277 research outputs found

    Research on Returningof Unjust Enrichment Profit

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    不当得利制度源远流长。该制度起源于罗马法,并随着社会的变迁、理论的演进和法治的发展,同合同、侵权行为、无因管理共同成为债之发生原因。但该制度在我国发展较为缓慢,理论上对于不当得利法律效果的研究更有阙如。本文通过逻辑梳理比较和价值分析的方式,对于不当得利效力上最具争议的问题即获利返还责任进行研究,并就该问题提出相应的意见和建议,以期对我国民事法律体系中不当得利制度的完善提供有效的理论帮助和实务指引。 全文主体分为四个部分。 第一章介绍理论上已明确界定的不当得利返还客体的主要内容,并由此引出本文所要研究问题之核心,即不当得利中的获利。该章节重点从返还客体和返还范围两个层面展开分析,在说明获利与...Unjust enrichment system has a long history. This system derives from Roman law. With the shifting of society, the evolution of theory and the development of rules of law, unjust enrichment system has been the main cause of the debt with the contract, tort, and negotiorum gestio. But this system develops so slowly in our country, meanwhile the research on this theory is inadequate. This paper trie...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:1362010115021

    Establishment and Application of Competency Model in LucasMilhaupt Comapny

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    进入21世纪以来,市场环境趋于变化、知识更新速度不断加快,企业核心竞争力的形成与增强越来越依靠人力资源来实现,人才的竞争已经成为了企业间的主要竞争,人力资源管理也已经成为企业发展的重要保证。而胜任素质模型为企业人力资源管理系统如何有效支撑企业战略找到了出发点和载体,是整个人力资源管理系统运作的基石和条件。如何在企业中建立胜任素质模型并且应用到人力资源管理系统的各方面也成为企业人力资源管理的重点。 本文研究的对象是鲁科斯钎焊材料(苏州)有限公司。鲁科斯是钎焊行业的世界第一,在进入中国市场之后得到了迅猛的发展。但随之企业的快速增长和团队规模的急速扩大,人员水平参差不齐,人员问题日渐突显,公司急需...In the 21st century, the environment in the market vary from minute to minute, the knowledge renewal speed is accelerating, so the core competitiveness of enterprises depends on human resource more and more. The competition among enterprises has been mainly converted into the competition for talents. Human resources management has become an important guarantee for the development of enterprises. M...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115089

    An Empirical Research of Board Size and the Stability of Corporate Performance and Dividend Policies

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    董事会规模对董事会效率的影响,是公司治理领域的一个重要问题。在实证研究中,学者们通常通过研究董事会规模对公司业绩的影响间接检验董事会规模对董事会效率的影响。本文关于董事会规模影响公司业绩及股利政策稳定性的实证研究,是董事会规模影响公司业绩的延伸研究,进一步探寻董事会规模与公司业绩及股利政策稳定性之间关系的规律,对促进我国公司治理状况的改善、提高我国上市公司的董事会效能等具有重要的参考价值。本文以中国沪深A股上市公司1999-2005年连续七年的年报数据为基础,选取575家上市公司共4025个观测样本,研究了我国上市公司董事会规模与公司业绩及股利政策稳定性的关系,实证发现:1.公司董事会规模越大...In the corporate governance, whether board size influences the efficiency of the board has been the subject of intense research. Scholars usually test it by studying the influence of board size on corporate performance. The empirical analysis of board size and the stability of corporate performance and dividend policies in this paper just stems from the relationship between board size and corporat...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:2005130120

    A Comparative Study of the Envrionmental NGOs'communication strategies in China------based on the cases of Greenpeace & Friends of Nature

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    本文通过对“绿色和平”和“自然之友”两个环保NGO组织的考量,探讨了环保NGO在中国的传播策略。本文以两个组织进行的环保活动作为研究案例,分别从大众、政府、传媒、企业四个维度对其传播活动进行分析,从而看到了国际环保NGO和本土环保NGO各自的传播策略优势和不足。在此基础上,认识到两个组织在组织运行、传播态度、形象展现以及文化根基四个方面存在一定差异。最后,针对这样的特点为环保NGO在中国的传播策略提出了相关的建议。 通过分析,本文认为:国际环保NGO在西方文化的背景下,有着独特的社会位置。他们经过多年的发展积累,已经形成了制度化的运作,专业程度较高,但在行事上比较激进;而中国的环保NGO才刚...Based on the environmental NGO case study of Greenpeace and Friends of Nature, the paper explores environmental NGOs’ communication strategies in China. Through activity research in four dimensions, namely the mass, the government, the media and the enterprises, the paper makes a comparison between the international NGOs and the local NGOs in China. The paper finds out that they differ from each o...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3062007115288


