1,306 research outputs found

    The Design and Implementation of Second Classroom Management System in Colleges and Universities

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    随着社会的不断进步与改革,我们已经进入一个全新的时代,各国各地区之间的竞争日益激烈,这种竞争的核心是人才素质与质量的竞争。高等教育随着社会的发展,其地位和作用越来越突出。在高等教育中,课堂教学是对学生实施教育的主渠道,但是课堂教学远远不能满足教育的要求,需要第二课堂的参与。第二课堂是第一课堂的补充,不受时空的限制,开展形式多样,成为素质拓展、创新意识培养、实践能力实现等方面的重要载体。正是由于第二课堂教学灵活、新颖的特点,越来越受到高校的重视。经过多年的发展,高校第二课堂教育已经不仅仅是第一课堂教学的补充,而是逐步发展成高校人才培养的重要教育教学环节。研究和深化第二课堂成为培养大学生创新能力的...Along with society's progress and reform,we has entered a new era,increasingly fierce competition between all countries and regions, the quality of this kind of competition is the core of the talent quality and competition.Higher education with the development of the society, the status and role is more and more prominent。In higher education, classroom teaching is the main channel of implementing ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323116

    Study on Corporate Entrepreneurship of SZGX Co., ltd

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    改革开放37年,带来众多民营企业的飞速发展。2015年两会时李克强总理在政府工作报告再次提出:“大众创业,万众创新”,并且从国家到地方都专门出台了很多促进创业的政策,并设立鼓励创新创业的发展基金来支持创业,这些都深深地激发着人们创业的梦想。创新和创业活动更依赖人的创造性和主动性,今天互联网的发展,互联网与传统产业的结合都带了更多的创业和创新机会。如何让这些有激情,但在经验和资源方面缺乏的人才,有更多成功的机会,公司创业这种形式可以为这些创业者提供施展创业精神和能力的舞台,公司创业将整合资源,为人才降低风险,更多地提高创新创业成功的机会,公司创业也将会成为他们获得物质和精神财富,实现创业梦想的最...Thirty-seven years of China’s opening up and reforms have contributed to the rapid growth of the private enterprises. When presenting the Government Work Report at the 2015 NPC & CPPCC, Premier Li Keqiang re-emphasize the importance of “universal entrepreneurship and innovation”. Both the State and local authorities have introduced a variety of policies to boost entrepreneurship, and have establis...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201115622

    Design and Implementation of the CPC Advertising System Based on Web Store

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    当今社会,互联网技术快速崛起,随着互联网技术的飞速发展和人们购物习惯的改变,电子商务平台成为了广大消费者购物的另一个重要渠道。随着各种电子商务平台的兴起,商家入驻的增多,如何获取到更多的流量成为了令众多中小卖家头疼的一个大问题,付费流量成为越来越多卖家的选择,因此独立商城的付费推广系统的研究变得非常有意义。而现在市面上最普遍最成熟的网络广告为搜索引擎竞价排名搜索广告。因此,本文以竞价排名搜索为基础,建立了一个简单的网上商城竞价排名系统。 本系统是基于网上商城的按照点击付费的竞价排名搜索推广系统,对接商城站内和站外的广告资源位,通过搜索和精准的人群定向,为网上商城的卖家提供精准优质的流量。同时...Nowadays with the rapid development of Internet technology to change people's shopping habits and electronic shopping platform has become another important channel for consumers to shop. With the emergence of a variety of e-commerce platform, merchants settled increased, how to get more traffic to become a headache for so many small sellers a big problem, the seller paid traffic become more and mo...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(机械工程)学号:X201323079

    Research on Investigation and Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Waiting Space in Xiamen Railway Station

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    随着陆上交通方式飞速发展,高铁、动车逐渐成为人们出行的主要交通工具,大量老火车站因功能、空间的不足遭到废弃,对老火车站的改扩建进入一个全新的阶段。候车空间作为火车站公共空间中与乘客联系最紧密的一环,也将面临火车站功能、空间更新和人们出行理念变革所带来的一系列新问题。 本文以厦门站候车空间为研究对象,在相关理论研究的基础上,对厦门站候车空间展开实地调研。基于调研结果对其进行使用后评价研究,从中总结厦门站候车空间存在的问题,并提出优化策略。希望通过此次研究对候车空间的设计和使用后评价理论的完善做出一定贡献。 本论文研究的内容主要分为三部分: 第一部分:引出研究课题 第一章绪论部分包括选题缘...With the rapid development of means of land transportation, high speed rai has gradually become the main means of transport for people to travel, due to lack of function and space, a lot of old railway station abandoned, the old train station expansion into a new stage. Waiting space, as the most closely linked with passengers in the railway station public space, will also face a series of new pro...学位:建筑学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_建筑学硕士学号:2522013115179


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    勒·柯布西耶作为一个决然的现代主义者,他的城市与建筑的设计理念不仅表现在大量设计作品之中,也呈现在他的视觉与影像探索之中。本文在回顾和追溯柯布西耶影像生涯的基础上,分析了他的影像观念及其变迁,并着重探讨了他在城市规划与建筑设计创作中广泛采用的影像加工手段。As a determined modernist, Le Corbusier's philosophy of urban and architectural design is not only manifested in his design works, but also presented in his pictorial and visual exploration. This paper reviewes Le Corbusier's life as a visual artist and then analyzes shifts and chances in his persecutions of visual arts though his career. Based on such analysis, this paper gives special focuses on a discussion of Le Corbusier's visual art techniques which are widely adopted in his urban architectural designs

    An Analysis of the Copyright Indirect Infringement Liability of Internet Service Provider

