36 research outputs found

    Vplyv dvoch rôznych rastlinných regulátorov rastu na produkčné ukazovatele slnečnice ročnej

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    The plant growth regulators (PGR) are an organic compounds that modify plant physiological processes. PGR applied to the field crops promotes photosynthesis, stimulates plant growth, improves flowering and protects plants against unfavourable year weather conditions. Listed is an assumption to the yield of high quality. The effects of year weather conditions, biological material (hybrids) and foliar application of two different PGR (Terra-Sorb® Foliar – containing free amino acids and Unicum® – containing Abiestins®) on the yield-forming parameters, seed yield and the oil content in seeds of three selected hybrids of sunflower (NK Brio, NK Neoma, NK Ferti) were studied in this paper. The field poly-factorial experiments were realized during two growing seasons of 2012 and 2013. The experimental area is situated in the maize-growing region (climatic region: warm; climatic sub-region: mild dry or dry; climatic zone: warm and dry, with mild winter and long sunshine) and soil is silt loam Haplic Luvisol. The climatic conditions in chosen experimental years were different in quantities and distribution of precipitation at main growth period of sunflower plants (June to August) and allows evaluating the yield stability between used hybrids and foliar treatments. The results showed that the application of selected PGR has contributed to an increase of sunflower seed yield, mainly through increase the weight of thousand seeds (rp = 0.761; P < 0.001). Similarly, oil content in seeds was significantly higher in treatments with PGR, especially with preparation Terra-Sorb® Foliar containing free amino acids. The study describes the relationship between quality (oil content in seeds) and quantity (seed yield) of sunflower production (rp = ‒0.41; P < 0.01). Results showed that PGR can be an important rationalization tool of the sunflower cultivation technology.Rastlinné regulátory rastu (PGR) predstavujú organické zlúčeniny, ktoré usmerňujú fyziologické procesy v rastlinách. PGR aplikované na poľné plodiny podporujú fotosyntézu, stimulujú rast rastlín, podporujú kvitnutie a chránia rastliny pred nepriaznivými poveternostnými podmienkami. Uvedené je predpokladom pre vysoké a kvalitné úrody. V štúdii bol skúmaný efekt poveternostných podmienok ročníka, genetického materiálu (hybridov) a foliárnej aplikácie dvoch rôznych PGR (Terra-Sorb® Foliar – obsahujúci voľné aminokyseliny a Unicum® – obsahujúci Abiesetíny®) na úrodu a úrodotvorné prvky troch vybraných hybridov slnečnice ročnej (NK Brio, NK Neoma, NK Ferti). Poľné polyfaktorové pokusy boli realizované počas dvoch pestovateľských sezón 2012 a 2013. Pokusná lokalita sa nachádza v teplej kukuričnej výrobnej oblasti (klimatická oblasť: teplá; klimatická podoblasť: suchá; klimatický okrsok: teplý, suchý s miernou zimou a dlhým slnečným svitom; pôda: hnedozem kultizemná). Poveternostné podmienky vybraných experimentálnych rokov boli odlišné v množstve a v distribúcii zrážok v rozhodujúcich rastových fázach rastlín slnečnice ročnej (jún až august) čo umožnilo hodnotiť úrodovú stabilitu hybridov ošetrených danými prípravkami. Výsledky ukázali, že aplikácia vybraných PGR prispela k zvýšeniu úrody, hlavne prostredníctvom zvýšenia hmotnosti tisíc nažiek (rp = 0,761; P < 0,001). Podobne bol pri ošetreniach PGR preukazne vyšší aj obsah oleja v nažkách, najmä pri prípravku Terra-Sorb® Foliar, ktorý obsahoval voľné aminokyseliny. Štúdia popisuje vzťah medzi kvalitou (obsah oleja v nažkách) a kvantitou (úroda nažiek) produkcie slnečnice ročnej (rp = ‒0,41; P < 0,01). Na základe výsledkov experimentu je možné považovať foliárnu aplikáciu PGR na porasty slnečnice ročnej za významný racionalizačný prvok technológie jej pestovania


