432 research outputs found

    Postpartum Thyroiditis

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    DergiPark: 1020940tmsjPostpartum thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland seen in approximately 8% of women in the postpartum period. Postpartum thyroiditis is a triphasic disease consisting of hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, and euthyroid phases. The pathogenesis of postpartum thyroiditis is not known exactly. However, there are various mechanisms related to pathogenesis. One of these is related to the fetal cell/DNA circulating in the maternal blood to settle in the thyroid gland and the maternal immune system to develop an autoimmune reaction against the thyroid gland in the postpartum period. During pregnancy, fetal cells settle in the thyroid gland and no reaction occurs due to pregnancy-related immunosuppression. Postpartum thyroiditis occurs because immunosuppression disap- pears in the postpartum period. The method of examining fetal cell/DNA in maternal blood during pregnancy is a non-invasive prenatal test. The non-invasive prenatal testing is a screening test used to detect chromosomal anomalies and some other chromosomal defects. However, there is to our knowledge, not enough studies in the literature directly investigating the relationship between the number of fetal cells/DNA in maternal blood and the development of postpartum thyroiditis. Having reviewed the literature around this topic it can be assumed that there can be a difference in the level of damage in the thyroid gland in the postpartum period, depending on the level of difference in the number of fetal cells in the thyroid gland. In addition, future studies will pave the way for studies on the relationship between autoimmune diseases occurring in the post-pregnancy period and the number of fetal DNA/cells in maternal blood during preg- nancy. Therefore, an early diagnosis of pregnancy-related autoimmune diseases will be enabled

    Examining the Factors Affecting University Students’ Participation in Recreational Activities

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    This research is a study with the aim of determining the factors that affect the participation of students from different faculties in the university in recreational activities. Thus, it is aimed to reveal the factors affecting the participation of students from different faculties in the university to recreational activities and to develop recommendations on what they should do about their participation in recreational activities given to universities in the current laws. There are many factors that affect the leisure time preferences of individuals. Determining these elements will guide planners and managers in determining the adequacy, content and appropriateness of recreation and leisure activities to be developed. In the study, students from different faculties in the university participated in the survey with the participation of a total of 156 volunteers, 98 female and 58 male, in the province of İzmir. As a data collection tool, the “Personal Information Form” and the data related to the factors (motivation) that affect participation in recreational activities were obtained by using the scale developed by Beard and Ragheb (1980 and 1983) and adapted to Turkish by Karlı et al. (2008). The scale consists of 34 items. The data obtained were analyzed using the SPSS 23 program. It was tested with “t-test”, “ANOVA” to obtain statistical results. “Tukey post hoc” test was used to determine which groups caused the significant difference. As a result of the research, when the factors affecting students’ participation in recreational activities were examined, it was concluded that the factor with the highest average is “to discover new things”. The statement with the lowest average in the scale was “to gain the respect of others”. In addition, according to the sub-dimension averages, it was seen that the most effective factor in the participation of individuals in recreational activities was the unattractive - attractive factors, and the least important factor was sociability

    Homojen Olmayan (FGM) Küresel Basınçlı Kaplarda İnhomejenlik Parametresinin Etkisi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada sonsuz küçük elastisite teorisi kullanılarak, yalnızca iç basınca maruz kalan fonksiyonel dereceli küresel kaplarda meydana gelen gerilmeler ve şekil değiştirmeler için kuvvet serileri ile çözüm yapılmıştır. Malzeme özelliklerinin izotropik olduğu, elastiklik modülünün kalınlık boyunca üstel olarak değiştiği ve Poisson oranının sabit kaldığı kabul edilmiştir. Gerilme dağılımlarının inhomojenlik parametresine bağlı olarak değişimi hesaplanmış ve grafikler ile sunulmuştur. Bileşenlerin sürekli değişen hacim fraksiyonu içeren homojensizlik sabiti ampirik olarak belirlenir. Bu çalışmada kullanılan değerler inhomojenliğin gerilme dağılımı üzerindeki etkisini göstermek için keyfi olarak seçilmiştirUsing the infinitesimal theory of elasticity, power series solutions for stresses and displacements in functionally-graded spherical vessels subjected to internal pressure alone are obtained. The material properties are assumed to be isotropic with exponentially-varying elastic modulus through the thickness and the Poisson’s ratio is assumed constant. Stress distributions depending on an inhomogeneity constant are calculated and presented in the form of graphs. The inhomogeneity constant which includes continuously varying volume fraction of the constituents is empirically determined. The values used in this study are arbitrarily chosen to demonstrate the effect of inhomogeneity on stress distribution

    Examining the Factors Affecting the Selection of the Recreation Activity Type of University Students

