292 research outputs found

    Refugees in the Norwegian welfare state : marginalized when unfit for labour market participation?

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    The aim of this thesis is to shed light on some challenges facing the Norwegian welfare state associated with accommodating for refugees with poor health. It might also provide knowledge to policy makers on local and national level when deciding on refugee and welfare services. Many refugees with health problems end up as long-term social assistance recipients, and it seems that they get less usage of support through the National Insurance Scheme. This study investigates how the Norwegian universal welfare state accommodates for refugees when health problems hinder their participation in the introduction programme, and thus make them dependent on social welfare support. The study also examines the types of measures offered to refugees above 55 years old, who are excluded from the right to participate in the introduction programme. Finally the study investigates whether the increased share with refugee status versus humanitarian grounds has had any effect on the access to rights within the National Insurance Scheme. The study is based on a literature review. In addition it is reviewing selected cases processed in the National Insurance Court, and looks into the factors affecting the decisions on health related benefits. Furthermore, it assesses the findings from these endeavours against the tenets of the Discrimination Act and discusses possible effects on marginalization and social citizenship for those affected. The main observation is that case processing resources are wasted due to weaknesses in the case preparations. It also reveals examples of insufficient use of interpreters in the health services. These factors substantiates that social assistance will be the main source of income for long periods before the majority are recognized with rights within the frames of the National Insurance Scheme. The thesis concludes with four suggestions for policy and service improvements.Master in International Social Welfare and Health Polic

    Multi-Cloud Information Security Policy Development

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    Organizations’ ever lasting desire to utilize new trending technologies for optimizing their businesses have been increasing by the years. Cloud computing has been around for a while, and for many became a vital part of their day-to-day operations. The concept of multi-cloud has allowed organizations to take advantage of every cloud vendor’s best services, hinder vendor lock-in, resulting in cost optimization, and resulting in more available services. With every new technology, there are new vulnerabilities ready to be exploited at any time. As there is little prior research regarding this field, threat actors can exploit an organization’s ignorance on important challenges such as interoperability issues, implementing multiple vendors resulting in losing track of their services, and the lack of expertise in this newly founded field. To alleviate such issues, one approach could be to develop information security policies, hence our research question for the thesis: How to develop information security policies in a multi-cloud environment with considerations of the unique challenges it offers? To uncover the research question, we have conducted a systematic literature review followed up by a qualitative research approach. This has resulted in six semi-structured interviews from respondents with a variety of experience within the multi-cloud realm. The most prominent findings from this exploratory study has been the focus of thoroughly planning the need of a multi-cloud and information security policies, as well as applying a top-down approach for the policy development phase. This gives a more holistic view over the process, and additionally having the right competence is important. An interesting finding was that multi-cloud on paper should prevent the vendor lock-in issue, but in reality may provoke the matter. Using the tools and services provided by the cloud service providers may enhance the development of information security policies, but proves to be difficult in multi-cloud as the problem of interoperability hinders this. Lastly, reviewing policies becomes more timeconsuming and resource heavy in a multi-cloud because of the frequent updates and changes in technology, which has to be monitored. This research presents a conceptual framework, which by no means is a one-size-fits-all solution, but raises discussion for future work in this field

    Multi-Cloud Information Security Policy Development

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    Organizations’ ever lasting desire to utilize new trending technologies for optimizing their businesses have been increasing by the years. Cloud computing has been around for a while, and for many became a vital part of their day-to-day operations. The concept of multi-cloud has allowed organizations to take advantage of every cloud vendor’s best services, hinder vendor lock-in, resulting in cost optimization, and resulting in more available services. With every new technology, there are new vulnerabilities ready to be exploited at any time. As there is little prior research regarding this field, threat actors can exploit an organization’s ignorance on important challenges such as interoperability issues, implementing multiple vendors resulting in losing track of their services, and the lack of expertise in this newly founded field. To alleviate such issues, one approach could be to develop information security policies, hence our research question for the thesis: How to develop information security policies in a multi-cloud environment with considerations of the unique challenges it offers? To uncover the research question, we have conducted a systematic literature review followed up by a qualitative research approach. This has resulted in six semi-structured interviews from respondents with a variety of experience within the multi-cloud realm. The most prominent findings from this exploratory study has been the focus of thoroughly planning the need of a multi-cloud and information security policies, as well as applying a top-down approach for the policy development phase. This gives a more holistic view over the process, and additionally having the right competence is important. An interesting finding was that multi-cloud on paper should prevent the vendor lock-in issue, but in reality may provoke the matter. Using the tools and services provided by the cloud service providers may enhance the development of information security policies, but proves to be difficult in multi-cloud as the problem of interoperability hinders this. Lastly, reviewing policies becomes more timeconsuming and resource heavy in a multi-cloud because of the frequent updates and changes in technology, which has to be monitored. This research presents a conceptual framework, which by no means is a one-size-fits-all solution, but raises discussion for future work in this field

    Seneffektene som hemmer livet: -oppfølging av unge voksne kreftoverlevere

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    For unge voksne oppleves det ekstra belastende å få en kreftdiagnose. De er i en sårbar fase av livet hvor de skal ta utdanning, starte i ny jobb og etablere familie. Unge voksne er mer utsatt for seneffekter grunnet hardere behandling, og dette er seneffekter noen opplever å ha livet ut. Tilstedeværelse av seneffekter påvirker livskvaliteten til kreftoverlevere i forskjellig grad, og for å kunne hjelpe denne pasientgruppen best mulig vil det være nyttig å tilegne seg kunnskap om deres erfaringer for hvordan de opplever tiden etter kreftbehandling. Analysen av artiklene viser at unge voksne kreftoverlevere opplever psykiske og fysiske seneffekter. Seneffektene hindrer overleverne i å leve livet videre slik de gjorde før de ble kreftsyk. Majoriteten av overleverne ønsket å være bedre forberedt for tiden etter behandling og en bedre oppfølging for å kunne mestre et liv med seneffekter. Resultatene er delt inn i tre tema: “Fysiske og psykiske seneffekter kreftoverlevere opplever”, “hvordan seneffekter påvirker livskvaliteten” og “forberedelse og oppfølging av unge voksne med seneffekter”. Konklusjonen er at unge voksne kreftoverlevere trenger bedre forberedelse for livet etter kreftbehandling. De trenger mer informasjon om seneffekter og en tettere oppfølging med rehablitering etter behandling. Kreftoverleverne trenger at helsepersonell har mer kunnskap om seneffekter

    Forbudet mot overgangstak i norsk fotball: Ulovlig og uhensiktsmessig?

