124 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of E-commerce for Small and Medium Enterprise Telephone Customer Service System

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    目前电话客户服务已经应用于各行各业,对于拥有大量客户的企业,其客户遍布全国各地,且数量庞大。为了给客户提供优质服务。提高企业竞争力,很多企业已经纷纷建立了自己的电话客服系统。 通过对中小型电子商务企业的客户服务全过程管理,利用先进的信息技术为广大客户提供数字化的信息服务,并为电子商务企业营销提供技术支持,提高中小型电子商务企业的竞争力,建立适应市场需求的现代化电子商务营销和客户服务体系。对外向客户提供个性化的服务,对内传递来自客户的各种需求,提高客户服务质量,促进电子商务营销及优质服务工作的深入开展。电话客服系统采用基于.NET架构技术,应用统一建模语言、数据库技术及关系型数据库微软SQLS...Currently telephone customer service has been used in various industries, with a large number of customers for the business, its customers across the country, and a huge number. In order to provide quality services to customers households. Enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, many companies have already established their own customer service telephone system. Through e-commerce for small a...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323213

    The Case Study In Investing“ Hainan Rubber”for Xiamen ITG. Group

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    2001年的“9•11”事件后,美国政府采取了大幅降息等刺激经济的调控措施,美元信贷成本极其低廉。大量金融资本利用金融杠杆不断投机,制造了房地产市场泡沫,金融衍生品市场也随之膨胀。根据美国财政部对美国次贷担保债务凭证(CDO)市场的统计:2005年CDO市场总值为1510亿美元,2006年为3100亿美元,2007年仅第一季度就达2000亿美元。 -王静,《美国金融危机的根源及教训》,《文汇报》,2008年9月25日学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200615614

    Growth and applications of type-II ZnO/ZnSe quantum coaxial cables

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    随着能源危机和环境污染的加剧,清洁绿色、可再生的太阳能电池发电受到广泛的关注。目前,由于太阳能电池成本较高、效率较低等因素的制约,难以进行大规模的应用。纳米材料由于具有比表面积大、晶体质量好等优点,用于太阳能电池,可以增加有效结面积、增加光的吸收和降低非辐射复合,从而提高太阳能电池的光电转换效率。同时,ZnO和II-VI族材料结合可在界面处形成II型异质结,调节有效带隙至可见光区域,使其具有在光伏器件应用的潜力。基于此构想,本文制备了ZnO纳米线和ZnO/ZnSe量子同轴线,研究它们的生长条件、晶体结构、光学、电学等特性,并制备了II型异质结的ZnO/ZnSe量子同轴线太阳能电池,取得了以下几...Solar cells have been a subject of great interest due to the growing awareness of energy shortage and environmental protection. Nevertheless, most of them suffer from either high cost or relatively low energy conversion efficiency. The use of nanostructured materials, especially nanowires is deemed as one of the promising approaches to overcome these issues. Nanowire arrays, compared with the bulk...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:1982008115300

    Study on the Strategic Analysis Tools

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    在战略管理思想的演进和战略管理实践的发展中,出现了众多的战略分析工具。这些工具目前正广泛地应用于战略分析和战略选择中,对各种组织的战略制定往往具有重要的作用。本文试图在战略分析工具的纵向演进与横向比较的基础上,从典型性战略分析工具入手,探讨战略分析工具在现实应用中的主要问题,并提出相应的改进思路。本文主要分四个章节:第一章主要从战略管理思想的演进中来认识战略分析工具,通过把握战略规划学派、战略适应学派、产业组织学派以及资源与能力学派的主要思想及局限性来理解主要分析工具的基本含义及形成的理论背景。第二章从横向的角度,对战略分析工具之间的联系、区别、功能进行了比较,形成了三个基本认识:SWOT分析...This study begins with the evolvement and comparison of those strategic analysis tools. It then analyze the major problems occurred in their applications. The dissertation ends with improvements of those problems. The dissertation is divided into four chapters: Chapter I focuses on the evolvement of 4 typical strategic managerial ideas: strategic planning genre, strategic fit genre, indust...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:20021402

    On the humanity of learning organization

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    任何一种管理思想和理论的提出都是以一定的人性假设为前提的。学习型组织理论的人性观包含了三个要点:学习人、创造人、团队人。这三者各有其内含同时又是相互联系,融为一体的。Any management thoughts or theory should be based on certain hypothesis of humanity. In the theory of learning organization, humanity features as learning man, creative man and team man, of which each has its own meaning and is integrated with the others


