114 research outputs found

    Venäläisten kirkko : M. A. Castrénin kuva Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon ja ortodoksiperäisten lahkojen vaikutuksesta Venäjän Pohjolan ja Länsi-Siperian suomalais-ugrilaisten alkuperäiskansojen keskuudessa 1840-luvulla

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    Tutkimus käsittelee kielitieteilijä M. A. Castrénin käsikirjoitusaineistosta 1850-70-luvuilla julkaistun materiaalin (tieteelliset esitelmät, matkakuvaukset, kirjeet) antamaa kokonaiskuvaa Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon ja suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen vuorovaikutuksesta Venäjän Pohjolassa ja Länsi-Siperiassa. Tutkimus pyrkii vastaamaan kysymyksiin missä määrin ja millä perustein Castrénin tutkimat alkuperäiskansat olivat hänen arvioidensa mukaan kristittyjä, ja millaisina alkuperäiskansojen asuma-alueiden kirkolliset olot Castrénille näyttäytyivät. Maantieteellisesti tutkielmassa käytetty aineisto kattaa samojedikielten puhujien ja obinugrilaisten kansojen asuma-alueet Venäjän Euroopan-puoleisella tundralla sekä Obin - Irtyshin ja Jenisein varsilla. Aineiston kohdekansallisuuksina ovat samojedikielten puhujat, hantit ja komit. Alkuperäiskansojen ja kristinuskon suhteen osalta tutkimus käsittelee Castrénin havaintoja kristinuskon maantieteellisestä levinneisyydestä ja sen harjoittamisen yleisyydestä sekä kristillisen synkretismin erilaisista ilmenemismuodoista ja kristinuskon vaikutuksista alkuperäiskansojen tapakulttuurissa. Tutkimus tuo esiin myös Castrénin havainnot Venäjän reuna-alueilla 1840-luvulla vaikuttaneista ortodoksiperäisistä lahkoista (Luoteis-Venäjän vanhauskoiset ja Jeniseille karkotetut duhoborit) sekä näiden suhteesta Venäjän ortodoksiseen kirkkoon. Tutkimus ei kuitenkaan käsittele systemaattisesti Castrénin tutkimusalueiden kirkollisia oloja esimerkiksi ortodoksikirkkojen sijainnin ja ulkoasun tai yksittäisten seurakuntien toiminnan osalta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa käsitellään M. A. Castrénin suhdetta Venäjään, venäläisyyteen, ortodoksiseen kirkkoon ja kristinuskoon. Tutkimus pyrkii nostamaan esille Castrénin etnisestä, uskonnollisesta ja henkilöhistoriallisesta taustasta johtuvia tekijöitä, jotka selittävät hänen kristinuskon eri ilmenemismuotoja ja alkuperäiskansojen uskonnollisuutta koskevia näkemyksiään

    Det norske skyldeie - ett fruktbart begrepp

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    Implications of Change Management

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    Date of Seminar: 2018.01.11 Supervisor: Devrim Göktepe-Hultén Key words: Change management, change process, Shape 2020, Shape & Share Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how Cramo AB works with change management and if they succeed or not, by using Kotter’s model as an analytic tool and other theoretical perspectives of change management. Methodology: The research is conducted as a case study of explorative nature. Data was collected at two different semi-structured interviews. One for the managers at Cramo AB and another one for the employees further down in the organisational structure. Seven interviews were performed with respondents from Cramo AB’s top management group and four interviews were conducted with employees from the depots. The collected data was analysed with pattern coding. Theoretical perspectives: Previous research consists of numerous models for change management shows that it is a complex subject. This study will therefore aim to contribute to existing literature by investigating how Kotter’s eight step model for leading change and other selected theoretical perspectives can be analysed against a real case to clarify how and why a company works with changes. Empirical foundation: Cramo AB is an interesting company to investigate, since they currently are working extensively with a change program called Shape 2020. Throughout the years the company implemented many large change processes that have affected the whole organisation. However, employees express some issues today regarding the change processes. Conclusions: This study reached the conclusion that Cramo AB have both successful and failed with change processes. The success rate seems to heavily rely on how well the change and implementation has been communicated as well as how the good or bad the attitude towards change in general is. The comparison between literature and a real case also suggests that literature does not acknowledge the complexity of communication in a real case

    Why the whiteness in Swedish outdoor recreation?

