261 research outputs found

    Some algebraic identities on quadra Fibona-Pell integer sequence

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    WOS: 000354627000002In this work, we define a quadra Fibona-Pell integer sequence W-n = 3W(n-1) - 3W(n-3) - Wn-4 for n >= 4 with initial values W-0 = W-1 = 0, W-2 = 1, W-3 = 3, and we derive some algebraic identities on it including its relationship with Fibonacci and Pell numbers

    Clustering of Time-Series Data

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    The process of separating groups according to similarities of data is called “clustering.” There are two basic principles: (i) the similarity is the highest within a cluster and (ii) similarity between the clusters is the least. Time-series data are unlabeled data obtained from different periods of a process or from more than one process. These data can be gathered from many different areas that include engineering, science, business, finance, health care, government, and so on. Given the unlabeled time-series data, it usually results in the grouping of the series with similar characteristics. Time-series clustering methods are examined in three main sections: data representation, similarity measure, and clustering algorithm. The scope of this chapter includes the taxonomy of time-series data clustering and the clustering of gene expression data as a case study

    Job Autonomy and Work Alienation: Organizational and Occupational Identification as a Mediator

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    This research was conducted to determine the direct and indirect impact of lodging enterprise employees’ perception of job autonomy level on decreasing work alienation tendency. In the examination of the indirect relationships between these two concepts, employees’ perceptions of organizational and occupational identification were determined as mediating variables based on the relevant literature and a structural equation model was developed based on sources of identification and tested via appropriate statistical methods. Questionnaire developed to test the interactions between the variables empirically was applied to lodging enterprise employees in Istanbul which is one of the major tourism destinations in Turkey. Based on the theoretical framework, five research hypotheses which include the direct impact of job autonomy on work alienation and sources of identification were developed. After determining the interactions between the variables, mediating role of organizational and occupational identification in the impact of job autonomy on work alienation was examined through appropriate statistical methods via AMOS 22.0 software package. Structural equation modeling was used to test research hypotheses and mediating effects. After examining model fit indices and path coefficients of variables, it was determined that employees’ perception of job autonomy decreased their tendency for work alienation and organizational identification played a partial mediating role in this decrease. In addition, occupational identification was affected by employees’ perception of job autonomy but did not affect their work alienation levels. Thus, four of the five research hypotheses were confirmed. Findings of this research provide the managers with detailed information on individual and organizational results of providing autonomy for employees at workplace. This study is going to be the first study that aims to analyze the concepts of job autonomy, work alienation, and identification all together with both a theoretical and a structural model. This is also to be the first study on lodging enterprises of tourism industry in this context. Keywords: Job autonomy, Work alienation, Occupational identification, Organizational identification, Lodging enterprises, Structural equation mode


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    This study aims to determine which financial performance ranking methods accurately predict the actual rankings by using multiple criteria decision techniques, and it compares the accuracy of the rankings based on the financial performance indicators and the market based approach which involves market value and average return. Companies listed in BIST50 index (Borsa Istanbul) were investigated, as a result, when considering average return, Promethee and Copras produced similar and consistent rankings. Besides, since it places emphasize on the functional structures of variables, Promethee method was noted to produce the most accurate rankings, thus deemed most effective method helping investors give rational decisions

    O Efeito da Personalidade Próativa e Locus de Controle no Comportamento Inovador do Trabalho: o Papel Mediador do Engajamento no Trabalho

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    The aim of the study is to test the mediating role of work engagement on the effects of proactive personality and locus of control characteristics on innovative work behaviors of the employees. A field study was conducted, and the research data were collected using the questionnaire technique for an empirical analysis of the structural equation modeling created for this purpose. The research population has consisted of employees working in food and beverage departments of hotel businesses, where complex and complicated activities are carried out, therefore a high amount of qualified workforce is needed. According to the results obtained in the results of the survey applied to the employees who provide services in the food and beverage department of the hotels located in Antalya province, which is one of the most important tourist destinations in Turkey. Employees' proactive personality characteristics and their level of commitment positively affect their tendency to show innovative entrepreneurial behavior; proactive personality and internal locus of control had a positive and significant effect on work engagement; however, the mediating effect of external locus of control on innovative entrepreneurial behavior was not detected as significant.El objetivo del estudio es comprobar el efecto mediador del compromiso laboral en el efecto de las características de personalidad proactivos y el locus orientado al control sobre los comportamientos empresariales innovadores. Se realizó un estudio de campo y los datos se recolectaron mediante la técnica de encuesta con el fin de analizar en nivel empírica el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales creado a tal efecto. El universo de la investigación está formado por empleados que dan servicios en departamentos de alimentación y bebidas de negocios hoteleros, donde se desarrollan actividades complejas y complicadas que requiere una alta necesidad de mano de obra cualificada. Según los resultados obtenidos en la encuesta aplicada a los empleados que prestan servicios en el departamento de alimentos y bebidas de hoteles situados en la provincia de Antalya, que es uno de los destinos turísticos más importantes de Turquía, las características de personalidad proactiva de los empleados y su nivel de compromiso afectan positivamente a su tendencia a mostrar un comportamiento empresarial innovador; la personalidad proactiva y el locus de control interno tuvieron un efecto positivo y significativo sobre el compromiso laboral; sin embargo, no se detectó que el efecto mediador del locus de control externo sobre el comportamiento empresarial innovador fuera significativo.O objetivo do estudo é testar o efeito mediador do engajamento no trabalho sobre o efeito de traços de personalidade proativos e locus de controle sobre comportamentos empresariais inovadores. Um estudo de campo foi realizado e os dados foram coletados através da técnica de levantamento a fim de analisar a nível empírico o modelo de equação estrutural criado para este fim. O universo da pesquisa é formado por empregados que prestam serviços em departamentos de alimentos e bebidas de empresas hoteleiras, onde atividades complexas e complicadas são desenvolvidas, exigindo uma grande necessidade de mão-de-obra qualificada. De acordo com os resultados obtidos nos resultados da pesquisa aplicada aos empregados que prestam serviços no departamento de alimentos e bebidas dos hotéis localizados na província de Antalya, que é um dos destinos turísticos mais importantes da Turquia, as características de personalidade proativa dos Empregados e seu nível de comprometimento afetam positivamente sua tendência de mostrar um comportamento empreendedor inovador; a personalidade pró-ativa e o local de controle interno tiveram um efeito positivo e significativo no engajamento no trabalho; entretanto, o efeito mediador do locus de controle externo sobre o comportamento empresarial inovador não foi detectado como significativo


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    Bu çalışmada amaç bireylerin bir sağlık sorunu ile karşılaşmaları halinde sağlık kurumu tercihlerini etkileyen faktörleri incelemektir. Çalışma kapsamında 2010 TÜİK Yaşam Memnuniyeti Anketinin veri setine uygunluk analizi ve nested logit model uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre sağlık kurumu tercihini etkileyen en önemli etmenler olarak gelir seviyesi ve kuruma erişim imkanı bulunmuştur. This research aims to investigate the factors that affect choice of health facility if an individual encounters with the health problem. Correspondence analysis and nested logit model estimates are obtained using TÜİK Life Satisfaction Survey 2010 data set. The results of the analysis demonstrate that most important variables on the choice of health facility are level of income and access to hospital facilit

    Privacy Preserving Data Mining

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    Data mining techniques provide benefits in many areas such as medicine, sports, marketing, signal processing as well as data and network security. However, although data mining techniques used in security subjects such as intrusion detection, biometric authentication, fraud and malware classification, “privacy” has become a serious problem, especially in data mining applications that involve the collection and sharing of personal data. For these reasons, the problem of protecting privacy in the context of data mining differs from traditional data privacy protection, as data mining can act as both a friend and foe. Chapter covers the previously developed privacy preserving data mining techniques in two parts: (i) techniques proposed for input data that will be subject to data mining and (ii) techniques suggested for processed data (output of the data mining algorithms). Also presents attacks against the privacy of data mining applications. The chapter conclude with a discussion of next-generation privacy-preserving data mining applications at both the individual and organizational levels

