91 research outputs found

    Design of Environment Detect Instrument Peripheral Interface Circuit Based on CPLD

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    随着我国经济的发展,社会的进步和人们环保意识的提高,环境质量越来越为公众所关注。但是,如何进行环境监测,仍然是人们当前关注的热点问题。而环境监测工作面临的主要问题是如何进一步提高监测技术水平,保证监测数据质量,以及如何对环境污染状况作出科学的评价。本课题在人们对环保要求的前提下,致力于一种便携式环境监测仪的研究和开发。根据实际情况的需要,环境监测仪能够工作各种恶劣的环境场合,并且能够现场读数和进行环境参数的存储。按照顺序,本文研究的内容主要包括:1.对于嵌入式系统的的传统设计方法与软硬件协同设计方法进行了比较分析,并参照软硬件协同的设计方法进行了本系统的硬件平台和软件的总体结构的规划。2.在系...With the development of economy, advancement of the society and improvement of people’s environment protection consciousness, the quality of environment is more and more concerned by the public. However, how to detect environment is still an issue. The major problem environment detect instrument faced is how to improve the level of detect technology, ensure detect data quality, and how to make cor...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_测试计量技术及仪器学号:20032901

    The Dependence Of The Blow-up Time With Respect To The Initial Data In Porous MediaEquation With Nonlinear Source

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    本文对如下形式的多孔介质方程的Dirichlet问题\left\{\begin{array}{ll}u_{t}=\triangleu^m+u^{p},&(x,t)\inQ_{T},\\u(x,t)=0,&(x,t)\in\partial\Omega\times(0,T),\\u(x,0)=u_{0}(x),&x\in\Omega,\end{array}\right.讨论在解的Blow-up时间TT有限的情况下,当初值出现一个小的扰动函数h(x)h(x)时,方程的Blow-up时间ThT_{h}随之发生的变化情况,证明了Blow-up时间TTh|T-T_{h}|.˙.ThispaperisdevotedtotheDirichiletproblemofthefollowingporousmediaequation\...This paper is devoted to the Dirichilet problem of the following porous media equation {ut=um+up,amp;(x,t)QT,u(x,t)=0,amp;(x,t)Ω×(0,T),u(x,0)=u0(x),amp;xΩ,\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}u_{t}=\triangle u^m+u^{p}, &(x,t)\in Q_{T},\\u(x,t)=0 ,&(x,t)\in\partial \Omega \times(0,T),\\u(x,0)=u_{0}(x), & x\in \Omega ,\end{array}\right. let let TbetheBlowuptimeofthesolution,wewillinvestigatetherelationbetween be the Blow-up time of the solution,we will investigate the relation between TandtheBlowuptime and the Blow-up time T_{h}$ of the s...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院数学系_基础数学学号:20032300

    Localization for the p-Laplacian Equation and Global Solution to the Compressible N-S System in 1D Case

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    本论文的内容分为两部分. 第一部分主要讨论拟线性抛物方程的Cauchy问题 \begin{equation}\left\{\begin{array}{ll} u_t={\rmdiv}(|\nablau|^{p-2}\nablau)+u^q,&(x,t)\inR^N\times(0,T),\u(x,0)=u_0(x)\geq0,&x\inR^N,\end{array}\right.\label{1} \end{equation} 解的性质,得到的主要结果如下: 1.对Cauchy问题(0.0.1)证明了解具有局部化性质,即:如果q\geqp-1,并且给定的初始函数u_{...This thesis is divided into two parts. The former part concerns the following quasi-linear equation \begin{equation*}\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} u_t={\rm div} (|\nabla u|^{p-2}\nabla u)+u^q, & (x,t)\in R^N\times (0,T),\u(x,0)=u_0(x)\geq0,& x\in R^N, \end{array}\right. \hspace{3.5cm} (0.0.1) \end{equation*} and we obtained the following results: 1. For the Cauchy problem (0.0.1)$,...学位:理学博士院系专业:数学科学学院数学与应用数学系_基础数学学号:1902006015315