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    As of 2009, Swedish Outdoor Recreation is guided by public policy, pleading for everyone’s equal value and right to experience and be outdoors, regardless of gen der, age or colour (2009/10:238). Given Swedish Outdoor Recreation history of being founded upon the perspectives of a white, male middle class (Sandell, 2009), this opens up for the questions of how the goals of equality are achieved and what ideas about nature, gender and ethnicity are actually being reproduced. The objective of this study is divided into three parts. First, a literature study of Swedish Outdoor Recreation is conducted to understand the context of study and its particular historical representation of gender and ethnicity. Second, the thesis examines public policy document Future Outdoor Recreation (Governmental bill 2009/10:238) to see how different ideas about gender and ethnicity are described in relation to nature and reflects upon its relation to the history of Outdoor Recreation. Third, the study presents a case study consisting of an analysis of how gender and ethnicity are framed in the practices of the environmental non-governmental organisation Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC). The results show that in the policy document Future Outdoor Recreation, white, male persons were found to be more positively framed in relation to nature than females and immigrants. Being female, “immigrant” or/and “non-Nordic” was either less represented in text or images or specifically described as something negative, in terms of a need of education and training to be out in nature. Similar presentations of gender and ethnicity was also found in the case study of SSNC along with observed perceptions of difficulties for women and immigrants to feel welcome in the organisation. The study suggests that to reach the goals of equality in Swedish Outdoor Recreation, the negative stereotypes about immigrants and women in outdoor recreation need to be actively challenged by both public policy makers as well as SSNC, perhaps also through addressing the idea of nature and culture as separated

    Ultrasound screening for asymptomatic carotid stenosis in subjects with calcifications in the area of the carotid arteries on panoramic radiographs: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Directed ultrasonic screening for carotid stenosis is cost-effective in populations with > 5% prevalence of the diagnosis. Occasionally, calcifications in the area of the carotid arteries are incidentally detected on odontological panoramic radiographs. We aimed to determine if directed screening for carotid stenosis with ultrasound is indicated in individuals with such calcifications.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a cross-sectional study. Carotid ultrasound examinations were performed on consecutive persons, with findings of calcifications in the area of the carotid arteries on panoramic radiography that were otherwise eligible for asymptomatic carotid endarterectomy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Calcification in the area of the carotid arteries was seen in 176 of 1182 persons undergoing panoramic radiography. Of these, 117 fulfilled the inclusion criterion and were examined with carotid ultrasound. Eight persons (6.8%; 95% CI 2.2-11.5%) had a carotid stenosis - not significant over the 5% pre-specified threshold (p = 0.232, Binomial test). However, there was a significant sex difference (p = 0.008), as all stenoses were found in men. Among men, 12.5% (95%CI 4.2-20.8%) had carotid stenosis - significantly over the 5% pre-specified threshold (p = 0.014, Binomial test).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The incidental finding of calcification in the area of the carotid arteries on panoramic radiographs should be followed up with carotid screening in men that are otherwise eligible for asymptomatic carotid endarterectomy.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>The study was registered at <url>http://www.clinicaltrials.gov</url>; <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00514644">NCT00514644</a></p

    The FADS1 rs174550 Genotype Modifies the n-3 and n-6 PUFA and Lipid Mediator Responses to a High Alpha-Linolenic Acid and High Linoleic Acid Diets

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    Scope: The fatty acid composition of plasma lipids, which is associated with biomarkers and risk of non-communicable diseases, is regulated by dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and variants of fatty acid desaturase (FADS). We investigated the interactions between dietary PUFAs and FADS1 rs174550 variant.Methods and results: Participants (n = 118), homozygous for FADS1 rs174550 variant (TT and CC) followed a high alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 5 percent of energy (E-%)) or a high linoleic acid (LA, 10 E-%) diet during an 8-week randomized controlled intervention. Fatty acid composition of plasma lipids and PUFA-derived lipid mediators were quantified by gas and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, respectively. The high-LA diet increased the concentration of plasma LA, but not its lipid mediators. The concentration of plasma arachidonic acid decreased in carriers of CC and remained unchanged in the TT genotype. The high-ALA diet increased the concentration of plasma ALA and its cytochrome P450-derived epoxides and dihydroxys, and cyclooxygenase-derived monohydroxys. Concentrations of plasma eicosapentaenoic acid and its mono- and dihydroxys increased only in TT genotype carriers.Conclusions: These findings suggest the potential for genotype-based recommendations for PUFA consumption, resulting in modulation of bioactive lipid mediators which can exert beneficial effects in maintaining health.</p

    Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration rates enhanced by microbial community response