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    Field experiments were conducted at the medium heavy luvisol under the unirrigated conditions at the locality with continental climate in the years 2002 and 2003. Foliar preparations ´Avit 35´ and ´Humix univerzál plus´ were sprayed at the sugar beet leaves during the vegetation. These liquid foliar preparations contain growth stimulators (humates, ethanolamine, ureasalicylate) enriched by macroelements and microelements. Two sugar beet varieties (STRUBEDIECKMANN) were involved in the experiment: a rhizomania sensitive one (´Swing´) and a rhizomania tolerant one (´Takt´). The experimental locality was without BNYVV infection. Infl uence of foliar preparations in interaction with other factors (weather conditions, variety) on sugar beet yield and quality parameters (root yield, digestion, molasses forming substances, refi ned sugar yield) was evaluated in the experiment. Foliar preparations high signifi cantly increased the root yield and digestion in the year with suffi cient rainfalls and decreased molasses substances content in roots in both experimental years. There were high signifi cant differences in digestion between the varieties. Rhizomania tolerant variety (´Takt´) reached better yield and quality parameters than the rhizomania sensitive variety (´Swing´) in conditions without rhizomania infection.V rokoch 2002 a 2003 boli na stredne ťažkej hnedozemi v bezzávlahových podmienkach, na lokalite s kontinentálnym vplyvom počasia založené poľné pokusy s cukrovou repou. Na porast cukrovej repy boli počas vegetácie aplikované (postrekom na list) preparáty ´Avit 35´ a ´Humix univerzál plus´. Sú to tekuté listové prípravky na báze bioaktívnych látok (humáty, etanolamín, ureasalicylát) so stimulačnými účinkami a s relatívne nízkym obsahom makroelementov a mikroelementov. Do pokusu boli zaradené dve odrody cukrovej repy (STRUBE-DIECKMANN), pričom jedna bola citlivá na rizomániu (´Swing´) druhá bola BNYVV tolerantná (´Takt´). Pokusná lokalita patrí medzi oblasti bez výskytu rizománie. V pokuse bol hodnotený vplyv aplikácie listových preparátov v interakcii s ďalšími faktormi (poveternostné podmienky, odroda) na parametre úrody a kvality cukrovej repy (úroda buliev, cukornatosť, obsah melasotvorných látok, úroda rafi nády). Listové preparáty zvýšili úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu rafi nády iba v roku s dostatočnými zrážkami. V suchom roku neovplyvnili úrodu buliev a znížili cukornatosť. V oboch experimentálnych rokoch listové preparáty znížili obsah K+ a Na+ v buľvách a neovplyvnili obsah αN. Listové preparáty významnejšie vplývali na úrodu cukrovej repy než na jej kvalitu. Odroda ´Takt´ tolerantná voči rizománie dosiahla vyššiu úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu polarizačného cukru než citlivá odroda ´Swing´. Medzi odrodami neboli zistené žiadne rozdiely v reakcii na listové preparáty pri žiadnom zo sledovaných parametrov


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    Field experiments were conducted at the medium heavy luvisol under the unirrigated conditions at the locality with continental climate in the years 2002 and 2003. Foliar preparations ´Avit 35´ and ´Humix univerzál plus´ were sprayed at the sugar beet leaves during the vegetation. These liquid foliar preparations contain growth stimulators (humates, ethanolamine, ureasalicylate) enriched by macroelements and microelements. Two sugar beet varieties (STRUBEDIECKMANN) were involved in the experiment: a rhizomania sensitive one (´Swing´) and a rhizomania tolerant one (´Takt´). The experimental locality was without BNYVV infection. Infl uence of foliar preparations in interaction with other factors (weather conditions, variety) on sugar beet yield and quality parameters (root yield, digestion, molasses forming substances, refi ned sugar yield) was evaluated in the experiment. Foliar preparations high signifi cantly increased the root yield and digestion in the year with suffi cient rainfalls and decreased molasses substances content in roots in both experimental years. There were high signifi cant differences in digestion between the varieties. Rhizomania tolerant variety (´Takt´) reached better yield and quality parameters than the rhizomania sensitive variety (´Swing´) in conditions without rhizomania infection.V rokoch 2002 a 2003 boli na stredne ťažkej hnedozemi v bezzávlahových podmienkach, na lokalite s kontinentálnym vplyvom počasia založené poľné pokusy s cukrovou repou. Na porast cukrovej repy boli počas vegetácie aplikované (postrekom na list) preparáty ´Avit 35´ a ´Humix univerzál plus´. Sú to tekuté listové prípravky na báze bioaktívnych látok (humáty, etanolamín, ureasalicylát) so stimulačnými účinkami a s relatívne nízkym obsahom makroelementov a mikroelementov. Do pokusu boli zaradené dve odrody cukrovej repy (STRUBE-DIECKMANN), pričom jedna bola citlivá na rizomániu (´Swing´) druhá bola BNYVV tolerantná (´Takt´). Pokusná lokalita patrí medzi oblasti bez výskytu rizománie. V pokuse bol hodnotený vplyv aplikácie listových preparátov v interakcii s ďalšími faktormi (poveternostné podmienky, odroda) na parametre úrody a kvality cukrovej repy (úroda buliev, cukornatosť, obsah melasotvorných látok, úroda rafi nády). Listové preparáty zvýšili úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu rafi nády iba v roku s dostatočnými zrážkami. V suchom roku neovplyvnili úrodu buliev a znížili cukornatosť. V oboch experimentálnych rokoch listové preparáty znížili obsah K+ a Na+ v buľvách a neovplyvnili obsah αN. Listové preparáty významnejšie vplývali na úrodu cukrovej repy než na jej kvalitu. Odroda ´Takt´ tolerantná voči rizománie dosiahla vyššiu úrodu buliev, digesciu a úrodu polarizačného cukru než citlivá odroda ´Swing´. Medzi odrodami neboli zistené žiadne rozdiely v reakcii na listové preparáty pri žiadnom zo sledovaných parametrov


