621 research outputs found

    Study on the Removal of Nitrogen Oxide from Diesel Engine Exhaust by Non-thermal Plasma Facilitated with Conventional Denitrification Process

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    氮氧化物(NOx)是重要的大气污染物之一,有N2O、NO、N2O3、NO2、N2O5等多种形态,柴油器尾气中的NOx主要以NO和NO2的形态存在。大气中的NOx主要来源于燃煤电厂、水泥行业和内燃机的废气排放,会造成光化学烟雾、酸雨等大气污染现象,刺激人的眼、鼻、喉、肺,危害人类健康。作为内燃机中的主要机型,柴油发动机广泛应用于发电机组、工农业机械和交通运输等领域,产生的废气是大气中NOx的重要来源之一。目前用于降低柴油机尾气中NOx含量的技术主要是燃油高压喷射、增压中冷、废气再循环等机内控制技术,对NOx的脱除效果有限。机外控制技术主要包括选择性催化还原、NOx存储还原技术等,但也各有其应用局...Nitrogen oxides (NOx) is one of the most important air pollutants, including N2O, NO, N2O3, NO2, N2O5 and so on, almost 98% of the NOx exist in the form of NO and NO2. NOx mainly resource from coal-fired power plants, cement industry and internal combustion engine emissions, which may cause photochemical smoke, acid rain and other air pollution phenomenon, to stimulate people's eyes, nose, throat,...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境工程学号:3312014115171


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    SDBSH SMEs Loans Innovation Case Study

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    目前,我国中小企业数量已占全国企业总量的99.3%,中小企业创造的最终产品和服务的价值占全国GDP的58.5%、中小企业还吸纳了75%的城镇就业人口和75%以上农村转移出来的劳动力。中小企业作为我国国民经济的一支重要力量,在推动经济发展和保持社会稳定方面发挥着重要的作用。但是中国中小企业“融资难”已经成为制约中国中小企业发展的重要“瓶颈”。 本文既从外部环境、制度体系角度对发展中小企业信贷业务进行宏观分析,又从SDBSH分行自身和中小企业融资角度进行微观分析,坚持宏观和微观相结合的分研究方法。旨在解决SDBSH分行发展中小企业信贷业务中出现的问题。 本文以大量的数据作为分析基础,从信贷实务...At present, the number of SMEs in China accounted for 99.3% of the total national enterprises, SMEs to create the value of final goods and services accounted for 58.5% of the national GDP, SMEs can also absorb 75% of urban employment and 75 percent of rural population transfer out of the labor force. SMEs in the national economy as an important force in promoting economic development and maintaini...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200915632

    Research on CR Coatings Differentiated Marketing

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    “竞争战略之父”迈克尔•波特指出,企业要想在市场竞争中生存,要么具有成本优势,要么实行差异化战略,有差异才能有市场,才能在同行业竞争中立于不败之地。在中国涂料市场,涂料产品也正作为一种生活方式的存在元素越来越受到消费群的强化,但受产能过剩、产品同质化、以及原材料涨价等诸多原因影响,快速扩张势头放缓,接下来的市场营销,必然是差异化的营销。 笔者多年来在华润涂料企业的营销工作中,深深感受到涂料营销差异化的重要以及差异化策略的选择困难。传统的市场细分方法,对当前的涂料差异化营销,起到的作用是微小的。 本文以价值链理论、营销价值链理论为基础,对华润涂料企业进行分析,构建了差异化营销价值...Michael Porter, "Father of competitive strategy", pointed out that enterprises should pursue either cost leadership or differentiation strategy in order to survive in the competitive market. It is the differences of products that bring market, thus could make them remain invincible in the competition. In the Chinese market, coating products are as one of the lifestyle elements which are enhanced b...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115088

    The welfare properties of Agricultural Futures Market

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    本研究的目的是探讨农产品期货市场通过同时改变供给方和需求方预期进而影响市场预期所产生的福利效应。本研究构建了不存在期货交易的现货市场单均衡模型和存在期货交易的期货市场、现货市场一般均衡模型。在理性预期的框架下,本研究分别确定引进期货市场前后的现货价格行为方程,并以此计算相应的社会福利水平。结合数值技术对非线性模型求解的基础上,本研究从三个角度分析期货市场所产生的福利效应:狭义的福利效应(社会福利水平改变程度)、系统效应(市场均衡收敛效率改变程度)和方差效应(对现货市场价格波动改变程度)。本研究着重研究各个现货市场参数对期货市场福利效应发挥的影响,给出更为一般化的分析。 本研究的结论主要有: ...This dissertation aims at discussing the welfare properties of future market for agricultural products based on the assumptions that the expectation of suppliers and demanders are simultaneous affected after future market is introduced. A single equilibrium model of spot market in absence of future market and general equilibrium model between spot and future markets in presence of future market ar...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:B20034200