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    Soils store about four times as much carbon as plant biomass(1), and soil microbial respiration releases about 60 petagrams of carbon per year to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide(2). Short-term experiments have shown that soil microbial respiration increases exponentially with temperature(3). This information has been incorporated into soil carbon and Earth-system models, which suggest that warming-induced increases in carbon dioxide release from soils represent an important positive feedback loop that could influence twenty-first-century climate change(4). The magnitude of this feedback remains uncertain, however, not least because the response of soil microbial communities to changing temperatures has the potential to either decrease(5-7) or increase(8,9) warming-induced carbon losses substantially. Here we collect soils from different ecosystems along a climate gradient from the Arctic to the Amazon and investigate how microbial community-level responses control the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration. We find that the microbial community-level response more often enhances than reduces the mid-to long-term (90 days) temperature sensitivity of respiration. Furthermore, the strongest enhancing responses were observed in soils with high carbon-to-nitrogen ratios and in soils from cold climatic regions. After 90 days, microbial community responses increased the temperature sensitivity of respiration in high-latitude soils by a factor of 1.4 compared to the instantaneous temperature response. This suggests that the substantial carbon stores in Arctic and boreal soils could be more vulnerable to climate warming than currently predicted.Output Type: Lette

    Revisión de la literatura integradora acerca de intervenciones de la enfermería volcadas hacia el incremento del autocuidado entre pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca

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    Objective: to analyze and summarize knowledge concerning critical components of interventions that have been proposed and implemented by nurses with the aim of optimizing self-care by heart failure patients.Methods: PubMed and CINAHL were the electronic databases used to search full peer-reviewed papers, presenting descriptions of nursing interventions directed to patients or to patients and their families and designed to optimize self-care. Forty-two studies were included in the final sample (n=4,799 patients).Results: this review pointed to a variety and complexity of nursing interventions. As self-care encompasses several behaviors, interventions targeted an average of 3.6 behaviors. Educational/counselling activities were combined or not with cognitive behavioral strategies, but only about half of the studies used a theoretical background to guide interventions. Clinical assessment and management were frequently associated with self-care interventions, which varied in number of sessions (1 to 30); length of follow-up (2 weeks to 12 months) and endpoints.Conclusions: these findings may be useful to inform nurses about further research in self-care interventions in order to propose the comparison of different modalities of intervention, the use of theoretical background and the establishment of endpoints to evaluate their effectiveness.Objetivo:analisar e sintetizar o conchecimento relacionado aos componentes críticos das intervençoes que têm, sido propostas e implementadas por enfermeiros(as) com objetivo de optimizar o auto-cuidado de pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca.Método:PubMed e CINAHL foram as bases de dados electrônicas utilizadas para investigar artigos revisados por pares (peer review), apresentando as descrições das intervenções dirigidas ao paciente ou ao paciente e sua familia, visando melhorar o auto-cuidado. Foram incluídos 42 estudos na amostra final (n=4799 pacientes).Resultados:esta revisão apontou variedade e complexidade das intervenções de enfermagem. Como o auto-cuidado envolve diferentes comportamentos, as intervenções visaram em média 3,6 comportamentos. As Atividades de educação e aconselhamento foram combinadas ou não com estratégias cognitivo-comportamentais, mas somente a metade dos estudos utilizaram suporte teórico para guiar as intervenções. A avaliação e o manejo clínico foram frequentemente associados às intervenções de auto-cuidado, as quais variam em número de sessões (1 a 30), duração do seguimento (2 semanas a 12 meses) e desfechos.Conclusão:estes resultados podem ser úteis para guiar os enfermeiros no que se refere à futuros estudos sobre intervenções de auto-cuidado, de maneira a propor a comparação de diferentes modalidades de intervenção, uso de suporte teórico e estabelecimento de desfechos para melhor avaliar sua eficácia.Objetivo:analizar y sintetizar el conocimiento relacionado a componentes críticos de intervenciones que han sido propuestas e implementadas por enfermeros(as) con el objetivo de optimizar el autocuidado entre pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca.Método:PUBMED y CINAHL han sido las bases de datos electrónicas usadas para investigar artículos revisados por pares (peer review), presentando descripciones de intervenciones destinadas a perfeccionar el autocuidado dirigido al paciente o al paciente y a su familia. Se incluyeron 42 estudios en la muestra final (n=4799 pacientes).Resultados:esta revisión apuntó a una variedad y complejidad de intervenciones de enfermería. Como el autocuidado abarca varios comportamientos, las intervenciones tuvieron como blanco, en media, 3,6 comportamientos. Actividades de educación/consejería fueron combinadas o no con estrategias cognitivo-comportamentales, pero tan solo cerca de la mitad de los estudios tenían aporte teórico para guiar intervenciones. La gestión y la evaluación clínica fueron frecuentemente asociadas a intervenciones de autocuidado, las cuales oscilaron en número de sesiones (1 a 30), duración del seguimiento (2 semanas a 12 meses) y objetivos.Conclusiones:estos resultados pueden ser útiles para informar a las enfermeras acerca de nuevas investigaciones en intervenciones de autocuidado, de modo a proponer la comparación de distintas modalidades de intervención, el uso de un aporte teórico y el establecimiento de objetivos para evaluar su eficacia