Quality of work of Väderstad Rapid drill in doublecropping of soybean


Prateći karakteristike soje i prednosti postrne sjetve, te karakteristike same sijačice Väderstad Rapid kao i njezin doprinos u postrnoj sjetvi, provedeno je istraživanje koje obuhvaća razlike koje proizlaze iz sjetve Väderstad Rapid direct ili disc sustavom u postrnoj sjetvi soje. Istraživanje je provedeno na parceli Dragalić T4 u Okučanima, nakon žetve pivarskog ječma. U istraživanju je promatrano nicanje soje i bilježeno u tri navrata. Prilikom prvog mjerenja uočeno je da Rapid disc sustav bilježi bolje rezultate jer je izniknulo više biljaka soje, no ponovno je izniknulo i više pivarskog ječma. U drugom je mjerenju utvrđeno da je Rapid direct dao bolje rezultate, jer je izniknulo više biljaka soje, a čak oko četiri puta manje biljaka ječma po metru kvadratnom. Pri posljednjem mjerenju kod Rapid disc sustava su utvrđeni bolji rezultati jer je ukupno izniknulo više biljaka soje, a manje biljaka pivarskog ječma. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata u danim uvjetima Väderstad Rapid disc sustav je polučio bolje rezultate u provedenom istraživanju.By following characteristics of soybeans and advantages of stubble sowing, as well as characteristics of the sowing machine Väderstad Rapid and its contribution to double cropping, a survey that includes differences resulting from the sowing Vaderstad Rapid direct or disc system in double cropping soybeans was conducted. The study was performed on the field Dragalić T4 in Okucani, after the harvest of barley. The study observed the soybean population and was recorded on three occasions. During the first measurement, it was noted that the Rapid disc system recorded better results because the soybean population was bigger, but the regrowing barley population was also bigger. By the second measurement is recorded that Rapid direct gave better results because the soybean population was bigger, and there was even four times less barley per square meter. By the last measurement Rapid disc system recorded better results again because soybean population was overall bigger and regrowing barley population was smaller. Based on the results under certain circumstances Väderstad Rapid disc system has yielded better results in the observed survey

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