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    Fatma Sabiha Kutlar, Arpaemini-Zade Mustafa Sami- Divan

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    Modules characterized with some special submodules

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    Birimli ve birle¸smeli bir R halkası için M bir sa˘g R-modül olsun. M nin her tümleyen (complement) altmodülü M nin bir direk toplananı ise M ye birCS-modül denir. Extending modül, CS-modül ve C1 ¸sartını sa˘glayan modül denk modüllerdir. Ancak teorinin geli¸siminde bu çe¸sit modüllerin denk olmayan farklı pek çok tanımlamaları vardır. Kapalı (closed) altmodülleri ile karakterize edilen modüller bazı ara¸stırmacılar tarafından çalı¸sılmı¸stır ve hatta bir survey olarak yayınlanmı¸stır (bakınız [12]). Biz bu çalı¸smada tümleyen altmodülleri ile karakterize edilen CS-modüller ba˘glamında farklı tanımları çalı¸sarak aralarındaki ili¸skileri inceledik.For an associative ring R with identity, let M be a right R-module. If every complement submodule of M is a direct summand of M, then M is called CS-module. Extending module,CS-module and a module which satisfyC1 property are all equivalent. But in the development of the theory, there are several different definitions of this kind of modules which are not equal. The modules characterized by their closed submodules had been work by some researchers and also published as a survey (See [12]). In this work we study all different definitions that we access them in the sense of CS-modules characterized by complement submodules and give relations among them

    Reserve options mechanism

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    53 pagesFinansal piyasalarda yaşanan şoklardan dolayı sermaye akımlarındaki oynaklıkların Türkiye piyasalarına etkisini minimize etmek ve Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası (TCMB)’nın brüt döviz rezervlerini güçlendirmek amacıyla, TCMB tarafından 2011 yılında hayata geçirilen rezerv opsiyon mekanizması (ROM), zorunlu karşılık yükümülülüğüne sahip bankalara ve finansal kurumlara bu yükümlülüklerinin belirli bir kısmını yabancı para (YP) ve altın olarak tesis etme imkanı tanımaktadır. Bu çalışmada ROM kullanım seviyelerini etkileyen faktörler incelenmekte, daha önceki çalışmalarda etkin çalıştığı konusunda şüphe duyulan ROM’un otomatik dengeleyici özelliğinin, 2018’de Türkiye piyasalarında yaşanan finansal çalkantı döneminde işlevini etkin bir şekilde yerine getirip getirmediği araştırılmaktadır. Bankacılık sektörünün ROM kullanımı davranışları incelendiğinde 2018 yılından önceki dönemde TL ve YP faiz oranlarının önemli rol oynadığı maliyet kaynaklı faktörler öne çıkarken, 2018 yılında yaşanan finansal çalkantı döneminde ise sektörün ROM kullanımı ile maliyet kaynaklı faktörler arasında önemli bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. İlgili dönemde çoklu regresyon analizi kullanılarak ROM kullanımını etkileyen faktörlerin Dolar TL kuru, Türkiye CDS oranı, banka bilançolarındaki verilen kredilerin ağırlığı, ekonomik güven endeksi ve bankacılık sektörü toplam likidite rasyosu olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu çerçevede 2018 yılında Türkiye piyasalarında yaşanan finansal çalkantı dönemi gibi dönemlerde bankacılık sektörünün ROM kullanımında dikkate aldığı faktörlerin, maliyet faktörlerinden ayrıştığı, bu sebeple de böyle dönemlerde ROM’un otomatik dengeleyici özelliğinin etkin bir şekilde çalıştığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Rezerv Opsiyon Mekanizması, Otomatik Dengeleyici Özelliği, Sermaye Akımları, Finansal Çalkantı, ROM Kullanımını Etkileyen FaktörlerThe reserve options mechanism (ROM) is a monetary policy tool adopted by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) to increase the efficiency of the gross reserves management and soften the possible negative effects of capital flows on the macroeconomic and financial stability. It allows banks or financial institutions, which are subject to reserve requirement, to keep certain portion of their TL reserve in foreign currency or in gold. In this study, the factors affecting ROM utilization of banking system are investigated. The automatic stabilizing feature of mechanism which is suspected in previous studies is examined throughout this paper especially focusing on 2018 financial turbulence period. Breakeven ROC, which depends on the relative cost of Turkish lira versus foreign currency funding is the main determinant of ROM utilization in Turkey for the period between 2012 and 2017. Whereas in 2018, any significant correlation between ROM utilization and the breakeven ROC cannot be found in our analysis. Using step multiple regression analysis, we have found that the factors significantly explain ROM utilization in 2018 are USDTL exchange rate, Turkey CDS rate, loan to asset ratio in banking sector, total economic confidence index and total liquidity ratio of banking sector. In this context, the result of the study indicates that during the periods like financial turbulence Turkish financial system experienced in 2018, the factors affecting ROM utilization differs from the cost related factors and this enables automatic stabilizing feature of mechanism to work efficiently. Key Words: Reserve Options Mechanism, Automatic Stabilizing Feature, Capital Flows, Financial Turbulence, Factors Affecting ROM Utilizatio