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    Clavicoronol,a new metabolite,from the mycelia culture of Clavicorona pyxidata

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    目的对珊瑚菌(ClAVICOrOnA PyXIdATA)菌体培养物的活性成分进行分离。方法用多种色谱技术对化合物进行分离纯化,并用光谱技术和单晶X射线衍射技术鉴定化合物的结构。结果从中分离到2个化合物:ClAVICOrOnOl(1)、腺苷(2)。结论化合物1为新化合物,并通过单晶X射线衍射技术确定了2的立体构型。Aim To explore the new bioactive metabolites from the mycelia culture of the edible mushroom Clavicorona pyxidata.Methods The constituents were isolated and purified by column chromatography,and their structures were identified by spectroscopic analyses,including 1D-and 2D-NMR data,and single-crystal X-ray diffraction.Results A new natural product,named clavicoronol(1) along with adenosine(2),were obtained.Conclusion Compound 1 is a new compound and stereochemistry of 2 was confirmed by a single-crystal X-ray diffraction.ThisworkwasfinanciallysupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(30500632);theNationalScienceFundforDistinguishedYoungScholarstoY.-M.Shen(30325044

    Seismic Response Sensitivity Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Systems

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    本文概述了基于直接微分法的非线性有限元动力响应对于模型材料参数、几何参数和地震不确定性参数的敏感性分析方法,介绍了基于力法、位移法和三场混合法等方法的有限单元直接微分法敏感性分析最新进展,并着重讲述了将直接微分法拓展到非线性结构和岩土等材料模型中,用于分析土-结相互作用体系的敏感性分析方法。本文将此敏感性方法应用到一个有实际工程背景的受双向地震荷载作用下的三维土-结相互作用体系中,通过有限差分法证明敏感性分析计算结果的高效性和正确性,验证了此方法应用到实际工程中的有效性和实用性。直接微分法由于计算得到的是半解析解,具有精确、高效、不受数值噪音干扰等优点,具有潜在重要的工程价值。Sensitivities of the FE response with respect to both model( material or geometry) and loading parameters represent an essential ingredient in studying the structures.This paper presents recent developments in FE response sensitivity analysis based on the Direct Differentiation Method( DDM) for displacement-based,force-based,and three-field mixed finite elements,with a focus on the extensions of the DDM to nonlinear material constitutive models of structural or geotechnical systems.DDM based response sensitivity analysis methods are used to analyze a real three dimensional nonlinear soil-structure interaction system under bi-directional seismic load to verify its accuracy,efficiency and applicability to engineering problems.The DDM has semi-analytieal solution and is accurate,effective and not disturbed by numerical noise,it has latent engineering value.国家自然科学基金(51261120376;51281220267); 冻土工程国家重点实验室资助(SKLFSE201405


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    目的 建立旋毛虫病的快速检测技术。方法 基因工程抗原包被有色乳胶颗粒,抗抗体包被磁性颗粒,在抗体存在下形成抗原- 乳胶- 抗体- 抗抗体- 磁性颗粒的复合场,在磁场作用下沉淀下来,从而达到快速检测旋毛虫相关抗体的目的。结果 19 份人工感染鼠血清、5 份人工感染猪血清、3 份旋毛虫病猪血清、4 份病人血清均呈阳性反应,而对照血清均为阴性反应;该方法在鼠感染旋毛虫后第五天可测出IgM 抗体,第九天可测出IgG抗体。结论 本检测技术简便易行,不需专用设备,可望成为一种快速诊断旋毛虫病的有效方法。Aim To establish a rapidly detecting method for the specific antibodies of Trichinella spiralis Method Latex was coated with p49/GST and polystyrene beads(Dynabeads)were coated with anti-antibodies SAM-IgG、SAH-IgG、RAP-IgG or SAM-IgM Then the test serum was incubated with two particles for 30 min at room temperature with slowly shaking After sedimentation of the polystyrene beads with a magnet,the turbidity of the resultant latex suspension was estimated with eyes or measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 400nm Results Positive result of IgG antibody were found in 19 sera of experimental infected mice,3 sera of experimental infected swine and 4 sera of patients The IgM and IgG can be check up in mice after 5 and 9 days after experimental infection The result agreed with those obtained by ELISA Conclusion A two-particle turbidimetric latex immunoassy established by this study is a rapid,easy and precise method for the diagnosis of the trichinosis福建省科委(农医)项目!(95-Z150