141 research outputs found


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    This study, through a questionnaire and in-depth interviews, aims to to make a sociological analysis of female criminals in the Denizli Open Prison, including their demographic characteristics, family structures, committed crimes and the factors that led to their criminal acts. The questionnaire, composed of 57 questions, has been evaluated in the SPSS program, and in-depth interviews were done with 6 female criminals for a detailed analysis of why the female criminals committed crimes and the factors that led to their behavior. In the study, the concept of crime is accepted as a social fact. The educational backgrounds, ages, families and sub- cultures of the women have been examined and the dynamics of female criminality in Turkey have been cross-examined within the limits of sampling. In the course of the study, it was found that concepts of honor, domestic violence and patriarchal structure have been key concepts of female criminality, and female criminality in Turkey can be understood in terms of these phenomena

    Evaluation of the elderly' falls efficacy by their status of having a home accident and daily life activities

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    A total of 600 older persons from Cebeci district, Ankara province have participated in this study which aimed to evaluate the elderly' falls efficacy by their status of having an accident and daily life activities. Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES), and Katz Daily Activities Scale were used as data gathering tools in this study. The data were analyzed using standard deviation, arithmetic mean, and the student's t-test to compare the two groups, and the analysis of variance in comparison of multiple groups. The results showed that the falls efficacy scores of the older adults who had experienced a home accident within the past year ( =69,15) were lower than those who had not ( =84,33). The falls efficacy scores of the participants decreased with increased dependence in bathing, sitting/standing, toilet, walking, cooking, cleaning and shopping activities. The participants who were older, had lower educational attainment, low monthly income and green cards, and lived with their relatives had lower falls efficacy scores (p<0.05)

    The level of burnout of housekeeping personnel in accomodation facilities

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    This study aimed to determine the level of burnout of the housekeeping personnel (cleaner, manager, crew chief) working in accommodation facilities and discovering if there was a relationship between their level of burnout and their personal features. In the study a cluster sampling method was used. 12 accommodation facilities in Antalya were handled as cluster and a total of 146 personnel working in these facilities comprised the sample group. A “Burnout Inventory” was used in the study. The study data were analyzed in the SPSS 14.01 program and t-test was used in the data analysis, while the Tukey test was used in the variance analysis and paired comparison. Significant relationships were detected between the level of burnout of the housekeeping personnel participating in the study and their level of education, income level, duties, working time in the facility, weekly working hours, daily working hours, level of satisfaction related to their jobs and their wish to change their jobs (p<0.05). A person experiencing burnout is exhausted and disappointed since he does not gain the things he expected from his way of life or relationships. That’s why it is necessary to approach a burnout event in a multi-dimensional way and deal with the factors causing burnout in different ways. In the literature review there was no study examining the level of burnout concerning individual housekeeping personnel working in accommodation facilities. this study was planned and carried out with this aim

    How can a gender-aware analysis contribute to our understanding of security?

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This thesis discusses the possible contribution of a gender-aware analysis to our understanding of security. Within the discipline of International Relations, there is a great diversity in the range of perspectives on analyzing security. They have different answers to what is being secured, what is being secured against and who provides for security. In Security Studies, empirically based positivist perspectives, explicitly or implicitly specify what the referent of their studies is. It can be the system, state, society, and individuals. On the other hand, in feminist theory, it is all about rethinking concepts, rethinking models. It may appear that gender can have little to contribute to the study of security. However, this is not the case. The gender awareness in the study of security challenges the basic understanding of security. Structures and practices that are taken as given by traditional approaches within a patriarchal discourse serve only to obscure the inequalities and insecurities. In this thesis, through adding gender as a category of analysis, it is attempted to illustrate the gendered constructions of conflict, militarism and militarisation. Without making invisible visible, our understanding of security can only be partial.Şahin, HandeM.S

    Determination Of Ecological Footprint Awareness Of Preschool Teacher Candidates

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    Ecological footprint is biologically the fertile soil and water area needed to produce the resources that an individual, community or activity consumes and to dispose of the waste created with current technology and resource management. Ecological footprint also refers to the association of sustainability between the rate of human consumption of earth resources and health of the ecosystem. Knowledge of the meaning and components of ecological footprint, as well as, what needs to be done to reduce it would enable students to more readily convert this information into a positive attitude and behavior. Therefore, this study was planned and conducted in order to investigate ecological footprint awareness in preschool teacher candidates with respect to their demographic characteristics. The study group comprised 170 teacher candidates who attended Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Education, Department of Primary Education, Division of Preschool Education. The "Ecological Footprint Awareness Scale" developed by Coşkun and Sarıkaya in 2013 was used as the data collection instrument. T test for two groups and ANOVA for more groups were used in data analysis. The study results revealed significant differences with respect to age, gender, monthly income, parental education level, source of environmental education and environmental perspective (p <0.05)