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    随着信息时代的到来,网络的发展给人们的生活带来了巨大的变化。人们在分享网络带来便利的同时,网络侵权也给现有的法律规则带来了挑战,导致原有的利益平衡机制失衡。其中一个重要的问题就是随着网络著作权侵权形式的多样化,著作权原有的法律保护机制已经越来越不适应新问题的解决。网络改变了作品的传播方式,侵权的形式也呈现出多样化,如何平衡网络服务商、著作权人、用户之间的利益关系是急需解决的问题。网络服务商作为信息传播的中介者,正确认定它在网络著作权侵权中的责任是解决所有问题的关键。 目前,我国关于网络著作权侵权方面的法律规定尚不健全,面对极具增长的网络著作权侵权纠纷,现有的法律显得有些力不从心,急需完善。国...The appearance of the Internet has made people’s life so tremendously changeable. The Internet has made people’s life more convenient, but it also shakes the active legal system and causes the unbalance of intrinsic interest balance mechanism. One of the important problems is that traditional laws can’t adopt the new condition with many kinds of the Internet copyright infringement mode. The Intern...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:1292007115037

    The Legitimate Research of Variable Interest Entity

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    内容摘要 协议控制模式,又称为“新浪模式”,是新浪于2000年首创的境外间接上市 模式,也即红筹模式的一种。十余年来,协议控制模式已为百余家境外上市的中 国民营企业所采用,行业涉及互联网、教育、传媒、食品、制药、能源、金融、 运输等诸多领域,对我国相关行业的发展和革新起到了极大的促进作用,却亦对 我国金融市场产生了一定冲击。我国监管部门对境内民营企业采用协议控制模式 赴境外交易市场融资之行为一直持“默许”态度,但从未真正放弃监管意愿。 协议控制模式产生的直接原因是我国对外资准入行业的过多限制。究其根 源,却是我国现行法律背景下境内上市门槛高、风险投资市场不成熟导致。因此, 本...ABSTRACT VIE mode, one of the red-chip mode, also known as "Sina model", was first invented by SINA in 2000 as an indirect offshore listing model. For more than 10 years, the VIE mode has been adopted by hundreds of overseas-listed Chinese private enterprises, involving the Internet, education, media, food, pharmaceuticals, energy, financial services, transport and other fields. The VIE mode ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302012115024

    Marketing Analysis on the Shizhushan Scenic Spot

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    近10多年来,我国旅游业一直以位居世界前列和适度超前于国民经济的速度保持快速发展的良好势头,在投资、就业和收支平衡方面发挥了十分重要的作用,成为拉动国家和地方经济增长的有生力量。各级政府对旅游业高度重视,纷纷把旅游业作为“支柱产业”、“朝阳产业”、“重点产业”、“龙头产业”。“十二五”时期福清旅游产业将进入持续发展的关键阶段,福清市将其确定为国民经济的新兴支柱产业。高效发挥旅游资源优势,实现经济支柱产业目标是一个系统工程,而旅游市场营销是其中一个十分关键的环节。搞好旅游市场营销构建是提高旅游业市场竞争力,快速发展旅游业的重要手段。 位于海峡西岸福建省会城市福州南翼的福清市,其域内国家4A级旅...Ranking on the top of the world and with a speed of moderately ahead of national economy, China’s tourism industry has been keeping a good momentum of rapid development over the past ten years. Tourism industry in China has played a very important role in terms of investment, employment and balance of payments, becoming an effective strength to pull up the national and local economic growth. For t...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200715504

    Synthesis of morphology-controlled Cu-,Co-based oxides and study on their catalytic properties

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    半导体光催化氧化法是一种新型污水处理技术,具有高效环保、绿色无害、无二次污染及净化彻底等传统工艺无可比拟的优势,且其利用太阳光照来降解有机物,不会消耗其它形式的能量。这些优点赋予光催化广阔而明朗的应用前景,目前已经成为国际上最受青睐的研究领域之一。 氧化亚铜(Cu2O)因其特殊的晶体结构和优良的光电性能引起了人们的广泛关注,在半导体光催化技术的发展中发挥出巨大潜能。尤其纳米尺度的Cu2O,因其光催化降解水体中有机污染物的效率甚为可观,得到了这一领域的研究人员的青睐。 本文以乙酸铜为前驱体,维生素C(抗坏血酸)为还原剂,采用温和的化学沉淀法来制备纳米Cu2O粒子。通过改变反应温度、表面活性剂...Semiconductor photocatalytic oxidation, which uses solar power as energy source without consuming any other forms of energy, is a new-fangled technology of treating waste water. It possesses many incomparable advantages over traditional methods, such as high efficient, green, environmental-friendly and so on. Besides, it can thoroughly purify the organic matters without bringing in any secondary p...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院_材料工程学号:2072011115010

    Research on the China’s Export Rebate Policy in times of Trade Surplus

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    近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,出口规模不断扩大,贸易盈余持续增加,由此产生的贸易摩擦日益加剧。为解决贸易盈余问题,从2004年1月1日起,财政部降低了一般性出口产品退税率,调低或取消了国家限制出口产品和部分资源性产品出口退税率,整个国家出口退税率的平均水平降低了3个百分点左右;从2007年7月1日起,财政部进一步调整2831项商品的出口退税政策,约占海关税则中全部商品总数的37%;2005年7月21日,中国人民银行发布公告,决定我国开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度;那么,这些政策的效果如何?国家如何进一步通过出口退税政策和汇率政策来解决我国的贸易盈余问题...Recently, with the development of our economy, China''s export scale enlargedcontinuously. When we got great trade surplus, trade frictions intensified day byday. In order to solve the trade surplus problem, since January1,2004, Ministry offinance reduced the export rebate rate of general export product, reduced orcancelled the export rebate rate of restricted and resource products. The wholecount...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:2005130083