56 research outputs found

    Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries

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    This article presents the cross-cultural validation of the Entitlement Attitudes Questionnaire, a tool designed to measure three facets of psychological entitlement: active, passive, and revenge entitlement. Active entitlement was defined as the tendency to protect individual rights based on self-worthiness. Passive entitlement was defined as the belief in obligations to and expectations toward other people and institutions for the fulfillment of the individual’s needs. Revenge entitlement was defined as the tendency to protect one’s individual rights when violated by others and the tendency to reciprocate insults. The 15-item EAQ was validated in a series of three studies: the first one on a general Polish sample (N = 1,900), the second one on a sample of Polish students (N = 199), and the third one on student samples from 28 countries (N = 5,979). A three-factor solution was confirmed across all samples. Examination of measurement equivalence indicated partial metric invariance of EAQ for all national samples. Discriminant and convergent validity of the EAQ was also confirmed

    Measurement invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience Across 13 countries

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    The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) is widely used to measure emotional experiences, but not much is known about its cross-cultural utility. The present study evaluated the measurement invariance of the SPANE across adult samples (N = 12,635; age range = 18-85 years; 58.2% female) from 13 countries (China, Colombia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, and the United States). Configural and partial scalar invariance of the SPANE were supported. Three items capturing specific negative emotions (sad, afraid, and angry) were found to be culturally noninvariant. Our findings suggest that the SPANE's positive emotion terms and general negative emotion terms (e.g., negative and unpleasant) might be more suitable for cross-cultural studies on emotions and well-being, whereas caution is needed when comparing countries using the SPANE's specific negative emotion item

    Cultural Dimensions of Entitlement (Kulturowe wymiary postaw roszczeniowych)

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    W oparciu o dane z prób studenckich z 27 krajów (N = 6192) sprawdzano uniwersalność trójwymiarowego modelu postaw roszczeniowych - zarówno w obrębie badanych prób krajowych, jak i na poziomie ponadkulturowym. W artykule przedstawiamy model teoretyczny umożliwiający porównania międzykulturowe w odniesieniu do postaw roszczeniowych oraz związki wyróżnionych postaw ze wskaźnikami rozwoju socjoekonomicznego społeczeństw (w tym funkcjonowania demokracji i gospodarki) oraz wartościami kulturowymi Schwartza. Uzyskane wyniki omawiamy w odniesieniu do modelu ekokulturowego Berry’ego oraz teorii rozwoju ludzkiego Ingleharta.On the basis of findings obtained from students samples from 27 countries (N = 6192) applicability of three-dimensional entitlement model on individual and cultural level were tested. In the article we present theoretical model allowing for cross-cultural comparisons of entitlement attitudes and its relations to socioeconomic development of societies (including functioning of democracy and economy) and cultural values by Shalom Schwartz. Obtained results are discussed in the terms of John Berry’s eco-cultural model and Ronald Inglehart’s human development theory

    Temperamental and personal predictors of entitlement attitudes

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    The aim of presented studies (N = 495) was to detect temperamental and personal predictors of entitlement attitudes: active, passive and revengefulness among adult persons. Authors assumed that only in the case of revengefulness the significant and important temperamental and personal predictors exist. There were used EAS and NEO -FFI methods. Entitlement (active attitude) was related to higher Activity and lower Agreeableness, demandingness (passive attitude) was related to higher Neuroticism, revengefulness was related to higher Anger, lower Agreeableness and lower Openness to Experience

