172 research outputs found

    Посещение Самарского государственного медицинского университета сотрудниками ВГМУ

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    МЕДИЦИНСКИЕ ВУЗЫМЕЖДУНАРОДНОЕ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ МЕДИЦИНСКОЕ /МЕТОДЫПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПРОЦЕСССТОМАТОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕВ рамках реализации программы академической мобильности профессорско-преподавательского состава, в соответствии с договором о совместном сотрудничестве между Витебским государственным медицинским университетом и Самарским государственным медицинским университетом в период с 27 по 29 декабря 2016 года сотрудники кафедры терапевтической стоматологии ВГМУ посетили СамГМУ

    Political risk in light rail transit PPP projects

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    Since 2003 public-private partnerships (PPPs) have represented between 10 and 13.5% of the total investment in public services in the UK. The macro-economic and political benefits of PPPs were among the key drivers for central government's decision to promote this form of procurement to improve UK public services. Political support for a PPP project is critical and is frequently cited as the most important critical success factor. This paper investigates the significance of political support and reviews the treatment of political risk in a business case by the public sector project sponsor for major UK-based light rail transit PPP projects during their development stage. The investigation demonstrates that in the early project stages it is not traditional quantitative Monte Carlo risk analysis that is important; rather it is the identification and representation of political support within a business case together with an understanding of how this information is then used to inform critical project decisions

    Analítica de datos aplicada a la caracterización microbiológica y sensorial de miel de abejas proveniente del departamento de Sucre, Colombia

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    The purpose of this research is to characterize with the greatest possible precision the microbiological and sensory factors of the honey produced and commercialized by one company in the apiculture chain of the department of Sucre, through the use of analytical tools and data techniques, in addition to the use of free access statistical software, aiming to contribute to the formation of research, scientific and technological competences for strengthening the productive sector in this region. A bibliographic review of the theoretical characteristics of the data analysis was carried out; the information collected in the microbiological and sensory analyzes was coded, tabulated and analyzed to evaluate the composition of the samples of honey; the data obtained for all the quantified variables were subjected to multivariate techniques such as multiple correspondence analysis. In the behavior of the sensory variables of honey samples, it is evident that those that most take advantage of the dimensions of multiple correspondence analysis are color, flavor and texture. In the case of the microbiological factor, the count of spores, yeasts and molds in the samples shows an equal level for all the batches included in the analysis. The samples involved in the study show good performance in terms of the microbiological indicators evaluated.La presente investigación tiene como propósito caracterizar con la mayor precisión posible los factores microbiológicos y sensoriales de la miel de abejas producida y comercializada por una empresa de la cadena apícola del departamento de Sucre, mediante la utilización de herramientas y técnicas de analítica de datos, además del uso de software estadístico de acceso libre, a fin de contribuir a la formación de competencias investigativas, científicas y tecnológicas para el fortalecimiento del sector productivo en la región. Se realizó la revisión bibliográfica de las características teóricas de la analítica de datos. La información recolectada en los análisis microbiológicos y sensoriales fue codificada, tabulada y analizada para evaluar la composición de las muestras de la miel de abejas; los datos obtenidos para todas las variables cuantificadas se sometieron a técnicas multivariadas, tales como el análisis de correspondencia múltiple. En el comportamiento de las variables sensoriales de las muestras de miel, se evidencia que las que más contribuyen a las dimensiones que conforman el análisis de correspondencia múltiple son el color, el sabor y la textura. Para el caso del factor microbiológico, el recuento de esporas, levaduras y mohos en las muestras permite evidenciar un nivel igual para todos los lotes incluidos en el análisis. Las muestras involucradas en el estudio presentan buen comportamiento en términos de los indicadores microbiológicos evaluados