    具非线性源的多孔介质方程解的Blow-up 时间对初值的相依性

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    考虑多孔介质方程的Dirichlet 问题, 讨论在解的Blow-up 时间T 有限的情况下, 当初值出现一个小的扰动函数 h( x ) 时, 相应方程的Blow-up 时间Th 随之发生的变化情况, 证明了Blow-up 时间| T- Th | 和|| h || L1 ( Q)之间连续相依性的结果, 其中QT = Q×( 0, T) , 0=< u0 ( x )? L ( ) , h( x ) ∀ L # ( ) , RN 是一有界区域, 其中对指标m, p 的限制满足1< m < p


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    A Portable Environment Parameters Detector Designed Based on MCU AT89C52

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    本文设计研究了一种便携式环境参数检测仪。该仪器以AT89C52单片机为核心,选用相应的传感器并设计了采集电路,实现对温度、湿度和CO浓度的检测,可显示、查询相关参数,实现人机交互功能;湿度查表子程序中,把划分的湿度小区间视作线性区间,简化MCU计算,提高了系统工作效率。In this paper,a portable environment parameters detector was designed.It mainlydesigned with the adoption of the MCU AT89C52 together with special sensor. It can detect thetemperature, humidity and CO concentration by designing the proper acquisition circuit and itcan also work interactively when displaying, and requesting relative data. To improve the sys-tem's performance, the linearization method was utilized for those small space intervals onthe humidity look-up data designing to simplify the MCU processing.厦门大学科技创新项目(项目编号:20041015


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    2007年厦门大学“材料科学与工程“专业成为国家级“第二类特色专业建设点“。本文就从人才培养、课程体系、实践教学、师资队伍和人才培养质量等方面对该特色专业的建设进行了总结和阐述。教育部第二批高等学校特色专业建设点:材料科学与工程(教高函[2007]31号); 教育部“十二五”国家级实验教学示范中心:厦门大学材料科学与工程专业实验教学示范中心(教高函发不好[2012]13号); 福建省本科高校专业综合改革试点:材料科学与工程专业(闽教高[2012]41号

    Application of 5S management method on the materials science & engineering experimental teaching and personnel training

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    将5S管理方法引入材料科学与工程实验室建设与实验教学管理中。通过建立5S推行组织、确定试运行实验室的方法学习5S管理模式,以点带面,建立逐步在整个实验教学中心、在学生培养中推行5S管理的方法。The 5S management method is introduced into material science and engineering laboratory construction and experimental teaching management.By establishing an implementation organization, determining the test run laboratory, the 5S management mode is studied.And then fan out from point to area, it's gradually set up in the whole experiment center.It's also implemented during the personal training of the students in the university.教育部“十二五”国家级实验教学示范中心:厦门大学材料科学与工程专业实验教学示范中心(教高厅函[2012]13号); 教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划:厦门大学材料科学工程(教高厅函[2013]38号); 教育部第二批高等学校特色专业建设点:材料科学与工程(教高函[2007]31号); 福建省本科高校专业综合改革试点:材料科学与工程专业(闽教高[2012]41号

    Construction an Opening Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Platform for all Students in the University

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    厦门大学材料科学与工程实验教学中心是2012年教育部批准建设的国家级专业实验教学示范中心。该实验教学中心针对不同学科、不同层面的学生,开设面向本专业的A类专业实验课程、面向校内相关理工科专业的B类材料基础实验课程以及面向全校各专业的C类材料通识实验课程。通过分层次、分体系的实验课程设置,教学科研协同发展和校企联合培养的实验教学模式,以及智能化管理系统的建设,实现实验室对全校师生的开放,全面提高实验中心的辐射示范作用。Materials science and engineering experimental teaching center of Xiamen University is an national professional teaching demonstration center, which was approved to construct by the education Ministry in 2012. According to the knowledge background and different requirement of the students in the university the experimental teaching center offers three level experimental courses: Course A is for the students in material college, which contains many specialized materials experiments; Course B is for the students major in science and engineering in the university, which contains basic materials experimental courses; Course C is for all students in the university, which contains general study materials experimental courses. Through the three level course settings and relevant teaching methods, as well as a controlled, visualized and intelligent management system, the center orderly opening to the students comes true. It is benefit to improve the role of radiation and demonstration of the center