159 research outputs found

    Socializace romských dětí ve škole

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    Production design of gas analyzer body using Direct metal laser sintering method

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá možností výroby plynového analyzátoru technologií Rapid Prototyping a to metodou Direct Metal Laser Sintering. V teoretické části je popsána stávající výroba součásti ve společnosti Frentech Aerospace s.r.o a inovace ve firmě Innomia a.s, metodou Direct Metal Laser Sintering. Dále je proveden rozbor principu jednotlivých metod Rapid Prototyping, především metody Direct Metal Laser Sintering. Cílem experimentální části je porovnání mechanických vlastností a struktur materiálu, klasické metalurgie a práškové metalurgie. Součástí diplomové práce je technicko-ekonomické zhodnocení, které porovnává výrobu strojního dílu konvenční a moderní aditivní technologii.This master’s thesis deals with the possibility of manufacturing gas analyzer by Rapid Prototyping Technology and it with the method Direct Metal Laser Sintering. The theoretical part describes the current production of component in the Frentech Aerospace LLC and innovation with the DMSL method in the company Innomia Furthermore JSC. Then an analysis of the principle of single methods Rapid Prototyping, especially the method of Direct Metal Laser Sintering, is implemented. The aim of the experimental part is to compare the mechanical properties and material structures, conventional metallurgy and powder metallurgy. The thesis also contains a technical-economic evaluation comparing the manufacture of mechanical part by conventional and advanced additive technology.

    Crenicichla hu, a new species of cichlid fish (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the Paraná basin in Misiones, Argentina

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    A new species of Crenicichla Heckel, C. hu, is described from the arroyo Piray–Miní, a left-hand tributary of the río Paraná, Misiones province, Argentina. This new species is easily distinguished from its congeners in the La Plata basin and adjacent coastal rivers by the dark coloration (dark grey or dark brown to black), a color pattern consisting of 7 to 9 black irregular blotches on the flank, and 47–54 scales in the E1 row. Adult females have dorsal fin with an irregular color pattern formed by wide black and white longitudinal stripes and blotches. In addition to standard morphological comparisons, a brief molecular phylogenetic analysis of Crenicichla species from the province of Misiones is also introduced.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Two new species of Australoheros (Teleostei: Cichlidae), with notes on diversity of the genus and biogeography of the Río de la Plata basin

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    Two new species of Australoheros Říčan and Kullander are described. Australoheros ykeregua sp. nov. is described from the tributaries of the río Uruguay in Misiones province, Argentina. Australoheros angiru sp. nov. is described from the tributaries of the upper rio Uruguai and middle rio Iguaçu in Brazil. The two new species are not closely related, A. ykeregua is the sister species of A. forquilha Říčan and Kullander, while A. angiru is the sister species of A. minuano Říčan and Kullander. The diversity of the genus Australoheros is reviewed using morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. These analyses suggest that the described species diversity of the genus in the coastal drainages of SE Brazil is overestimated and that many described species are best undestood as representing cases of intraspecific variation. The distribution patterns of Australoheros species in the Uruguay and Iguazú river drainages point to historical connections between today isolated river drainages (the lower río Iguazú with the arroyo Urugua–í, and the middle rio Iguaçu with the upper rio Uruguai). Molecular clocks are used to date these and other biogeographic patterns.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Multilocus phylogeny of Crenicichla (Teleostei: Cichlidae), with biogeography of the C. lacustris group: Species flocks as a model for sympatric speciation in rivers

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    First multilocus analysis of the largest Neotropical cichlid genus Crenicichla combining mitochondrial (cyt. b, ND2, 16S) and nuclear (S7 intron 1) genes and comprising 602 sequences of 169 specimens yields a robust phylogenetic hypothesis. The best marker in the combined analysis is the ND2 gene which contributes throughout the whole range of hierarchical levels in the tree and shows weak effects of saturation at the 3rd codon position. The 16S locus exerts almost no influence on the inferred phylogeny. The nuclear S7 intron 1 resolves mainly deeper nodes. Crenicichla is split into two main clades: (1) Teleocichla, the Crenicichla wallacii group, and the Crenicichla lugubris- Crenicichla saxatilis groups (" the TWLuS clade"); (2) the Crenicichla reticulata group and the Crenicichla lacustris group- Crenicichla macrophthalma (" the RMLa clade"). Our study confirms the monophyly of the C. lacustris species group with very high support. The biogeographic reconstruction of the C. lacustris group using dispersal-vicariance analysis underlines the importance of ancient barriers between the middle and upper Paraná River (the Guaíra Falls) and between the middle and upper Uruguay River (the Moconá Falls). Our phylogeny recovers two endemic species flocks within the C. lacustris group, the Crenicichla missioneira species flock and the herein discovered Crenicichla mandelburgeri species flock from the Uruguay and Paraná/Iguazú Rivers, respectively. We discuss putative sympatric diversification of trophic traits (morphology of jaws and lips, dentition) and propose these species flocks as models for studying sympatric speciation in complex riverine systems. The possible role of hybridization as a mechanism of speciation is mentioned with a recorded example (Crenicichla scottii).Museo de La Plat

