de novedades documentales sobre el retablo y la escultura en Osuna entre los años 1717 y 1752.This paper reveals new contributions on altarpiece and sculpture in Osuna during the first half of the 18th century

    Síntesis histórica de la antigua "Virso" : Osuna en las fuentes clásicas

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    La antigua ciudad de Vrso (Osuna, Sevilla) es mencionada por los autores clásicos debido al importante papel que desempeñó en la historia del sur de la Península IbéricaThe classical authors cite the old city of Vrso (Osuna, Sevilla) by their importance in the history of the Iberian Peninsul

    Marbles for colegiata de Osuna: new flooring and other actions in its church between 1770 and 1804

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    En este artículo se da a conocer todo el proceso histórico que aconteció en la colegiata de Osuna durante la colocación de la nueva solería del templo entre los años de 1770 y 1804.This paper discloses the whole historical process of placing a new flooring at the colegiata de Osuna between 1770 and 1804

    Campesinos pobres y absolutismo reformista

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    El artículo estudia los conflictos originados a partir de los años `60 del siglo XVIII en dos señoríos bajo-andaluces de la Casa de Osuna (Osuna y Morón de la Frontera), a raíz de la puesta en práctica de las Provisiones del Consejo de Castilla sobre el reparto de las tierras de Propios y Arbitrios. Se parte de una visión del municipio como espacio político dinámico, que funcionaba según sus propias reglas, pero estaba al mismo tiempo integrado en estructuras de poder más amplias -estatales y señoriales- por un complejo entramado de relaciones institucionales y personales. Los casos de Osuna y Morón permiten analizar las posibilidades de los campesinos pobres de acudir a los tribunales reales y exigir el cumplimiento de las medidas de la Corona en su favor. Los campesinos buscaban la protección de vecinos poderosos, quienes por su parte intentaban instrumentalizar la oposición campesina, destacando que en Osuna la Casa ducal intervino protegiendo discretamente a los campesinos pobres.This paper is about the conflicts in two agro-towns of Lower Andalucia (Osuna and Morón de la Frontera) caused by the distribution of communal lands to poor peasants, landless farmers and labourers, which was ordered by the Council of Castile from 1767. The municipalities are described as dynamic and still largely autonomous political units, which are however bound up in complex networks of institutional and personal relationships within the structures of seigneurial jurisdictions and the State. The paper investigates the possibilities which poor peasants had of legally enforcing the ordinances of the Council of Castile against the resistance of the local governments. The peasants tried to use the patronage of the urban elites, the seigneurial administration of the Duke of Osuna or the clergy. They in turn used the peasants' protest movements as an instrument in their own struggle against the local governments

    Andújar’s ordinance in the Historical Archive of the Nobility: The copy of Osuna’s house. Document and legal-political background

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    En el Archivo Histórico de la Nobleza, entre los papeles de la Casa de Osuna, se encuentra una copia manuscrita del Decreto de Andújar de 8 de agosto de 1823. El análisis histórico-jurídico de esta norma permite esbozar las tensiones políticas, sociales y diplomáticas de tan complicado contexto.In the Historical Archive of the Nobility, among the papers of the House of Osuna, is a handwritten copy of the Andújar’s Decree of August 8, 1823. The historicallegal analysis of this rule allows to sketch the political, social and diplomatic tensions of such a complicated context

    The Role of Stakeholders in Accounting of Private Patrimonies The Management Of The Osuna Ducal Estate (1590-1633)

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    The main aim of this paper is to test the validity of the stakeholder approach in a historical context (16th and 17th century), very different to the one in which the theory was originally developed and has normally been used. For this purpose, the paper deals with management in the Osuna Ducal Estate at the end of the 16th century and beginning of the 17th century. In that period, the Ducal Estate reached such a high level of indebtedness that creditors could not even collect the interest on their loans. This led them to lodge a complaint with the Crown and consequently, as of 1590, the Ducal Estate patrimony was seized by the Government. Since the changes that occurred in the ODE patrimony were promoted by creditors and the Crown, the stakeholder approach has been applied to analyse the case. We can conclude that stakeholder approach is sufficiently able to explain the changes that took place in the management of the Osuna Ducal Estate in the 16th and 17th century and, mainly, the role of accounting in these changes.Accounting History, Stakeholder Approach, Aristocratic Accounting, 16th and 17th century

    Book Reviews

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    Obra ressenyada: Francisco OSUNA, Las construcciones de relativo. Córdoba: Universidad, 2005

    Reflexión sobre la existencia de un antiguo santuario en "Vrso" (Osuna, Sevilla)

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    El foco de estudio de este trabajo es el análisis de cuatro relieves votivos en piedra, que apuntan a la posible existencia de un centro de culto o santuario, posiblemente situado en el acceso a la antigua ciudad de Vrso (Osuna, Sevilla)The study of this work is the analysis of four reliefs in stone that aim to the possible existence of a centre of cult or sanctuary, possibly situated in the access to the ancient city of Vrso (Osuna, Seville

    Should we tax overtime, subsidize the wage or subsidize employment?

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    This paper compares the macroeconomic implications of taxing overtime and using two kinds of subsidies, an employment and a wage subsidy, in a model where team work and commuting costs subject to congestion are key determinants of the choice of the workweek. To obtain reliable estimates, I calibrate the model to the substitutability between the workweek and employment using business cycle information. I find that subsidizing employment can achieve the same employment increase than taxing overtime but at a lower cost in terms of output, productivity, wages and welfare. The wage subsidy that achieves the same employment increase turns out to be very costly from a fiscal point of view, 12.7% of output versus 4.57% of output in the employment subsidy experiment.Overtime taxation, Subsidies, Workweek, Team Work, Commuting costs.