66 research outputs found

    Den svenska klassröstningen pĂ„ retrĂ€tt – Gör ett nytt klasschema nĂ„gon skillnad?

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    I ljuset av observationer av klassröstningens minskande styrka har en del forskare föreslagit rekonstruktioner av klassvariabeln pÄ ett sÀtt som bÀttre urskiljer post-industriella trender pÄ arbetsmarknaden. En ledande föresprÄkare för ett sÄdant synsÀtt Àr Daniel Oesch. I denna artikel jÀmför vi utvecklingen i klassröstningens styrka i Oeschs klasschema med ett mer traditionellt klasschema pÄ de svenska valundersökningarna 1968-2014. Resultaten visar att schemana ger anmÀrkningsvÀrt lika resultat, att Oeschs schema inte fungerar pÄtagligt bÀttre för nyare politiska partier, och att utvecklingen i fördelningen av positioner pÄ arbetsmarknaden inte gör sÀrskilt stor skillnad för skattningarna av klassröstningens styrka. Vi diskuterar implikationerna av detta

    Economic Decline and Extreme‐Right Electoral Threat: How District‐Level Factors Shape the Legislative Debate on Immigration

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    This research examines the degree to which legislators respond to their districts by analyzing immigration-related legislative speeches from the Swedish parliament (2005-2016). Using a text-scaling method, we find that the immigration discourse fluctuates between `socio-economic responsibility' and `cultural difference' poles. We argue that socio-economic declines and extreme-right party success serve as an indication to MPs that there is demand for `cultural difference' rhetoric on immigration. Our statistical analyses support the argument and demonstrate that district-level economic declines can lead to an increase in the salience of cultural framing of migrants, especially in districts with a higher share of foreign residents. We also find that district-level extreme-right electoral success has a significant influence on legislative immigration discourse. Overall, the results have implications for studies of legislative texts, dyadic representation, and the impact of the populist right on legislative politics in Europe

    Intergenerational equity - Protecting future generations through domestic action

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    The objective of this thesis is to explore the concept of intergenerational equity and study a number of different options for protecting future generations through domestic action. Intergenerational equity focuses on the relationship between people living today and generations still unborn. Problems of equity between generations are partially due to the distance between them. Future generations lack the ability of giving voice to their concerns and their interest are harmed when the economic and political system fails to take long-term environmental effects in to account in decision-making procedures. When only short-term advantages are considered, there is a risk that decisions will result in excessive consumption, environmental degradation and distributional problems in the longer-term. Thereby the ability of succeeding generations to enjoy a natural world that is as rich and diverse as the one that earlier generation have had access to is damaged. Whether or not a legal obligation to safeguard the environment for future generations exists is a highly debated subject. Considering the developments within international environmental law and human rights law in the past decades, there are signs of movement towards accepting such a principle. However, it seems too early to say that respect for intergenerational equity already has become an established obligation under international law. Nonetheless, there are compelling moral reasons to make sure that a healthy planet is passed on to our descendants. In the fourth chapter of the thesis, a number of different options for implementing intergenerational equity are examined. These options focus on measures taken either by the state and state authorities, or by civil society and the courts. Theses options should not be seen as competing alternatives, but rather as measures working on different levels, with the potential to complement each other. Intergenerational equity needs to be implemented through a comprehensive approach, which permeates all legislation where long-term environmental effects may follow. In order to achieve this, the establishment of strong provision aiming at environmental protection for the benefit of present and future generations seems to be of high importance. Correctly designed, such a provision could influence forthcoming legislation, guide the application of existing rules, facilitate public participation and contribute to raising the status of environmental values and future generations. In combination to a constitutional protection, the establishment of a watchdog institution in the form of an Ombudsman or Commissioner for future generations has the potential to contribute to ensuring that the provision is put into practice and act to give a voice to the interests of future generations

    LÀsning och skrivning i förskolan : en studie om hur förskollÀrare stimulerar barns lÀs-och skrivintresse

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    Arbetet behandlar hur förskollÀrare skapar förutsÀttningar för och hur de arbetar med lÀsning och skrivning i förskolan. FrÄgestÀllningen Àr hur förskollÀrarna tar tillvara pÄ barns visade intresse för lÀsning och skrivning samt om de anvÀnder sig av nÄgon lÀsinlÀrningsmetod. Den tidigare forskningen pekar pÄ att förskolans miljö har betydelse, att förskollÀrare ska synliggöra skriftsprÄket för barn, pedagogernas förhÄllningssÀtt. Resultatet visar att de intervjuade förskollÀrarna gör mycket för att stimulera barns lÀsning och skrivning i förskolan i enlighet med tidigare forskning. De har sprÄksamlingar, bokstÀver pÄ vÀggarna, uppmuntrar barnen att skriva och bygger aktiviteterna pÄ barnens visade intresse. BÄda förskollÀrarna var överens om att en tidig stimulering Àr viktig. Att förskolan ska erbjuda aktiviteter som lÀsning, lÀra genom lek, ha barnens intresse som utgÄngspunkt och en stimulerande miljö. Resultatet visar ocksÄ att förskollÀrarna var medvetna om bornholmsmodellen men att de inte hade kunskap om nÄgra andra modeller för lÀs-och skrivinlÀrning. AnvÀnder förskollÀrarna just bornholmsmodellen för att det Àr den de kÀnner till eller Àr metoden lÀttast att anvÀnda?  För att nÄ ett resultat har jag anvÀnt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer som forskningsmetod och metodansatsen har varit hermenuetis

