
Contrast and analysis between Chinese character lexicon and Korean Chinese character lexicon——Example based on the Chinese character lexicon of two syllables from the Korean National Open University’s language textbook《Intermediate LevelⅠ•Ⅱ》


韩半岛与中国山水相依,虽因政治格局、社会形态等问题分为南北两半,但中韩两国在语言、文化以及经贸方面却始终密不可分。特别是中韩两国建交以后,随着两国文化交流和经济合作的不断发展,在韩国学习汉语和在中国学习韩语的人数不断攀升,这给针对两国词汇进行深入对比的研究带来了机遇。 诚然,韩国使用的汉字词大部分是由中国传入的,但因政治和社会历史等因素,汉字词在韩半岛长期使用的过程中不断发展变化,有些词形和词义也随之发生了变化。尽管韩语系统中汉字词的比例占60%以上,但词形和词义的不同使两国学习者在习得这些语言的过程中容易产生偏误,给准确理解词义和有效掌握语用带来了障碍。 为了解决上述问题,本研究拟采用对...The Korean Peninsula and China lie adjacent to one another. Although issues such as government structure and social systems are at polar opposites, the two nations have maintained a long-standing close connection in areas such as language, culture, and economic trade. In particular, after diplomatic relations were established between China and Korea, the cultural exchange and economical co-operat...学位:文学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_语言学及应用语言学学号:2642011115427

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