232 research outputs found


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    The association of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is well known. Interaction of HPV proteins with cellular regulatory proteins leads to up regulation of p16INK4A. The aim of this study was to evaluate p16INK4A protein as a biomarker for CIN lesions and squamous cell carcinoma on biopsy specimens of patients who underwent biopsy of the uterine cervix due to abnormal cytological finding.The authors analyzed biopsies from 50 patients with CIN and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Expression of p16INK4A in CIN and invasive squamous cell carcinoma was immunohistochemically analyzed by using monoclonal anti-p16INK4A antibody.A total of 50 patients with CIN and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix (mean age 40.2±11.5 years, range 20-74 years) were analyzed. CIN I lesions were found in 27 (54%), CIN II/CIN III lesions in 9 (18%), and invasive squamous cell carcinoma in 14 (28%) patients. Differences in the expression of p16INK4A between CIN I, CIN II/CIN III and squamous cell carcinoma were statistically significant (p<0.0001). Expression of p16INK4A showed low sensitivity (7%), specificity (8%), positive predictive value (8%), and negative predictive value (7%) for CIN I. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of p16INK4A were 78%, 61%, 30%, and 93% for CIN II/CIN III, and 100%, 75%, 61%, and 100% for squamous cell carcinoma, respectively.Results of this study suggest that p16INK4A protein may be a sensitive biomarker for CIN II/CIN III lesions and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix

    Quality of work of Väderstad Rapid drill in doublecropping of soybean

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    Prateći karakteristike soje i prednosti postrne sjetve, te karakteristike same sijačice Väderstad Rapid kao i njezin doprinos u postrnoj sjetvi, provedeno je istraživanje koje obuhvaća razlike koje proizlaze iz sjetve Väderstad Rapid direct ili disc sustavom u postrnoj sjetvi soje. Istraživanje je provedeno na parceli Dragalić T4 u Okučanima, nakon žetve pivarskog ječma. U istraživanju je promatrano nicanje soje i bilježeno u tri navrata. Prilikom prvog mjerenja uočeno je da Rapid disc sustav bilježi bolje rezultate jer je izniknulo više biljaka soje, no ponovno je izniknulo i više pivarskog ječma. U drugom je mjerenju utvrđeno da je Rapid direct dao bolje rezultate, jer je izniknulo više biljaka soje, a čak oko četiri puta manje biljaka ječma po metru kvadratnom. Pri posljednjem mjerenju kod Rapid disc sustava su utvrđeni bolji rezultati jer je ukupno izniknulo više biljaka soje, a manje biljaka pivarskog ječma. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata u danim uvjetima Väderstad Rapid disc sustav je polučio bolje rezultate u provedenom istraživanju.By following characteristics of soybeans and advantages of stubble sowing, as well as characteristics of the sowing machine Väderstad Rapid and its contribution to double cropping, a survey that includes differences resulting from the sowing Vaderstad Rapid direct or disc system in double cropping soybeans was conducted. The study was performed on the field Dragalić T4 in Okucani, after the harvest of barley. The study observed the soybean population and was recorded on three occasions. During the first measurement, it was noted that the Rapid disc system recorded better results because the soybean population was bigger, but the regrowing barley population was also bigger. By the second measurement is recorded that Rapid direct gave better results because the soybean population was bigger, and there was even four times less barley per square meter. By the last measurement Rapid disc system recorded better results again because soybean population was overall bigger and regrowing barley population was smaller. Based on the results under certain circumstances Väderstad Rapid disc system has yielded better results in the observed survey

    Distance determination to galaxies using binary stars

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    Udaljenosti do astronomskih objekata (planeta, zvijezda i galaksija) općenito je izuzetno teško izmjeriti jer se nalaze nezamislivo daleko. Međutim, poznavanje udaljenosti od suštinskog je značaja za razumijevanje njihove prirode. Luminozitet (ukupnu snagu zračenja) zvijezda i galaksija najčešće se određuje korištenjem zakona očuvanja energije u prostornom kutu (sjaj odnosno gustoća toka zračenja opada s kvadratom udaljenosti). Iz izmjerene kutne veličine i poznate udaljenosti dolazi se do linearne veličine zvijezde ili galaksije, čime se prelazi u 'apsolutnu' skalu nebeskog objekta. U tom je postupku najkritičnije određivanje udaljenosti

