378 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre la evolución de la atrofia retiniana en pacientes con coriorretinopatía serosa central tratados con terapia fotodinámica

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    Estudio sobre la evolución de la atrofia retiniana en pacientes con coriorretinopatía serosa central tratados con terapia fotodinámica. Quermos demostrar la correlación entre la atrofia retiniana posterior al tratamiento de la coriorretinopatía serosa central (CSC) con terapia fotodinámica (TFD) con verteporfina y los distintos factores asociados: edad del paciente, tiempo transcurrido desde el diagnóstico, dosis de verteporfina empleada, número de sesiones necesarias para la completa reabsorción del fluido subretiniano. Estudio retrospectivo e intervencionista de casos consecutivos, no aleatorizados. Se siguieron un total de 57 ojos de 56 pacientes afectos de CSC tratados con TFD. Se agrupó a los pacientes en función de la dosis de verteporfina empleada (dosis media o estándar) y en función del tiempo de evolución al que se les aplicó el tratamiento con TFD (˂ 6 meses y ˃ 6 meses). Se evaluó la mejor agudeza visual corregida (MAVC) mediante escala de optotipos ETDRS, grosor foveal central (CFT) en OCT y número de recurrencias como indicadores de resultados. En 22/22 ojos tratados con TFD a dosis completa se produjo una resolución completa del fluido subretiniano (FSR), en 1/22 ojos se produjo una reactivación posterior y un paciente desarrolló una membrana neovascular coroidea tras la TFD. 25/28 ojos tratados con TFD a dosis media consiguieron una mácula seca, en 3/25 ojos se produjo una resolución parcial y 5/28 ojos tuvieron recidivas posteriores. 7/57 ojos estudiados tuvieron una resolución parcial del FSR tras tratamiento con TFD a dosis media, consiguiéndose una mácula seca en 7/7 ojos con un segundo tratamiento con TFD estándar. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas ni en el cambio del CFT antes y después de la TFD, ni al comparar el CFT basal y final entre los pacientes tratados con TFD a dosis media y los tratados con TFD a dosis completa. En el Grupo ˂ 6 meses y en el Grupo ˃ 6 meses, el CFT basal y final del ojo con CSC resultó ser menor que en el ojo adelfo sano de forma estadísticamente significativa. La MAVC mejoró en todos los grupos estudiados de forma significativa, aunque no se obtuvieron diferencias entre grupos. Se obtuvo una correlación negativa estadísticamente significativa entre el tiempo de evolución al que se inicia tratamiento con TFD y el CFT. La TFD estándar podría ser más eficaz que la TFD a dosis media, con una mayor tasa de éxito y un menor número de recurrencias. El CFT final en pacientes con CSC depende de forma significativa del tiempo de evolución del desprendimiento de retina neurosensorial y no de la dosis de verteporfina empleada.Máster en Subespecialidades Oftalmológica

    Participatory Research with Young People with Visual Disabilities: When the Exclusion and Inclusion Stories Take to the Streets

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    El propósito de este estudio es visibilizar la realidad de personas con discapacidad visual, se lleva a cabo una Biblioteca Humana o Human Library como una estrategia metodológica de carácter innovador y participativo. Participan en la misma un grupo de adolescentes con alguna discapacidad visual, quiénes a través de sus narraciones comparten con distintos agentes sociales sus experiencias y vivencias vinculadas a la discapacidad y la respuesta social a la misma. En este trabajo, se analizan las voces de dos de esos jóvenes que eligen para su relato oral la narración de su trayectoria escolar desde la infancia hasta la enseñanza post-obligatoria. Las estrategias de investigación participativa utilizadas durante la celebración de la Biblioteca Humana, así como los registros de los grupos de discusión previos y la observación participante. El análisis permite identificar las barreras educativas más recurrentes de los jóvenes, relacionadas con el clima de los centros, las metodologías y el papel de los docentes, pero también permite identificar algunas palancas de cambio que invitan a repensar las prácticas educativas de inclusión y exclusión escolarIn order to visibilize the reality of people with visual disabilities, a Human Library is carried out as an innovative and participatory methodological strategy. A group of adolescents with some visual disability, participate sharing through their narratives their experiences and experiences related to disability and the social response. In this work, the voices of two teenagers with blindness who choose for their oral story the narration of their school career from childhood to postcompulsory education are analyzed. The participatory research strategies used during the celebration of the Human Library as well as the records of the previous discussion groups and the participant observation. The analysis make possible to identify the more recurrent educational barriers in the history of young people related to the climate of the educational centers, the methodologies and the role of teachers, but also makes possible identify levers of change that invite us to rethink the educational practices of school inclusion and exclusio