    Determining The Attitudes Of Nursing Students Toward The Elderly

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    Bu araştırma, Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin yaşlılara yönelik tutumlarını belirlemek amacıyla planlanmıştır. Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu araştırma, 2015-2016 eğitimöğretim yılı güz döneminde Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü'nde öğrenim gören toplam 321 birinci, ikinci, üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıf öğrencileri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin elde edilmesinde anket formu ve UCLA Yaşlı Tutumu Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Sonuçların değerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney istatistik analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğrencilerin cinsiyeti ve sınıfı ile ölçek toplam puanı arasında anlamlı ilişkiler belirlenirken, en uzun süre yaşanılan yer, evde kendisi ile birlikte bir yaşlının yaşama durumu, büyükanne-büyükbabanın yaşama yeri, daha önceden huzurevi ziyaretinde bulunma durumu ile ölçek toplam puanı arasında anlamlı ilişkiler belirlenmemiştirThis study was planned to determine the attitudes of nursing students toward the elderly. The descriptive study was conducted with 321 first, second, third and fourth year students attending Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nursing Department in the fall semester of the 2015-2016 academic year. The questionnaire form and the UCLA Geriatrics Attitudes Scale were employed in the collection of the data. Descriptive statistics, the Kruskal-Wallis test and the MannWhitney U test were used in statistical analysis. The study results revealed that the students’ gender and year at university were significantly related to the scale total score. In addition, there was no significant relationship of the scale total score with the place of longest residence, sharing a house with an elderly, the grandparents’ place of residence and prior visit to a nursing hom

    An Evaluation on Textiles and Weaving Tools Mentioned in Kirsehir Turkus

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    DergiPark: 446294trakyasobedHalk kültürüçalışmalarında önemli bir yeri olan halk edebiyatı sözlü ve yazılıkaynaklarıyla ülkemizde zengin bir çeşitliliğe sahiptir. Anonim Türk halkedebiyatında ezgiyle söylenen bir nazım biçimi olan türkü bölgelere göredeğişik formlarda çalınır ve söylenir. Türkü sözcüğünün etimolojik olarakkökeni “Türk” sözcüğüdür. Türkü,Türklere özgü demektir. Kırşehirli Türk HalkMüziği Sanatçısı Şemsî Yastıman’ın “Türk’ü anlamak isteyen türkü dinlesin” özdeyişi bunu açıklar. Türkü,anonim halk yazınında melodiyle söylenenve hece ölçüsüyle yazılmış, bestelenmiş koşuk, olarak tanımlanır. Anadoluhalkı bütün acılarını, sevinçlerini, aşklarını, dünya görüşlerini, yaşambiçimlerini türkülerle dile getirmiştir. Türküler, yörelere, içeriklerine ve nağmelerinegöre değişik isimler alır. Buna göre türkülerin, hoyrat, oturak, kırık hava,uzun hava gibi türleri vardır. Konularına göre incelendiğinde türkülerninniler, çocuk türküleri, doğa, aşk, kahramanlık ve askerlik, tören, iştürküleri, karşılıklı türküler, ölüm ve oyun türküleri olmak üzere on farklıgrupta toplanmaktadır. Bu farklı konuları ele alan türkü sözlerinin içerisindehalk kültürünün bir diğer önemli parçası olan tekstillerin geçmesi yadsınamaz.Bu çalışmada orta Anadolu’nun türkü merkezi olan Kırşehir’de anonim veya âşıktürkülerinde geçen tekstiller incelenmiş, Kırşehir yöresel tekstillerinin,türkülerde izlerinin sürülmesi amaçlanmıştır. İncelemede içerisinde bir tekstiladı geçen 60’dan fazla türküyle karşılaşılmıştır. Bu tekstiller; giysi adı(yazma, oyalı yazma, şalvar, cepken vb), kumaş adı (aba, kadife, basma, satenvb), yarı mamul madde adı (iplik, urgan, vb), hammadde adı (yün, ipek, ketenvb) ve dokuma araçlarının (gücü, ıstar, hana, darak, sındı, tefe vb) adları,şeklinde beş gruba ayrılarak ele alınmıştır. Günümüzde somut örneği bulunmayanyöresel tekstillerin türkülerde adının geçtiği, hatta betimlendiği belirlenmiştir


