17 research outputs found

    Mechanical-chemical synthesis Ba0.77Sr0.23TiO3

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    Barium-Strontium-Titanate Ba0.77Sr0.23TiO3 was prepared from starting materials BaCO3, SrCO3 and TiO2 through solid-state reactions. Mixtures of these oxides are mechanically activated in a high-energy planetary ball mill at different time intervals from 0 to 120 minutes. In order to obtain information on phase composition, crystal structure was determent by X-ray diffraction. It was observed that after 80 minutes in process synthesis Ba0.77Sr0.23TiO3 started Thermal analyzes were performed in order to determine the characteristic temperatures of the processes that occur in the solid phase. Particle size distribution, together with electron microscopy scanning has given us very useful information about the morphology of the powder

    Creative innovation in Spanish construction firms

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    "This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers"Small and medium-sized contractors are characterized by organizational structures that are highly focused on control. As a result, employees concentrate on day-to-day activities with little time or motivation to generate creative ideas. Generally, the technological improvements of these companies arise as a result of problem-solving at the construction site. Nevertheless, the actual status quo is changing. In fact, some Spanish public agencies are already considering innovation as an added value in public procurement; thus, large contractors are starting to systemize their innovative efforts. This means that small and medium-sized enterprises must modify their attitudes towards innovation in order to sustain their competitiveness. The implementation of a system that enhances innovation and acquisition of knowledge may be the solution to overcome this disadvantage. The authors analyzed the implementation of an innovation management system in a Spanish construction firm of medium size for nine years. The system builds on a set of processes aimed to generate innovation projects that allow the contractor to document the innovation, not only for internal purposes related to knowledge management, but also for external ones associated with obtaining better results in public tenders. These processes are: (a) technology watch; (b) creativity; (c) planning and executing innovation projects; (d) technology transfer; and (e) protection of results. The last step is the feedback of the entire process through the assessment of the final outcomes. The implementation of the innovation system is ensured within the organization, through training of personnel, participation of stakeholders and encouragement of the innovation culture.The research reported in this paper was partially funded by the Universidad Catolica del Maule (UCM) [Project Mejoramiento de la Calidad y Equidad de la Educacion Superior (MECESUP)-UCM0205], the Spanish Ministry of Infrastructure (Project 2004-36), and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) (Contract UPV-2008-0629). Francisco Vea, Ricardo Lacort, and Manuel Civera are thanked for their help and support throughout the implementation of the system. Dr. Debra Westall is thanked for revising the text.Yepes, V.; Pellicer Armiñana, E.; Fernando Alarcón, L.; Correa Becerra, CL. (2015). Creative innovation in Spanish construction firms. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 141:04015006-1-04015006-10. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000251S04015006-104015006-1014

    Određivanje efikasnosti adsorbenata na bazi modifikovane dijatomejske zemlje za adsorpciju katjonske boje metilensko plavo

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    Metilensko plavo se često koristi u tekstilnoj, kozmetičkoj, papirnoj, kožnoj, farmaceutskoj i prehrambenoj industriji, pri čemu kao rezultat nastaju značajne količine otpadne vode. Prisustvo boja u vodenom ekosistemu onemogućava prolazak sunčevih zraka u dublje slojeve, zbog čega se smanjuje fotosinteza, kvalitet vode i rastvorljivost gasova, pa dolazi do akutnog trovanja flore i faune. Zbog toga se primenjuju različite metode za uklanjanje obojenih supstanci pre ispuštanja u prirodne recipijente, među kojima se izdvaja adsorpcija na prirodnim materijalima. U ovom radu ispitana je mogućnost uklanjanja katjonske boje metilensko plavo iz vodenih rastvora adsorpcijom na modifikovanoj dijatomejskoj zemlji. Prvo je izvršena hemijska modifikacija sa barijum-karbonatom, a zatim je dobijeni materijal termički modifikovan na temperaturi od 900ºC pri čemu je karbonat preveden u barijum-oksid. Ovako pripremljeni adsorbenti su korišćeni za uklanjanje metilensko plavog iz vodenog rastvora. Pokazano je da hemijski modifikovana dijatomejska zemlja ima veći afinitet prema katjonskim bojama i da je adsorpcija bolja u neutralnoj i baznoj sredini

    Tourist perceptions and uses of urban green infrastructure:An exploratory cross-cultural investigation

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    nr. 126624Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) serves both inhabitants’ and visitors’ numerous and various needs. This research aimed to enhance knowledge regarding the role of UGI in urban tourism. The research questions addressed tourists’ perceptions of UGI, their understanding and uses of UGI, and the ways that this understanding influenced their travel choice to specific urban destinations. A cross-cultural comparative study among urban tourists was carried out in eight European countries. The selection of case studies followed a roughly comparative logic, employing the same on-site questionnaire survey administered in a sample of large and medium size cities in Southern European, Central European and Northern European countries. Looking from the perspective of the tourists’ countries of origin, our findings validate a well-established trend in international tourism, namely the fact that neighbouring countries tend to be the most significant tourist markets of an urban destination. The other major finding confirmed the most well-known tourist movement patterns of Northern and Central Europeans travelling to the Mediterranean for tourism purposes. While the study revealed that the majority of the tourists interviewed were not very familiar with the term ‘Green Infrastructure’, nor with specific UGI features offered in the visited cities, the importance of UGI was acknowledged and viewed in a mostly very positive light. The majority of respondents enjoyed visiting UGI and used it for some light physical activity or for purposes of relaxation, socialization, and in order to explore the culture and society of the destination city. The fact that most UGI in the case study cities is located around or within a short distance from important heritage sites provided UGI with an indirect possibility of being included in the tourists’ visiting plans. In conclusion, the results of this study may prove to be very helpful to local and regional authorities in [...]Miškų ir ekologijos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta