931 research outputs found

    Estudo de idoneidade de diferentes linguaxes de programación na aprendizaxe en Programación do Grao de Enxeñaría Informática

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    [Resumo] A materia de Programación forma parte do módulo de formación básica do Grao en Informática, o obxectivo desta materia é ensinar ao alumno a crear modelos computacionais de problemas do mundo real, a realización desta labor faise empregando unha linguaxe de programación. A linguaxe de programación empregada na materia para ensinar os alumnos é un elemento fundamental e crítico, xa que dependendo das súas características vai ser máis doado ou complicado acadar as competencias para o alumno: detección de erros, escritura dos programas, entorno de desenvolvemento (IDE), ... Unha mostra disto é que se emprega a mesma linguaxe desde a creación da Facultade de Informática (FIC). Está non é un tarefa trivial debido a que non tódalas linguaxes están deseñadas seguindo o mesmo paradigma de programación, algunhas son case experimentais mentres outras son de uso case exclusivamente comercial, hai linguaxes que non teñen compilador “propio”, ... Neste traballo se presentan o resultado da análise de diferentes linguaxes que compren coas características necesarias, como se indicou anteriormente, para o seu uso na docencia da materia, valorando a súa idoneidade nas características máis importantes desde un punto de vista docente. As linguaxes que observouse que as cumprían foron: C/C++, C#, Python, Java, Ada, Go, Dart, Pascal, Fortran, Haskell, Scala, Nim, D e Kotlin

    The Basic Cycles of Vocational Training: Student Satisfaction and Perceived Benefit

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    This study aims to better understand students who attend Basic Vocational Training Cycles (Basic Professional Training, BTP) by implementing measures that ensure diversity. This quantitative research project approximated students’ perception of their passage through previous studies and their satisfaction and goals after finishing the school year. The sample consisted of 352 students from Cordoba (Spain). A questionnaire was used that follows the CIPP model. After exploratory factor analysis was completed with different groups of items and their descriptive analyses, various tests were carried out to consider the hypotheses (Pearson’s correlation (r), one-factor analysis of variance, and repeated ANOVA measures). The results indicate that the educational interest of the students is academic and professional. Likewise, there is no relationship detected between socio-professional goals and average academic levels and attributions with respect to repetitions of previous courses, although these goals vary depending on students’ satisfaction with the vocational cycles. We conclude that the course of the FPB influences decisions regarding academic–professional projects

    Evolution of Bacterial Community in a Full-scale Biotrickling Filter by Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH)

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    The performance of a full-scale biotrickling system for the treatment of exhaust gases from two different paint sources at a furniture facility, was investigated applying Fluorescense in situ hybridization (FISH). This technique allowed the detection of major bacteria groups and, therefore, helped in understanding complex microbial communities. The results indicated that Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Deltaproteobacteria were more predominant than Firmicutes and Actiniobacterias. In addition, a variation in the composition of the bacterial community throughout the time of operation and with the paint source was observed. Betaproteobacteria showed similar relative abundance in all analyzed days. However, Gammaproteobacteria, relevant group in the degradation of VOCs, fluctuated with operational changes and the relative abundance of Alphaproteobacteria decreased when the composition of pollutants of the emission source was changed

    About the epidermic cells in ‘Rosa Narcea’

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    [EN] Epidermic cells of 'Rosa Narcea' are studied at three different moments along the blooming. Qualitative and quantitative studies are carried out. Qualitative research was done by histochemical techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The quantitative one was done by using images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both adaxial and abaxial epidermic cells in the 'Rosa Narcea' present cuticular striation. The volatile essential oils which determine the 'Rosa Narcea' scent have to cross through the cuticle in order to go out. Under transmission electron microscopy (TEM), some microchannels through which the smell molecules are probably released, are observed. These canaliculi are concentrated in the cuticular striation area. The quantitative analysis indicates that there is a higher number of cells and with thicker striation in the epidermis of those roses blooming at the end of the blossom season. This allows the team to hypothesize that the smell emission will be higher at the beginning of July than at the beginning of May, although nothing may be inferred about the aroma qualityS