    Comparison of the diagnostic characteristics of electrocardiographic algorithms in detecting the localization of the accessory pathway in Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

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    Amaç: Wolff Parkinson White Sendromu’nda aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonunu tespit etmek için kullanılan bazı elektrokardiyografik algo‐ ritmaların (Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick ve Chiang) tanısal özelliklerinin birbirleri ile karşılaştırılması. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamıza 01.10.2013‐15.10.2017 tarihleri arasında Wolff Parkinson White Sendromu sebebi ile kliniğimize baş‐ vuran ve takibinde elektrofizyolojik çalışma yapılan 50 hasta (yaş ortalaması 34,8 ±14,3 yıl, %52’si erkek) dahil edildi. Tüm hastaların elektrokardiyogramlarında işlem öncesi preeksitasyon paterni mevcuttu. Hastaların elektrofizyolojik çalışma öncesi elektrokardiyogra‐ fileri incelendi ve herbirinde Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick ve Chiang algoritmaları kullanılarak aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonu tahminleri ya‐ pıldı. Daha sonrasında elde edilen veriler ile elektrofizyolojik çalışma sonrasında tespit edilen gerçek aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonları ara‐ sındaki uyum değerlendirildi. İşlem öncesi elektrokardiyografilerine ulaşılamayan hastalar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Dört algoritma ile elek‐ t ro fizyolojik çalışma arasındaki aksesuvar yol tahminindeki uyum fleiss kappa test istatistiği ile hesaplandı. Bulgular: Elektrofizyolojik çalışma ile doğrulanan aksesuvar yol tahmin etme gücü Arruda algoritması ile %58, Chiang algoritması ile %52, Boersma algoritması ile %48 ve Fitzpatrick algoritması ile %38 olarak tespit edildi. Algoritmaların elektrofizyolojik çalışma ile olan uyumları incelendiğinde Arruda algoritması orta derecede uyum göstermekte idi (Kappa: 0,48, p <0,001). Diğer 3 algoritma ise zayıf de‐ recede uyum göstermekte idi. Sonuç: Aksesuar yol lokalizasyonunu belirlemede elektrofizyolojik çalışma altın standart yöntem olarak bilinmektedir. Söz konusu elek‐ trokardiyografi algoritmalarının aksesuvar yol lokalizasyonunu tahmin etme gücü beklenenden düşük olmasına rağmen bu algoritma‐ ların elektrofizyolojik çalışma öncesi kullanımının işlemin başarı şansını artırabileceğini düşünmekteyiz. Bu çalışmada kullanılan algorit‐ malar arasında en yüksek tahmin gücü Arruda algoritmasında saptandı (%58).Objective: To compare the diagnostic characteristics of some electrocardiographic algorithms (Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick, and Chiang) used to detect accessory pathway localization in Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. Material and Method: Our study included fifty patients (mean age 34.8±14.3 years, 52% male) who applied to our clinic from 01.10.2013 to 15.10.2017 due to Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome and underwent electrophysiological study. There was a pre‐excita‐ tion pattern in the electrocardiograms of all patients before the procedure. The electrocardiograms of the patients were examined be‐ fore the electrophysiological study, and accessory pathway localization estimations were made using the Arruda, Boersma, Fitzpatrick, and Chiang algorithms for each. The compatibility between the data obtained afterwards and the actual accessory pathway localiza‐ tions detected after electrophysiological study was evaluated. Patients whose electrocardiograms could not be accessed before the pro‐ cedure were excluded from the study. The agreement between the four algorithms and the electrophysiological study in the prediction of the accessory pathway was calculated using the Fleiss’ kappa test statistics. Results: Accessory pathway prediction power verified by electrophysiological study was determined as 58% by Arruda’s algorithm, 52% by Chiang’s algorithm, 48% by Boersma’s algorithm and 38% by Fitzpatrick’s algorithm. Upon review of the agreement of the algorithms with the electrophysiological study, the Arruda’s algorithm showed moderate agreement (Kappa: 0.48, p<0.001). The other 3 algorithms showed weak level of agreement. Conclusion: Electrophysiological study is known as the gold standard method for detecting accessory pathway localization. Although the power of these electrocardiogram algorithms to predict accessory pathway localization is lower than expected, we believe that the use of these algorithms before electrophysiological study may increase the chance of success of the procedure. Among the algorithms used in this study, the highest predictive power was found in the Arruda algorithm (58%)