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    Avhandlingen behandler det såkalte forbudet mot overgangstak i norsk fotball, jf. NFFs overgangsreglement § 3-1 d). Tematikken er svært aktuell som følge av fotballens internasjonale, sportslige og kommersielle utvikling de senere år. Avhandlingen konkluderer med at det særnorske forbudet strider med EØS art. 28 om fri bevegelighet av arbeidstakere. Videre anses forbudet i en viss grad å være hensiktsmessig for beskyttelse av norske fotballklubbers økonomiske og sportslige virksomhet. Imidlertid anses betenkelighetene med forbudet mange og betydelige. Avhandlingens konklusjon er derfor at forbudet mot overgangstak er ulovlig og uhensiktsmessig.MasteroppgaveJUS399MAJUR-2MAJU

    Det strafferettslige vernet av lyd- og bildemateriale som krenker privatlivets fred

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    Avhandlingen behandler det strafferettslige vernet mot befatning med lyd og bildemateriale som er egnet til å krenke privatlivets fred. Med lyd- og bildemateriale menes lydopptak, fotografier og videopptak. Avhandlingen reiser fire problemstillinger. Den første er hvilket strafferettslig vern Norge har mot fremstilling, anskaffelse og tilgjengeliggjøring av slikt materiale etter gjeldende rett. Den andre er om Norges regelverk oppfyller de positive menneskerettslige forpliktelsene etter Grunnloven § 102 og EMK artikkel 8. Den tredje er om Justis- og beredskapsdepartementets forslag til nye straffebud for befatning med lyd- og bildemateriale som er særlig egnet til å krenke privatlivets fred er hensiktsmessig utformet og i samsvar med klarhetskravet. Den siste er hvorvidt lovforslaget er i tråd med de krav som gjelder for kriminalisering, altså en rettspolitisk vurdering


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    Pendidikan karakter telah menjadi pusat perhatian bagi pendidikan Indonesia saat ini. Banyaknya kasus-kasus moral yang terjadi pada siswa sekolah menengah pertama khususnya di kota Bandung merupakan salah satu dampak dari kesalahan pendidikan yang cenderung lebih banyak menekankan pembelajaran pada aspek kognitif dan mengabaikan aspek lainnya terutama dalam aspek penanaman karakter. Meskipun dalam pembelajaran di sekolah khususnya pada mata pelajaran IPA, siswa ditekankan untuk dapat menghargai lingkungan, namun fakta yang terjadi di lapangan adalah masih banyak siswa yang acuh terhadap keadaan lingkungan sekitarnya. Kasus ini menimbulkan pertanyaan besar dalam dunia pendidikan terkait pengaruh pengetahuan (kognitif) terhadap karakter yang tertanam dalam diri siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis profil hubungan penguasaan konsep dan karakter siswa SMP mengenai isu-isu sains. Alasan dilakukannya penelitian ini dikarenakan salah satu fungsi Pendidikan Nasional adalah untuk mengembangkan potensi dan karakter peserta didik. Pendidikan di Indonesia dikatakan berhasil apabila pendidikan mampu menyeimbangkan antara domain kognitif dan karakter. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif terhadap 220 siswa SMP dari enam sekolah yang terdiri dari sekolah kluster I, II, dan III di kota Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu Tes Penguasaan Konsep untuk mengukur tingkat penguasaan konsep siswa dan Tes Dilema Moral untuk mengukur karakter siswa. Pola hubungan penguasaan konsep dan karakter Siswa yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini adalah siswa dengan penguasaan konsep sangat baik, baik, dan cukup mempunyai persentase aspek karakter baik moral knowing, moral feeling, dan moral action yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa dengan tingkat penguasaan konsep rendah dan sangat rendah. ;--- Character education has become a central concern for education in Indonesia today. The number of cases of moral happens to secondary school students especially in Bandung is one of the effects of educational trespass that tend to more emphasize of learning on cognitive aspects and tend to ignore other aspects, the aspect of character cultivation in particular.Although learning in school, especially in science subjects, students can appreciate the emphasis on the environment, but the fact that happened is still a lot of students are indifferent to the state of the surrounding environment.This case raises a big question in the world of education related to the influence of knowledge (cognitive) toward characters that are embedded in students. This study aimed to analyze the profile of relationship between mastery of concepts and characters junior high school students about science issues. The reason for this research because one of the functions of National Education is to develop the potential and character of students. Education in Indonesia can succeed if education is able to balance between the cognitive domain and character.This research uses qualitative descriptive to 220 junior high school students from six schools consisting of school clusters I, II, and III in the city of Bandung. The instrument used is the Concept Mastery Tests to measure students 'mastery of concepts and Moral Dilemma Tests to measure students' character. The pattern of relationship mastery of concepts and characters students found in this study is a student with a mastery of the concept is very good, good, and enough have percentage aspects of good character moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action are higher than students with a level of mastery of the concept of low and very lo