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en el Departamento de Córdoba.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia en el Departamento de Córdoba.Luego de la profundización de referentes teóricos propuestos del curso y análisis de diferentes relatos de vida referentes al conflicto armado que se vive en diferentes poblaciones en Colombia, los cuales son analizados a través de la lógica narrativa, con la finalidad de reconocer hechos de violencia, los emergentes sociales que surgen en medio del conflicto y destacar los esfuerzos a nivel social, personal y comunitario que nacen de forma conjunta con este tipo de hechos violentos, se realiza la elección en consenso grupal del relato, “José Ignacio” y se procede a la generación y planteamiento de preguntas estratégicas, reflexivas y circulares que permiten un acercamiento psicosocial referente a la superación de las condiciones de victimización que viven estas comunidades y las personas pertenecientes a poblaciones sumidas en medio del conflicto armado. Posteriormente el caso de “las comunidades Cacarica” invita a un análisis y reflexión profunda acerca de los emergentes psicosociales latentes, luego de la vivencia de los hechos violentos ahí narrados y el impacto psicosocial que genera en la población el ser estigmatizada como cómplice de un actor armado, permitiendo el planteamiento de propuestas de acciones de apoyo, acompañamiento a las víctimas en situación de crisis y el establecimiento de estrategias psicosociales que faciliten en esta población la potenciación de recursos de afrontamiento ante eventos traumáticos, el desarrollo de procesos resilientes y la capacidad de dar nuevo significado a cada suceso de acuerdo a los hechos victimizantes vivenciados tales como, violencia , desplazamiento, desarraigo y en casos más extremos la muerte, sin contar el impacto psicológico que es de gran magnitud y encierra componentes como el miedo, sensación de persecución, incertidumbre desesperación, precariedad, sensación de inseguridad y estrés entre otros . De modo que través del planteamiento de estrategia y acciones, se abren nuevas expectativas de vida para las víctimas del conflicto y a través de cada proceso de intervención psicosocial se posibilita el empoderamiento individual y se potencia el empoderamiento colectivo a través del planteamiento, utilización e implementación de estrategias y acciones encaminadas al restablecimiento y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de las víctimas del conflicto armado.After the deepening of proposed theoretical references of the course and analysis of different life stories referring to the armed conflict that is lived in different populations in Colombia, which are analyzed through the narrative logic, in order to recognize acts of violence, the social emergencies that arise in the middle of the conflict and highlight the social, personal and community efforts that are born jointly with this type of violent acts, the election is made in group consensus of the story, "José Ignacio" and proceeds to the generation and posing of strategic, reflective and circular questions that allow a psychosocial approach regarding the overcoming of the conditions of victimization that these communities live and the people belonging to populations submerged in the middle of the armed conflict. Later, the case of "the Cacarica communities" invites to an analysis and deep reflection about the latent psychosocial emergencies, after the experience of the violent facts narrated there and the psychosocial impact generated in the population being stigmatized as an accomplice of an actor armed, allowing the proposal of support actions, support to victims in crisis situation and the establishment of psychosocial strategies that facilitate in this population the strengthening of coping resources in the face of traumatic events, the development of resilient processes and the ability to give new meaning to each event according to victimizing facts experienced such as violence, displacement, uprooting and in more extreme cases death, without counting the psychological impact that is of great magnitude and includes components such as fear, sense of persecution, uncertainty despair, precariousness, sensation of insecurity and stress among others. Thus, through the strategy and actions approaches, new life expectations are opened for the victims of the conflict and through each psychosocial intervention process, individual empowerment is enabled and collective empowerment is empowered through the planning, use and implementation of strategies and actions aimed at restoring and improving the quality of life of the victims of the armed conflict

    Consumo de tabaco en estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias de la Salud: estudio de prevalencia

