16 research outputs found

    A new method of analyzing the photovoltaic power plant works under variation of solar radiation

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    Rad se bavi problemom smanjenja proizvodnje električne energije fotonaponske elektrane u uslovima promenljivog zračenja. Predlaže se novi metod analize rada u uslovima senčenja putem makro- i mikrorekonfiguracije FN polja, koja povećava proizvodnju električne energije.The paper presents the problem of reducing electricity production of PV power plant under variation of solar radiation conditions. The author proposed a new method of analysis PV power plant works under partial shading condition trough micro- and macroconfiguration of PV array

    A new method of analyzing the photovoltaic power plant works under variation of solar radiation

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    Rad se bavi problemom smanjenja proizvodnje električne energije fotonaponske elektrane u uslovima promenljivog zračenja. Predlaže se novi metod analize rada u uslovima senčenja putem makro- i mikrorekonfiguracije FN polja, koja povećava proizvodnju električne energije.The paper presents the problem of reducing electricity production of PV power plant under variation of solar radiation conditions. The author proposed a new method of analysis PV power plant works under partial shading condition trough micro- and macroconfiguration of PV array


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    To achieve EU targets for 2020, internal combustion engine cars need to be gradually replaced with hybrid or electric ones, which have low or zero GHG emission. The paper presents a short overview of dynamic history of the electric vehicles, which led to nowadays modern solutions. Different possibilities for the electric power system realizations are described. Electric vehicle (EV) operation is analyzed in more details. Market future of EVs is discussed and plans for 2020, up to 2030 are presented. Other effects of electrification of the vehicles are also analyzed

    Realisation of flying platform

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh a realizaci létajícího prostředku typu "quadcopter"~řízenou pomocí 32bit ARM mikroprocesoru od společnosti STMicroelectronics řady STM32F4xx. V práci jsou popsány typy různých možných mechanických řešení quadcoptér, princip stabilního letu a popsána případná vhodnost použití jednotlivých mechanických prvků. Dále je popsáno softwarové řešení řídícího algoritmu a zpracování dat z jednotlivých senzorů. V další části této práce jsou popsány možnosti předávání povelů z řídícího rozhraní a možné rozšíření realizovaného řešení.ObhájenoThis master thesis is focused on the design and implementation of a flying device type "quadcopter" controlled using the 32-bit ARM microprocessor from STMicroelectronics series STM32F4xx. This thesis describes the different types of possible mechanical solutions quadcopter, the principle of stable flight, and discussed potential suitability of various mechanical elements. Further described is a software solution the control algorithm and processing data from various sensors. In another part of this work describes the options for transmitting commands from the control interface and the possible extension of this implemented solution

    Corporate Learning and Development in Kraft Foods International

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    Diplomová práca analyzuje podnikové vzdelávanie v nadnárodnej firme Kraft Foods. Popisuje podnikovú stratégiu vzdelávania, interné a externé zdroje a vzdelávacie potreby zamestnancov. Na základe výsledkov prieskumu odporúča firme Kraft Foods možné zlepšenia

    Hg(II) sorption on sulfur-impregnated natural zeolite clinoptilolite - determination of sorption mechanism : bachelor thesis

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    Prirodni zeolit klinoptilolit je kemijski modificiran s otopinom Na 2 S pri 150 °C. Ispitana su sorpcijska svojstva polaznog uzorka, prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita te dobivenog sumporom- impregniranog prirodnog zeolita prema ionima Hg(II) pri unaprijed definiranim optimalnim uvjetima, pH o =2 i omjeru kruto/tekuće 10 g/L. Maksimalni dobiveni kapacitet sorpcije sumporom-impregniranog prirodnog zeolita prema Hg(II) iznosi 1,02 mmol/g što je za 3,6 puta više u usporedbi s prirodnim zeolitom (0,28 mmol/g). Sorpcijski mehanizam Hg(II) na sumporom-impregniranom prirodnom zeolitu uključuje elektrostatsko privlačenje, ionsku izmjenu i površinsko kompleksiranje uz koprecipitaciju Hg(II) u obliku HgS što je potvrđeno određivanjem količine izmjenjivih zeolitnih kationa kao i SEM- EDS i TG-DTG analizom živom zasićenog sumporom-impregniranog prirodnog zeolita.Natural zeolite clinoptilolite is chemically modified with Na 2 S solution at 150 °C. The sorption properties of the initial sample, natural zeolite clinoptilolite and the obtained sulphur- impregnated natural zeolite towards Hg(II) ions were tested under pre-defined optimal conditions, pH o =2 and a solid/liquid ratio of 10 g/L. The maximum obtained sorption capacity of sulphur-impregnated natural zeolite towards Hg(II) was 1.02 mmol/g, which is 3.6 times more compared to natural zeolite (0.28 mmol/g). The sorption mechanism of Hg(II) on sulphur-impregnated natural zeolite includes electrostatic attraction, ion exchange and surface complexation with coprecipitation of Hg(II) in the form of HgS, which was confirmed by determining the amount of exchangeable zeolite cations as well as SEM-EDS and TG-DTG analysis of mercury saturated sulphur-impregnated natural zeolite

