103 research outputs found

    Sleep Quality and Self-compassion as Predictors of Aggression in High School Students

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    In the current study, the relationships between Aggression, Self-compassion and Sleep Quality of high school students have been examined. 529 high school students (66% females and 34% males) participated in the study. Data were collected from participants through using a Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), and Descriptive Questionnaire. The predictors of aggressiveness of the variables determined by simple correlation were investigated by multiple linear regression. According to the results, there was a positive and significant relationship between aggression levels and all sub-dimensions of self-compassion and sleep quality. In addition, it was observed that the levels of aggressiveness were significantly predicted by the sub-dimensions of self-compassion and sleep quality, and that the first three most effective predictive variables were over-identification, self-judgment and sleep quality

    Decompressive hemicraniectomy in acute ischemic stroke

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    INTRODUCTION: Cerebral edema is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in ischemic stroke patients. Decompressive hemicraniectomy may be beneficial to patients that fail to respond to medical treatment. In this study, clinical features and prognostic factors of patients that underwent decompressive hemicraniectomy due to acute ischemic stroke were evaluated. METHODS: We examined 21 ischemic stroke patients who underwent decompressive hemicraniectomy. Demographic features and neuroimaging findings were recorded. Functional status of patients were evaluated with modified Rankin Scale. Clinical features and neuroimaging findings of the patients who died were compared with the survivors during hospitalization. RESULTS: Twenty-one patiens were included in this study. Twelve of the patients were male, 9 were female. The mean age of these patiens was 58.7±8.2 (46 - 78). The main initial NIHSS score was 12.5±4.5. Territory of infarctions were supplied by middle cerebral arter in 17 patients, internal carotis arter in 4 patients. The mean time of decompressive hemicraniectomy was 2.9±2.5 days, hospitalization duration was 42.6±39.2 days. Five (% 23.8) patiens died in-hospital. There were no relation between clinical features, neuroimaging findings and mortality. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Decompressive hemicraniectomy is a significant treatment option for ischemic stroke patients who deteriorate despite receiving medical treatment

    SH3TC2, a protein mutant in Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, links peripheral nerve myelination to endosomal recycling

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    Patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy and gene targeting in mice revealed an essential role for the SH3TC2 gene in peripheral nerve myelination. SH3TC2 expression is restricted to Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system, and the gene product, SH3TC2, localizes to the perinuclear recycling compartment. Here, we show that SH3TC2 interacts with the small guanosine triphosphatase Rab11, which is known to regulate the recycling of internalized membranes and receptors back to the cell surface. Results of protein binding studies and transferrin receptor trafficking are in line with a role of SH3TC2 as a Rab11 effector molecule. Consistent with a function of Rab11 in Schwann cell myelination, SH3TC2 mutations that cause neuropathy disrupt the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction, and forced expression of dominant negative Rab11 strongly impairs myelin formation in vitro. Our data indicate that the SH3TC2/Rab11 interaction is relevant for peripheral nerve pathophysiology and place endosomal recycling on the list of cellular mechanisms involved in Schwann cell myelinatio

    Integrin-linked kinase is required for radial sorting of axons and Schwann cell remyelination in the peripheral nervous system

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    During development, Schwann cells (SCs) interpret different extracellular cues to regulate their migration, proliferation, and the remarkable morphological changes associated with the sorting, ensheathment, and myelination of axons. Although interactions between extracellular matrix proteins and integrins are critical to some of these processes, the downstream signaling pathways they control are still poorly understood. Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is a focal adhesion protein that associates with multiple binding partners to link integrins to the actin cytoskeleton and is thought to participate in integrin and growth factor–mediated signaling. Using SC-specific gene ablation, we report essential functions for ILK in radial sorting of axon bundles and in remyelination in the peripheral nervous system. Our in vivo and in vitro experiments show that ILK negatively regulates Rho/Rho kinase signaling to promote SC process extension and to initiate radial sorting. ILK also facilitates axon remyelination, likely by promoting the activation of downstream molecules such as AKT/protein kinase B