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    In this study were evaluated both the growth and yield potentials of three chicory (Cichorium intybus var. sativum) varieties (\u27Fredonia Nova\u27, \u27Oesia\u27 a \u27Maurane\u27) growing in natural agro-ecological conditions from 2006 to 2008. Regulation of the crop productivity by foliar application of biologically active substances (Atonik, Polybor 150, and Biafit Gold) was also studied. Evaluation of growth-production performance of chicory was realized as: leaf area index (LAI), photosynthetic potential (LAD), net assimilation rate (NAR), crop rate growth (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR), harvest index (HI), root yield and inulin content in root. During threeyears of experimental seasons, the highest average yield of chicory roots was observed in variety \u27Fredonia Nova\u27 (value 2.08 kg m-2), with average LAI reached on value 1.88 and average NAR on value 2.15 g m-2 d-1. The highest average HI was observed in variety \u27Oesia\u27 (64.0 %) and the lowest in variety \u27Maurane\u27 (57.3 %). The highest average inulin root content reached variety \u27Fredonia Nova\u27 up to value 205.9 mg g-1 dry weight. In this study we discussed in detail observed interaction between individual growth-production characteristics. Finally we observed that application of biologically active substances (BAS) is an important tool for optimalization of growthproduction potential in chicory plant. Our results showed that application of BAS (and mainly of Atonik) in all the varieties and experimental years significantly increased the growth-production performance and modified source – sink relationships

    Vplyv ročníka a biostimulátorov na obsah mastných kyselín v hybridoch slnečnice ročnej