    Modifications and Alternative Use of PC Switching Power Supplies

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    Předkládaná bakalářská práce je zaměřena na modifikování spínaného počítačového zdroje na regulovatelný zdroj napětí a proudu. Cílem je prostudování konstrukcí a zapojení spínaných počítačových zdrojů od různých výrobců a zmapování možností modifikace na regulovatelný zdroj napětí a proudu. Následně vybranou modifikaci zkonstruovat a provést měření při různých provozních stavech. Modifikovaný počítačový zdroj obsahuje mikroprocesor ATMEL ATmega8, který řídí periferní obvody pro nastavení požadovaných výstupních hodnot napětí a proudu. Nastavení požadovaných hodnot probíhá jedním multifunkčním ovládacím prvkem a zobrazuje se na znakovém displeji. Na základě získaných dat z měření bylo zjištěno, že modifikace dosáhla velice dobrých výsledků. Celková realizace této modifikace je cenově dostupná a realizovatelná na většině dostupných počítačových zdrojích. Výhoda této modifikace je oproti ostatním variantám možnost přehledného nastavení výstupního napětí již od 0V a zároveň možnost nastavení proudového omezení.Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikacíObhájenoThis Bachelor thesis is focused on modification of Switching PC Power Supply, i.e. controllable source of voltage and current. The aim is detailed study of construction and circuit structure of Switching PC Power Sources produced by different manufacturers and proposal for possibility of modification into controllable source of voltage and current. The main goal is construction of power supply with selected modification and precise measurement of properties in different operating conditions. Modified PC Power Supply contains microprocessor ATMEL ATmega8 which controls peripheral circuits for adjustment of required output values of voltage and current. This adjustment is performed by multifunctional control unit and the setting-up is visible on alphanumeric display. The PC Power Supply with selected modification achieves excellent results according to the precise measurement. The implementation of selected modification into the most of available PC Power Sources is easily realizable and affordable. The great advantage of the modification over the other alternatives is possibility of precise output voltage adjustment from 0V and possibility of current limit adjustment simultaneously

    Hg(II) sorption on sulfur-impregnated natural zeolite clinoptilolite - determination of sorption mechanism : bachelor thesis

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    Prirodni zeolit klinoptilolit je kemijski modificiran s otopinom Na 2 S pri 150 °C. Ispitana su sorpcijska svojstva polaznog uzorka, prirodnog zeolita klinoptilolita te dobivenog sumporom- impregniranog prirodnog zeolita prema ionima Hg(II) pri unaprijed definiranim optimalnim uvjetima, pH o =2 i omjeru kruto/tekuće 10 g/L. Maksimalni dobiveni kapacitet sorpcije sumporom-impregniranog prirodnog zeolita prema Hg(II) iznosi 1,02 mmol/g što je za 3,6 puta više u usporedbi s prirodnim zeolitom (0,28 mmol/g). Sorpcijski mehanizam Hg(II) na sumporom-impregniranom prirodnom zeolitu uključuje elektrostatsko privlačenje, ionsku izmjenu i površinsko kompleksiranje uz koprecipitaciju Hg(II) u obliku HgS što je potvrđeno određivanjem količine izmjenjivih zeolitnih kationa kao i SEM- EDS i TG-DTG analizom živom zasićenog sumporom-impregniranog prirodnog zeolita.Natural zeolite clinoptilolite is chemically modified with Na 2 S solution at 150 °C. The sorption properties of the initial sample, natural zeolite clinoptilolite and the obtained sulphur- impregnated natural zeolite towards Hg(II) ions were tested under pre-defined optimal conditions, pH o =2 and a solid/liquid ratio of 10 g/L. The maximum obtained sorption capacity of sulphur-impregnated natural zeolite towards Hg(II) was 1.02 mmol/g, which is 3.6 times more compared to natural zeolite (0.28 mmol/g). The sorption mechanism of Hg(II) on sulphur-impregnated natural zeolite includes electrostatic attraction, ion exchange and surface complexation with coprecipitation of Hg(II) in the form of HgS, which was confirmed by determining the amount of exchangeable zeolite cations as well as SEM-EDS and TG-DTG analysis of mercury saturated sulphur-impregnated natural zeolite

    A new method of analyzing the photovoltaic power plant works under variation of solar radiation

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    Rad se bavi problemom smanjenja proizvodnje električne energije fotonaponske elektrane u uslovima promenljivog zračenja. Predlaže se novi metod analize rada u uslovima senčenja putem makro- i mikrorekonfiguracije FN polja, koja povećava proizvodnju električne energije.The paper presents the problem of reducing electricity production of PV power plant under variation of solar radiation conditions. The author proposed a new method of analysis PV power plant works under partial shading condition trough micro- and macroconfiguration of PV array

    Application of Ram Air to Drive Turbine Engine Compressor

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    Predmetom tejto práce je riešenie potenciálneho využitia náporového účinku vzduchu pre pohon kompresora v leteckom turbínovom motore. Prvá kapitola uvádza všeobecný popis základných častí leteckého turbínového motora. V nasledujúcej kapitole je stručný popis technológie PropFan. Ďalšie kapitoly sa venujú účinku náporového vzduchu a systému náporovej turbíny. Kapitola, ktorá je venovaná opisu častí systému náporovej turbíny, obsahuje schematické obrázky, ktoré boli nakreslené v programe Autodesk AutoCAD 2015. Posledné kapitoly sa zaoberajú tepelným obehom a konceptom turbínového motora so systémom náporovej turbíny, kde sú spomenuté výhody a nevýhody tohto návrhu. Záver sumarizuje podstatné úvahy tejto práce.This bachelor thesis focuses on the analyse of potential application of ram air to drive compressor of turbine aero engine. The first chapter introduces general description of primary parts of turbine aero engine. The brief characterization of PropFan Technology is written in the next chapter. The following chapters describe ram air effect and system of ram air turbine. The chapter which describes the ram air turbine parts contains schematic pictures which were drawn in Autodesk AutoCAD 2015 software. The working cycle and the concept of turbine aero engine with ram air turbine system, accompanied by advantages and disadvantages of this concept, are discussed within two last chapters. The conclusion includes the essential thoughts of this bachelor thesis