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    114 research outputs found

    The Phenomenon of Sleeping in Sand Based On Culture In Elderly With Osteoarthritis

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    Background: Pain in the elderly with osteoarthritis requires alternative therapy to fulfill their comfort. The purpose of this study was to explore the culture of sleeping on the sand among the coastal elderly with osteoarthritis pain.   Methods: This research method used a qualitative research approach with phenomenological research design and data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The time of the research is from April to May 2023, located in Legung Village, Batang-Batang District, Sumenep Regency. The technique was judgment sampling, with nurses as key informants, the elderly as main informants, and traditional and community leaders as supporting informants, so the informants in this study were 18 participants. Data analysis uses athematic analysis based on values, activities, and artifacts.   Results: 1. Cultural elements in the form of values and ideas in the culture of sleeping on the sand include sleep history, belief in sleeping on the sand, and concepts or values in society. 2. The form of activity can be seen in several sand extraction activities or the implementation procedure of preparing sand to be used as the basic material for bedding. 3. The form of the artifacts is related to the tools and materials used in this case, which are related to sleep culture.   Conclusion: The culture of sleeping on the sand has a comforting effect on older people based on three forms of culture, including ideas and values, activities, and artifacts. The culture of sleeping on the sand can be used as a daily activity to overcome the problem of osteoarthritis in older people. This research can be developed regarding the implementation of culture-based transcultural nursing care

    Study of Diabetes Mellitus Management Policies Using a Systems Approach in Surge Capacity

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    Background: The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Indonesia continues to increase, even though DM control policies and programs have been implemented. According to existing policies, the family has not been involved in diabetes control. This study evaluates diabetes mellitus management policies by designing family-based community empowerment model interventions with a systems approach to surge capacity.   Methods: The design of this study used a cross-sectional operational analysis conducted in Cirebon City with 26 participants. Data collection was carried out using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews using interview guidelines from the surge capacity component. Inclusion criteria were Non-Communicable Diseases program holders at the Cirebon City Health Office and Community Health Centers with the highest and lowest prevalence, and DM sufferers and their families representing each age and gender category. Data analysis was performed using open code.   Results: The non-communicable disease program has not been integrated between the health office and the hospital; funds for the DM prevention program have not met the needs; there are limited human resources with multiple tasks and an excessive workload, so it is not optimal for DM health services; and there is a lack of family involvement in diabetes control, so the incidence of DM is still not usually controlled.   Conclusion: Policy studies using a system approach in surge capacity have been able to dig up various information on DM control efforts in terms of policy, organizational structure, DM surveillance, information systems, integrated services, case screening, budgeting, and community empowerment

    The Effect of Therapeutic Communication on the Anxiety Level of Children Undergoing the COVID-19 Vaccination

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    Background: Anxiety is often encountered in society, especially in children, when undergoing the COVID-19 vaccination. Anxiety is a factor influencing children to refuse vaccination. Therefore, nurses need to reduce this level of anxiety through the application of therapeutic communication. This research was carried out to determine the effect of therapeutic communication on children's anxiety levels during the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination. Methods: A pre-experiment design with a one-group pretest-posttest design was used on 58 respondents who were selected using a simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used was the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS/SRAS) questionnaire with a Likert scale model, and the results were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test statistical test. Results: The results of the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test analysis on respondents' anxiety levels showed that there was a decrease in anxiety after therapeutic communication was carried out with a p-value of 0.00 (p < 0.05), which means that therapeutic communication had a significant influence on the anxiety level of children undergoing the COVID-19 vaccination. Conclusion: Therapeutic communication can effectively reduce the anxiety level of children undergoing COVID-19 vaccination