    LÀsning och skrivning i förskolan : en studie om hur förskollÀrare stimulerar barns lÀs-och skrivintresse

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    Arbetet behandlar hur förskollÀrare skapar förutsÀttningar för och hur de arbetar med lÀsning och skrivning i förskolan. FrÄgestÀllningen Àr hur förskollÀrarna tar tillvara pÄ barns visade intresse för lÀsning och skrivning samt om de anvÀnder sig av nÄgon lÀsinlÀrningsmetod. Den tidigare forskningen pekar pÄ att förskolans miljö har betydelse, att förskollÀrare ska synliggöra skriftsprÄket för barn, pedagogernas förhÄllningssÀtt. Resultatet visar att de intervjuade förskollÀrarna gör mycket för att stimulera barns lÀsning och skrivning i förskolan i enlighet med tidigare forskning. De har sprÄksamlingar, bokstÀver pÄ vÀggarna, uppmuntrar barnen att skriva och bygger aktiviteterna pÄ barnens visade intresse. BÄda förskollÀrarna var överens om att en tidig stimulering Àr viktig. Att förskolan ska erbjuda aktiviteter som lÀsning, lÀra genom lek, ha barnens intresse som utgÄngspunkt och en stimulerande miljö. Resultatet visar ocksÄ att förskollÀrarna var medvetna om bornholmsmodellen men att de inte hade kunskap om nÄgra andra modeller för lÀs-och skrivinlÀrning. AnvÀnder förskollÀrarna just bornholmsmodellen för att det Àr den de kÀnner till eller Àr metoden lÀttast att anvÀnda?  För att nÄ ett resultat har jag anvÀnt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer som forskningsmetod och metodansatsen har varit hermenuetis

    Hur blev jag ett monster? : Om monsterskapande i Howard Phillips Lovecrafts The Outsider och The Thing on the Doorstep

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    In this essay, I employ Judith Butlers theories of gender performativity to examine the construction of the monstrosity in Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s two works The Outsider and The Thing on the Doorstep. Focusing on the character’s monstrous attributes, how they are seen by themselves, by others and not least by the reader, I examine how their monstrosity is created and strengthened by dehumanizing processes. I argue that Lovecraft through his narrative technique complicates the relation between monstrosity and humanity in his characters, the result of which is a reader left to determine how monstrous, or human, the creature really is. I claim that the beings, themselves remaining uncertain about their own human and monstrous sides throughout Lovecraft’s stories, are not in fact monsters for the reader until the very moment that they themselves acquiescein their own exclusion

    Swedish class voting in decline: Does a new class schema make a difference?

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    In the light of observations of the decline in class voting, some scholars have suggested that the class variable should be reconstructed in a way that makes post-industrial labor market trends more visible. A leading proponent of this view is Daniel Oesch. In this article we compare the development in class voting according to his class schema compared to a more traditional one, in the Swedish National Election Studies 1968-2014. The results show that the schemas give remarkably similar results, that Oesch’s schema is not markedly better at predicting voting for newer political parties, and that the development in the distribution of positions in the labor market does not make a big difference for the strength of class voting. We discuss the implications of these findings

    Lovecraft’s women : A study of female monstrosity in Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s literature

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    While the strategy of lending a voice to the monstrous is a well known aspect of Howard Phillips Lovecraft's works, the female monster is a notable exception to this case. In this thesis, I excavate a theory of female monstrosity through a reading of some of Lovecraft's most read stories and the agency of female characters that appears within. Comparing these female registers of monstrosity to their masculine counterpart, I develop a concept of female monstrosity manifested through categories of class, race and gender with the help of Judith Halberstams theories of monstrosity. Rather than treating these women as active characters, I argue that Lovecraft's inability to handle these monsters forces him to literally put them away – in attics, cellars, or boxes. These are the marginalized positions from which these women elaborate a monstrous form that transcends the boundaries of sex, gender, class and race. Here lurks a female monster, powerful, independent and evil, Lovecraft's treatment of which reveals his fear of its unfettered emergence. Thus Lovecraft’s narrative technique is broken by his own creation. Indeed, these women, in their reproductive capabilities and the monstrous motherhood they represent, are the true monsters of the Lovecraftian universe