    The Entitlement Questionnaire

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    Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia Kwestionariusz Roszczeniowości (KR). Mierzy on postawy roszczeniowe, rozumiane jako gotowość do wysuwania żądań i koncentrowanie się na obronie własnych praw. W skład kwestionariusza wchodzą, trzy skale: skala walki o swoje - mierza,ca skłonność do walki o swoje prawa, skala wiary w obligacje - mierza,ca przekonanie, że świat to sieć wzajemnych obligacji między jednostkami i instytucjami, oraz skalę mściwości - mierzącą, trudność w darowywaniu krzywd. Badania (N = 767) wskazują, że metoda cechuje się wysoką spójnością i zadowalającą stabilnością. Roszczeniowość właściwa korelowała dodatnio z samooceną, zadowoleniem z życia, indywidualizmem, narcyzmem i wewnętrznym umiejscowieniem kontroli. Wiara w obligacje korelowała dodatnio z kolektywizmem i zewnętrznym umiejscowieniem kontroli, a ujemnie z samooceną i zadowoleniem z życia. Mściwość korelowała dodatnio z narcyzmem; nie korelowała ani z samooceną, ani z zadowoleniem z życia.This article presents the development of the Entitlement Questionnaire (EQ), designed to measure entitlement attitudes, understood as proneness to raising claims and to concentrating on defending one’s own rights. The Questionnaire consists of three scales: Fighting Rights – measuring proneness to fighting for one’s own rights, Belief in Obligations – measuring a conviction that the world is a net of mutual obligations between individuals and institutions, and Vindictiveness – measuring difficulties with forgiving wrongs. The study (N = 767) indicated that this method is characterized by high consistency and satisfactory stability. The pure entitlement attitude correlated positively with self-esteem, life satisfaction, individualism, narcissism and internal locus of control. Belief in obligations correlated positively with collectivism and external locus of control, and negatively with self-esteem and life satisfaction. Vindictiveness correlated positively with narcissism, however, it did not correlated neither with self-esteem nor with life satisfaction

    Death Anxiety and Fascination Scale

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    In this study, a novel questionnaire assessing human attitudes to death is introduced. Invented questionnaire comprises two scales: death anxiety and death fascination. Death anxiety refers to general fear of death, especially related to oneself. Death fascination contains not only purely cognitive interest in death and dying, but also acceptance of committing suicide and declared death desire. Validation was performed on 725 subjects – mostly citizens of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot, in majority undergraduate and secondary school students of both sexes. This included testing internal consistency, temporal stability, and external validity. Final version of Death Anxiety and Fascination Scale contains 23 items. „Anxiety” scale consists of 9 items, „Fascination” – 14. Reliability of „Anxiety” scale equals 0,80, and of „Fascination” 0,90 (Cronbach’s alpha). The results show high validity and temporal stability of presented method

    Skala Transcendencji Duchowej. Konstrukcja i walidacja

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    Artykuł przedstawia proces konstrukcji Skali Transcendencji Duchowej (STD), opartej na koncepcji Ralpha Piedmonta. Przez transcendencję duchową autorzy rozumieją zdolność do wyjścia poza bezpośrednie poczucie czasu i miejsca oraz widzenia życia z większej, bardziej obiektywnej perspektywy. Narzędzie składa się z dwóch podskal: Transcendencji Właściwej i Otwartości Duchowej. STD charakteryzuje się dobrymi właściwościami psychometrycznymi oraz wysoką trafnością. W badaniach walidacyjnych (N = 1859) testowano związki STD (wyniku ogólnego i skal składowych) z potrzebą aprobaty społecznej, istniejącymi miarami duchowości i religijności, materializmu oraz NEO-FFI. Narzędzie może być przydatne w badaniach eksperymentalnych i teoretycznych nad transcendencją duchową. Przeznaczone jest do badania osób po 16 roku życia

    Entitlement and organizational behaviors: the moderating role of narcissism

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    Background The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between psychological entitlement (active, passive, and revenge), narcissism and two types of organizational behaviors in employees. Interactions between narcissism and psychological entitlement as predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) and counterproductive work behaviors (CWB) were explored. Predictors were analyzed in an effort to determine whether psychological entitlement plays a more destructive role among narcissistic employees than among non-narcissistic ones and whether the effects of narcissism on OCB and CWB are mediated by entitlement. Participants and procedure Data were obtained from 100 employees (34% men) aged 22 to 59 years (M = 37.00, SD = 9.30) from public and private companies. Participants were asked to complete the Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (OCBS), the Counterproductive Organizational Behaviors Scale (COBS), the Entitlement Questionnaire, and the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI). Results Positive aspects of entitlement were positively associated with OCB only among narcissistic employees, and active entitlement mediated the effects of narcissism on CWB. Active entitlement was negatively related to CWB. Negative aspects of entitlement were negatively related to OCB and unrelated to CWB. Conclusions This study provides evidence for positive (healthy) aspects of entitlement for organizations. The unexpected interaction between narcissism and entitlement in predicting higher levels of OCB suggests that among narcissistic employees, healthy aspects of entitlement are desirable and profitable for an organization. Psychological entitlement was observed to be an important predictor of organizational behaviors beyond narcissism itself