    The genetic structure of the Turkish population reveals high levels of variation and admixture

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    The construction of population-based variomes has contributed substantially to our understanding of the genetic basis of human inherited disease. Here, we investigated the genetic structure of Turkey from 3,362 unrelated subjects whose whole exomes (n = 2,589) or whole genomes (n = 773) were sequenced to generate a Turkish (TR) Variome that should serve to facilitate disease gene discovery in Turkey. Consistent with the history of present-day Turkey as a crossroads between Europe and Asia, we found extensive admixture between Balkan, Caucasus, Middle Eastern, and European populations with a closer genetic relationship of the TR population to Europeans than hitherto appreciated. We determined that 50% of TR individuals had high inbreeding coefficients (≥0.0156) with runs of homozygosity longer than 4 Mb being found exclusively in the TR population when compared to 1000 Genomes Project populations. We also found that 28% of exome and 49% of genome variants in the very rare range (allele frequency < 0.005) are unique to the modern TR population. We annotated these variants based on their functional consequences to establish a TR Variome containing alleles of potential medical relevance, a repository of homozygous loss-of-function variants and a TR reference panel for genotype imputation using high-quality haplotypes, to facilitate genome-wide association studies. In addition to providing information on the genetic structure of the modern TR population, these data provide an invaluable resource for future studies to identify variants that are associated with specific phenotypes as well as establishing the phenotypic consequences of mutations in specific genes

    Farklılıkla öğrenme antrenmanlarının yarışmacı genç takım oyuncuları üzerindeki etkinliği

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    Farklılıkla Öğrenme Antrenmanlarının Yarışmacı Genç Takım OyuncularıÜzerindeki EtkinliğiÖğrencinin Adı: Murat ÖZÇELİKDanışmanı: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Aytekin ALPULLUAna Bilim Dalı: Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimi Ana Bilim DalıAmaç: Genel hatlarıyla antrenman yöntemleri, doğrusal ve farklılıkla öğrenme olarakiki ana öğrenme yöntemi içermektedir. Fakat hangi yöntemin daha etkili olduğukonusunda tartışmalar devam etmektedir. Yaptığımız bu çalışmanın amacı farklılıklaöğrenme yönteminin antrenman programlarına eklenip 16-18 yaş aralığındakiyarışmacı genç erkek takım basketbol oyuncularının, basketbol sporunun temeli olanpas verme, şut atma, top sürme ve turnike parametreleri üzerindeki etki ve gelişimlerinitest etmek ve bu konuda literatüre katkıda bulunmaktır.Gereç ve yöntemler: 16-18 yaş aralığındaki UPS Spor ve Kültür Kulübü YarışmacıBasketbol Genç takımı oyuncularından gönüllü olarak 24 erkek sporcu bu çalışmadayer almıştır. Çalışmada basketbol becerilerini test amacıyla German HeidelbergerBasketball Test kullanılmıştır.Oyuncular 12’ şer kişilik kontrol ve deney grubu olarak ayrıldıktan sonra ön teste tabiitutulmuştur. Ön test sonrası sekiz hafta boyunca haftada dört gün, deney grubuna,farklılıkla öğrenme yöntemi ile zenginleştirilmiş basketbol antrenman programı takipettirilmiştir. Kontrol grubu ise altı gün boyunca olağan basketbol antrenmanprogramlarına devam etmişlerdir.Analiz sonuçları için SPSS Statistics 23.0 programında Wilcoxon testi ve deneklerarasındaki anlamlı farklılık için ise T testi yapılmıştır.Bulgular ve sonuç: Beceri testinde ön test ile son test arasında istatistiksel olarakanlamlı fark bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Kontrol ve deney grubu arasındaki anlamlı farkabaktığımız T testinde iki grup arasındaki tüm becerilerde anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur(p <0,05).--------------------The Effects Of Differential Learning Training On Competitor Young TeamPlayersStudent name: Murat ÖZÇELİKSupervisor: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Aytekin ALPULLUDepartment: Movement and Training ScienceObjective: The aim of the training is to prepare the athletes for the competition. Theselected training program should be the most ideal program. Generally speaking, thereare two main methods of learning with differential and traditional training.The aim of this study is to test the effect and development of the competitor youngbasketball players, who are 16-18 years old, in basketball, which is the basis ofbasketball sport, on the pass, shot, dribbling and lay up parameters.Materials and methods: UPS Sports and Culture Club Competitor Man BasketballYouth team players between the ages of 16-18 took part in this study voluntarily.German Heidelberger Basketball Test was used to test basketball skills and 24 athleteswere included in the study.After the pre-test, for eight weeks, four days a week, the control group is followed bythe traditional basketball team training, while the experimental group is followed bythe basketball training program enriched with the learning method.Wilcoxon test was used for SPSS Statistics 23.0 program and T test was used forsignificant differences between subjects.Findings and results: There was a statistically significant difference between pre-testand post-test performance of the players (p <0,05). In addition, in the T test, we founda significant difference between the two groups in all skills and that significants showsus differential training program more usefull than traditional training in this studybetween experimental and control group (p <0,05)