    Multilocus phylogeny of Crenicichla (Teleostei: Cichlidae), with biogeography of the C. lacustris group: Species flocks as a model for sympatric speciation in rivers

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    First multilocus analysis of the largest Neotropical cichlid genus Crenicichla combining mitochondrial (cyt. b, ND2, 16S) and nuclear (S7 intron 1) genes and comprising 602 sequences of 169 specimens yields a robust phylogenetic hypothesis. The best marker in the combined analysis is the ND2 gene which contributes throughout the whole range of hierarchical levels in the tree and shows weak effects of saturation at the 3rd codon position. The 16S locus exerts almost no influence on the inferred phylogeny. The nuclear S7 intron 1 resolves mainly deeper nodes. Crenicichla is split into two main clades: (1) Teleocichla, the Crenicichla wallacii group, and the Crenicichla lugubris- Crenicichla saxatilis groups (" the TWLuS clade"); (2) the Crenicichla reticulata group and the Crenicichla lacustris group- Crenicichla macrophthalma (" the RMLa clade"). Our study confirms the monophyly of the C. lacustris species group with very high support. The biogeographic reconstruction of the C. lacustris group using dispersal-vicariance analysis underlines the importance of ancient barriers between the middle and upper Paraná River (the Guaíra Falls) and between the middle and upper Uruguay River (the Moconá Falls). Our phylogeny recovers two endemic species flocks within the C. lacustris group, the Crenicichla missioneira species flock and the herein discovered Crenicichla mandelburgeri species flock from the Uruguay and Paraná/Iguazú Rivers, respectively. We discuss putative sympatric diversification of trophic traits (morphology of jaws and lips, dentition) and propose these species flocks as models for studying sympatric speciation in complex riverine systems. The possible role of hybridization as a mechanism of speciation is mentioned with a recorded example (Crenicichla scottii).Museo de La Plat

    First records of <i>Characidium heirmostigmata</i> and <i>C. serrano</i> (Characiformes: Crenuchidae) from freshwaters of Argentina

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    Characidium heirmostigmata and C. serrano are registered for the first time in freshwaters of Argentina in the province of Misiones. Characidium heirmostigmata was found in the middle río Paraná basin and C. serrano in upper and middle río Uruguay basin.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    First record of Rineloricaria reisi, R. stellata and R. zaina (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Río Uruguay basin in Argentina

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    Rineloricaria reisi, R. stellata, and R. zaina are registered for the first time in freshwaters of Argentina. These three species were found in the Río Uruguay basin in Misiones Province. As a result of these findings, five species of Rineloricaria are found in the Río Uruguay basin in Argentina. A key of Rineloricaria species from that basin is also provided

    First records of <i>Characidium heirmostigmata</i> and <i>C. serrano</i> (Characiformes: Crenuchidae) from freshwaters of Argentina

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    Characidium heirmostigmata and C. serrano are registered for the first time in freshwaters of Argentina in the province of Misiones. Characidium heirmostigmata was found in the middle río Paraná basin and C. serrano in upper and middle río Uruguay basin.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    First record of Rineloricaria reisi, R. stellata and R. zaina (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the Río Uruguay basin in Argentina

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    Rineloricaria reisi, R. stellata, and R. zaina are registered for the first time in freshwaters of Argentina. These three species were found in the Río Uruguay basin in Misiones Province. As a result of these findings, five species of Rineloricaria are found in the Río Uruguay basin in Argentina. A key of Rineloricaria species from that basin is also provided.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse