1,117 research outputs found

    Deep Representation-aligned Graph Multi-view Clustering for Limited Labeled Multi-modal Health Data

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    Today, many fields are characterised by having extensive quantities of data from a wide range of dissimilar sources and domains. One such field is medicine, in which data contain exhaustive combinations of spatial, temporal, linear, and relational data. Often lacking expert-assessed labels, much of this data would require analysis within the fields of unsupervised or semi-supervised learning. Thus, reasoned by the notion that higher view-counts provide more ways to recognise commonality across views, contrastive multi-view clustering may be utilised to train a model to suppress redundancy and otherwise medically irrelevant information. Yet, standard multi-view clustering approaches do not account for relational graph data. Recent developments aim to solve this by utilising various graph operations including graph-based attention. And within deep-learning graph-based multi-view clustering on a sole view-invariant affinity graph, representation alignment remains unexplored. We introduce Deep Representation-Aligned Graph Multi-View Clustering (DRAGMVC), a novel attention-based graph multi-view clustering model. Comparing maximal performance, our model surpassed the state-of-the-art in eleven out of twelve metrics on Cora, CiteSeer, and PubMed. The model considers view alignment on a sample-level by employing contrastive loss and relational data through a novel take on graph attention embeddings in which we use a Markov chain prior to increase the receptive field of each layer. For clustering, a graph-induced DDC module is used. GraphSAINT sampling is implemented to control our mini-batch space to capitalise on our Markov prior. Additionally, we present the MIMIC pleural effusion graph multi-modal dataset, consisting of two modalities registering 3520 chest X-ray images along with two static views registered within a one-day time frame: vital signs and lab tests. These making up the, in total, three views of the dataset. We note a significant improvement in terms of separability, view mixing, and clustering performance comparing DRAGMVC to preceding non-graph multi-view clustering models, suggesting a possible, largely unexplored use case of unsupervised graph multi-view clustering on graph-induced, multi-modal, and complex medical data

    No Bones About It: Evaluating Faunal Evidence for Ancient Lifestyles at Tall Jalul, Jordan

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    Analysis and characterization of faunal remains -- those bones and bone fragments collected from archaeological sites -- allows anthropologists and archaeologists to more completely reconstruct the ways in which ancient societies survived and interacted. As animals have invariably played an integral role in human society, providing transportation, draft, and a consistent food source, the study of their bones can elucidate the lifestyles and cultural practices of the people who raised and utilized them. Faunal remains for this project were collected and identified during the 2009 dig season at Tall Jalul in Jordan as part of the Madaba Plains Project. Further analysis of osteological and surface features allowed elucidation of the animals\u27 species, age, gender, butchering methods, and pathologies. Initial inferences may be drawn from the preponderance of sheep and goat bones identified over other species; from these results it is plausible to posit that the ancient inhabitants of Tall Jalul may have embraced a pastoral existence, with agrarian activities and subsistence hunting supplementing this lifestyle

    The integration of handicapped and nonhandicapped children at the preschool level: a challenge for the field

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of integrating handicapped children with their nonhandicapped peers and to develop an understanding of the complexity of implementing such a plan. It was not the intent of this paper to downplay the benefits that early childhood special education programs currently provide to handicapped preschoolers, but rather to explore options for creating integrated opportunities/programs

    Generalized Constitutive Model for Stabilized Quick Clay

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    An experimentally-based two yield surface constitutive model for cemented quick clay has been developed at NTNU, Norway, to reproduce the mechanical behavior of the stabilized quick clay in the triaxial p’-q stress space. The model takes into account the actual mechanical properties of the stabilized material, such as “attraction”, friction angle and destructuration. A further attempt has been made to extend the formulation into the full stress space, based on the Hardening Soil Model, the SClay Model, the Koiter Rule and two Mapping Rules. A generalized 3D-constitutive model for stabilized quick clay has been formulated. This paper discusses the formulation process and presents the resulting generalized model.Keywords: Constitutive model, Quick clay, Destructuration, Hardening rule, Yield surfac

    Reinforcement Learning and Graph Neural Networks for Probabilistic Risk Assessment

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    This paper presents a new approach to the solution of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) models using the combination of Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The paper introduces and demonstrates the concept using one of the most popular PRA models - Fault Trees. This paper's original idea is to apply RL algorithms to solve a PRA model represented with a graph model. Given enough training data, or through RL, such an approach helps train generic PRA solvers that can optimize and partially substitute classical PRA solvers that are based on existing formal methods. Such an approach helps to solve the problem of the fast-growing complexity of PRA models of modern technical systems

    Tillit i rolleoverganger : en studie av regnskapsføreres tillit til ledelsen i overgangen til rådgiverrollen

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    Formålet med denne masterutredningen er å få innsikt i hvordan kommunikasjon og deltakelse påvirker de ansattes tillit til ledelse i forbindelse med rolleovergangen. Samtidig undersøkes hvilke faktorer regnskapsførere legger i utformingen av kontrollsystemer med hensyn til ivaretakelse av tillit. Diskusjonen av funnene viser at blant annet effektene av sosiale redegjørelser i endrings-prosessen er uklare når det gjelder å styrke tilliten. Imidlertid tyder funnene på at redegjørelsene kan bidra til å ivareta tilliten hos de ansatte. Samme konklusjon gjelder ved involvering av de ansatte i endringsprosessen. Videre viser utredningen at kontrollsystemer bør formes slik at de framstår som rettferdige og åpne

    Development of a 60 L Mixer/Vacuum Coater.

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    The development of a 60-litre mixer/vacuum coater was the main objective of this thesis. The mixer/vacuum coaters design is based on a 1-litre prototype created by Didrik Heidal Dolva and Eirik Madland Størdal at IMT/NMBU as well as existing products from Forberg International AS, a manufacturer of mixers and rotating vacuum coaters. The working principle for this machine originates from Fôrtek, the international centre for feed technology owned by NMBU, who in collaboration with IMT/NMBU have created the different inventive steps for the patent. The purpose of this work was to design a ready to build 60-litre version of the 1-litre prototype. The mixer/vacuum coater consists of one main housing with two different lids: one de-agglomeration lid and one vacuum lid. The lids can be changed to perform either vacuum coating or mixing operations. Chain driven components are used to rotate the main housing for it to be able to execute filling, emptying, mixing/vacuum coating and cleaning. The mixer/vacuum coater consists of 77 self-made unique parts, countless standard parts and solutions provided by Forberg. Structural analysis were executed on the components that was seen as critical for the machine to function safely and properly. The calculations were mainly performed for the parts that were subjected to the highest stress. Required start torque and power for every motor/gearmotor and stress evaluation for the mixer rotor and the main housing is examples of calculations that were performed. A list of possible production methods were executed to form the basis of the cost analysis. The cost of standard parts were obtained by contacting the different manufacturers while the manufacturing costs of the designed components were estimated based on communication with workshops and suppliers.Hovedmålet for denne mastergradsoppgaven var å utvikle en maskin som skulle kunne både mikse og vakuum «coate» en batch på opptil 60 liter. Oppgaven er basert på utviklingen av en 1 liter mixer/vacuum coater som er ble gjort i forbindelse med masteroppgaven til Didrik Heidal Dolva og Eirik Madland ved IMT/NMBU våren 2015. Maskinen som er blitt utviklet i denne masteroppgaven er blitt utviklet gjennom samarbeid med Forberg International AS, produsent av miksere og vacuum coatere og eier av den originale «twin-shaft»-mikseren, samt Fôrtek, senter for fôr-teknologi ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet. Sistnevnte utarbeidet arbeidsprinsippet og de forskjellige utviklingspunktene til mikser/vakuum coateren i samarbeid med IMT/NMBU. Den nye 60 liter mikser/vakuum coateren skulle være en oppskalering av fjorårets 1 liter maskin. Mikser/vacuum coateren består av et hoved-hus som kan benyttes med to forskjellige lokk: ett med en de-agglomerator og ett vakuum-lokk. Lokkene kan byttes ut for å enten kunne utføre miksing eller vacuum coating. Kjededrevene komponenter er benyttet for å kunne rotere hoved-huset for at det skulle kunne bli utført påfylling, tømming, miksing/vacuum coating og rengjøring. Maskinen består av 77 egendesignede deler og en stor mengde standardkomponenter i tillegg til løsninger hentet fra Forberg. Strukturanalyse har blitt utført på de komponentene som ble ansett som avgjørende for at maskinen skulle kunne utføre oppgavene den var ment til å uføre på et trygt og forsvarlig vis. Kalkulasjonene ble i all hovedsak utført på de delene som var sett på utsatt for høyest spenning. Nødvendig startmoment og effekt for hver motor/gir-motor og spenningsberegninger på mikser-rotoren og hoved-huset er eksempler på beregninger som ble utført. En liste med mulige produksjonsmetoder ble utformer for å danne grunnlaget til kostnadsanalysen. Kostnadene til standardkomponentene ble innhentet gjennom korrespondanse med leverandører, mens produksjonskostnadene av de selvdesignede delene ble estimert ved å ta utgangspunkt i kommunikasjon med verksted og leverandører.M-MP