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    Classification Analysis Based on Literature about TCM Syndrome Types of Depressive Disorder

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    在遵循循证医学原则的前提下,系统检索近10年来抑郁症中医及中西医结合临床研究类文献。并将检索的文献按照证候研究、方药治疗、辨证论治、综述进行分类,根据各类文献的研究特点采用不同的统计方法,对抑郁症证候分类进行分析研究,以期总结归纳出抑郁症临床常见证候,为抑郁症中医证候规范化、客观化提供参考依据。统计分析结果显示抑郁症临床常见证候依次为:肝气郁结、肝郁脾虚、心脾两虚、痰气郁结、肝郁肾虚、气郁化火。On the premise of following evidence-based medicine,we searched the clinical research literature of traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) and combined traditional Chinese and western medicine on depressive disorder in nearly a decade comprehensively.We classified these literature according to the syndrome types research,clinical therapy,syndrome differentiation and treatment and literature review.On the basis of the characteristics of literature and different statistical methods,we analyzed the syndrome classification of depressive disorder to summarize the common syndrome types of clinical depressive disorder,providing some references for the standardization and objectification of syndromes for depressive disorder.Statistical analysis results show that the depressive disorder common clinical syndromes in the order:stagnation of liver qi,stagnation of liver qi and spleen deficiency,heart-spleen deficiency,phlegm-qi stagnation,liver depression and kidney deficiency,qi depression transforming into fire.福建省自然科学基金项目(2014J01374);; 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20133007

    NETSTARS 模式加入橋墩沖刷功能之研究─以八掌溪為例

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    This study applies NETSTARS V3.0 by adding the calculation functions of eighteen pier scour formulas based on a comprehensive literature review to demonstrate local scour mechanisms. The study area is a reach of the Pachang Creek from the Housheng Bridge to the Chukou Bridge. We do not set the structures and weirs in the river to be scoured. Simulations are conducted by setting boundary conditions and importing information about nineteen bridges, and validations are separated into two steps as: general scouring and bridge local scouring. The best parameters are qualified by computing error evaluated parameter to fit the changing tendencies of the Pachang Creek. Finally, long-term riverbed evolution is simulated. The results show that there are 5 bridges with erosion trends. The results can be used as a reference for one-dimensional numerical models with pier scouring functions.本研究以NETSTARS V3.0 功能為基礎,根據橋墩沖刷研究,撰寫橋墩沖刷功能並新增18 個常用的橋墩沖刷公式於模式中。研究區域為八掌溪厚生橋至觸口橋河段。在輸砂模式建置上,將結構物設定為不可沖刷,並輸入邊界條件與現有19 座橋樑資訊,完成一般沖刷與局部沖刷階段之參數檢定,並利用誤差評估參數檢視最佳參數以反應八掌溪流域河床變遷趨勢。最後對未來十年河床沖淤進行預測,推測有沖刷趨勢的橋樑共5 座,研究成果可作為一維數值模式新增橋墩沖刷功能之參考

    Yield and Value of Fishery Products of Zhangjiangkou Mangrove Forestry National Nature Reserve

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    2006年全年对福建漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区红树林主要分布地竹塔村辖区内的海产品类型、产量和价格进行了逐日统计。结果表明:2006年竹塔村滩涂海产品总产量为529956kg(1589.9kg/HM2),远高于一般的红树林。其中缢蛏苗和缢蛏成品的产量最高,分别为312468kg(937.4kg/HM2)和123376kg(370.1kg/HM2),占总产量的59.0%和23.3%。泥蚶、锯缘青蟹成品和泥螺分别占总产量的12.2%、2.3%和2.0%。缢蛏苗以冬季(1月和12月)的产量最高;锯缘青蟹苗年产量为2.59尾/M2,高峰期出现在6月至11月。2006年竹塔村红树林滩涂海产品总产值为1388.0万元(4.17万元/HM2)。研究结果可为红树林生态系统服务功能的评价和红树林的科学管理提供基础数据。Daily investigation of the yield and value of the main fishery products within a mangrove area of Zhuta village in Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve were surveyed throughout the year of 2006.Results showed that the total yield of fishery products in this area was 529 956 Kg(1589.9kg/hm2) in 2006,much higher than that of the normal mangrove areas.The yields of young and adultSinonovacula constricta were the highest among the fishery products,respectively 312 468 kg(937.4kg/hm2) and 123 376 kg(370.1kg/hm2) ,accounting for 59.0% and 23.3% respectively of the total fishery yields.Tegillarca granosa,adult Scylla serrata and Bullacta exarata were the second important fishery products,accounting for 12.2%,2.3% and 2.0% of the total fishery products respectively.The yield of youngSinonovacula constricta peaked in winter(January and December) and the peak season of young Scylla serrata appeared between June and November.The annual fishery products value was 13.88 million Yuan(41 700 Yuan per hm2) .The results provide a basis for the evaluation of ecological services of mangroves and for its sound management.国家自然科学基金项目(40876046)资

