86 research outputs found

    Izolacija iz periferne krvi i analiza funkcija heterofila kokoši protočnom citometrijom – metodološko istraživanje

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    The aim of this study was to modify the flow cytometric method, which is used for analyzing neutrophils, to analyse the functions of avian heterophils. The blood samples used in the experiments were obtained from hens in slaughterhouses. Blood samples were collected from 10 hens for each trial. Within the scope of the present study, trials were carried out regarding the amount of blood, cell suspension, dihydrorodamine-123 (DHR-123), phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), and N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP), as well as the storage duration of blood samples and incubation time. The results showed that 0.5-3 ml of blood could be used to detect heterophil functions, and it would be ideal to conduct analyses using fresh blood samples. In addition, the results showed that blood stored at +4 °C for up to 8 hours may be also used if necessary. In order to isolate the cells, centrifugation for 30 minutes is sufficient, and it is appropriate to use a 30μL cell suspension. 2μL of DHR-123 should be used as a chemical probe to measure heterophil functions. Excessive use of DHR-123 affected the heterophil functions negatively. In addition, it was observed that using 2μL of fMLP, which is used as an oxidative burst stimulant, and 2μL of PMA as a stimulant of chemotaxic activity, were sufficient. It was concluded that incubation at 41 °C for 5 minutes after stimulating the heterophils is also sufficient. We conclude that the methods established in this study could be used to isolate heterophils and to analyze them by flow cytometry. Therefore, this study would contribute to further research and clinical studies in poultry.Cilj je istraživanja bio prilagoditi metodu protočne citometrije, koja se inače primjenjuje u analizi neutrofila, za analizu funkcija ptičjih heterofila. Uzorci krvi 10 kokoši dobiveni su iz klaonica. Uzevši u obzir količinu krvi, kao i trajanje pohrane krvnih uzoraka odnosno vrijeme inkubacije, analizirana su stanična suspenzija, dihidrorodamin-123 (DHR-123), forbol-12-miristat-13-acetat (PMA) i N-formil-metionil-leucil-fenilalanin (fMLP). Rezultati su pokazali da se 0,5 – 3 mL krvi može upotrijebiti za otkrivanje funkcija heterofila te da bi idealno bilo analizirati svježe uzorke krvi. Osim toga rezultati su pokazali da se i krv pohranjena na temperaturi od +4 °C, u vremenu do 8 sati, može upotrijebiti ako je to potrebno. Kako bi se stanice izolirale, dovoljno je centrifugirati 30 minuta uz primjenu stanične suspenzije od 30 μL. Kao kemijsku probu za mjerenje funkcija heterofila trebalo bi upotrijebiti 2 μL DHR-123. Prekomjerna upotreba DHR-123 negativno je utjecala na funkcije heterofila. Također, uočeno je da je bila dovoljna primjena 2 μL fMLP-a, koji služi kao stimulans oksidacijskog izgaranja, kao i primjena 2 μL PMA-a kao stimulansa kemotaktičke aktivnosti. Zaključeno je da je inkubacija na temperaturi od 41 °C, tijekom 5 minuta poslije stimulacije heterofila također dovoljna. Rezultati su pokazali da se metode ustanovljene u ovom radu mogu primijeniti za izolaciju heterofila i njihovu analizu protočnom citometrijom, čime se doprinosi daljnjim istraživanjima i kliničkim studijama u peradi

    Effects of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and sodium hypochlorite on the bond strength of bonding agents to pulp chamber lateral walls