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    [ES] El tabaco constituye una de las principales causas de morbilidad y muerte prematura evitable en nuestra sociedad. Los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud ocupan un papel primordial como futuros promotores de la salud en materia de tabaquismo.[EN] Tobacco is one of the main causes of morbidity and preventable premature death in our society. Health science students play a key role as future health promoters in the field of smoking.S

    In Vitro Anti-Biofilm and Antibacterial Properties of Streptococcus downii sp. nov.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential anti-biofilm and antibacterial activities of Streptococcus downii sp. nov. To test anti-biofilm properties, Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces naeslundii, Veillonella parvula, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans were grown in a biofilm model in the presence or not of S. downii sp. nov. for up to 120 h. For the potential antibacterial activity, 24 h-biofilms were exposed to S. downii sp. nov for 24 and 48 h. Biofilms structures and bacterial viability were studied by microscopy, and the effect in bacterial load by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. A generalized linear model was constructed, and results were considered as statistically significant at p < 0.05. The presence of S. downii sp. nov. during biofilm development did not affect the structure of the community, but an anti-biofilm effect against S. mutans was observed (p < 0.001, after 96 and 120 h). For antibacterial activity, after 24 h of exposure to S. downii sp. nov., counts of S. mutans (p = 0.019) and A. actinomycetemcomitans (p = 0.020) were significantly reduced in well-structured biofilms. Although moderate, anti-biofilm and antibacterial activities of S. downii sp. nov. against oral bacteria, including some periodontal pathogens, were demonstrated in an in vitro biofilm modelThis research was co-funded by Xunta de Galicia under Ignicia Programme, Axencia Galega de Innovación, GAIN (12/08/2016; GRANT_NUMBER: IN855A)S

    University teachers' attitudes towards the educational use of ICTS: the case study at the University of Valladolid

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    Producción CientíficaDebido al proceso de adaptación y convergencia en el que nos hallamos inmersos en la actualidad y a la incorporación de los nuevos planes europeos de enseñanzas universitarias, resulta necesario plantear la inclusión de metodologías activas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que, por una parte, prioricen la participación activa de los alumnos en este proceso y, por otra, establezcan una relación diferente entre docentes y discentes. Son muchas las acciones de innovación educativa que se están poniendo en práctica en la Universidad española, con el fin de superar los esquemas didácticos tradicionales y lograr una enseñanza de calidad, objetivos fundamentales del proceso de convergencia europea que se está viviendo en la actualidad. El éxito de estas iniciativas, muchas de ellas apoyadas en las denominadas Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) depende, por una parte, de la actitud y del compromiso de los docentes con el cambio metodológico y, por otro, del apoyo que se les brinda desde la institución universitaria para satisfacer sus necesidades formativas y facilitar, así, la incorporación de estos nuevos recursos al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje (E/A). Este artículo presenta un estudio de las actitudes de los profesores de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Valladolid (España) hacia la integración de las TIC en su práctica docente, ya que consideramos que la dimensión actitudinal representa un elemento clave para la renovación pedagógica exigida por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES).The process of European convergence and harmonization and the EHEA-adaptation plan that our universities are implementing nowadays entail not only a methodological change- that is the introduction of active methodologies that emphasize the role played by students in their own learning process- but also a change in the role assumed by teachers in the teaching-learning process. Spanish universities are currently carrying out many experimental and innovative educational projects which try to overcome traditional methodological limitations in order to guarantee solid and quality educational programs in our higher education institutions. Achieving success in innovative instructional practices-most of them based on ICTs- depends both on university teachers' attitude and commitment to the methodological changes involved and on the institutional and organizational support provided by universities in order to enhance ICT competence development of teachers. That is teachers’ attitudes towards ICTs, which in most cases are related to their ICT competence level, play a crucial role in implementing new innovative tools in the teaching-learning process. This research article shows the attitudes of a group of teachers of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (University of Valladolid) to the educational use of ICTs, as we consider that the attitudinal dimension is a key issue in the integration of technology into educational environments