    Competency approach to human resources management: Outcomes and contributions in a Turkish cultural context

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    This article examines the competency approach to human resources management (HRM) in organizations through a review of literature and theories on the competency perspective. Building on previous theory and some empirical evidence, a new competency framework is developed. The main purpose of the article is to examine the effectiveness of the competency approach as a human resources strategy for promoting expected roles, skills, and behaviors in organizations. The article also examines potential challenges to implementing a competency approach to HRM in a special cultural context. This is provided by a case study in a multinational, fast-moving, consumer goods company in Turkey. One of the findings of the study is that there are challenges to implementing the competency approach due to the cultural differences between home and host countries. If properly designed, however, the competency approach can enhance selection, development, promotion, and reward processes to meet both individual and organizational needs.Publisher's Versio

    A pre-subadditive fuzzy measure model and its theoretical interpretation

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    In this paper a particular set function which depends on densities of singletons with interdependence coefficients and which provides redundancy among singletons is considered. The Möbius representation of this function is obtained. Then a necessary and sufficient condition is presented to attain a fuzzy measure from this set function.This study has been supported by Coordinator-ship of Ankara University Projects of Scientific Investigation (BAP) Grant Number: 15H0430004.Publisher's Versio

    Entübasyon sırasında yerinden çıkan vidalı implant diş aspirasyonu deneyimimiz: olgu sunumu

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    &nbsp;GİRİŞTravmatikdental yaralanma, genel anestezi sırasında endotrakeal entübasyonun sık görülenkomplikasyonlarından biridir (1). Entübasyon veya ekstübasyon sırasındagelişen perianestezik dental yaralanma insidansı %0.04 ila %12,08 arasındadeğişmektedir (2). Aspire edilen diş; yaşamı tehdit edenhava yolu obstrüksiyonu, aspirasyon pnömonisi veya akciğer kollapsına nedenolabilir. Bu olgu sunumunda memeden eksizyonel biyopsiplanlanan hastada entübasyon sırasında yerinden çıkarak özefagus mukozasınayerleşen vidalı implant dişe yaklaşımımızı sunmaktayız.&nbsp;OLGUMemedenkitle eksizyonu planlanan (61y, BMI: 31.25) kadın hastanın anamnezinde horlamave regüle hipertansiyonu mevcuttu. Preoperatif bakıda Mallampati II olarakdeğerlendirilen ve retromikrognatisi bulunan olgunun oral bakısında implant birdişi dışında başka bir anomali saptanmadı.<span style="font-size:14.0pt;font-family:&quot;