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    AbstractBackground/purposeThe purposes of this in vitro study were to determine the microtensile bond strengths of four different dentin adhesive materials placed in pulp chamber walls, and to test the effects of 5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) pretreatments on resin dentin bond strengths.Materials and methodsRecently extracted human third molars were selected. The teeth were divided into four groups. Specimens in each group were treated as follows: irrigated with distilled water; irrigated with EDTA for 5 minutes; irrigated with sodium hypochlorite for 5 minutes; and irrigated with EDTA for 5 minutes followed by NaOCl for 5 minutes. Treated specimens were dried, bonded with a total-etching adhesive, two self-etching adhesives, or a one-bottle self-etching adhesive system. After the bonding procedure and composite restoration, teeth were sectioned, and 15 dentin sticks were obtained. Microtensile testing was performed, and scanning electron micrographs were taken of each irrigated group.ResultsIn the control group, the one-bottle self-etching adhesive system showed statistically higher bond strength values. EDTA irrigation did not affect the bond strength except for the total-etching adhesive. NaOCl significantly reduced the bond strengths of all adhesives. The EDTA and NaOCl combination did not show a statistically significant reduction in bond strengths of the adhesives to pulpal dentin.ConclusionThere was a reduction in bond strengths of all adhesive systems used to test pulp chamber lateral walls after endodontic irrigation solutions were used

    Ev hanımlarının fiziksel kapasitelerinin ve yaşam kalitelerinin belirlenmesi

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    This study was aimed to investigate the socio-demographic situations, functional capacities and quality of  life of the housewifes in Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Demetevler Hanımlar Lokali. 70 women volunters (age 39,4 ± 8,93, height 68,89 ± 8,93, weight 159,5 ± 5,84  ) with stable general health were included into this study. Their quality of life was assessed by World Health Organization’s Turkish version of WHOQOL-BREF scale. Also to understand the physical condition of the women, resting heart rate, blood pressure, flexibility, body fat percentage, aerobic – anaerobic capacity, body weight and body height were assessed. As statistical anlysis of datas, were done by simple correlation analysis (p <0.05)  for understand relation between physical capacity and quality of life areas.At the end of the study, the correlation between physical and psychological areas and body fat percentage were found negative significant (p = 0,05). Also the correlation between physical health and diastolic blood pressure were found significant ( p <0,05). According to the analysis, the general results of the present study indicated that there was a significant relationship between the physical capacity and quality of life areas, especially body fat percentage.   Bu çalışma; Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Demetevler Hanımlar Lokali’ndeki ev hanımlarının sosyodemografik özelliklerini, fonksiyonel kapasitelerini ve yaşam kalitesi sonuçlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya, genel sağlık durumu stabil 70 gönüllü kadın (yaş 39,4 ± 8,93, ağırlık 68,89 ± 8,93, uzunluk 159,5 ± 5,84) dahil edilmiştir. Olguların yaşam kaliteleri, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından geliştirilmiş WHOQOL-BREF ölçeğinin 27 soruluk Türkçe versiyonu kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca bayanların fiziksel kapasitelerini belirleyebilmek için, dinlenik kalp atım hızı, kan basıncı, esneklik, vücut yağ yüzdesi,  aerobik - anaerobik kapasite, vücut ağırlıkları ve boy uzunlukları ölçülmüştür. Anketlerden elde edilen verilere göre ise fiziksel kapasite değişkenleri ve yaşam kalitesi alanları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi için basit korelasyon (p < 0,05) analizi uygulanmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki korelasyon ilişkilerine göre ise, fiziksel alan toplamı ve psikolojik alan toplamları ile vücut yağ yüzdesi arasında negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki vardır (p <0,05). Ayrıca fiziksel alan ile diastolik kan basıncı arasında anlamlı bir ilişkiye rastlanılmıştır (p <0,05). Sonuç olarak; elde edilen bulgulara göre fiziksel kapasite ve yaşam kalitesi arasında, özellikle vücut yağ yüzdesi değerleri ile genel olarak olumlu bir ilişkiye rastlanılmıştır

    Plasma Ischemia-Modified Albumin Levels and Dynamic Thiol/ Disulfide Balance in Sickle Cell Disease: A Case-Control Study

