306 research outputs found


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    Dalam mewujudkan profesionalisme guru dan memperoleh hasil kerja yang optimal, maka kinerja guru harus optimal. Namun kenyataannya, masih terdapat hal-hal yang kurang sesuai dengan harapan, yaitu bahwa kinerja guru masih kurang optimal. Hal ini bisa dibuktikan bahwa di lapangan masih banyak guru yang sering mangkir dari tugasnya, yaitu jarang hadir ke sekolah, kalaupun ada di sekolah mereka tidak bekerja secara efektif, sebagian besar guru tidak memiliki perencanaan mengajar yang baik bahkan terkesan dalam setiap tahunnya menggunakan perencanaan yang sama, padahal setiap tahunnya siswa yang diajar berubah dan berbeda karakter. Berdasarkan identifikasi masalah penelitian, penelitian ini merumukan masalah sebagai berikut: “Apakah pemberian motivasi (pemotivasian) guru dan supervisi kepala sekolah dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru?”. Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS) ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan yang difokuskan pada situasi sekolah, atau yang lazim disebut action research. Berdasarkan analisis data, dari penelitian ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penerapan pemotivasian dan supervisi kepala sekolah efektif untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan tindakan pada siklus II menunjukan bahwa kinerja guru sudah mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan pada akhir siklus II meningkat menjadi 100%, demikian halnya pemberian motivasi dalam mengadakan persiapan perangkat pembelajaran yang tadinya hanya 50 % dari jumlah guru pada siklus I menjadi 100% pada siklus II. Artinya pelaksanaan pemotivasian dan supervisi kepala sekolah dapat meingkatkan kinerja guru. Hal ini bisa dikatakan bahwa hipotesis dalam penelitian tindakan ini terjawab atau diterima. &nbsp

    Role Model and Family Support Related to Self Efficacy Sleep in The Sand in Coastal Elderly

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    The elderly naturally experience a decrease in physical and psychological function so that it affects individuals in their daily activities. Self-efficacy is the ability to carry out a series of actions to provide life satisfaction for the elderly who sleep in the sand. Role models can provide role models for the elderly in doing activities to sleep in the sand where family support can influence the behavior of the elderly sleeping in the sand in the coastal elderly. The research method is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study were all the elderly who lived in the village, Village, Pasir Lenggung Batang Batang -District, Sumenep Regency as many as 124 elderly. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The analysis used is the test Spearman rank. The results of this study stated that most of the respondents had role models in the high category as many as 57.5% coastal elderly, respondents had family support in the medium category as many as 72.5% coastal elderly, and respondents had self-efficacy sleeping in the sand in the capable category as many as 72, 5% of coastal elderly. There is a relationship between the role model and the self-efficacy of sleeping in the sand in the coastal elderly and there is a relationship between family support and the self-efficacy of sleeping in the sand in the coastal elderly. Role models can be role models and motivations for the coastal elderly to sleep in the sand. When the role model is good, self-efficacy will increase, with that the ability of the elderly to carry out activities in the sand is better as well as the higher family support, the higher self-efficacy the elderl

    The Phenomenon of Sleeping in Sand Based On Culture In Elderly With Osteoarthritis

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    Background: Pain in the elderly with osteoarthritis requires alternative therapy to fulfill their comfort. The purpose of this study was to explore the culture of sleeping on the sand among the coastal elderly with osteoarthritis pain.   Methods: This research method used a qualitative research approach with phenomenological research design and data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The time of the research is from April to May 2023, located in Legung Village, Batang-Batang District, Sumenep Regency. The technique was judgment sampling, with nurses as key informants, the elderly as main informants, and traditional and community leaders as supporting informants, so the informants in this study were 18 participants. Data analysis uses athematic analysis based on values, activities, and artifacts.   Results: 1. Cultural elements in the form of values and ideas in the culture of sleeping on the sand include sleep history, belief in sleeping on the sand, and concepts or values in society. 2. The form of activity can be seen in several sand extraction activities or the implementation procedure of preparing sand to be used as the basic material for bedding. 3. The form of the artifacts is related to the tools and materials used in this case, which are related to sleep culture.   Conclusion: The culture of sleeping on the sand has a comforting effect on older people based on three forms of culture, including ideas and values, activities, and artifacts. The culture of sleeping on the sand can be used as a daily activity to overcome the problem of osteoarthritis in older people. This research can be developed regarding the implementation of culture-based transcultural nursing care