    Raspberry Pi

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    Raspberry Pi je jeftino mikroračunalo veličine bankovne kartice. Kreirala ga je Raspberry Pi fondacija s ciljem da poboljša i olakša početnicima učenje u računarstvu. Hardver se razvijao i poboljšavao sa svakom novom verzijom a trenutni procesor je Broadcomov SoC koji sadrži ARM-ove jezgre procesora koje također možemo pronaći i kod pametnih telefona. Najvažniji dio njegovog hardvera su svakako GPIO iglice koje mu i donose praktičnu važnost jer pomoću njih može kontrolirati različite uređaje. Kako je Raspberry Pi računalo to znači da mu je potreban i operacijski sustav. Specijalno u njegovom slučaju potreban mu je operacijski sustav na čijem se izvornom kodu mogu raditi modifikacije i dodavati nove stvari. Operacijski sustav takvog tipa je Linux i njegove distribucije, a najpopularnija Linuxova distribucija za Raspberry Pi je Raspbian koji dolazi u paketu sa hrpom dodatnih mogućnosti. Jedna od tih mogućnosti je i programski jezik Python u kojemu se mogu napisati programski kodovi za kontrolu uredaja. Upravo sve ove značajke, njegova mala veličina, mala cijena i mogućnost pokretanja operacijskog sustava čine ga savršenim za kontrolu manjih uređaja poput motora kod mobilnih robota.Raspberry Pi is a microcomputer size of a bank card and very low price. Its created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to improve and facilitate beginners learning in computer science. Hardware Raspberry Pi has developed and improved with every new version, and its processor is Broadcom’s SoC that contains ARM processor cores, ARM processor cores can be found in smartphones. The most important part of its hardware is certainly GPIO pins that give it great importance, with which they can control some devices. As Raspberryi Pi is a computer that means it needs an operating system, in particular, it needs an open source operating system. The operating system of this type is Linux and its distributions, the most popular Linux distribution for Raspberry Pi is Raspbian, that comes packed with many additional features. One of these feature is also the Python programming language in which you can write program codes to control some devices. All these features; its small size, low cost, the ability to run operating systems make it perfect for controlling some smaller devices, such as robot engines

    Raspberry Pi

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    Raspberry Pi je jeftino mikroračunalo veličine bankovne kartice. Kreirala ga je Raspberry Pi fondacija s ciljem da poboljša i olakša početnicima učenje u računarstvu. Hardver se razvijao i poboljšavao sa svakom novom verzijom a trenutni procesor je Broadcomov SoC koji sadrži ARM-ove jezgre procesora koje također možemo pronaći i kod pametnih telefona. Najvažniji dio njegovog hardvera su svakako GPIO iglice koje mu i donose praktičnu važnost jer pomoću njih može kontrolirati različite uređaje. Kako je Raspberry Pi računalo to znači da mu je potreban i operacijski sustav. Specijalno u njegovom slučaju potreban mu je operacijski sustav na čijem se izvornom kodu mogu raditi modifikacije i dodavati nove stvari. Operacijski sustav takvog tipa je Linux i njegove distribucije, a najpopularnija Linuxova distribucija za Raspberry Pi je Raspbian koji dolazi u paketu sa hrpom dodatnih mogućnosti. Jedna od tih mogućnosti je i programski jezik Python u kojemu se mogu napisati programski kodovi za kontrolu uredaja. Upravo sve ove značajke, njegova mala veličina, mala cijena i mogućnost pokretanja operacijskog sustava čine ga savršenim za kontrolu manjih uređaja poput motora kod mobilnih robota.Raspberry Pi is a microcomputer size of a bank card and very low price. Its created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to improve and facilitate beginners learning in computer science. Hardware Raspberry Pi has developed and improved with every new version, and its processor is Broadcom’s SoC that contains ARM processor cores, ARM processor cores can be found in smartphones. The most important part of its hardware is certainly GPIO pins that give it great importance, with which they can control some devices. As Raspberryi Pi is a computer that means it needs an operating system, in particular, it needs an open source operating system. The operating system of this type is Linux and its distributions, the most popular Linux distribution for Raspberry Pi is Raspbian, that comes packed with many additional features. One of these feature is also the Python programming language in which you can write program codes to control some devices. All these features; its small size, low cost, the ability to run operating systems make it perfect for controlling some smaller devices, such as robot engines

    Gustine i viskoznosti binarnih sistema sa N,N-dimetilanilinom i tetra etilen glikolom dimetil etrom ili N-metil-2-pyrolidonom, kao potencijalni rastvarači za procese odsumporavanja dimnih gasova