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    Objective: Sickle cell disease (SCD), described as a group of inherited blood disorders, affects millions of people throughout the world and is particularly common in the southern part of Turkey. We aimed to determine the relationship between ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) and the dynamic thiol/disulfide balance in SCD. Materials and Methods: Fifty-four adult SCD patients and 30 healthy controls were included in the study. The 54 adult patients included 30 (56%) males and 24 (44%) females with a mean age of 28.3±8.4 years (minimum-maximum: 18-46 years). Of the 54 patients, 46 had homozygous sickle cell anemia (HbSS) and 8 had sickle/β-thalassemia (HbS/β+-thalassemia). Fasting blood samples were collected. After centrifugation at 1500×g for 10 min, plasma samples were portioned and stored at -80 °C. IMA levels were determined by albumin cobalt binding test, a colorimetric method. Total and native thiols and disulfide were analyzed with a novel spectrophotometric method. Results: We found significantly lower levels of native thiol (-SH) (284.0±86.3 μmol/L), disulfide levels (14.6±7 μmol/L), and total thiols (-SH + -S-S-) (313.0±89.3 μmol/L) in SCD patients compared to healthy controls (respectively 417.0±54.2, 22.7±11.3, and 462.0±58.7 μmol/L). Plasma albumin levels (34.9±7.9 g/L) were lower and IMA levels (13.6±3.1 g/L) were higher in SCD patients compared to controls (respectively 43.5±3.1 and 8.4±1.6 g/L). Plasma albumin levels were strongly correlated with both plasma native (r=0.853; p=0.0001) and total thiols (r=0.866; p=0.0001). Conclusion: Decreased plasma native and total thiol levels and increased IMA levels are related to increased oxidative stress and provide an indirect and quick reflection of the oxidative damage in SCD patients

    Cost-effectiveness of sorafenib for treatment of radioactive iodine (rai)-refractory locally advanced/metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer (dtc) in Turkey

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    WOS: 000354498503198OBJECTIVES: Sorafenib is the first product approved for treatment of RAI refractory locally advanced/metastatic DTC patients. This study was conducted in order to analyze cost-effectiveness of sorafenib for treatment of patients with RAI refractory locally advanced/metastatic DTC in Turkey. METHODS: A cohort partition model assigning patients to one of three health states according to the proportion of patients who are progression-free, progressed, or dead in each 28-days cycle was adapted to Turkish setting. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) were calculated per quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and life-years (LYs) gained. Turkish payer’s perspective was taken and time-horizon was set as patient’s lifetime (maximum 30 years). Sorafenib was compared to the best supportive care (BSC) within the model since there are no agents for treatment of patients on this stage of the disease. Essential clinical inputs were derived from DECISION trial and local resource-utilization data were based on expert opinions through an expert panel. Sensitivity of the results was evaluated in terms of key inputs by deterministic oneway and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. All costs were calculated in Turkish Liras (TL) and converted to USD using TL/USD currency rate as 2.2 (mid-2014). RESULTS: Total cost of sorafenib-treated patients is 24,384 USD higher compared to BSC. Besides, sorafenib is associated with increments of 1.29 LYs and 0.80 QALYs compared to BSC. The ICER of sorafenib per LYs and QALYs gained compared to BSC were determined as 18,851 USD and 30,485 USD respectively. One-way sensitivity analysis demonstrated that results are not sensitive to the changes in model inputs and pharmacoeconomic analysis results were validated by probabilistic sensitivity analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Sorafenib is cost-effective for treatment of patients with RAI refractory locally advanced/metastatic DTC compared to BSC with an ICER value below the willingness-to-pay threshold (3-times GDP per capita ─ 32,346 USD) for Turkey

    Clinical outcomes and treatment patterns of primary central nervous system lymphoma: Multicenter retrospective analysis

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    Objectives: Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is a rare malignant disease with poor prognosis. Its low incidence leads to challenges in decision-making for treatment. As a matter of fact, there is still no consensus on the appropriate treatment modalities. In this context, the objective of this study is to investigate and comparatively assess the efficacies of several treatment modalities in the treatment of PCNSL. Methods: Thirty-four patients diagnosed with PCNSL at 5 different hematology centers between 2007 and 2021 were included in the study. Patients’ data from all five centers were collected retrospectively. Since ibrutinib is not approved for this indication in Turkey, consent for off-label use of ibrutinib is obtained from each patient. Ethics committee ap-proval was obtained on June 9, 2021 with decision number 2021/18-05. Results: The median age of the patients was 59 (min.: 22, max.: 78) years. The male-to-female ratio was 1.26/1. Nineteen (55.9%) patients had Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance score of ≥2. Fifteen (44.1%) patients had normal lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels and only 14.7% of the patients had B symptoms at the time of diagnosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a single mass lesion in 14 (41.2%) patients. As an induction therapy, meth-otrexate-based regimen was administered in 29 (85.3%) patients. Only 14 of the 34 patients received 4 or more cycles of high-dose methotrexate (MTX). About 32.4% of the patients received radiation therapy (RT) during follow-up as a part of induction therapy. Five patients received only RT due to poor performance status. Ibrutinib was administered in 5 patients for refractory disease. It was determined that four or more cycles of MTX treatment increased progression-free survival (PFS) (p=0.031) and overall survival (OS) (p=0.012). Moreover, RT improved PFS (p=0.023). Considering that the complete response achieved by induction therapy influences long-term survival, achievement of the best response to the treatment regimens administered in combination with new agents may prolong survival (PFS: p=0.01, OS: p=0.023). Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that the initial response to treatment is crucial. Additionally, it was found that high-dose MTX treatment should be administered for 4 cycles or more in order to achieve the best results. Furthermore, it was determined that ibrutinib monotherapy was well-tolerated in our patients with relapsed/refractory disease, with excellent clinical benefits. In conclusion, a combination therapy consisting of high-dose MTX, ibrutinib, and rituximab appears to be a promising initial treatment approach in appropriate patients

    Paleopathological and molecular study on two cases of ancient childhood leprosy from the Roman and Byzantine empires

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    This study is based on the paleaopathology of leprosy on human skeletal remains and the detection of ancient Mycobacterium leprae DNA. Two cases of childhood leprosy were recognized. The first case was in a Roman necropolis at Martellona (Rome, Central Italy), dated to the 2nd to 3rd centuries ce. The skeleton of a child aged 4–5 years, from tomb 162, is the youngest individual in Italy from this time period, with the clear rhino-maxillary syndrome and other bony changes indicative of leprosy. The second case from a burial at Kovuklukaya, in the Sinop region of Northern Turkey, was from the 8th to the 10th centuries, during the Byzantine era. The endocranium of a 4–5-month-old infant with new bone formation—an indication of chronic inflammation—was positive for M. leprae DNA. Infant and childhood leprosy is uncommon today, and there is a scarcity of information in the osteoarchaeological literature of leprosy in the past, especially in children. The significance of these cases is that it adds to an understanding of the history of the disease in the former Roman Empire. It is hoped that over time sufficient data can be obtained to understand the epidemiological dynamics and clinical evolution of leprosy from the ancient period until today

    1948 - 1968 İlkokul Türkçe programlarında ilkokuma yazma öğretiminde çözümleme yöntem (Karşılaştırmalı çalışma)

