331 research outputs found


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    思春期・青年期は、急激な心身の変化による不安定を抱えるとともに、精神疾患の好発年齢でもある。また、発症に至らなくとも、何らかの社会適応の困難や不都合を抱えている若者は多く、早期に適切な支援と、若者が望む人生に進むことができるための過渡的な支援が必要である。わが国における適用可能な若者への早期支援・過渡的支援の方向性を探るために、ニュージーランドのオークランド市カリ早期支援センターで行われている「Youth Transitional Programme: YTP」とNPO法人ユースホライゾンズで行っている「Multi Systemic Therapy: MST 」および「Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care: MTFC」の訪問調査を行った。いずれも、若者と家族のストレングスに焦点をあて、若者を取り巻く環境へのアプローチがシステマティックに行われていた。介入期間が設定されており、若者と家族自身が定めた目標を実現するために支援者と協働で計画を作成し、多職種によるチームがリカバリー志向の支援にあたる実際から、多くの示唆を得ることができた

    A characteristic response of the northern middle atmosphere to elevated stratopause

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    第7回極域科学シンポジウム/横断セッション:[IM] 中空大気・熱圏11月30日(水)統計推理研究所 3階セミナー室D30

    福祉実習コンピテンスの取り組みの成果と今後の課題 -ソーシャルワーク実習及び精神保健福祉援助実習におけるセルフアセスメントおよびコンピテンステスト結果との関連性分析-

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    Subcutaneous emphysema is a rare complication in the dental practice, including oral surgical procedures. This paper presents a case of intra-operative face and neck emphysema accompanied with double vision. A 23-year-old male was referred to our department for the removal of a horizontally impacted third molar of the mandible. The surgical procedure was performed under local anesthesia. During the separation of the tooth crown from the root, the patient complained of swelling of the right face and neck. Just after the operation, diffuse swelling of the right face and neck with a cracking or crepitant feeling on palpation was seen. In addition, double vision was noticed. The lesion was diagnosed as subcutaneous and intraorbital emphysema, and preventative antibiotic was administrated. The double vision disappeared three days after the surgery and the swelling disappeared completely after seven days


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    1965年より1979年までの15年間に当科で扱った原発性膀胱腫瘍226名を対象として臨床統計的観察を行なった.男女比は4:1, 年齢は23~92歳, 平均60.4歳であり, 初発症状は血尿が79.2%と最も多く, 頻尿, 排尿痛がこれに続いた.腫瘍発生部位は側壁が最も多く47.3%で, 後壁, 全壁, 三角部の順に多かった.治療を受けた184例の組織像は移行上皮乳頭腫10.4%, 移行上皮癌81.0%, 腺癌2.7%, 扁平上皮癌2.2%であった.初回手術療法は経尿道手術89例, 腫瘍単純摘除術16例, 膀胱部分切除術37例, 膀胱全摘除術20例であり, 保存的治療法としては抗癌剤の膀胱内注入療法14例, 温熱療法1例, 放射線療法5例が行なわれた.各手術療法別の5年実測生存率はTUR群79.1%, TVR群59.4%などで, 膀胱保存手術, 膀胱全摘除群とも低悪性度腫瘍の方が予後良好であった.膀胱保存手術施行の142例中38例, 26.8%に再発がみられたBetween 1965 and 1979, 226 newly diagnosed cases of bladder tumor were seen at our hospital. A follow-up study was made on 184 adequatedly treated patients. The male to female ratio was 4.0. Age distribution showed a peak incidence in the 70s. Chief complaints were hematuria (79.2%), urinary frequency (7.1%), burning upon urination (2.2%), urinary retention (2.2%), and flank pain (0.9%). Location of the tumor was the lateral wall in 47.3% of the cases, the postesior wall in 25.2%, the trigone in 5.8%, the vesical neck in 5.8%, the anterior wall in 3.1%, and the dome in 2.2%. Histologically, 81% were transitional call carcinoma, 2.7% were adenocarcinoma, 2.2% were squamous cell carcinoma and 10.4% were transitional cell papilloma. The 5-year survival rate (observed survival rate) in each initial treatment group was: 79.1% for TUR; 59.4% for TVR; 68.2% for partial cystectomy; and 35.9% for simple total cystectomy. Local recurrence in the groups of conservative surgery occurred in 26.8% of the cases. For the group of partial cystectomy, the recurrence rate was higher in patients with a high grade tumor than those with a low grade tumor


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    Intravesical combination chemotherapy was performed in 48 cases with bladder tumors. Mitomycin C 10 mg was administered concomitantly with cytosine arabinoside 20 mg (4 cases, group A), 100 mg (21 cases, group B), 200 mg (3 cases, group C) or 300 mg (20 cases, group D). The clinical results were as follows: 1) Complete disappearance of tumors was found in 24% of group B, in 33% of group C, and in 35% of group D. Clinical improvement including complete disappearance of tumors was found in 25% of group A, in 57% of group B, in 67% of group C, and in 80% of group D. 2) Side effects were found in 25% of group A, in 9.5% of group B, in 33% of group C, and in 20% of group D. But most of them were minor side effects. 3) Recurrence rate was 2.7% within 6 months, and 5% within 18 months. 4) It was concluded that the treatment with mitomycin C 10 mg and cytosine arabinoside 100 mg was satisfactory in the tumors (pedunculated, papillary, of smaller size than the small finger head, or of grade I). The necessary dosage of mitomycin C was 10 mg and that of cytosine arabinoside was 300 mg for the tumor of larger size than the thumb tip even pedunculated, the sessile tumor or the tumor of above gradeII