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    Sulfur oxides are emitted as one of the products in the process of combusting solid fossil fuels in thermal power plants, especially the Kolubara and Kostolac lignites in the Republic of Serbia. In order to reduce the emission level of the indirect Greenhouse gases (GHG) from stationary sources, it is inevitable to implement flue gas desulfurization (FGD) technology. In addition to the classic limestone process, technological procedures based on the physical or chemical absorption of sulfur oxides in the solvent and its thermal regeneration are becoming increasingly common. In order to properly design and optimize the process, it is significant to precisely determine the thermophysical properties of pure components and their mixtures. The paper presents the results of determining the density and viscosity of two binary mixtures, N,N-Dimethylaniline (N,N-DMA) + Tetra Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether (TEGDME) and N,N-Dimethylaniline (N,N-DMA) + N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP). Measurements were made using a densitometer Anton Paar DMA 5000 and Stabinger viscometer Anton Paar SVM 3000/G2, at atmospheric pressure. The obtained experimental results are presented as a function of temperature and N,N-DMA mole fraction. N,N-DMA belongs to the group of amines, and it has been used as a sorbent for purification of flue gases in processes with thermal regeneration (CANSOLV, Sulphidine and ASARCO processes). The other two organic solvents are TEGDME and NMP. Special attention was paid to NMP due to its low cost and low viscosity, with its favorable properties, making it competitive as a solvent for FGD. TEGDME is a polar solvent, but it is not selective to SO2 and other gaseous components, so NMP has been suggested as an alternative solution. A regenerative process for SO2 removal, with TEGDME, has already found commercial application (Solinox process). NMP is already industrially used as a solvent in Lurgi's Purisol process, due to its nature for selective desulfurization of flue gases.Oksidi sumpora emituju se kao jedan od proizvoda u procesu sagorevanja čvrstih fosilnih goriva u termoelektranama, posebno kolubarskog i kostolačkog lignita u Republici Srbiji. Da bi se smanjio nivo emisije indirektnih gasova staklene bašte (GHG) iz stacionarnih izvora, neizbežna je primena tehnologije odsumporavanja dimnih gasova (FGD). Pored klasičnog krečnjačkog postupka, sve su češć i tehnološki postupci zasnovani na fizičkoj ili hemijskoj apsorpciji sumpornih oksida u rastvaraču i njegovoj termičkoj regeneraciji. Da bi se pravilno dizajnirao i optimizovao proces, važno je precizno odrediti termofizička svojstva čistih komponenti i njihovih smeša. U radu su prikazani rezultati određivanja gustine i viskoziteta dve binarne smeše, N,N-dimetilanilin (N,N-DMA) + tetra etilen glikol dimetil etar (TEGDME) i N,N-dimetilanilin (N,N-DMA) + N-metil-2-pirolidon (NMP). Merenja su vršena pomoću gustinomera Anton Paar DMA 5000 i Stabinger viskozimetra Anton Paar SVM 3000/G2, na atmosferskom pritisku. Dobijeni eksperimentalni rezultati su prikazani kao funkcija temperature i molskog udela N,N-DMA. N,N-DMA pripada grupi amina, a korišć en je kao sorbent za prečišć avanje dimnih gasova u procesima sa termičkom regeneracijom (CANSOLV, Sulphidine i ASARCO procesi). Druga dva organska rastvarača su TEGDME i NMP. Posebna pažnja je posveć ena NMP-u zbog niske cene i niskog viskoziteta, sa svojim povoljnim svojstvima, što ga čini konkurentnim kao rastvarač za FGD. TEGDME je polarni rastvarač, ali nije selektivan ka SO2 i druge gasovite komponente, pa je NMP predložen kao alternativno rešenje. Regenerativni proces za uklanjanje SO2, sa TEGDME, već je našao komercijalnu primenu (Solinox proces). NMP se već industrijski koristi kao rastvarač u Lurgi's Purisol procesu, zbog svoje prirode za selektivno odsumporavanje dimnih gasova.Procesing '24 : 37. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji : zbornik radova - Proceedings, 29-31. maj 2024, Beogra

    Regenerative processes of removing sulfur dioxide from flue gases - selection and determination of thermo-physical properties of new solvents and their mixtures and process modeling

