e-Journal Institut PTIQ Jakarta
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    349 research outputs found


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    A mistake in understanding these verses about jihād and qitāl can trigger the emergence of various radical ideas. One of the efforts to deradicalize such an understanding is to study and analyze the verses of jihad and qital with semantic analysis and historical context. Semantic analysis is used to analyze variations and contexts of word meanings from key words in the Qur'an. The keywords analyzed in this study are the terms "al-qitāl and al-jihād". Based on this analysis, in the Mecca period, neither of these two terms were synonymous with war or violence. In addition, these two terms experienced several shifts in meaning when entering the Medina period. Meanwhile, the historical context is used to trace various events that accompanied the revelation of the Qur'an. The decline of these verses was motivated by the negative behavior of polytheists towards Muslims which was carried out continuously. The revelation of these verses is the last alternative to defend against the attacks of the polytheists. This type of research is library research, while the main reference sources are verses about jihād and qitāl


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    Interpretation of the archipelago is a manifestation of the assessment of the Qur'an by Nusantara scholars. The emergence of tafsir al-Qur'an in the archipelago cannot be separated from the process of evaluating and writing it down as part of the Ulama' efforts to understand and spread Islamic teachings. In this context, locality also colors various nuances of interpretation of the Qur'an, both in terms of interpreting the Qur'an in prayer rooms, mosques and Islamic boarding schools or in writing interpretations using local symbols in shapes such as pegon or Latin. In another aspect, the contribution of the influence of Middle Eastern Ulama influenced many Indonesian Ulama who made a genealogy of thoughts that shaped different tendencies in each season. The locality of Nusantara tafsir has different tendencies in each period. The dynamics of methods and approaches seem to encounter an anti-climax in the contemporary period with social-community nuances.  The pattern of social relations between religious communities becomes the centrality in the thematic discussion of the verses of kafir, ahl al-kitab and non-Muslims which at first glance is a concept of the pattern of relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in theological and social aspect

    Propaganda Pemberitaan Jokowi pada Pemilu 2014 di Majalah Tempo dalam Perspektif Ideologies And Power

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    Tempo magazine is one of the media that is in the line of 'loving' Jokowi. Tempo Magazine doubled Jokowi in the 2014 election as a modest man and a hobby of blusukan. This is based on the total duration, frequency, and tendency of the object of the news to Jokowi. Jokowi's image, which was initially positive, especially during the 2014 presidential election campaign, immediately changed after Jokowi became president in the news of Tempo Magazine. This was proven by Tempo Magazine supporting Jokowi during the 2014 presidential election because it was based on his ideology that Prabowo Subianto was a human rights criminal. In the 5-11 August 2013 edition of Tempo Magazine, they gave the title “Suddenly Jokowi” with a picture of Jokowi singing in pause. This tendency is a form of the failure of Tempo Magazine to become a balanced media. Tempo magazine chose issues, used angles, and published 11 out of 20 total Main Reports using the glittering generalities propaganda technique. The theory used is from Branston and Stafford (2003: 117-133) namely marxist approaches, post-marxism and critical pluralism, and discourses and lived culture. The relevant concepts are mukhtalif, kabilah, dan al-hadarah. Tempo Magazine's reporting sparked polarization, as seen from the concentration in political currents and ideology. The existence of this news as a political message that is more effective in raising issues to the public

    Communication Style of Imigrant Dai in Da’wah

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    Islam is the religion with the largest percentage in Indonesia. This majority makes Indonesia home to many dai, each with their own styles and ways. In addition to local preachers, there are dai who come from abroad, namely Sheikh Ali Jaber. He preaches by paying attention to local wisdom and tolerance. Sheikh Ali Jaber, who comes from Arabia, has a large number of ma'du in Indonesia. The popularity of his da'wah is because Sheikh Ali Jaber has a unique da'wah method compared to local dai in Indonesia. However, he had become a controversy since after the stabbing incident by someone while da’wah. This study uses qualitative research with a library research approach to reveal the communication style and implications of Sheikh Ali Jaber's da’wah. The primary data used are writings, social media, news, and journals about Sheikh Ali Jaber. The results showed that in delivering his da'wah, Sheikh Ali Jaber used Qaulan Layyinan, Qaulan Kariman, and Qaulan Balighan. While the da'wah is delivered by means of Hikmah, Mauidhah Hasanah, and Mujadalah, The community considers that the da'wah carried out by Sheikh Ali Jaber is moderate, reflects peace, and is polite (it does not take sides with organizations or da'wah institutions). Sheikh Ali Jaber in carrying out his da'wah is more open and also assimilate to all Muslim circles without distinguishing ORMAS and other religious sects