    Warning, or Manipulating in Pandemic Times? A Critical and Contrastive Analysis of Official Discourse Through the English and Spanish News

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    Focusing on media discourse and adopting a Critical Discourse Analysis—linguistic and rhetorical—perspective, this paper explores the role of the media in influencing citizens’ behaviour towards the COVID-19 crisis. The paper evaluates the set of potentially persuasive lexical items and emotional implicatures used by two quality newspapers, i.e. The Guardian (UK edition) and El País (Spain edition), to report on the pandemic during the three waves—the periods between the onset and trough of virus contamination—that occurred until March 2021. A representative, ad-hoc, comparable corpus (COVIDWave_EN and COVIDWave_ES) was compiled in English and Spanish comprising the news on the pandemic that appeared in the aforementioned newspapers during the three established time periods. The corpora were uploaded to Sketch Engine, which was used to first detect and analyse different categories (nouns, verbs, and adjectives) of word frequency, and then assign negative or positive polarity. Lexical keyness was secondly analysed to categorize emotional implicatures of control, metaphors, signals of epistemic asymmetry and positive implicatures in order to discern how they become weapons of negative or positive persuasion. The ultimate end of the study was to critically analyse and contrast the lexicon and rhetoric used by these two newspapers during this time period so as to unveil the stance taken by governments and health institutions—voices of authority—to disseminate words of control and persuasion with the aim of exerting influence on the behaviour of citizens in UK and Spain.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Construyendo una investigación inclusiva en torno a las distintas transiciones educativas

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    Traditional research on inclusive education is being subjected to analysis by a growing body of research guidance originating in certain social and academic movements, demanding an inclusive research, a research committed to developing ways to build participatory, fair and democratic knowledge. This paper provides a contribution to the construction of this kind of research, analyzing the process followed by the educational community of 9 schools in the same locality. The study, originated by the participants, was a process of analysis and participatory action aimed at analyzing first and then raise the social and educational community to the inclusive or exclusive force that educational transition periods can meaning. The paper concludes by proposing some thought son the proceedings and matter son the contribution of inclusive research to the social and educational improvement and change.La tradicional investigación sobre educación inclusiva se está viendo sometida a análisis por un cuerpo creciente de orientaciones investigadoras que con origen en determinados movimientos sociales y académicos, reclaman una investigación inclusiva, una investigación comprometida con el desarrollo de modos de construcción de conocimiento participativos,  justos y democráticos. Este artículo ofrece una contribución a la construcción de este tipo de investigación, analizando el proceso seguido por la comunidad educativa de 9 centros escolares de una misma localidad. El estudio, planteado por los participantes, supuso un proceso de análisis y acción participativa dirigido a analizar primero y sensibilizar después a la comunidad social y educativa sobre la importancia inclusiva o por el contrario excluyente que pueden suponer los momentos y periodos de transición educativa. El trabajo concluye planteando algunas reflexiones sobre el proceso seguido así como sobre la contribución de la investigación inclusiva a la mejora y el cambio social y educativo

    Low prevalence of Cfr-mediated linezolid resistance among methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a Spanish hospital: case report on linezolid resistance acquired during linezolid therapy

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    Linezolid is an effective antimicrobial agent to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Resistance to linezolid due to the cfr gene is described worldwide. The present study aimed to analyze the prevalence of the cfr-mediated linezolid resistance among MRSA clinical isolates in our area. A very low prevalence of cfr mediated linezolid resistance was found: only one bacteremic isolate out of 2 215 screened isolates. The only linezolid resistant isolate arose in a patient, previously colonized by MRSA, following linezolid therapy. Despite the low rate of resistance in our area, ongoing surveillance is advisable to avoid the spread of linezolid resistance

    Sobrepeso en escolares y asociación con la práctica de actividad física y hábitos parentales