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    This research was conducted to determine the recreational activity choices of the students studying at various faculties of the university. The main purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect the selection of recreational activity of university students. A total of 156 students, 98 female and 58 male, studying at various faculties in İzmir Universities, participated in the survey. As the data collection tool, “Personal Information Form” and the scale made by Arslan (2010 and 2012) to measure the factors affecting the selection of the recreational activity type were used. The data obtained were analyzed by using the SPSS 23 program. “T-test”, “ANOVA” and “Tukey post hoc” tests were used to obtain statistical results.  “Guidance” sub-dimension mean score values and “general scale” mean score values were higher in women than men (p<0.05). “Personal suitability” and “environment” sub-dimension mean score values of individuals with an income of 1000 TL and below are higher than individuals with higher income (p<0.05). A significant difference was observed only in the mean scores of the “guidance” sub-dimension according to the educational background of the mothers of the individuals (p<0.05). When the mean score values of “personal suitability”, “guidance” sub-dimension and “general scale” were examined, it was concluded that the mean score values of individuals whose fathers are primary and high school graduates were higher than those whose fathers were bachelor and master graduates (p<0.05). Mean scores of “personal suitability”, “environment” sub-dimensions and “general scale” were higher in individuals whose family with an income of 1001 - 2000 TL per month, that is, the lowest income group (p<0.05). When we look at the “guidance”, “environment” sub-dimensions and the general scale, it was concluded that the mean score values of individuals who think that games are a little effective in activities are higher than the mean score values of individuals who think that games in activities are very effective (p<0.05). The opinions of the individuals about "in which faculty the recreation department should be" do not make a difference on the mean score values of the "general scale" and its sub-dimensions. According to the type of recreational activity that individuals do in their leisure time, the mean score values of the “general scale” and its sub-dimensions do not show a significant difference (p>0.05). As a result of the findings, when the factors that affect the selection of the recreational activity type of the students were examined, it was found that the highest factor was “age-appropriateness”. The statement with the lowest mean in the scale is “healthy life programs on TV”. In addition, it was concluded that the most effective factors in individuals' choices on the recreational activities were that the activities were personally suitable for them and the environment was also suitable

    Haar wavelet method for solving generalized Burgers–Huxley equation

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    In this paper, an efficient numerical method for the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations based on the Haar wavelets approach is proposed, and tested in the case of generalized Burgers–Huxley equation. Approximate solutions of the generalized Burgers–Huxley equation are compared with exact solutions. The proposed scheme can be used in a wide class of nonlinear reaction–diffusion equations. These calculations demonstrate that the accuracy of the Haar wavelet solutions is quite high even in the case of a small number of grid points. The present method is a very reliable, simple, small computation costs, flexible, and convenient alternative method. © 201

    Examining the Relationship Among Economic Growth, Exports and Total Productivity for OECD Countries Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Panel Data Analyses

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    The main objective of this paper is to explore the relationship between Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and economic growth and exports for OECD countries for the sample period 1990-2013. For this purpose, firstly, TFP values were calculated using data envelopment analysis (DEA) for the corresponding countries within the availability of their labor force and fixed capital formation data for the relevant sample period. Secondly, several panel data analyses were performed to determine the impact of TFP values on economic growth and exports of OECD countries. Consequently, results reveal a statistically significant positive impact of TFP on both economic growth and exports for OECD countries

    Determination of Air Permeability Property of Air-Laid Nonwoven Fabrics Using Regression Analyses

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    Air-laid nonwoven fabrics are generally used for hygienic care products such as diaper, adult nappy and sanitary napkins. Air permeability is one of the foremost properties that affect the usage performance of these hygienic care products. In this study, 10 different air-laid nonwoven fabric samples are produced. The porosity ratios of these samples are determined by digital image processing methods. Air permeability of the samples is tested by digital air permeability test device. Then regression analyses were applied to the experimental results using SPSS 21.0 package program. Finally regression equation was obtained for prediction of air permeability by using porosity, thickness and fabric weight

    Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın Millî Mücadele Dönemindeki Dış Politikasının Millî Bağımsızlık İlkesi Çerçevesinde Analizi

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    Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulmasını sağlayan Millî Mücadele düşman işgaline karşı askeri mücadele ile birlikte siyasi mücadeleyi ve diplomasiyi de kapsamaktadır. Millî Mücadele, Türk milletinin emperyalizme karşı bağımsızlık mücadelesi olarak Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün belirlediği ve karakteri ile özdeşleştirdiği Millî Bağımsızlık ilkesi rehberliğinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Millî Mücadele’nin temel metinlerinin dış politika ile ilgili maddelerinde milli bağımsızlığa doğrudan atıflar bulunmaktadır. Millî Mücadele dönemi Türk dış politikası Mîsâk-ı Millî ile ilan edilen hedefleri gerçekleştirmeye yönelik gerçekçi, dengeli ve pragmatik bir yaklaşıma sahiptir. Mustafa Kemal Paşa, süreç boyunca tam bağımsız bir devlet kurmayı amaçlayan millî dış politika sürdürmüştür. Atatürk’ün dış politikaya ilişkin görüş ve düşünceleri öğrencilik yıllarından itibaren gelişmeye başlamış, Millî Mücadele döneminde ise uygulama safhasına geçmiştir. Bu dönem boyunca onun düşünceleri yeni Türk devletinin ana programını belirlemiştir. Tam bağımsızlık, millî egemenlik ilkelerinden taviz vermemek koşulu ile yurtta ve dünyada barış onun temel dış politika yaklaşımı olmuştur. Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın diplomasi anlayışı ekonomi, sanat, siyaset, kültür ve eğitim alanlarında iş birliğine açık olup durağan değildir. İstiklal Harbi döneminde uygulanan Türk dış politikasının millî bağımsızlık ilkesinin anlaşılması günümüz diplomasisine rehberlik etmesi bakımından da önem taşımaktadır