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    Education is an important component in efforts to penetrate and transform human consciousness, attitudes and behavior. This paper aims to examine the nature of tarbiyah and taklim in the verses of the Koran. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a library study approach. In addition to examining the nature of tarbiyah and taklim in the Koran, this paper is also accompanied by a study of hadiths regarding tarbiyah and taklim. With various terminological studies, the research results show the difference between the nature of tarbiyah and taklim that the scope of the term al-ta'lim is more universal than the scope of the term al-tarbiya


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    Theft is a crime that often occurs among people with various targets. The rampant theft that has occurred has caused unrest for the local community. Because, theft is not more or less done by the way the perpetrator of theft kills the victim so that his crime is not known to anyone. For this reason, handling is needed in overcoming this crime of theft by applying Islamic law so that the perpetrators are deterred and the community lives peacefully. The main issues that we will examine in this study are: Analyzing the punishment of cutting hands in theft contained in Q.S. al-Maidah/5: 38 in which the perpetrators of theft, both men and women who commit theft, will be subject to Had amputation here, whether they are Universal or Partial in the Perspective of Al-Mishbah Tafsir. we will provide conclusions regarding the application of hand-cutting had in thef

    Paradigma Penafsiran Alegoris Surga Dalam Tafsir Indonesia-Kontemporer: Kajian Atas Tafsir Al-Misbah Karya M. Quraish Shihab

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    This study is motivated by the lack of studies that explain the interpretation shift on the theological-metaphysical verses in the Qur'an, including verses about heaven combined with a philosophical theoretical approach. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying this theme further. This study explains the paradigm shift in the interpretation of heaven illustration in the Indonesian interpretation, namely M. Quraish Shihab. The theory used is the paradigm shift theory introduced by Thomas Kuhn. The conclusion of this article shows that there is a shift in the meaning of the illustration of heaven in each generation of interpretation in Indonesia, namely on the themes 1) The area of ​​heaven; 2) The river that flows under heaven ; 3) Fruits in heaven; 4) Couples and nymphs in heaven; and 5) Green color and adornment for humans in heaven. In understanding these themes, M. Quraish Shihab tends to be rationalist and contextualist according to the current context. The thoughts that motivate his interpretive arguments are inseparable from the historicity of his life experiences, such as his intellectual career, organizational experience, teachers and the people of Indonesia as the targets of his interpretations. So all of that becomes a regulation and panoptiation in shaping his intellectual reasoning, including in the interpretation of the verses that illustrate heaven


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    Allah memberikan jalan kepada manusia untuk menjaga kehormatan serta martabatnya dengan jalan pernikahan. Pernikahan beda agama tak jarang menimbulkan gejolak dan reaksi keras di kalangan masyarakat. Masing-masing pihak memiliki argumen logis yang berasal dari penafsiran dalil-dalil Islam tentang pernikahan beda agama. Penelitian ini ingin menjawab bagaimana pernikahan beda agama dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an Analisis Pemikiran Buya Hamka dalam tafsir Al-Azhar. Alasan penulis memilih tafsir Al-Azhar karya Buya Hamka adalah karena tafsir Al-Azhar mampu menampilkan sosio-budaya dan sosio-politik pada saat penulisannya. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah library research dengan metode yang digunakan adalah studi tokoh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Buya Hamka mengharamkan pernikahan muslim dengan orang musyrik baik laki-laki maupun perempuan berdasarkan surat Al-Baqarah ayat 221. Musyrik menurut Buya Hamka adalah musyrik secara umum tanpa terkecuali. Selanjutnya dalam surat Al-Maidah ayat 5 Buya Hamka membolehkan nikah beda agama antara pria muslim dan wanita ahli kitab. Ahli kitab yang merdeka dan wanita baik-baik. Ahli kitab yang dimaksud hanya Yahudi dan Nasrani. Buya Hamka cenderung mengedepankankan bahwa seorang mukmin harus kuat dan kokoh imannya jika akan menikah dengan ahli kitab. Implikasi dari pemikiran Buya Hamka menjadi salah satu sumbangan bagi produk hukum di Indonesia terkhusus tentang pelarangan nikah beda agama pada Fatwa MUI tahun 1980. &nbsp