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    [Abstract]: Excess weight in childhood and adolescence is an important health problem that tends to persist in adulthood. Among the causes of this increase there appears to be a consensus on emphasizing physical activity as an excellent strategy to achieve better weight control, and on considering some models of parental practices essential for the acquisition of healthy habits in young people.[Resumo]: O excesso de peso na infância e adolescência constitui-se em um importante problema de saúde que tende a persistir na idade adulta. Entre as causas desse aumento parece existir consenso em destacar a prática de atividade física como uma excelente estratégia para conseguir melhor controle do peso e em considerar alguns modelos de práticas parentais fundamentais para a aquisição de hábitos saudáveis nos jovens[Resumen]: El exceso de peso en la infancia y la adolescencia se constituye en un importante problema de salud que tiende a persistir en la edad adulta. Entre las causas de ese aumento parece existir consenso en destacar la práctica de actividad física como una excelente estrategia para conseguir mejor control del peso y en considerar algunos modelos de prácticas parentales fundamentales para la adquisición de hábitos saludables en los jóvenes

    Participative Digital Photography to evaluate the transition to University

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    The article shows the possibilities of textualized digital photography in different technological media as an innovative resource for evaluating the process of transitioning to university.The use of photovoice as a methodological tool is explained and analyzed from a participative research perspective as one which invites participants to take on an active role in reflecting on and taking part in their new academic situation. 142 first-year students doing degrees in Pre-school and Primary Education at the University of Vigo participated in the Project; this has led to the creation of a total of 560 textualized photographs related to the topic of the study.The results, based on a denotative analysis of the images and a connotative analysis of the texts produced by the students, identifies the spaces and situations in the university life of students which are essential, the role played by architectural elements and material resources, as well as the connection between their identity as students and the processes of university participation and management.The conclusions show the suitability of visual technological resources for evaluating educational transitions, the ability of photovoice to encourage participants to reflect and engage in critical thought, and the need to recognize the students’ voices and authority as soon as they enter university

    Training in Rhythmic Gymnastics during the pandemic

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    [Abstract]: The pandemic caused by the COVID 19 Virus creates an unprecedented situation of global confinement altering the development of competition and sports training at all levels of participation and in all sports, including rhythmic gymnastics (RG). To avoid possible effects of physical, technical and psychological detraining, coaches looked for home training alternatives. The objectives of the study were to know how rhythmic gymnastics training developed during the lockdown period (the conditions, type of training, performance monitoring means, and determinants of gymnasts’ participation) and to provide recommendations for a possible future lockdown. Three hundred and two RG coaches from twenty-six different countries throughout the five continents and four professional levels took part in the study: national team (28), international (26), national (172) and regional (75). The data collection tool was a questionnaire consisting of 39 closed questions structured in three dimensions: identification data of the coaches, training data during confinement and gymnast participation data. The independent variable was the gymnasts’ performance levels and the dependent variables organized in four categories: the technical media used to conduct and monitor the training sessions, the type of training done, the mechanisms for monitoring training performance and the aspects that determined participation. Most coaches kept their gymnasts training during confinement, although 76.5% confirm abandonment of any of their gymnasts. The main means used were real-time video conferencing, although at the lower practice levels the media stand out in deferred time. The contents of the training were mainly body technique, physical preparation and body difficulties. For performance monitoring, challenges, physical, and technical tests were predominant. The determinants for the development of training in the confinement vary depending on the level of the gymnasts, connectivity and electronic resources at the highest level, and the availability of spaces and social distancing at lower levels. For future lockdowns, it is necessary to review the content of the trainings, as well as the performance evaluation and the means necessary for it

    Análisis de estrategias de conservación y uso del cultivo de ñame (Dioscorea spp) en Colombia