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    Сумпор-диоксид је гас стаклене баште са индиректним дејством, који настаје сагоревањем фосилних горива (угља или нафте), која имају удео сумпора у свом саставу. У Републици Србији ови енергенти су доминантни у процесу производње електричне енергије у оквиру Јавног предузећа Електропривреда Србије (ЈП ЕПС). Већ дуго времена је познато да сумпор-диоксид има штетан утицај на људско здравље, животну околину и на климатске промене. У погледу штетног утицаја на људско здравље, сумпор-диоксид узрокује астму, смањује капацитет плућа и узрокује запаљенске процесе респираторног тракта. У погледу штетног дејства на околину, утиче на закисељавање терена и подземних вода, уништава вегетацију и штетно делује на грађевинске објекте. Појава хлађења атмосфере, услед формирања честица сулфата, један је од од мноштва непожељних ефеката на промену климе. Процеси за уклањање сумпорних оксида из димних гасова у енергетици и процесној индустрији, добијаjу на значају порастом свести о значају њиховог уклањања. Паралелно је растао и значај доношења законске регулативе која ће регулисати ову проблематику, првенствено у индустријски најразвијенијим земљама. Иако је у практичној индустријској употреби, уназад већ неколико деценија, мокри кречњачки поступак још увек најзаступљенији процес за одсумпоравање димних гасова, у последње време, све чешћу примену имају процеси са хемијском и физичком апсорпцијом и термичком регенерацијом солвента. Предности регенеративних апсорпционих поступака су ефикасност и еколошки аспекти...Sulfur dioxide is a greenhouse gas with an indirect effect, produced by burning fossil fuels (coal or oil), with a sulfur in its composition. In The Republic of Serbia, within the Public Enterprise Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS), these fuels are dominant in the production of electricity. It is known that sulfur dioxide has a harmful effect on human health, the environment and climate change. With respect to the harmful effect on the human health, sulfur dioxide causes asthma, and reduce the capacity of the lungs causes inflammation of the respiratory tract. In terms of adverse effects on the environment, it has adverse impact on terrain and ground water acidification, destroying vegetation and damaging impact on buildings. The appearance of atmosphere cooling, due to the formation of sulfate particles is just one of many adverse effects on climate change. Process for sulfur oxides removal from the flue gases in the energy and process industries, were not important in the past, until its importance was gained. Legislation that will regulate this matter, especially in industrially developed countries, simultaneously had its growing trend. The wet limestone process is still the most common process for flue gas desulphurization, although it has had its practical use in industy, for several decades ago. Process with chemical and physical absorption and thermal regeneration of the solvent, have more and more frequent application. Absorption processes with thermal regeneration have its advantages, among them are efficiency and environmental aspects

    Height growth characteristics of one-year-old northern red oak seedlings (Quercus rubra L.) in full light conditions

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    In this nursery experiment, 100 one-year-old northern red oak seedlings were measured at the end of the 2016 growing season. Measured growth elements were: total height, root collar diameter and total leaf area. All seedlings were classified according to the presence of polycyclism into four types: one-flush growth, two-flush growth, three-flush growth, and four-flush growth type. The number of new flushes (shoots) is a good indicator of total height, root collar diameter and total leaf area

    SEM analiza kvaliteta adhezivne veze glasjonomercementnih restauracija

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    Introduction. Lack of proper adhesion is one of the most common problems in modern restorative dentistry and the main cause of the occurrence of microcracks at the interface between materials and hard dental tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of bond between two types of glass-ionomer cement (GIC) class V restorations and hard dental tissues by SEM. Materials and Methods. This clinical study included 20 intact teeth (premolars and molars) recently extracted for orthodontic reasons in patients of both genders and different ages. Class V cavity with rounded walls was prepared on vestibular and oral surfaces of all teeth (3x2x2 mm). Conventional GIC Fuji II was applied on vestibular surface of teeth whereas on oral surface resin-reinforced glass ionomer Fuji II LC was placed. The bond between fillings and hard dental tissue was assessed by SEM. Results. Both materials showed microcracks, however, microleakage was lower with Fuji II LC than with Fuji II. Microcracks were observed in 65% of cases (13 restorations) restored with GIC Fuji II and 35% (7 fillings) restored with GIC Fuji II LC. The size of microcracks for Fuji II LC was 9 μm while this value for Fuji II was 17 μm. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion. Better bond between material and hard dental tissue was achieved with the material of new generation, resin modified GIC.Uvod. Nedostatak odgovarajuće adhezivnosti je jedan od najčešćih problema u savremenoj restaurativnoj stomatologiji i glavni uzrok nastanka mikropukotine na spoju materijala i tvrdih zubnih tkiva. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se SEM (skening-elektronska mikroskopija) analizom proveri kvalitet veze dve vrste glasjonomercementnih (GJC) restauracija za tvrda zubna tkiva kod kaviteta V klase. Materijal i metode rada. Kliničko istraživanje je obuhvatilo 20 sveže ekstrahovanih intaktnih zuba (premolari i molari), odstranjenih iz ortodontskih razloga kod pacijenata oba pola i različite starosti. Na svim zubima su sa vestibularne i oralne strane urađene jednopovršinske preparacije V klase adhezivnog tipa sa zaobljenim zidovima kaviteta (dimenzija 3×2×2 mm). Sa vestibularne strane primenjen je klasični GJC Fuji II, a sa oralne smolom ojačani GJC Fuji II LC. Kvalitet veze između ispuna i zubnih tkiva je procenjivan SEM analizom. Rezultati. Dobijeni nalazi su pokazali da je kod oba materijala zabeležena mikropukotina i da je stepen mikrocurenja kod Fuji II LC bio manji nego kod Fuji II. Kod zuba restaurisanih sa GJC Fuji II mikropukotina je uočena u 65% slučajeva (13 ispuna), a kod zuba restaurisanih sa GJC Fuji II LC u 35% slučajeva (sedam ispuna). SEM analizom je utvrđena srednja vrednost mikropukotine za Fuji II LC od 9 µm, dok je ova vrednost za Fuji II bila 17 µm. Razlika je bila statistički značajna. Zaključak. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je bolji kvalitet veze ostvaren primenom materijala novije generacije, odnosno primenom GJC modifikovanih smolom

    Uticaj pola na karakteristike trbušno-rebarnog dela svinja hranjenih sa dodatkom sojinog ulja

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    Total of 40 castrated fatteners of Swedish Landrace breed, divided into two groups based on their gender (20 pigs in each group) were used in the study to determine the effect of gender on share of tissues and chemical composition of the fat taken from the belly carcass part. All pigs were fed diet containing additive of 1.25% of soybean oil. Even though the weight of belly part was similar in animals of both genders, female animals had higher share of muscle tissue (P lt 0.05), whereas male animals had higher share of intermuscular and total fat tissue (P lt 0.01). Addition of soybean oil, with high share of PUFA, to pig nutrition can significantly influence the increase of unsaturated fats. Female fatteners had more extracted fat in fat tissue and higher content of PUFA, however, statistically significant difference was established only in share of SFA, which was considerably lower (P lt 0.05) in comparison to male animals. Consequently, PUFA:SFA ratio was significantly higher in female animals (0.51) compared to male fatteners (0.39). Iodine number/value determined for fat was in the range from 63.00 in males to 64.36 in female animals without statistically significant difference. Based on obtained results it can be concluded that, in regard to the nutritional quality, belly part from female fatteners may provide a balanced fatty acid intake for consumers (PUFA:SFA>0.4). However, in regard to the technological quality, fat (bacon) obtained from female animals had lower sustainability, due to more rapid fat oxidation, and it was of poorer technological quality due to softer fat tissue and more difficult cutting.Ukupno 40 kastriranih tovljenika rase švedski landras, podeljenih u dve grupe u zavisnosti od pola (po 20 svinja u grupi), je iskorišćeno za utvrđivanje uticaja pola na udeo tkiva i hemijski sastav masti trbušno-rebarnog dela. Sve svinje su hranjene sa dodatkom 1,25% sojinog ulja. Pol životinja nije značajno uticao na težinu trbušno-rebarnog dela, međutim, utvrđeno je da su ženska grla imala veći udeo mišićnog tkiva (P lt 0,05), dok su muška imala veći udeo intermuskularnog i ukupnog masnog tkiva (P lt 0,01). Dodatak sojinog ulja, koje ima visok udeo PUFA, u ishranu svinja, može značajno da utiče na povećanje nezasićenosti masti. Ženski tovljenici su imali više ekstrahovane masti u masnom tkivu i veći sadržaj PUFA, međutim statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena samo u udelu SFA, koji je bio značajno niži (P lt 0,05) u odnosu na muška grla. Kao posledica toga, odnos PUFA:SFA je bio značajno veći kod ženskih grla (0,51) u odnosu na muška (0,39). Jodni broj masti se kretao od 63,00 kod muških do 64,36 kod ženskih životinja i nije se statistički značajno razlikovao. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je, u pogledu nutritivnog kvaliteta, trbušno-rebarni deo ženskih tovljenika kvalitetniji u pogledu masno-kiselinskog sastava (PUFA:SFA>0.4). Međutim, u pogledu tehnološkog kvaliteta, slanina dobijena od ženskih životinja bi imala manju održivost, usled brže oksidacije masti, i bila bi lošijeg tehnološkog kvaliteta, zbog mekanog masnog tkiva i otežanog sečenja