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    Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is grown in Slovak growing conditions for edible oil of high quality, its composition of unsaturated fatty acids affects the human health positively. Influence of year, hybrids (Marbelia CS and Reasun DS5) and biostimulating preparations (Florone and Fertisiline) on yield, oil content, and amount of selected fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and stearic acids) was find out in this study. Also evaluate the relationship within the achieved yield and oil content with the obtained amount of selected fatty acids. Field small-plot experiments were established by randomized split plot method during the growing years of 2018 and 2019. The experimental field is situated in a warm maize production area, while the course of weather conditions during individual growing seasons was different. On an average for experimental period of 2018-2019, more favorable course of temperatures and precipitation was recorded in 2018. Significantly higher achene yield (3.29±0.35 t/ha) and a higher amount of selected fatty acids (oleic acid 62.11±4.33%; linoleic acid 45.32±4.62%; palmitic acid 5.26±0.33%; stearic acid 4.21±0.20%) were found in Reasun DS-5 hybrid. Both biostimulating preparations had a significant effect on the yield and oleic acid content, when both biostimulators were applied in BBCH 15 and BBCH 55. The amount of linoleic acid decreased by both biostimulating applications in BBCH 15 (Florone 33.88±10.57%; Fertilisine 34.11±13.37%) and BBCH 15, 55 ((Florone 34.08±12.34%; Fertisiline 34.26±13.40%) compared by control treatments (38.43±6.01%). The contents of linoleic acid on treated variants by both preparations in BBCH 55 (Florone 38.26±9.47%; Fertisiline 39.03±8.95%) were statistically nonsignificant with comparison to untreated control. The height of yield was negatively correlated (r= -0.310; P<0.01) with the oil content in the average of 2018 and 2019. A significant positive correlation was found in the relationships between the yield and palmitic acid (r=0.35; P<0.01), linoleic acid and palmitic acid, and stearic acid (r=0.51; P<0.01) (r=0.86; P<0.01), palmitic acid and stearic acid (r=0.45; P<0.01).Slnečnica ročná (Helianthus annuus L.) je v našich podmienkach pestovaná hlavne pre získavanie vysoko kvalitného jedlého oleja, ktorého zloženie nenasýtených mastných kyselín pozitívne vplýva na zdravie človeka. V tejto štúdii bolo cieľom zistiť vplyv ročníka, hybridov (Marbelia CS a Reasun DS-5) a biostimulačných prípravkov (Florone a Fertisiline) na úrodu, obsah oleja a množstvo vybraných mastných kyselín (kyselina olejová, linolová, palmitová a steárová). Taktiež zhodnotiť vzťah v rámci dosiahnutej úrody a obsahu oleja so získaným množstvom vybraných mastných kyselín. Poľné maloparcelové experimenty boli založené metódou kolmo delených blokov a v náhodnom usporiadaní počas pestovateľských rokov 2018 a 2019. Pokusné stanovište je situované v teplej kukuričnej výrobnej oblasti, pričom priebeh poveternostných podmienok počas jednotlivých pestovateľských období bol rozdielny. V priemere za sledované obdobie bol štatisticky preukazne vhodnejší priebeh teplôt a zrážok zaznamenaný v roku 2018. V priemere štatisticky preukazne vyššia úroda nažiek (3,29±0,35 t.ha-1) a vyšší obsah vybraných mastných kyselín (kyselina olejová 62,11±4,33 %; kyselina linolová 45,32±4,62 %; kyselina palmitová 5,26±0,33 %; kyselina steárová 4,21±0,20 %) boli zistené pri hybride Reasun DS-5. Použitím biostimulačných prípravkov bola úroda v priemere za sledované obdobie ovplyvnená štatisticky preukazne, pri aplikácii oboch prípravkov (Florone a Fertisiline) v rastovej fáze BBCH 15 aj BBCH 55 (fáza 6-8 listov a fáza kvitnutia), rovnako tak aj množstvo kyseliny olejovej. Obsah kyseliny linolovej klesol po aplikácii oboch prípravkov v rastovej fáze BBCH 15 (Florone 33,88±10,57 %; Fertilisine 34,11±13,37 %) a BBCH 15, 55 (Florone 34,08±12,34 %; Fertisiline 34,26±13,40 %) v porovnaní s kontrolným variantom (38,43±6,01 %). Obsahy získanej kyseliny linolovej na variantoch ošetrených vo fáze BBCH 55 (Florone 38,26±9,47 %; Fertisiline 39,03±8,95 %) boli štatisticky nepreukazné v porovnaní s kontrolou. Výška úrody negatívne korelovala (r= -0,310; P<0,01) s obsahom získaného oleja v priemere rokov 2018 a 2019. Významná pozitívna korelácia bola zistená pri vzťahoch úroda a kyselina palmitová (r=0.35; P<0.01), kyselina linolová a kyselina palmitová, a steárová (r=0.51; P<0.01) (r=0.86; P<0.01), kyselina palmitová a kyselina steárová (r=0.45; P<0.01)