    Rancang Bangun Mesin CNC Lathe Mini 2 Axis

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    The use of a lathe that is controlled by computer numerical controlled (CNC) with high speed and good dimensional accuracy, so it uses less human resources. The use of CNC machines is increasing rapidly, along with factory automation. Therefore, the need for skilled CNC machine design experts is increasing. The development of a CNC lathe that is strong and easy to move from one place to another is a necessity for educational institutions with limited space to practice CNC lathes for their students. In this research, the design and manufacture of a strong and self-produced 2 axis mini-lathe machine prototype were carried out. The method used in designing the structure of the machine, and selecting the electric motor to drive the spindle, and the stepper motor to drive the chisel. The results of this study obtained a 2 axis mini-lathe CNC machine with predetermined electronic components, so that it has a design torque of the spindle motor of 4.7454 Nm and a speed of 1,500 rpm, with a stepper motor power of 36 W, with a cutting speed of 90 m min. This CNC machine can work on aluminum material in the experimental process of the infeed depth used is 0.5 mm/rotation with a maximum cutting speed (feed-rate) of 0.75 m/minute. It is recommended to use a low feed rate in machining. The axial force on the stepper motor is 1,368 N with a tool pressure when machining of 912 MPa so that it can cut the A6061 type aluminum material with a yield point of 145 MPa. In the future research can be developed using a material that is tougher than aluminum in order to measure the maximum capabilities of the machine.Penggunaan mesin bubut yang dikendalikan oleh computer numerical controlled (CNC) dengan kecepatan tinggi dan akurasi dimesi yang bagus, sehingga penggunakan tenaga kerja yang lebih sedikit. Penggunaan mesin CNC meningkat pesat seiring dengan berjalannya otomatisasi pabrik. Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan tenaga ahli di bidang perancangan mesin CNC yang terlatih semakin meningkat. Pengembangan mesin bubut CNC yang kuat dan mudah dipindahkan dari satu tempat ketempat yang lain merupakan kebutuhan lembaga pendidikan dengan ruang yang terbatas untuk melakukan praktik mesin bubut CNC kepada siswanya. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan prototipe mesin bubut CNC lathe mini 2 axis yang kuat dan dapat diproduksi sendiri. Metode yang dipakai adalah merancang struktur dari mesin, dan melakukan pemilihan motor listrik sebagai penggerak spindle, serta motor stepper sebagai penggerak pahat. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat mesin CNC lathe mini 2 axis dengan komponen elektronik yang sudah ditentukan, sehingga mempunyai rancangan torsi motor penggerak spindle sebesar 4,7454 Nm dan kecepatan 1.500 rpm, dengan daya motor stepper 36 W, dengan kecepatan potong 90 m/menit. Mesin CNC ini mampu mengerjakan material aluminium pada proses percobaan kedalaman pemakanan yang dipakai 0,5 mm/putaran dengan kecepatan penyayatan (feedrate) maksimal 0,75 m/menit. Disarankan menggunakan feedrate kecil dalam permesinan. Gaya aksial pada motor stepper sebesar 1.368 N dengan tekanan pahat saat permesinan sebesar 912 MPa, maka mampu menyayat material bahan alumunium tipe A6061 yang yield point sebesar 145 MPa. Kedepannya dapat dikembangkan penelitian dengan menggunakan material yang lebih keras dari aluminium agar dapat mengukur kemampuan maksimal dari mesin

    Rancang Bangun Avr pada Sisi Tegangan Rendah (Tegangan Konsumen) Berbasis Atmega8

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    — Tugas akhir ini membahas system pengaturan jala- jala listrik terhadap Perubahan beban pada pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro (PLTMH). Saat ini pengaturan jala-jala pada PLTMH dilakukan secara manual yang melibatkan tenaga operator sebagai pengendali hidup - mati lampu beban pengatur.. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengatasi naik turun tegangan dengan cara mengendalikan lampu beban pengatur secara otomatis. Alat akan bekerja secara otomatis apabila terjadi Perubahan beban pada konsumen. Naik-turun tegangan pada PLTMH disebabkan oleh Perubahan beban pada konsumen. Tegangan pada beban konsumen naik, tengan jala- jala turun, sebaliknya tegangan beban konsumen turun, tegangan jala-jala naik. Perubahan pada tegangan PLTMH menjadi input untuk mikrokontroller ATMega 8 untuk mengendalikan lampu pengatur. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian alat ini mampu menjaga kestabilan tegangan antara 218,1 Volt sampai dengan 221,7 Volt. Kata kunci— Beban, Tegangan, Rangkaian Sistem Kendali da

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    Edisi Januari: Volume 12 Nomor 01

    Implementation of Criminal Liability for Companies That Do Not Fulfill Obligations to Workers in Employment BPJS Guarantee

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the criminal liability of companies that do not fulfill their obligations to workers in the employment BPJS guarantee. The research method used is sociological juridical research, using a descriptive qualitative research approach and interactive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are still many companies that neglect to provide fulfillment of workers' obligations in the Employment BPJS guarantee as stipulated in Law No. 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Organizing Agency (Law No. 24 of 2011), which protects workers' rights to obtain guarantees for compensation for work accidents. The establishment of the Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS) is not a new thing in the field of employment, because social security for workers has previously been regulated in Law No. 14 of 1993 concerning Workers' Social Security or better known as Jamsostek. Law No. 40 of 2004 on the National Social Security System was enacted in 2004 with the aim of creating an integrated social security system for all Indonesians, and the social security system was institutionalized in a public legal entity

    Edukasi Terkait Permasalahan Stop Kontak Bertumpuk Di Rt 16 Dan Rt 27 Wonocatur, Banguntapan, Bantul

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    The goal of community diagnosis is to be able to find out how many people are exposed to diseases and problems in RT 16 & RT 27 so that in the future the community will not be exposed to these diseases and can find out how to prevent them properly and correctly. The problem solver uses the USG method and then the authors carry out MMD (Village Community Consultation) activities so that in the future the problem can get the right solution. Based on the results of the priority analysis that has been carried out, there are three problems, namely the storage of wet (organic) waste that is not separated, the use of stacked sockets, and hypertension. An alternative solution to the problem is carried out by conducting counseling using power point media and stickers. Prior to counseling as an alternative problem solving, MMD was carried out first to help solve existing problems in the community. Then by carrying out interventions with counseling it is hoped that the community can reduce the use of stacked sockets when using electronic equipment.  Keywords: intervention, short circuit, fire, electricit


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    This study demonstrates Quran-based Interfaith Conflict Resolution as a conflict management model that introduces and promotes the theory of nonviolence and peace-building and the principle of coexistence among religious believers. Although some verses in Quran may mention and justifies the use of limited force as in Quranic verses QS. al-Baqarah/2:190 and QS. al-Hajj/9:39, some others also present a lot of principles and the implementation of nonviolence including patience, forgiveness, tolerance, dispute prevention and management, the prohibition of seeking revenge, clarification (tabayun), dialogue, negotiation, mediation, mutual curse (mubahalah), acceptance of agreement, persuasive preaching, reconciliation, and amnesty. This study introduces the Ethical-Technical Conflict Resolution or Management model as it contains ethical and technical foundation formulas. The ethical foundation formula as the basic principles, for example, includes justice, maslahah (public interest), tolerance, and nonviolence. In the meantime, the technical foundation which is operational in nature includes dialogue, social interaction and cooperation, negotiation, mediation, peace agreement, law enforcement, reconciliation and amnest
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