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    Architectural education −as the world's oldest design oriented vocational training− is being tried to improved in our country dependent on the central enforcing institutions. Due to this situation, educational institutions that have devoted themselves for centuries to raising salutary and distinctive generations in this profession have become unsuccessful. Disregard for an intense and a supervised information obtaining process that should be applied in universal standards, the qualitative weakness of the legislation and the rules and the acceptance of the quality of the current vocational graduation in design education as adequate, have caused a significant decrease in the value of the offered structures and designs. In an educational environment where the modern education is unfulfilled and the institutions that offer education in architecture, interior design, urban planning are destroyed and the traditional behavior and universal knowledge is not observed, future dynamics of professions remain inadequate. When all these responsibilities are carried out by only one unifying and rule-making administration, and when chambers as nongovernmental organizations try to stay away from the common, contemporary, universal and liberal education policies, a vocational formation in which conceptual developments never mature is created. The enforcing and the repressive administration system is trying to adapt a traditional education model that is consentient to the students’ current capabilities (never requiring more) in our education system. Expecting a low-level success −and being contended with that success− from students who have no background in design, who have no conceptual intelligence, who are only middleschool graduates and who enter vocational education institutions by chance, and expect them to practice a profession that is creative, constructive and authentic should be considered a huge mistake. In this study, in the extent of the concrete reality of our country, we will examine the adverse developments in design education, the spacial insufficiencies, the difficulties in the training of teaching staff and repressive sanctions in education while considering the international contemporary design education systems and programs. We will also try to offer some options for solution

    Design as a Catalyst for Sustainability Transitions

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    Transitions towards sustainability need for radical and structural changes in the social, cultural and organisational dimensions in addition to technological innovations and infrastructural changes. Sustainability transitions have been a research and practice agenda for several decades. Currently, a new area in design for sustainability field is emerging that bridges the theories and practices of sustainability transitions with theory, education and practice of design. In this paper, we investigate the emergence and evolution of this new area through a literature review of selected publications that represent the current approaches of integrating the theories of sustainability transitions and design. We provide an overview of the current status of the field as well as a comparative analysis of the main contributions regarding their theoretical groundings, sustainability definitions/measures, framings of role of design(ers) and methodological propositions.Peer reviewe

    Bank capital management:International evidence

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    We examine the dynamic behavior of bank capital using a global sample of 64 countries during the 1994-2010 period. Banks achieve deleveraging through active capital management (equity growth) rather than asset liquidation. In contrast, they achieve leveraging through passive capital management (reduced earnings retention) and substantial asset expansion (but also cash hoarding). The speed of capital structure adjustment is heterogeneous across countries. Banks make faster capital structure adjustments in countries with more stringent capital requirements, better supervisory monitoring, more developed capital markets, and high inflation. In times of crises, banks adjust their capital structure significantly more quickly

    Forgetting emotional material in working memory

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    Proactive interference (PI) is the tendency for information learned earlier to interfere with more recently learned information. In the present study, we induced PI by presenting items from the same category over several trials. This results in a build-up of PI and reduces the discriminability of the items in each subsequent trial. We introduced emotional (e.g. disgust) and neutral (e.g. furniture) categories and examined how increasing levels of PI affected performance for both stimulus types. Participants were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) performing a 5-item probe recognition task. We modeled responses and corresponding response times with a hierarchical diffusion model. Results showed that PI effects on latent processes (i.e. reduced drift rate) were similar for both stimulus types, but the effect of PI on drift rate was less pronounced PI for emotional compared to neutral stimuli. The decline in the drift rate was accompanied by an increase in neural activation in parahippocampal regions and this relationship was more strongly observed for neutral stimuli compared to emotional stimuli

    Inextensible flows of curves in the equiform geometry of the pseudo-Galilean space G13

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    In this paper, we study inextensible flows of curves in 3-dimensional pseudoGalilean space. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for inextensible flows of curves according to equiform geometry in pseudo-Galilean space.Publisher's Versio