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    The influence of variety and foliar applications of Atonik and Polybor 150 on root yield and inulin content in root of chicory (Cichorium Intybus L.) plant were observed in field polyfactorial experiment. The field trials were established on experimental station Dolná Malanta in warm maize production area in 2005 and 2006 years. The root yield and inulin content were statistically high significantly influenced by year’s weather conditions. In term of obtained root yield and inulin content in root the combination of foliar preparations on variant B (Atonik: 0.4 l ha-1 in 2nd post-emergence herbicide application; Atonik + Polybor 150: 0.6 + 2.5 l ha-1 in 3rd post-emergence herbicide application; Polybor 150: 2.5 l ha-1 in 1st fungicide treatment) was shown to be optimal in given agri-ecological conditions. Biological material affected the formation of yield parameters very differently. The highest yield of root was observed at variety Fredonia Nova and inulin content in root at variety Maurane (both statistically significant).V poľných polyfaktorových experimentoch bol sledovaný vplyv odrody a foliárnej aplikácie Atoniku a Polyboru 150 na úrodu koreňa a obsah inulínu v koreni čakanky. Poľný experiment bol uskutočnený v rokoch 2005 a 2006 na experimentálnej stanici Dolná Malanta v teplej kukuričnej výrobnej oblasti na stredne ťažkej hnedozemi. Poveternostné podmienkami stanovišťa ovplyvnili výšku úrody koreňa, ako aj obsah inulínu v koreni štatisticky vysoko preukazne. V daných agroekologických podmienkach bol vplyv termínu foliárnej aplikácie Atoniku a Polyboru 150 na úrodu koreňa a obsah inulínu v koreni najvýznamnejší v experimentálnom variante B (Atonik 0,4 l.ha-1 - druhá postemergentná aplikácia herbicídu; Atonik + Polybor 150: 0,6 + 2.5 l.ha-1 - tretia postemergentná aplikácia herbicídu; Polybor 150: 2,5 l.ha-1 - prvé fungicídne ošetrenie). Biologický materiál ovplyvňoval formovanie úrodových parametrov rozdielne. Vplyv odrody na úrodu koreňa bol štatisticky signifikantný. Najvyššia úroda bola zaznamenaná pri odrode Fredonia Nova a najvyšší obsah inulínu v koreni bol pri odrode Maurane

    Integrated Proteomic and Metabolomic Profiling of Phytophthora cinnamomi Attack on Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) Reveals Distinct Molecular Reprogramming Proximal to the Infection Site and Away from It

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    Phytophthora cinnamomi is one of the most invasive tree pathogens that devastates wild and cultivated forests. Due to its wide host range, knowledge of the infection process at the molecular level is lacking for most of its tree hosts. To expand the repertoire of studied Phytophthora-woody plant interactions and identify molecular mechanisms that can facilitate discovery of novel ways to control its spread and damaging effects, we focused on the interaction between P. cinnamomi and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), an economically important tree for the wood processing industry. By using a combination of proteomics, metabolomics, and targeted hormonal analysis, we mapped the effects of P. cinnamomi attack on stem tissues immediately bordering the infection site and away from it. P. cinnamomi led to a massive reprogramming of the chestnut proteome and accumulation of the stress-related hormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA), indicating that stem inoculation can be used as an easily accessible model system to identify novel molecular players in P. cinnamomi pathogenicity.O

    The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC

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    ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a general-purpose, heavy-ion detector at the CERN LHC which focuses on QCD, the strong-interaction sector of the Standard Model. It is designed to address the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at extreme values of energy density and temperature in nucleus-nucleus collisions. Besides running with Pb ions, the physics programme includes collisions with lighter ions, lower energy running and dedicated proton-nucleus runs. ALICE will also take data with proton beams at the top LHC energy to collect reference data for the heavy-ion programme and to address several QCD topics for which ALICE is complementary to the other LHC detectors. The ALICE detector has been built by a collaboration including currently over 1000 physicists and engineers from 105 Institutes in 30 countries. Its overall dimensions are 161626 m3 with a total weight of approximately 10 000 t. The experiment consists of 18 different detector systems each with its own specific technology choice and design constraints, driven both by the physics requirements and the experimental conditions expected at LHC. The most stringent design constraint is to cope with the extreme particle multiplicity anticipated in central Pb-Pb collisions. The different subsystems were optimized to provide high-momentum resolution as well as excellent Particle Identification (PID) over a broad range in momentum, up to the highest multiplicities predicted for LHC. This will allow for comprehensive studies of hadrons, electrons, muons, and photons produced in the collision of heavy nuclei. Most detector systems are scheduled to be installed and ready for data taking by mid-2008 when the LHC is scheduled to start operation, with the exception of parts of the Photon Spectrometer (PHOS), Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) and Electro Magnetic Calorimeter (EMCal). These detectors will be completed for the high-luminosity ion run expected in 2010. This paper describes in detail the detector components as installed for the first data taking in the summer of 2008

    Ventilation and monitoring of cable tunnles and emergency technical support in subsurface constructions

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    Větrání a bezpečnostní rizika při provozování podpovrchových systémů s návrhem začlenění záchranné služby do integrovaného záchranného systému

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    Import 23/03/2011Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostiNeuveden