78 research outputs found

    Distribution of heavy metals from tailings ponds and landfills into underground and surface waters

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    Heavy metals contaminate underground and surface waters from illegally constructed industrial and municipal landfills. Numerous papers on the subject contain undeniable evidence, and they have determined heavy metal migration into nature by measuring concentrations in underground and surface waters near tailings ponds and landfills. Heavy metal measured values exceed the WHO limit quota. The characteristics of heavy metals and their negative impact on the environment and people's health have prompted a large number of investigations into this global problem. This paper provides an overview of the literature on the subject, with the goal of emphasizing the anthropogenic influence of heavy metal pollution as a critical issue, particularly in developing countries

    Modalities and surgical treatment outcome of intracranial arachnoid cysts

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    koje su ograničene ćelijama arahnoideje. Mogu se smatrati razvojnom anomalijom u formiranju arahnoidnih cisterni. Ultrastruktura arahnoidnih cista je veoma varijabilna i vrlo često odudara od rezultata tipičnih histoloških studija koje opisuju strukturu zida AC kao identičnu arahnoideji. Arahnoidne ciste se mogu otkriti i u prenatalnom periodu prilikom ultrasonografskog pregleda, kada se vide kao hipoehogene ili anehogene lezije. Za precizniju evaluaciju u ovom periodu koristi se pregled fetusa magnetnom rezonancom (MRI). CT i MRI endokranijuma pokazuju leziju koja je obično neprimetnog zida ispunjena sadržajem koji po svojim neuroradiološkim karakteristikama odgovara likvoru. Za uočavanje karakteristika zida arahnoidne ciste, njenu detaljnu morfologiju i povezanost sa ostalim delovima likvornih puteva neophodno je sprovesti posebne sekvence. Za sada ne postoji konsenzus o tome koji modalitet hirurškog lečenja bi trebalo primeniti kod intrakranijalne arahnoidne ciste određene lokalizacije. Nema još uvek ni jasno formulisanih indikacija za hirurško lečenje. Svaka od primenjenih hirurških tehnika, bila to drenažna operacija ili fenestracija ciste, nosi sa sobom odgovarajući benefit i rizik. MATERIJAL I METODE Ovo je delom retrospektivna kohortna studija sa prospektivnim praćenjem, a delom prospektivna studija, koja je obuhvatila sve pacijente operisane u Klinici za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije, kod kojih je dijagnostikovana intrakranijalna arahnoidna cista, a lečeni su u periodu od 1. januara 2006. godine do 31. decembra 2018. godine...Arachnoid cysts (AC) are extraaxial collections of cerebrospinal fluid surrounded by arachnoid cells. It can be considered as an anomaly during the formation of the arachnoid cisterns. Ultrastrutructure of arachnoid cysts is quite variable and it can frequently significantly differ from the results of the typical histological studies that describe the wall of the AC as identical to the arachnoid membrane. Arachnoid cysts can be diagnosed even in the prenatal period during routine ultrasonographic examination when they are visible as hypoechogenic or anechogenic lesions. In this period, fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used for its more precise evaluation. CT and MRI examination reveal a lesion with an almost unnoticeable wall, filled with content that is identical to CSF in its neuroradiological characteristics. It is necessary to use special MRI sequences to be able to visualize characteristics of the AC's wall, its detailed morphology, and its communication with other sections of the CSF pathway. For the time being, there is no consensus about the optimal treatment modality in arachnoid cysts of certain localization. There are no clear indications for surgical treatment. Every surgical technique used, shunting procedures or cyst fenestration, caries some benefit and risk. MATERIAL AND METHODS This is partly retrospective cohort study with prospective follow-up, and also partly prospective study, that involved all operated patients in the Clinic of Neurosurgery, Clinical Center of Serbia, that have been diagnosed with an intracranial arachnoid cyst, and treated from January 1st, 2006 until December 31st, 2018..