    Fortalecimiento de empresa de alimentos del sector apícola en BPM y exportación

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    El presente proyecto busca fortalecer las capacidades tecnológicas y científicas en la cadena productiva apícola de la empresa APIARIOS DE LA SABANA S.A.S. para la elaboración de alimentos saludables a partir de la miel de abejas y cultivos hortofrutícolas tradicionales en el departamento de Sucre. Inicia con la necesidad de la empresa APIARIOS DE LA SABANA S.A.S. de brindar a sus clientes y comunidad en general datos científicos que ayuden a soportar o descartar los beneficios de la actividad apícola en la salud humana, además, mejorar el producto de mermeladas saludables elaboradas con frutos de la zona sucreña y endulzada con miel de abejas.This project seeks to strengthen the technological and scientific capacities in the beekeeping production chain of the company APIARIOS DE LA SABANA S.A.S. for the elaboration of healthy foods from the honey of bees and traditional horticultural crops in the department of Sucre. It begins with the need of the company APIARIOS DE LA SABANA S.A.S. to provide its clients and the community in general with scientific data that help support or discard the benefits of beekeeping activity on human health, in addition, improve the product of healthy jams made with fruits from the Sucre area and sweetened with honey.Introducción -- Antecedentes -- Apartes del proyecto -- Guía práctica de exportación para la PYME -- Herramientas de desarrollo empresarial -- La exportación y la PYME -- Análisis de la PYME en sus ejes estratégicos -- El mapeo de oportunidades -- La PYME y la cultura exportadora -- El plan estratégico de internacionalización -- El modelo de negocio internacional -- La ejecución de la exportación -- El incoterm -- Los procedimientos -- Las formas de pago -- Buenas prácticas de manufactura BPM Industria apícola -- ¿Qué funciones realiza el ente de control en una visita? -- Las buenas prácticas de manufactura o BPM -- ¿Cómo evitar la contaminación en el sector apícola? -- Requisitos del Personal Manipulador de alimentos -- Responsabilidad del personal manipulador de alimentos -- Ejemplo de la vestimenta en apicultura -- Buenas prácticas higiénicas del personal -- Buenas prácticas higiénicas en áreas de proceso -- Saneamiento -- Gestión integral de residuos -- Clasificación de residuos sólidos -- Manejo de residuos líquidos -- ¿Qué debo saber? -- El programa debe contener -- Manejo de agua potable -- Microbiología -- Enfermedades de transmisión alimentaria (ETA)na67 página

    Framework Report: The AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard, September 2011

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    The aim of the AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard is to improve HIV and AIDS workplace programmes in the countries and sectors most affected by the disease, and improve the health of employees, their families and communities. Through this initiative we will: / 1. Provide tools for HIV and AIDS workplace programme monitoring and evaluation AAI has developed scorecard tools for small, medium and large workplaces, which can be used to assess a global, regional or national HIV and AIDS programme or interventions at a specific workplace site. The scorecards can serve as both internal monitoring and evaluation tools and as assessments to present to stakeholders within and outside the organization. / 2. Publish annual Rankings of HIV and AIDS Workplace Programmes Scorecard users who wish to receive a ranking analysis and recommendations for how to improve their programmes can submit their scorecards to AAI. AAI ‘s ranking analysis will allow users to compare their performance with others and over time also measure their own progress. Respondents will be encouraged to publish their ranking in AAI’s yearly Ranking Reports. / 3. Share good practice The knowledge and good practices generated through the published rankings will be used to stimulate improved HIV and AIDS Workplace Programmes worldwide. Large networks of companies, trade union confederations, and national and international organizations can use the scorecard as a common framework for monitoring and evaluation of workplace programmes

    Saudi views on consenting for research on medical records and leftover tissue samples

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Consenting for retrospective medical records-based research (MR) and leftover tissue-based research (TR) continues to be controversial. Our objective was to survey Saudis attending outpatient clinics at a tertiary care hospital on their personal preference and perceptions of norm and current practice in relation to consenting for MR and TR.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We surveyed 528 Saudis attending clinics at a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia to explore their preferences and perceptions of norm and current practice. The respondents selected one of 7 options from each of 6 questionnaires.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Respondents' mean (SD) age was 33 (11) years, 42% were males, 56% were patients, 84% had ≥ secondary school education, and 10% had previously volunteered for research. Respectively, 40% and 49% perceived that the norm is to conduct MR and TR without consent and 38% and 37% with general or proposal-specific consent; the rest objected to such research. There was significant difference in the distribution of choices according to health status (patients vs. companions) for MR (adjusted Kruskal-Wallis test P = 0.03) but not to age group, gender, education level, or previous participation in research (unadjusted P = 0.02 - 0.59). The distributions of perceptions of current practice and norm were similar (unadjusted Marginal Homogeneity test P = 0.44 for MR and P = 0.89 for TR), whereas the distributions of preferences and perceptions of norm were different (adjusted P = 0.09 for MR and P = 0.02 for TR). The distributions of perceptions of norm, preferences, and perceptions of current practice for MR were significantly different from those of TR (adjusted P < 0.009 for all).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that: 1) there is a considerable diversity among Saudi views regarding consenting for retrospective research which may be related to health status, 2) the distribution of perceptions of norm was similar to the distribution of perceptions of current practice but different from that of preferences, and 3) MR and TR are perceived differently in regard to consenting.</p

    Political risk assessment by multinational corporations in African markets: a Nigerian perspective

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    Political risk assessment (PRA) is one of the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) and the competitiveness of multinational corporations (MNCs), yet little is known about its use in African markets. This study critically investigates the PRA techniques used by MNCs in Nigeria and their applicability. It uses a multimethod approach to analyze data collected from MNCs and the data set of the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) PRA annual rating for Nigeria from 2011 to 2015. The findings reveal that most firms use qualitative, rather than quantitative, PRA techniques. Regional variations in the outcome of PRA within Nigeria could also contribute to the low use of quantitative techniques. This article identifies that firms are prepared to invest in Nigeria, in spite of high political risk, due to its economic and financial attractiveness. This article’s findings offer some implications for practice with some suggestions on how it could influence firms’ internationalization and their conduct of PRA