    Analysis Need Education for Postpartum Mothers

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    Background: Postpartum mothers need education to maintain themselves and their babies. Only a little study about material education is based on what a mother and husband need. The study aims to explore the need for education for postpartum mothers and identify materials, methods, and educational media needed by postpartum mothers.   Methods: This study employed mixed methods with a sequential exploratory design. Stage 1 was done through a qualitative study with in-depth interviews with the seven participants using purposive sampling. Analyze the data with thematic deductive analysis. The quantitative phase used 300 postpartum mothers with a purposive sampling technique. An instrument study questionnaire was prepared by researchers, and a trial was conducted on 50 respondents with valid and reliable results. Quantitative data analysis with descriptive analysis   Results: It found six themes, namely "education to take care of a mother,” “education needs to take care of a baby,” "time-giving information,” "methods of providing education,” educational media,” and "sources of information.” The most needed maternal care educational material is about breastfeeding (4.55 ± 0.531), breast care (4.46 ± 0.531), and mental health (4.45 ± 0.584). Material related to baby care that is mainly needed is immunizations (4.59 ± 0.493), signs and dangers of newborns (4.55 ± 0.685), and umbilical cord care (4.53 ± 0.557). The media chosen by the mother are online media and video. Direct education method by health workers. Timing of education during pregnancy.   Conclusion: Giving education should be customized with materials needed by the mother. Education will succeed if supported by educational media, appropriate methods, and time in education and carried out by healthcare professionals

    Cholesterol, Blood Glucose and Hemoglobin Profiles of Urban Adolescents

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    Background: Prevention of heart and cardiovascular disease must be carried out as early as possible with routine biochemical examinations. Aim of this study is to describe the profile of Cholesterol, Blood Glucose and Hemogobin in urban adolescents.  Methods: This research method uses a descriptive design with a cross sectional approach. The sample population in this study was 63 nursing students at the Surakarta Health Polytechnic. The study was conducted in August 2023 and the sample was selected randomly. Data were analyzed descriptively.  Results: The average cholesterol level was 197mg/dl, the average blood sugar level was 91.1 mg/dl and the average hemoglobin was 13.2 g/dl.  Conclusion:  The incidence of hypercholesterolemia was high in respondents. This condition is possible due to insufficient consumption of vegetables and lack of physical activity resulting in high cholesterol levels. These specific findings can help create policies to develop more strategic evidence-based interventions, through grouping risk factors in controlling the risk of non-communicable diseases in adolescents

    Zero Mortality During Covid-19 Outbreak: A Review in 418 Workers at a Health University

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    Background: Mortality due to Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia are the second highest in Asia on period 2020-2021, but there is one of health university that zero mortality. Some of the factors that cause high mortality are only assumptions from researchers, need to be clarified scientifically. Aim of study is to analyze factors that causes zero mortality during covid-19 outbreak.  Methods: We performed a descriptive study using result of medical check up workers within the first 1 year of the pandemic. All workers consist of lecturers, administrative staff, drivers, and cleaning staff were included as much as 418 persons. Patients were assessed for their gender, age, body mass index, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and electrocardiography based on laboratory test and interview. We analyze data using descriptive based on characteristics respondents. Data collected in December 2021. The examination is carried out by a certified laboratory.  Results: The age of the workers is mostly young, the small incidence of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and heart health problems, have the potential to be a reason for zero mortality during the covid 19 outbreak in 418 workers. Hypertension, gender, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and aritmia unrelated to mortality, but related to severity.  Age directly related to mortality.  Conclusion: A healthy body is an asset in dealing with a pandemic. Periodic checks on blood sugar, electrocardiography, cholesterol, body mass index, is needed in preparing for the next pandemic minimum once every 6 months

    Evaluation of the Program for Giving Iron Tablets to Young Women

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    Background: Anemia due to iron deficiency is a prevalent health issue that affects many people, particularly women, from early childhood through adulthood. Bleeding can be a problem for pregnant women who have iron deficiency anemia, among other things, during pregnancy, labor, and the puerperium. Low birth weight, early birth, and problems of growth and development that result in stunting are some of the effects that anemic mothers experience while carrying their unborn children. Adolescent anemia continues up until the point at which the adolescent becomes pregnant. To treat iron-deficient anemia, the government is marketing blood replacement tablets. Pupose of study is to determine the effectiveness of iron tablets, the authors worked with the Klaten District Health Office to compare Hb and ferritin levels in pupils who had received blood tablets for 9 months versus kids who had not had blood tablets.  Methods: This study used a cross-sectional research approach and is a case analysis study. The SMP Negeri I Jogonalan Klaten is the research location. Study do in June to September 2022. Respondents are 60 pupils from Klaten Public Middle School I, ages 11 to 14, participated in the survey. Of them, 30 female respondents had taken iron supplements for 9 months (40 weeks), while the remaining 30 served as controls and had not received blood supplements. After being told of the advantages of the study, participants who signed a written informed permission form and agreed to take part in it had their ferritin and hemoglobin levels checked.  Results: When compared to the control group's ferritin value of 16.13% and Hb value of 6.45%, the treatment group's ferritin value was low (24.14%) and the Hb value was 10.34%.  Conclusion: 20% of young women are still found to have anemia. Young women should be prevent anemia