    Metode magnetronskog raspršivanja za površinsku modifikaciju memorijskih legura za primenu u ortodonciji i endodonciji

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    Various magnetron-sputtering methods for surface modification of shape memory alloys (SMA) are described in this paper. These methods belong to the most effective methods, which enable mechanical reinforcing of the SMA, showing numerous advantages over conventional methods of electro-polishing. In addition, surface modified SMA, particularly with equiatomic TiNi coatings, is crucial for further development of various endodontic instruments; wires and brackets used for orthodontic teeth movements. Active coatings with bactericide properties and coatings that can be used as barrier for release of toxic Ni ions from the bulk body of SMA obtained by various magnetron-sputtering methods can be successfully combined. Therefore, the review of these methods is given in this paper, with their main characteristics and drawbacks. Magnetron sputtering deposition involves surface modification of SMA in a single-layer, multilayer, graded layers, and nanocomposite thin coatings for obtaining systems with superior "functional" characteristics. These are hardness, scratch, abrasion, and erosion resistance, improved adhesion to various technologically important substrate materials such as polymers, hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity, long-term chemical, thermal, and environmental stability, gas and vapor impermeability, and others. This paper is critical review of the advances in the development of magnetron sputtering modified SMA products in dentistry, with in advance predictable physicochemical, structural and antimicrobial properties.U ovom radu su opisane različite metode magnetronskog raspršivanja za površinsku modifikaciju memorijskih legura (shape memory alloys - SMA). Ove metode spadaju u najefikasnije metode koje omogućavaju mehaničko ojačavanje SMA, pokazujući brojne prednosti u odnosu na konvencionalne metode elektropoliranja, koje su najčešće korišćene u savremenoj ortodontskoj i endodontskoj praksi. Pored toga, površinski modifikovane SMA, posebno sa ekviatomskim Ti i Ni udelima unutar prevlake, presudne su za dalji razvoj različitih endodontskih instrumenata, žica i konzola koje se koriste za ortodontska pomeranja zuba. Aktivne prevlake sa baktericidnim svojstvima i prevlake koje služe kao barijere protiv otpuštanja toksičnih Ni jona iz SMA unutar organizma mogu biti dobijene različitim metodama magnetronskog raspršivanja, pri čemu se različite varijante ove metode mogu uspešno kombinovati. Zbog svega toga u ovom radu je dat pregled ovih metoda, sa njihovim glavnim karakteristikama i nedostacima. Magnetronsko nanošenje raspršivanjem uključuje površinsku modifikaciju SMA u jednoslojnim, višeslojnim, gradiranim slojevima i nanokompozitne tanke prevlake za dobijanje sistema sa superiornim "funkcionalnim" karakteristikama, kao što su vrlo visoka tvrdoća, otpornost na habanje, abraziju i eroziju, poboljšano prijanjanje na različite tehnološki važne supstratne materijale kao što su polimeri, hidrofobnost ili hidrofilnost, dugotrajna hemijska, termička i ekološka stabilnost, nepropusnost gasa i para i drugi. Ovaj rad predstavlja neku vrstu kritičkog pregleda napretka u razvoju magnetronskog raspršivanja modifikovanih SMA proizvoda u stomatologiji, sa unapred predvidljivim fizičko-hemijskim, strukturnim i antimikrobnim osobinama


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    Hepatic encephalopathy is a complication of liver cirrhosis and is defined as a neuropsychiatric disease, with a reversibile character. Besides classical ways of therapy, an increasing importance is attached to nutritional therapy that is an effective prevention of the onset and leads to an ease of symptoms in hepathic encephalopathy that already exists. After the patient's nutritional status evaluation, the prescription of diet that includes adequate protein, calories and vitamins is assessed. The greatest importance is attached to the zinc intake as well as branched chain amino acids (BCAA therapy) supplementation. It is believed that further development of science in terms of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics will give detailed guidance on further developments since the possibility of clinical investigation in these patients is limited