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    El cultivo del ñame (Dioscorea spp) es importante en la economía, la nutrición y la cultura de muchas zonas tropicales y subtropicales del mundo. En Colombia se destaca la región de la Costa Atlántica por su mayor producción. A finales de la década de los ochenta, los cultivos de ñame en esta zona del país se vieron afectados por la enfermedad antracnosis causada por el hongo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, lo que disminuyó dramáticamente hasta en un 94% el área cultivada y provocó la desaparición de algunas variedades de ñame, con la consecuente reducción de la variabilidad genética del cultivo. A partir de esta fecha, distintas entidades de investigación en Colombia iniciaron estrategias para impulsar su conservación, esto, con el fin de atender la demanda del cultivo como alimento y también sus usos agroindustriales y medicinales. Al respecto, esta revisión documental encontró que en el país se destacan siete nodos de investigación con múltiples grupos registrados en la plataforma ScienTI de Colciencias; Universidad de Córdoba con seis grupos que realizan investigación en Dioscorea, Universidad Nacional sede Bogotá con tres, la Universidad de Sucre con tres, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira – UTP con uno, la Universidad del Atlántico con uno, la Universidad Popular del Cesar con uno y la Universidad de Cartagena con tres grupos de investigación en Dioscorea. Especial mención merecen, por sus investigaciones en Dioscorea y programas de extensión a las comunidades, la Corporación para el Desarrollo Participativo y Sostenible de los Pequeños Productores Rurales (Corporación PBA), la Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA), organizaciones internacionales que promueven la investigación en productos tropicales tradicionales el Centro de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), con sede en Palmira, Valle del Cauca, y el Instituto de Investigación Agrícola Tropical (IITA), con sede en Nigeria. Las líneas de trabajo relacionadas con el cultivo del ñame son: recursos genéticos, etnobiología, biología molecular, fitopatología, cultivo de tejidos, fitoquímica, transformación y valor agregado. Dentro de las estrategias de conservación de Dioscorea se pueden enumerar: banco de germoplasma, caracterización del agente causal de la antracnosis, desarrollo de biotecnologías para mejorar la productividad, laboratorios de bajo costo, Festivales del ñame, Feria de Agrobiodiversidad y Ñametón, estas últimas promueven el rescate del uso gastronómico del ñame y el desarrollo de tecnologías para el valor agregado del mismo. Entre los usos más significativos del tubérculo se destaca el nutricional y su potencialidad en el campo medicinal, cosmético y biocombustibles. Las estrategias analizadas durante el desarrollo de esta investigación han sido significativas para salvar especies de ñame en peligro, formalizar las agremiaciones de los cultivadores, producir semillas limpias, entre otras, lo que ha influido en el mejoramiento de la producción y productividad, así como ha contribuido con la seguridad alimentaria de los habitantes de la región. A pesar de que se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias para conservar tan valioso recurso fitogenético se carece de la sistematización del conocimiento y tecnologías generadas por los diferentes centros de investigación para el cultivo, por lo que esta investigación tuvo como uno de sus objetivos crear un repositorio de la gestión bibliográfica de Dioscorea.Yam crops (Dioscorea spp) are important for the economy, nutrition and culture of many tropical and subtropical areas in the world. In Colombia, the Atlantic Coast region stands out for its higher production. In the late 1980s, yam crops in that region of the country was affected by the anthracnose disease caused by the fungus (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), decreasing dramatically by 94% the cultivated area and causing the disappearance of yam’s varieties, with the consequent reduction of the genetic variability of the crop. From that moment on, different research entities in Colombia began strategies to promote their conservation, in order to meet the demand for the crop as food, as well as its agro-industrial and medicinal uses. On that regard, this documentary review found seven research nodes with multiple groups registered in the ScienTI platform of Colciencias, which stand out in the country: Universidad de Cordoba with six groups that carry out research on Dioscorea, Universidad Nacional based in Bogota with three groups, Universidad de Sucre with three, Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira - UTP with one, Universidad del Atlantico with one, Universidad Popular del Cesar with one and Universidad de Cartagena with three research groups on Dioscorea. Special mention must be made, for their research on Dioscorea and extension programs to the communities, the Corporation for the Participatory and Sustainable Development of Small Rural Producers (Corporación PBA), la Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA), international organizations that promote the research on traditional tropical products, the Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT, based in Palmira, Valle del Cauca, and the Institute for Tropical Agricultural Research, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), based in Nigeria. The lines of work are Genetic Resources, Ethnobiology, Molecular Biology, Phytopathology, Tissue Culture, Phytochemistry, transformation and benefit. Within the conservation strategies of Dioscorea can be listed: germplasm bank, characterization of the causative agent of anthracnose, development of biotechnologies to improve productivity, low cost laboratories, yam festivals, agro-biodiversity fair and Ñameton. The last two promote the rescue of yam culinary and the development of technology to benefit. Among the most significant uses of the tuber are the gastronomic, medicinal, cosmetic and biofuels. The strategies analyzed during the development of this research have been important to save species of endangered yam, formalize the associations of growers, produce clean seeds, among others. All this has influenced the improvement of production and productivity, as well as it has contributed to the food security of inhabitants of the region. Although different strategies have been developed to conserve such a valuable phytogenetic resource, it is lacking the systematization of the knowledge and technologies generated by the different research centers for cultivation. Therefore, this research has as one of its goals creating a repository of the bibliographic management of Dioscorea.Magíster en Conservación y Uso de la BiodiversidadMaestrí