795 research outputs found

    The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: Fundamentals, expectations and contagion

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    We offer a detailed empirical investigation of the European sovereign debt crisis based on the theoretical model by Arghyrou and Tsoukalas (2010). We find evidence of a marked shift in market pricing behaviour from a ‘convergence-trade’ model before August 2007 to one driven by macro-fundamentals and international risk thereafter. The majority of EMU countries have experienced contagion from Greece. There is no evidence of significant speculation effects originating from CDS markets. Finally, the escalation of the Greek debt crisis since November 2009 is confirmed as the result of an unfavourable shift in countryspecific market expectations. Our findings highlight the necessity of structural, competitiveness-inducing reforms in periphery EMU countries and institutional reforms at the EMU level enhancing intra-EMU economic monitoring and policy co-ordination.euro-area, crisis, spreads, fundamentals, expectations, contagion, speculation.

    Sovereign spreads and financial market behavior before and during the crisis

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    JEL: C23, E43, E62, F34, G01, G12, H60This paper aims at shedding some light on the mechanisms of pricing the EMU countries’ sovereign bonds in financial markets. Employing the Augmented Mean Group (AMG) estimator, we find that major changes have occurred in terms of variables underlying sovereign risk. Since 2009, macroeconomic and fiscal fundamentals has started to play a more important role, but only those that capture domestic demand evolution. In contrast, price competitiveness seems less important. The second conclusion lies in reversed attitude towards banking sector imbalances, as compares to earlier period. One of the problems addressed concerns the horizon of projected macroeconomic and fiscal variables taken into account. The paper presents some evidence that financial markets have become more myopic and started to rely on short-term forecasts, whilst they had tended to encompass longer-term forecast horizon before the crisis

    Catholic Higher Education and Latino(a) Students: Exploring the Experience of University Undergraduates

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    The experience of Latino(a) undergraduates at Notre Dame was the focus of this study. In general, the students had a positive experience at the university, but one that included challenges, including physical separation from family and familiar community. Family and spiritual supports were important to the Latino(a) students as they coped with difficulties they encountered at the university, than for a comparable sample of Anglo students attending Notre Dame

    A aquisição de competĂȘncias de liderança no ensino secundĂĄrio e a sua transferibilidade para o ensino superior: o caso da regiĂŁo Alto TrĂĄs-os-Montes, Portugal

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    Este estudo de investigação tem trĂȘs objectivos fundamentais. 1) Analisar as competĂȘncias adquiridas no percurso do Ensino SecundĂĄrio por uma amostra constituĂ­da por alunos que frequentavam o 1Âș ano do nĂ­vel de Ensino Superior; 2) Avaliar a transferibilidade de competĂȘncias do Ensino SecundĂĄrio para o Ensino Superior; 3) Determinar as diferenças existentes entre gĂ©neros e classes etĂĄrias em oito domĂ­nios de competĂȘncias: a) Auto-gestĂŁo; b) RelaçÔes interpessoais; c) Resolução de problemas/tomada de decisĂ”es; d) Desenvolvimento cognitivo/anĂĄlise crĂ­tica; e) Organização e planeamento; f) auto-confiança; g) Sensibilidade para a diversidade; e, i) Tecnologia. Participaram neste estudo de investigação 439 alunos (do 1Âș ano) e 18 alunos (do 2Âș ano) tendo os participantes revelado ter adquirido, durante o Ensino SecundĂĄrio, nĂ­veis acima do moderado nas oito ĂĄreas de competĂȘncia analisadas. Foram encontradas diferenças estaticamente significativas entre os gĂ©neros no domĂ­nio de competĂȘncia “diversidade”. Entrevistas realizadas a 18 alunos a frequentarem o 2Âș ano do Ensino Superior na mesma instituição indicaram que grande parte das competĂȘncias adquiridas no Ensino SecundĂĄrio sĂŁo fulcrais para um bom desempenho no inicio do percurso UniversitĂĄrio, ocorrendo o princĂ­pio da transferibilidade harmoniosa de competĂȘncias entre nĂ­veis de ensino. This research study has three fundamental objectives. 1) Analyse the abilities acquired by students who now attend Higher education; 2) Evaluate the transferability of abilities from the Secondary Education to Higher Education; 3) Determine the existing differences between gender and age classes in eight different abilities: ) Self management; b) Interpersonal relationships; c) Conflict resolution/decision making; d) Cognitive development/analysis; e) Organization and planning; f) Self-confidence; g) Sensitivity to diversity; and, i) Technology. The participants in this study were 439 pupils (1st year) and 18 (2nd year) and revealed having acquired, during Secondary Education, levels above of the moderate in the eight analyzed areas of ability. Statistic significant differences between gender and age had been found in the ability domain of "diversity". Semi structured interviews conducted with eighteen pupils attending the 2Âș year of Higher Education had indicated that great part of the abilities acquired in Secondary Education is determinant for a good performance in the beginning of the University experience, occurring the principle of the harmonious transferability of abilities between education levels

    On the time-varying relationship between EMU sovereign spreads and their determinants

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    We use a dynamic multipath general-to-specific algorithm to capture structural instability in the link between euro area sovereign bond yield spreads against Germany and their underlying determinants over the period January 1999 – August 2011. We offer new evidence suggesting a significant heterogeneity across countries, both in terms of the risk factors determining spreads over time as well as in terms of the magnitude of their impact on spreads. Our findings suggest that the relationship between euro area sovereign risk and the underlying fundamentals is strongly time-varying, turning from inactive to active since the onset of the global financial crisis and further intensifying during the sovereign debt crisis. As a general rule, the set of financial and macro spreads’ determinants in the euro area is rather unstable but generally becomes richer and stronger in significance as the crisis evolves

    Lost in Translation

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    The ramifications of Proposition 227, legislation that threatened to eliminate bilingual education passed by California in 1998, sparked a nationwide debate about the validity of education that non-English speaking students were receiving in a bilingual classroom versus that of an English-only classroom. While there was a deluge of arguments regarding the efficiency of English comprehension in the two classroom environments, what many commentators on the issue overlooked was the difference in the retention of the students’ identities

    The determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU

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    We use a panel of euro area countries to assess the determinants of long-term sovereign bond yield spreads over the period 1999.01-2010.12. We find that, unlike the period preceding the global financial crisis, European government bond yield spreads are wellexplained by macro- and fiscal fundamentals over the crisis period. We also find that the menu of macro and fiscal risks priced by markets has been significantly enriched since March 2009, including the risk of the crisis’ transmission among EMU member states, international risk and liquidity risk. Finally, we find that sovereign credit ratings are statistically significant in explaining spreads, yet compared to macro- and fiscal fundamentals their role is limited

    Determinants of the Portuguese government bond yield spread

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis paper seeks to find out the determinants of the 10 year Portuguese government bond yield spread for the period between the January of 2010 and December of 2012. Fundamental factors (debt ratio and government balance in % of GDP) and contagion effects are the main drivers behind the surge of the yield spread during the first two years of the sample. Liquidity risk (measured by the bid-ask spread) and the size of the banking system are also significant determinants. These same factors however, have no significance in explaining the drop in the yield spread during the final seven months of the sample