    Predicting Quality of life of Schizophrenia Patients

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    Background: Previous studies on sociodemographic characteristics connected to quality of life in schizophrenia discovered inconsistent results. This study aims to analyze predicting factors of quality of life (QoL) of schizophrenia patients.  Methods: A quantitative study included 153 respondents who were selected using random sampling at the State Psychiatric Hospital Surakarta. The research instruments were a questionnaire containing questions about demographics consisting of age, age at first experiencing schizophrenia, gender, education level, work status, marital status, frequency of treatment, duration of suffering from schizophrenia, insight, physical health problems and quality of life by using WHOQOL-BREF. The analyses used were Spearmen's rank (rho) and the Pearson Chi-Square    to analyze factors connected to QoL of schizophrenia patients and multiple logistic regression tests to analyze predictors of QoL of schizophrenia patients. This study was conducted in the State Psychiatric Hospital of Surakarta from September 2020 to March 2021.  Results: There were 4 characteristics of sociodemographic that have a positive significant relationship with the overall quality of life of schizophrenia patient, namely work status (p = 0.000), marital status with p = 0.000, gender (p=0.032), and adherence to take medicine with p=0.015 (p <0.05). marital status and work status that influence the quality of life (p=0.000 and p=0.001).  Marital status and work status influence the quality of life (p=0.000 and p=0.001), the largest OR value obtained is 25.499.  It means that married patients have a 25.499 times chance of having a better quality of life controlled by work status.  Conclusion: Marital status and work status are predictors of QoL of schizophrenia. In providing services to schizophrenic patients, health professional need to pay attention in assessing social demographics such as work status and marital status so that appropriate action can be taken with an approach to these aspects

    The Effectiveness of Role Play on Knowledge and Skills of Spinal Injury Indications Evacuation Improvement

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    Background: Spinal injuries are paralysis-causing injuries caused by trauma or disease processes. Members of the Youth Red Cross still have limited knowledge and abilities when it comes to evacuating signs of spinal cord injury. When it comes to performing first aid, knowledge and abilities are crucial. The role-playing approach is one of the methods used to improve knowledge and abilities. The research aimed to find out the effectiveness of role plays in developing knowledge and evacuation skills of spinal cord injury signs in SMAN 1 Ngemplak Youth Red Cross members. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with a control group and a pretest-posttest design. Purposive sampling was employed using a sample of 40 respondents who were divided into two groups: 20 respondents in the control group and 20 respondents in the intervention group. A questionnaire and an observation sheet were utilized as part of the research instrument. On the knowledge variable, the independent t-test was utilized, and on the skill variable, the Mann-Whitney test was used. Results: Between the control and intervention groups, there were substantial differences in knowledge and skill factors. This is demonstrated by a significance value of 0.01 in the knowledge variable and a significance value of 0.023 in the skills variable. Conclusion: For Youth Red Cross SMAN 1 members, role play was effective in developing knowledge and skills of the evacuation of spinal cord injury indicators

    Application of the Precede and Proceed Model in the Development of Community-Based Daily Emergency First Aid Management Training

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Emergency conditions that occur in society can occur at any time and anywhere. If this emergency condition is not handled properly, it will result in the threat of death and disability for society, which is certainly not in line with the SDGs ideals that have been proclaimed. It is necessary to increase the number of community members who have first aid competency so that it can reduce mortality and morbidity rates. In an effort to increase the number of first aid workers who are prepared to provide first aid, a health promotion model is needed in first aid in emergency cases. Methods: A mixed method of qualitative and quantitative research with research and development (R&D) research was applied to produce a training model for the community. Health promotion model was tested in phase two on 50 respondents who were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. Both group was evaluated with pre-post test. Results: Community-Based Daily Emergency First Aid Management Training gives a positive effects in knowledge, skills, and attitude of respondent with sig 0.00. Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is that the Community-Based Daily Emergency First Aid Management Training Model increases community competence in carrying out first aid for everyday emergency situation


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