180 research outputs found

    Research on Revolutionary Literature Construction during Wuhan National Government Period

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    从1926年底到1927年7月,武汉国民政府只存在短短几个月时间,却在中国现代史和现代文学史上占有较重要的地位。这时期出现一系列关于建设“革命文化”以及建立“无产阶级文艺”的讨论,实践上也有着比较丰硕的成果,留下了珍贵的历史足迹和历史影响。因诸多因素的影响,它们却被湮没在历史长河中,成为革命文学叙述中“被遮蔽”的一页。 论文以武汉国民政府时期国民政府在“革命文化”建设方面的具体史料为基础,以武汉革命时期革命青年的革命文学活动为研究对象,分四章论述武汉国民政府时期的“革命文化”建设情况,以求呈现武汉革命文学建设的“当年”情景,客观地认识及评价国民党人在武汉革命时期进行的“革命文化”建设实践,呈...From the end of 1926 to July 1927, Wuhan National Government existed only a few months time, but it had an important position in Chinese modern history and Chinese modern literary history. In this period, there has been a series remarks and opinions on building revolutionary culture.Apart from this, the first discussions on the establishment of "Proletarian Culture" was raised also. There were wea...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国现当代文学学号:1022010115224

    The Probabilistic Derivation of The Diffusion Equation and Applications In Finance

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    在传统的偏微分方程理论中,几乎都是从几个简单的物理模型出发,根据守恒定律和变分原理,推导并建立起三类典型方程及其相应的典型定解问题。比如,通过弦振动模型建立波动方程;通过热传导过程或污染物扩散模型建立扩散方程;通过引力问题建立位势方程。本文我们试图打破传统的思维定势,从概率角度重新建立扩散方程。从而把确定性的热传导过程与概率性的随机游走模型联系起来。 在推导过程中,我们看到布朗运动(连续的随机游走)与扩散方程基本解之间存在的深层联系,即△/2事实上是布朗运动的强无穷小算子,其中△是熟知的拉普拉斯算子。正是由于布朗运动与扩散方程之间的密切联系,众多概率问题与分析问题可以互相转化。 大多数物理...In the traditional theory of partial differential equations , the three typical equations and corresponding typical well-posed problems almost all came from a few simple physical models . They were established by using the conservation and variational principle . For example , established the wave equation through the string vibration model , established the diffusion equation through the conducti...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_基础数学学号:1902007115211


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    A Comparative Study on Two Law Systems’ Constitutionalism of Taxation ----Also concerning China’s Taxation as a Part of constitution

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    摘要 作为关系国计民生的税收活动,其重要性不言而喻。本文主要从考察两大法系部分国家的宪法文本中对税收问题的具体规定入手,分析两大法系国家对税收活动规定的异同性,进而归纳得出两大法系国家不同的税收立宪模式。在文章的第二部分,本文主要是从历史的角度,回顾英法美等早期宪政国家的宪政历史,解读这些国家的立宪主义,本文发现在早期宪政国家的立宪过程中,税收均作为一个重要的推动力,推动英法美等早期宪政国家的宪政确立。文章的第三部分紧接着文章第二部分内容,分析早期宪政国家税收推动立宪的根源,主要是从财产权的历史溯源、中西方的个人主义和集体主义的差异性以及税收推动立宪的触发机制等角度着手,分析税收是如何一步步...Abstract It is self-evident that taxation is of great significance to the national economy and people's livelihood. By examining the specific provisions on taxation in some countries’ constitutional text, this thesis first studies the differences and similarities of the regulations on taxation in countries belonging to the two law systems, namely Anglo-American Legal System and Continental Legal ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_经济法学学号:X200712015

    Study on the Legal Issues of Direct Taxation under the WTO Framework

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    WTO规则表明,直接税法像其他法律法规一样,会对经济产生影响;它还可以用于阻止或鼓励国际资本和劳动力流动;随着关税税率的不断下降,人们开始越来越关注包括直接税在内的非关税政策。本文着重以WTO相关规则为框架,从国际法的角度来审视WTO与直接税关系问题,以期对目前我国面临的问题提供指引和参考。除引言和结语外,正文共分三章: 第一章是对WTO体制下直接税的法律与实践问题所作的概括性介绍。对WTO及其相关协定、WTO基本原则、直接税含义做简要介绍,从而为下文的深入研究做铺垫。 第二章为本文的重点,主要探讨GATT1994、GATS、SCM协定与直接税的关系。本章第一节分析了GATT1994国民待...WTO rules agree with that direct taxation, like other laws and regulations, has influence on economic. They can also be used to block or encourage international flows of capital and labor. Attentions have focused on non-tariff measures, such as direct taxation, as tariffs declines during the past 50 years. This paper first analyzes the WTO rules and then tries to discuss the issue of WTO and direc...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1292007115038


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    On the Formal Curriculum of Character Education in Taiwan Providence University

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    台湾静宜大学是台湾品格教育的典范之一,文章主要运用访谈法探究静宜大学将品格教育融入正式课程的过程与方法,即主要通过通识教育课程培养学生的人文精神,通过服务学习课程培养学生的社会责任感和职业道德。如今大陆高校倡导将立德树人贯穿教育教学全过程,可以借鉴静宜大学的经验,使价值观教育课程更加契合专业贴近生活,并积极为学生提供社会实践和服务学习的机会和场域,最终培养出社会所需的人才。Taiwan Providence University is one of the models of Taiwan character education. This paper mainly uses the interview method to explore the process and method of integrating the character education into the formal curriculum at Providence University, such as cultivating students' humanistic spirit through the general education curriculum and nurturing their sense of social responsibility and professional ethics through the service-learning curriculum. Nowadays colleges and universities in mainland of China have been promoting morality through their whole process of education and teaching. In the light of the experience of Providence University, value education courses can be made to fit professional life more, and students provided with opportunities and fields of social practice and servicelearning, so that students will become those needed by the society in the future.2014年教育部哲学社会科学研究重大攻关项目“新时期学校国防教育和学生军事训练工作体系建设研究”(14JZD52)阶段性成果


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    Contrast and analysis between Chinese character lexicon and Korean Chinese character lexicon——Example based on the Chinese character lexicon of two syllables from the Korean National Open University’s language textbook《Intermediate LevelⅠ•Ⅱ》

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    韩半岛与中国山水相依,虽因政治格局、社会形态等问题分为南北两半,但中韩两国在语言、文化以及经贸方面却始终密不可分。特别是中韩两国建交以后,随着两国文化交流和经济合作的不断发展,在韩国学习汉语和在中国学习韩语的人数不断攀升,这给针对两国词汇进行深入对比的研究带来了机遇。 诚然,韩国使用的汉字词大部分是由中国传入的,但因政治和社会历史等因素,汉字词在韩半岛长期使用的过程中不断发展变化,有些词形和词义也随之发生了变化。尽管韩语系统中汉字词的比例占60%以上,但词形和词义的不同使两国学习者在习得这些语言的过程中容易产生偏误,给准确理解词义和有效掌握语用带来了障碍。 为了解决上述问题,本研究拟采用对...The Korean Peninsula and China lie adjacent to one another. Although issues such as government structure and social systems are at polar opposites, the two nations have maintained a long-standing close connection in areas such as language, culture, and economic trade. In particular, after diplomatic relations were established between China and Korea, the cultural exchange and economical co-operat...学位:文学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_语言学及应用语言学学号:2642011115427

    Advances in Salt-Tolerance Mechanism of Mangrove

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    从形态、生理生化和分子水平综述了红树植物的耐盐机理。红树植物具有盐腺、叶片肉质化等形态特征,通过离子选择性积累、盐分区域化、泌盐和拒盐等机制降低体内的盐分浓度,积累或合成渗透调节物质(主要是松醇和甘露醇)来维持渗透平衡,增强抗氧化系统以清除活性氧。在分子水平上,红树植物的耐盐能力与参与合成渗透调节物质关键酶和抗氧化酶等基因的表达相关。 【英文摘要】 This article summarized some research progresses of salt tolerance in mangrove species at morphology,physiology and biochemistry,and molecular levels.Mangrove species have salt glands and their leaves become succulent.They avoid heavy salt loads through a combination of selective accumulation of ions,ion compartmentalization,salt excretion and salt exclusion,accumulation or synthesis compatible solutes which are mainly pinitol and mannitol for maintaining osmotic balance,and promotion of antioxidative to sc...国家自然科学基金(30271065,39970438,39870630);; 厦门大学优秀人才支持计划(0000X07115)资助项