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    The present research aims to determine the quality of life and factors affecting the quality of life of families who stay in accommodational institutions. Simple random sampling method was used in the research; and 12 accommodational institutions in Antalya were researched as a cluster. The sample group comprised a total of 200 families with children. The "World Health Organization Brief Form ofQuality of Life Assessment Questionnaire" was used in the study. The research data were analyzed using the SPSS 17 program. T test and variance analysis were used in the assessment of data. A Tukey test was used in the multiple comparison of groups. Significant differences were found between scale sub-dimensions, age, educationalstatus, profession and income level of families who participated in the research (p<.05)

    Modelleme Yoluyla Problem Çözme ve Genelleme: İlköğretim Öğrencileriyle Bir Çalışma

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the modeling and generalizing processes of 3rd through 5th grade students while they are solving a non-routine additive word problem. The study utilized an experimental design with no control group. A total of 278 students from 7 different schools participated in the study. Students were asked a non routine word problem as a pretest. Then, they were given a semi structured worksheet based on modeling similar problems with small numbers. Finally, they were asked a non-routine problem similar to the one asked as the pretest. Results showed that the students had very low level of success on this type of problem. After the intervention, only the fifth graders made some improvement. Implications for mathematics teaching and learning are discussed.Bu çalışmanın amacı, ilköğretim 3-4 ve 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin rutin olmayan sözel toplamsal bir problemi çözerken modelleme ve genelleme sürecinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada kontrol grubu olmayan deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Çalışma 7 farklı ilköğretim okulundan toplam 278 öğrenci ile yürütülmüştür. Öğrencilere rutin olmayan bir problem sorulmuş ve ön başarı seviyeleri tespit edilmiştir. Daha sonra benzer fakat daha küçük sayılar içeren problemleri modellemeye dayalı bir etkinlik çalışma kâğıdı uygulanmıştır. Son olarak ilk problemin eş yapı ve zorluk düzeyinde ayrı bir soru sorulmuştur. Bulgular bu tip bir soruda öğrencilerin başarı düzeylerinin oldukça düşük olduğunu göstermiştir. Deneysel müdahale sonucunda yalnızca 5. sınıflar önemli ölçüde bir gelişme kaydetmişlerdir. Matematik öğretimi ve öğrenimi açısından doğurgular tartışılmaktadır

    Obtaining and analysis of gluten-free toothpaste from acorn for celiac patients

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    Günümüzde giderek yaygınlaşan çölyak hastalığı ile ilgili araştırmalara bakıldığında glütensiz yiyeceklerin ön planda olduğu görülmektedir. Çölyak hastalığı ve glüten duyarlılığı olan bireylerin sağlıklı bir yaşam sürdürebilmesi için beslenmelerinde olduğu gibi kişisel bakım ürünlerinde de glüten bulunmamalıdır. Meşe palamudu, meşe ağacının (Quercus) çeşitli türlerinden biridir. Ülkemiz, meşe ağacı cinsinin yayılış ve tür dağılımı bakımından en zengin merkezlerden birini oluşturmaktadır. Meşe ağacının meyvesine halk arasında palamut denilmektedir. Palamut, pelit ve kadeh (kupula) olmak üzere iki kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Meşe palamudunun antioksidan özelliği vardır ve glütensiz olması önemli özelliklerindendir. Bu araştırma kapsamında çölyak hastalarının kullanımına uygun glütensiz diş macunu formülasyonunun geliştirilmesi için ham madde olarak meşe palamudu kullanılmış, elde edilen diş macununun glütensiz olduğu analiz ile kanıtlanmış ve antibakteriyel etki göstermesi incelenmiştir.When the researches on celiac disease, which are becoming more and more common today, are examined, it is seen that gluten-free foods are at the forefront. In order for individuals with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity to lead a healthy life, gluten should not be present in personal care products as well as in their diets. The acorn is one of the several species of the oak tree (Quercus). Our country is one of the richest centers in terms of the species distribution of the oak tree genus. The fruit of the oak tree is called acorn among the people. Acorn consists of two parts: valonia and cup. Having antioxidant properties and being gluten-free is one of acorns’ important features. Within the scope of this research, the use of acorn as a raw material for the development of gluten-free toothpaste formulation suitable for the use of celiac patients, the proof that the obtained toothpaste is gluten-free with analysis and its antibacterial effect were examined