    Tafsir Maqasidi Al-Mawardi: Studi Atas Ayat-Ayat Politik Dalam Tafsir Al-Nukat Wa Al-‘Uyun

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    Artikel ini bertujuan melakukan elaborasi terkait munculnya varian tafsir Al-Qur’an berbasis ideologi yang berbicara soal sistem politik negara muncul pasca wafatnya Nabi Muhammad. Hal itu disebabkan sebagian umat Islam berijtihad merumuskan dan memformulasikan fikih siyasah (teori politik islam). Bahkan sudah sampai tahap empirik, sebagaimana yang dilakukan para Khulafa ar-Rasyidun, namun bentuk politik Islam “yang ideal” sampai saat ini masih terus diperdebatkan. Perdebatan yang paling mendasar, sebenarnya seputar penerapan dan formalisasi nilai-nilai syariah Islam  dalam lingkup Negara. Untuk menggali lebih dalam lagi seputar hubungan Islam dan Negara, penulis mencoba menganalisa penafsiran maqasidi-nya al-Mawardi seputar ayat-ayat yang membahas tentang politik. Diskursus Tafsir Maqasidi  sebenarnya baru muncul belakangan, namun prinsip-prinsipnya yang mengacu kepada maqasidi al-syari’ah, sudah sejak dahulu didiskusikan. Prinsip dasar maqasid al-syari’ah lebih kepada upaya menghumanisasikan hukum Islam yang bersumber dari ayat Al-Qur’an dan Hadis. Dalam rangka upaya menggali makna ayat agar teks Al-Qur’an dipahami tidak secara tekstual akan tetapi mampu menangkap makna ayat yang lebih kontekstual, maka menafsirkan Al-Qur’an dari sisi Maqasidi-nya, akan mengungkap inti (jawhar) dari Al-Qur’an. Penulis juga mencoba mengungkap sisi subjektifitas seorang al-Mawardi sebagai penafsir dalam Tafsir al-Nukat Wa al-‘Uyun karangannya, termasuk kondisi sosio-historis dimana al-Mawardi hidup yaitu pada masa dinasti Abbasiyah, walaupun disanyalir sebagian kalangan, dirinya pun dalam menulis karya tafsir-nya dan karya lainnya al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyah sebagai “pesanan politik” dari khalifah yang berkuasa saat itu. Artikel ini berkesimpulan bahwa sistem negara yang sesuai dengan teori maqa>s}id}i al-Mawardi ialah yang berasaskan pada nilai-nilai Islam sebagaimana ditegaskan juga oleh tokoh-tokoh lain seperti Abou El Fadl. &nbsp


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    Pembahasan mengenai isu murtad menjadi perbedabatan panas di kalangan para ahli hukum Islam sejak berabad-abad yang lalu. Perbedaan tersebut muncul dari pendekatan yang mereka gunakan dan juga cara pembacaan mereka terhadap teks. Salah satu tokoh yang ikut memberikan andil besar dalam perdebatan ini adalah al-Ghazali. al-Ghazali merupakan salah satu tokoh yang memperluas cakupan riddah tidak saja kepada orang-orang yang keluar dari Islam namun juga orangorang yang pemahamannya dianggap menyimpang seperti Filsuf dan penganut Isma’iliah. Pandangan al-Ghazali ini juga tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kondisi sosio-politik saat ia hidup yang diwarnai dengan berbagai konflik khususnya antara Abbasiah dan Syiah Isma’liah. Istislah yang digunakan al-Ghazali sebagai dasar untuk menolak kerusakan yang muncul dari berbagai penyimpangan khusunya pelaku riddah memang terlihat sangat esktrim dan banyak ditentang namun di sisi lain hal itu bertujuan untuk menjaga eksistensi agama Islam itu sendiri


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