    Fungal diversity and ex vitro symbiotic germination of Serapias vomeracea (Orchidaceae)

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    Conservation of orchids can be possible with effective seed germination and seedling growth methods. In this context, ex vitro symbiotic seed germination and seedling growth of orchid seeds may be convenient and advantageous. In this study, both the diversity of the root endophytic fungi in Serapias vomeracea (Burm.f.) Briq. and the ex vitro effects of these fungi on seed germination, seedling development and tuber formation were revealed. The fungi were isolated monthly for two years from S. vomeracea roots and the isolates were identified based on morphological characters and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences. All of the Rhizoctonia-like isolates that joined the mycorrhizal association were closely related to Tulasnella calospora (thirty isolates). Non-Rhizoctonia isolates are closely related to Fusarium tricinctum (two isolates), Aspergillus spelaeus (one isolate) and Talaromyces pinophilus (Pezizales) (one isolate). The viability rate of the seeds was 90.32%. The seed packs were placed in soils containing fungus and the germination process was followed. All isolates associated with Tulasnella calospora promoted germination and seedling development. Isolate Svl 21 (Tulasnella sp.) was found to have the highest germination rate (98%) but isolate Svl 4 developed seedlings with advanced leaves (stage 4 (S4): seedlings with advanced leaves and/or rooted, 13.67%). All seedlings at S4 were transferred to the natural environment; the first tubers were observed seven months after. In this study, for the first time, a tuberous European orchid, S. vomeracea developed from seed to adult plant in a natural environment

    Finansal Okuryazarlık, Materyalizm ve Kompulsif Satın Alma Davranışının Borçlanmaya İlişkin Tutum Üzerindeki Etkisinin Belirlenmesi

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    Mikro düzeyde borçlanma ile ilgili olarak yapılan çalışmalar çoğunlukla hanehalkı bağlamında ele alınmaktadır. Bununla birlikte günümüzde değişen aile yapıları da dikkate alındığında bireysel olarak borçlanma tutumunun incelenmesi de oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışma üniversite öğrencilerinin borçlanmaya ilişkin tutumlarını finansal okuryazarlık düzeyleri, materyalist eğilimleri ve kompulsif satın alma davranışları açısından incelemektedir. Çalışmada nicel bir araştırma yöntemi benimsenmiş olup Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi merkez yerleşkesinde eğitimine devam etmekte olan 1034 öğrenciden anket yoluyla veriler toplanmıştır. Öğrencilerin demografik özelliklerinin de dikkate alındığı modelleme kısmında sıralı logit model ve genelleştirilmiş sıralı logit model kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre finansal okuryazarlık düzeyinin borçlanmaya ilişkin tutumu etkilemediği görülürken kompulsif satın alma davranışı ve materyalist eğilimin istatistiksel olarak borçlanma üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmuştur. Öğrencilerin borçlanma tutumları eğitimlerine devam ettikleri fakülteye (İİBF ve diğer fakülteler) göre değişmezken cinsiyet ve yaşın borçlanma tutumu üzerinde kısmen etkili olduğu görülmüştür