    Design and Implementationof Equipment Management System for Oil-Gas Stations

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    油气场站作为保障管道安全平稳运行的关键环节,承担着油气的增压、计量、 分输等重要作用。随着我国油气管道事业的迅猛发展,管道企业对油气场站设备 管理提出了更高的要求。传统的设备管理模式已不能满足发展现状,如何通过信 息化加强企业对油气场站设备的管控能力,保证油气场站设备的安全高效运行和 实现设备的全生命周期管理成为一项至关重要的工作。 针对管道企业的设备管理现状,利用信息系统建立适合管道企业的设备全生 命周期管理的日常工作平台。实现设备台帐管理、设备运行管理、维检修管理、 设备技术管理、工程项目管理、外委服务管理和专项管理等功能。 本文应用Java开发语言和Oracle11g数据...Oil-gas stations as the key link to ensure safety and smooth operation of pipeline, Assume an important role on pressurize、measurement and transmission. With the rapid development of China's oil and gas pipeline, pipeline companie put forward higher requirements on equipment management. The traditional equipment management mode can not satisfy the current situation of the development. How to use i...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123068

    Customer Relationship Management System Design and Implementation

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    在我国加入了WTO之后,各大银行所要面临的压力也变得越来越大,进而以客户为中心的销售经营理念已经成为各大银行营销的模式,在这种情况下,各大银行相继将客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement),也就是我们经常提到的CRM引入各自的银行业务处理中。所谓的银行客户信息管理系统就是指在银行的运营环境中管理全行客户资料以及挖掘潜在客户的计算机应用系统。银行客户信息管理系统已经成为银行迅速发展不可缺少的一个环节。本文从银行客户关系管理系统的总体设计着手,结合我国银行客户关系管理系统的具体实际情况,设计实现了银行客户关系管理系统。首先对研究银行客户关系管理的背景、意义做了简...In China's accession to the WTO, the major banks have to face the pressure to become more and more, and then a customer-centric sales philosophy has become the major banks marketing model, in this case, the major banks have customer relationship management, this is what we often referred to CRM) into their respective banking processing. The so-called bank customer information management system ref...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201023034

    Development Strategy of China's Commercial Banks Supply Chain Financing

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    本文就中国工商银行股份有限公司(简称“工商银行”)供应链融资业务的发展问题进行研究。供应链融资业务是工商银行信贷业务经营模式的创新,对工商银行信贷业务可持续发展、结构调整和战略转型具有重要意义。然而,对于我国商业银行供应链融资业务的发展却刚刚起步。而作为我国最大的商业银行,工商银行加快推进供应链融资业务由粗放式发展向集约式发展,由点式发展向链式发展转变,以“链金融”为抓手,深入挖掘核心企业上下游客户资源,推动供应链融资业务实现数量和质量的双飞跃,结合区域客户资源优势合理把握供应链融资拓展方向,在重点领域培育富有竞争力的供应链金融服务体系与竞争优势,积极推进供应链融资业务稳健发展,是义务更是一种...In this paper, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (referred to as "the Industrial and Commercial Bank) supply chain financing business development. Supply chain financing business is a major innovation of my line of credit business model, the Bank credit operations sustainable development, restructuring and strategic transformation of great significance. However, the development of the co...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115088

    The Noise to the Correlations Between Financial Returns

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    本文应用并扩展随机矩阵理论的检验方法,实证检验资产组合协方差矩阵的噪音干扰。实证发现,经验估计的协方差矩阵存在较高程度的噪音干扰。表现在,经验协方差矩阵的特征值较好地吻合随机矩阵的理论分布,77.53%的特征值落在随机矩阵的理论取值范围内,并具有随机矩阵的普适性质。在过滤噪音后,资产组合的风险估计偏误得到显著降低,最小方差组合在评价期的风险水平显著降低。The noise to the correlations between stocks returns are tested by using the RMT method.77.53% of the eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix are found to fall within the RMT bounds and agree with the universal properties predicted by RMT-implying a large degree of noise.The noise content of the covariance matrix is filtered by applying Mean-value,and Zero-value schemes.With the filtered matrix,the ex post risk of the minimum variance portfolio is reduced significantly.国家社会科学基金资助项目(09CJY013;11CJY098); 教育部人文社会科学研究资助项目(08JC790038); 广东省哲学社会科学“十一五”规划青年基金资助项目(08YE-02); 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育资助项目(WYM08084); 中央高校科研业务费资助项目(x2jmD2117980;x2jmD2118000