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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most frequent mesenchymal tumors of gastrointestinal system and they are characterised by extreme variability in clinical, hystopathological and genetic features. It is considered that all GISToms have a malignant potential. Ethiological factors which cause GISToms have not been clarified yet, and genetic basis is not easy to be determined since GISToms are mostly sporadic. However, certain genetic and cytogenetic aberations which have been determined can be considered to have an impact on the onset of GISToms. Macroscopic picture is polymorphic, but they can most frequently be seen as large, mushroom-like, intraluminal, clearly limited pseudo-incapsulated submucosal masses. Hystomorphology of these tumors shows a high spectar of structural and cellular variations. They are most frequently built out of spindle cells (60-70% of cases), rarely of epitheloid (about 30% of cases) and very rarely of mixed and transitional type (intermedial). Stroma is predominantly loose or poorly colagenized with neoangiogenesis, which is markedly in GISToms with a higher malignant potential. Most of GISToms (95%) express transmembrane receptors KIT (CD 117), CD 34, vimentine, specific neurogenic and smooth muscle cells markers. The most successful therapies are: surgical ressection, imatinib and sunitinib (in case of imatinib resistence) therapy (tyrosine kinase receptor blockers). Research are being conducted all over the world with the aim of finding new and more efficient drug therapies that would not manifest resistency

    Analiza kvaliteta nekoliko vrsta biljnih čajeva sa tržišta

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    The use of herbal tea preparations is very common in Serbia as a part of everyday diet as well as a part of traditional herbal therapy. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the quality of 21 monocomponent herbal products that are commercially available at Valjevo and Belgrade markets. The commercial samples of investigated herbs, chamomile (Chamomillae flos), mint (Menthae piperitae folium) and thyme (Serpylli herba), were in bulks or packed in tea bags. According to the requirements of the Food Low Regulations, the analyzed parameters were: assessment of declared weight, water content, total ash content, acid insoluble ash and sulphated ash, water and alcohol extracts and ether oil content. Results obtained have showed that most of the analyzed herbal teas did not have declared weight, and significant differences in ether oil content and alcohol extract were noticed. In more than 80% of analyzed samples the quality did not fulfill the demands of national legislative and all analyzed thyme herb tea samples were inadequate. This investigation showed that a regular control of herbal tea products is necessary in order to protect the consumers from fraud and low quality. .U našoj zemlji je uobičajeno korišćenje biljnih čajeva kao osvežavajućih, okrepljujućih ili aromatičnih napitaka. Takođe, tradicionalno biljni čajevi se koriste kod blažih poremećaja zdravlja ili uz propisanu terapiju. Cilj rada je bio da se proveri kvalitet trgovačkih uzoraka nekoliko vrsta biljnih čajeva. Na teritoriji grada Beograda i Valjeva prikupljeni su uzorci 21 čaja od lista nane, cveta kamilice i herbe majkine dušice. Među analiziranim uzorcima 5 je bilo u obliku rinfuza, a 16 uzoraka je bilo u podeljenim pojedinačnim dozama (filter kesica). Kvalitet je proveravan na osnovu zahteva Pravilnika o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za čaj, biljni čaj i instant čaj iz 2005. godine. Pored provere deklarisane mase, u ispitivanim uzorcima biljnih čajeva analizirani su i sledeći parametri: sadržaj vlage, ukupnog pepela, sulfatnog pepela, pepela nerastvorljivog u kiselini, određivanje vodenog i alkoholnog ekstrakta, određivanje sadržaja etarskog ulja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da najveći broj ispitivanih uzoraka nije sadržao deklarisanu masu biljnog materijala. Od ukupnog broja analiziranih uzoraka biljnih čajeva u preko 80% uočeno je da jedan, dva ili više parametara odstupaju od zahteva Pravilnika. Cvet kamilice sadržao je značajno manje etarskog ulja i alkoholnog ekstrakta. Kod čaja od herbe majkine dušice ni jedan ispitivani uzorak nije ispunio sve propisane parametre kvaliteta. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na neophodnost redovne kontrole kvaliteta biljnih čajeva u prometu radi bolje zaštite potrošača.