    Recognition of traditional Chinese medicine on cancer pain and a corresponding analysis for its medication regularity

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    中医诊治肿瘤是当今中医防治重大疾病的一个特色。癌痛发生的机制极其复杂,全面了解癌痛中医的发病和证型,是进行有效缓解癌痛症状的重要基础。文章通过对癌性疼痛中医发病的再认识与探讨、证型分析、列举癌痛症状的常见证型,阐明中医辨证论治癌痛的规律;并针对不同癌痛证型的治疗,明确了用药的合理性。西医学对癌痛机制的研究推进了中医用药,但在癌痛药物应用上各有缺陷和不足,有待现代科学技术进一步研究。文章从癌痛病因病机特点出发,探讨癌痛不同证型中药使用规律,对恶性肿瘤基本病机的再认识和治疗具有重要指导作用。Currently, traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) in the treatment of cancer was considered as a characteristic in prevention and cure of major diseases.It was all known that the mechanism of cancer pain was extremely complex, for the reason that a comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis and syndrome types played an important role in relieving the pain symptom of cancer.In this paper, recognized the pathogenesis in TCM, syndrome types and common symptoms, it illustrated the regularity of TCM in the differentiation syndrome and the treatment of cancer pain.The different Chinese drugs were directly and reasonably prescribed for different syndrome types of cancer pain.Thanks to the study of western medicine, the TCM medication had significant progress on the treatment of cancer pain.But, modern science and technology still should be needed to make a great effort for the further study, because of defects and deficiencies either in western medicine or Chinese medicine.Generally, according to the characteristics of cause and pathogenesis of cancer pain, this paper explored the regularity of TCM medication for different syndrome types of cancer pain, which would have important guidance effect on recognition and treatment of cancer.厦门市重大科技计划项目(No.3502Z20100006)~

    Schottky Barrier S /D Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors with Ge /SiGe Heterostructure

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    制备了氧化铪(HfO2)高k介质栅SI基gE/SIgE异质结构肖特基源漏场效应晶体管(Sb-MOSfET)器件,研究了n型掺杂SI0.16gE0.84层对器件特性的影响,分析了n型掺杂SIgE层降低器件关态电流的机理。使用uHV CVd沉积系统,采用低温gE缓冲层技术进行了材料生长,首先在SI衬底上外延gE缓冲层,随后生长32 nM SI0.16gE0.84和12 nM gE,并生长1 nM SI作为钝化层。使用原子力显微镜和X射线衍射对材料形貌和晶体质量进行表征,在源漏区沉积nI薄膜并退火形成nIgE/gE肖特基结,制备的P型沟道肖特基源漏MOSfET,其未掺杂gE/SIgE异质结构MOSfET器件的空穴有效迁移率比相同工艺条件制备的硅器件的高1.5倍,比传统硅器件空穴有效迁移率提高了80%,掺杂器件的空穴有效迁移率与传统硅器件的相当。Si-based Ge /SiGe heterostructure Schottky barrier source and drain metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors( SB-MOSFETs) with hafnium dioxide high-k gate were fabricated.The effect of the n-type doped Si 0.16 Ge 0.84 layer on the device performance was investigated,and the mechanism of the device off-state current reduction caused by the n type doping SiGe layer was analyzed.Firstly,Ge buffer was fabricated with low-temperature Ge buffer technique.Then a 32 nm Si 0.16 Ge 0.84 layer and a 12 nm Ge layer were grown on the Ge buffer in the same UHVCVD system.For comparative study, the 32 nm Si 0.16 Ge 0.84 layer was controlled undoped or n-type doped by P.For all samples,1 nm Si layer was grown to passivate the Ge surface.Atomic force microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to characterize the surface morphology and crystal quality of the materials.NiGe / Ge Schottky junctions in source and drain were formed by nickel layer deposition and anneal.The fabricated Ge / SiGe heterosturctual MOSFET device without n-type doping shows 150% enhancement of the hole effective mobility over that of the control Si device and about 80% enhancement over the universal Si device.And the device with n-type doping shows a comparable hole effective mobility with the universal Si MOSFET device.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61036003;61176092); 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2012CB933503;2013CB632103); 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(2010121056