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadırÖZET Anahtar kelimeler: İlkokuma yazma, eğitim programı, çözümleme yöntemi Bu araştırma, 1948 ve 1968 ilkokul Türkçe programlarının ilkokuma yazma öğretimi açısından karşılaştırılmasını içermektedir. Okuma ve yazma becerisi, bireyin, yaşamı boyunca kullanacağı temel becerilerini kapsamaktadır. Bugünkü çağdaş uygarlığın büyük ölçüde okuma yazmaya dayanan bir uygarlık olduğu söylenebilir. Okuma ve yazma aracılığıyla toplumlar bilimsel ve kültürel birikimlerini sonraki kuşaklarına aktarabilmiş, bunun sonucunda da bugünkü uygarlık düzeyine ulaşılmıştır. Okuma-yazma, birey için hayat boyu devam eden bir eğitim-öğretim etkinliğidir. Her şeyden önce okul çalışmalarında ve derslerde başarılı olmak için iyi bir okuyucu olmak gerekir. İlkokuma-yazma becerisi yeterli olmayan öğrencilerin diğer derslerde de başarılı olması güçtür. İnsanların mesleklerinde ilerleyebilmeleri de iyi bir okuyucu olmalarına bağlıdır. Nasıl ilkokul her şeyin temeli ise, ilkokuma ve yazma öğrenimi de ilkokulun temelidir. Bireyin çocukluktan itibaren bütün okul başarısı, öncelikle ilkokuma yazmada göstereceği başarıya bağlıdır. Bu bakımdan ilkokuma ve yazma öğretiminin amacı, çocuğa her ne şekilde olursa olsun bir okuma yazma becerisi kazandırmak değil, çağdaş yöntem ve tekniklere uygun bir okuma yazma becerisi kazandırmaktır. Bu da ancak, "Cümle Yöntemi"nin amacına uygun olarak uygulanması ile mümkün olacaktır. Çünkü çağdaş yaşam; hızlı, doğru, anlayarak ve eleştirerek okuma ile örneğine uygun, işlek ve okunaklı bir yazı becerisini gerektirmektedir. Araştırmada, konu ile ilgili literatür taraması yapılarak öğretmen ve öğrenci açısından en yararlı metot olarak görülen çözümleme metodunun ilkokuma yazma öğretiminde 1948 ve 1968 ilkokul programlarında nasıl ele ahnarak aralarındaki farklar ve benzerlikler tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır

    Birinci Beş Yıllık Sanayi Planı Çerçevesinde Paşabahçe Cam ve Şişe Fabrikası'nın Kuruluşu ve İlk Yılları

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    Bu çalışmada Paşabahçe Cam ve Şişe Fabrikası’nın kuruluşu; Cumhuriyet Arşivi, Fabrika’nın yıllık faaliyet raporları ve dönemin gazeteleri başta olmak üzere çeşitli kaynaklardan yararlanılarak anlatılmış, ilk yıllarındaki faaliyetleri ve özellikle II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında karşılaştığı birtakım güçlükler konu edilmiştir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 1923 İzmir İktisat Kongresi’nden itibaren benimsediği özel sektör girişimcilerine öncelik tanıyan ve liberal sayılabilecek iktisat politikası, 1929 Dünya Ekonomik Buhranı’ndan itibaren terk edilerek devletçi ve planlamacı bir ekonomik modele geçiş yapılmıştır. Bu yeni anlayış, Türkiye’de sanayileşmeyi atılması gereken öncelikli adım olarak kabul etmiş, devletçi uygulamaların somut başlangıcı olarak Birinci Beş Yıllık Sanayi Planı 1934’te kabul edilmiştir. Bu planda geliştirilmesi öngörülen sanayi dallarından biri olan cam ve şişe fabrikasının kurulması görevi İş Bankası tarafından üstlenilmiştir. Paşabahçe’de inşa ettirilen Cam ve Şişe Fabrikası 1935 yılında faaliyete geçmiş, kuruluşundan itibaren gittikçe artan imalat hacmiyle kısa bir süre içinde Türkiye’nin tüm cam şişe, eşya ve züccaciye ihtiyacını tek başına karşılar hale gelmiştir. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında ülkenin içinde bulunduğu sermaye ve yetişmiş nitelikli insan gücü yetersizlikleri gibi olumsuzluklara rağmen Paşabahçe Cam ve Şişe Fabrikası sanayileşme adına atılmış en önemli adımlardan birinin somut göstergesi olmuştur