    Decision making tools in regional sanitary landfill location selection

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    The paper applies intelligent multicriteria analysis in order to rank the criteria in the process of site selection for the Regional Sanitary Landfill. The analysis was performed for 3 pre-selected sites that were selected based on available area, site access, potential preparation difficulties, groundwater occurrence, biodiversity, and proximity to urban area. These locations were selected as the most suitable for construction, both from the engineering and from the economic and environmental aspect. The analysis is the best example of the application of intelligent multicriteria analysis as a useful tool for environmental management in the decision-making process. The analysis was performed for three proposed locations of the Regional Sanitary Landfill: Kasilo, Kristal, and Savina Stena, in the municipalities of Zvecan and Leposavic. In order to achieve the most objective results, PROMETHEE methods were applied. Using these calculation methods, the following ranking list of locations for the Regional Sanitary Landfill was obtained according to their suitability: Savina Stena, Kasilo, and Kristal. This result can contribute to the decision-making process of determining the development strategy at the local and regional level

    Etiology and mechanisms of ulnar and median forearm nerve injuries

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Bacgraund/Aim. Most often injuries of brachial plexus and its branches disable the injured from using their arms and/or hands. The aim of this study was to investigate the etiology and mechanisms of median and ulnar forearm nerves injuries. Methods. This retrospective cohort study included 99 patients surgically treated in the Clinic of Neurosurgery, Clinical Center of Serbia, from January 1st, 2000 to December 31st, 2010. All data are obtained from the patients' histories. Results. The majority of the injured patients were male, 81 (81.8%), while only 18 (18.2%) were females, both mainly with nerve injuries of the distal forearm – 75 (75.6%). Two injury mechanisms were present, transection in 85 patients and traction and contusion in 14 of the patients. The most frequent etiological factor of nerve injuries was cutting, in 61 of the patients. Nerve injuries are often associated with other injuries. In the studied patients there were 22 vascular injuries, 33 muscle and tendon injuries and 20 bone fractures. Conclusion. The majority of those patients with peripheral nerve injuries are represented in the working age population, which is a major socioeconomic problem. In our study 66 out of 99 patients were between 17 and 40 years old, in the most productive age. The fact that the majority of patients had nerve injuries of the distal forearm and that they are operated within the first 6 months after injury, promises them good functional prognosis


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    Livestock farming is a significant part of agriculture market in Serbia. A descending trend of livestock species was recorded recently, despite its potential for export of meet. Application of new technologies could improve competitiveness of livestock farming. In this paper, energy efficient energy supply technologies and potentials for their application in livestock farms is analyzed. A methodology for pinpointing profitable energy supply options which also provides significant energy and CO2 savings is proposed. A case study of a pig farm was used to perform an energy balance and allocation of energy supply costs. Potentials for application of energy supply technologies based on local resources were estimated in the study. Effects of integration of proposed technologies were also estimated. The proposed methodology was used to analyze feasibility of proposed energy supply options. Investment in a biogas cogeneration plant showed best profitability. Integrated option which envisages application of heat pump for heat supply and photovoltaic solar collectors for production of electricity showed best energetic and environmental performance, while maintaining financial feasibility


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    Livestock farming is a significant part of agriculture market in Serbia. A descending trend of livestock species was recorded recently, despite its potential for export of meet. Application of new technologies could improve competitiveness of livestock farming. In this paper, energy efficient energy supply technologies and potentials for their application in livestock farms is analyzed. A methodology for pinpointing profitable energy supply options which also provides significant energy and CO2 savings is proposed. A case study of a pig farm was used to perform an energy balance and allocation of energy supply costs. Potentials for application of energy supply technologies based on local resources were estimated in the study. Effects of integration of proposed technologies were also estimated. The proposed methodology was used to analyze feasibility of proposed energy supply options. Investment in a biogas cogeneration plant showed best profitability. Integrated option which envisages application of heat pump for heat supply and photovoltaic solar collectors for production of electricity showed best energetic and environmental performance, while maintaining financial feasibility