686 research outputs found

    Elektromos személygépjárművek energiafogyasztásának vizsgálata: Energy consumption analysis of electric vehicle drivetrains

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    In the coming years, the rapid spread of electric vehicles is expected. Due to the change of the applied drivetrain systems, typical, fully optimized drivetrains systems do not yet exist: electric vehicles are “being invented” nowadays. Accordingly, the typical electric vehicles’ energy consumption values are also learned in the least years. This paper will present a parameter sensitivity analysis for electric vehicles’ energy consumption by a longitudinal vehicle drivetrain model. Kivonat A következő években a közúti járművekben az elektromos hajtás térhódítása várható. A hajtáslánc megváltozása egyben azt is eredményezi, hogy jelenleg még nem alakultak ki a tipikus hajtáslánc elrendezések: az elektromos hajtású járműveket „most találjuk fel”. Ennek megfelelően az elektromos járművek energiafogyasztásának nagyságrendjeit is az utóbbi években ismertük meg. A cikk egy hosszirányú járműmodell segítségével egy paraméter érzékenységi vizsgálat eredményeit mutatja be elektromos hajtáslánc esetére

    An Investigation and Implementation of Recommendation X.25 on a Motorola M6800 Based Network

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    A subset of the Recommendation X.25 protocol is implemented on a two node network. Each node accepts and translates data from the user in a sequential fashion into the appropriate protocol structure for transmission to another node. Each node has the capability of full duplex operation. The hardware is built around a Motorola M6800 microprocessor employing a minimum of 4096 words of random access memory and two asynchronous ports: one for communication with the user and the other for communication with the network. The software on each node contains the protocol programs and a multitasking monitor which is used to buffer the data bytes between the protocol software and the two communication ports. The multitasking monitor is also used to time slice among the seven tasks which implement the protocol structure. This paper illustrates in some detail the structure of Recommendation X.25. The subset of the packet types which are implemented is also examined. Finally, a scenario of the procedure for information exchange between one user and another is discussed in detail

    A Geography of Resistance

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    Despite it's apparent nostalgia for the village ideal, America's literary modernism largely dispels the romantic antagonism between small-town community and mass society. Drawing from the theories of Jean-Luc Nancy, I advance the notion that community was produced by capitalist society, not destroyed by it. Modulating between a regional and local focus, my readings of American modernists (such as Gertrude Stein, Marianne Moore, William Faulkner, Willa Cather, Sherwood Anderson, Jean Toomer and Hart Crane) elucidate the ways in which writers contradicted their explicit bemoaning of lost community by acknowledging loss as consonant with community as such. Focusing on how emergent technologies in communication and transportation repositioned writers in relation to themselves and each other, I coin the term "mass geography" in order to describe the social flux that enthused hinterlands and small-towns after the war, thereby disrupting the notion that American community is sustained by shared identity, ontological integrity or physical rootedness

    X=Y–ZH compounds as potential 1,3-dipoles. Part 64: Synthesis of highly substituted conformationally restricted and spiro nitropyrrolidines via Ag(I) catalysed azomethine ylide cycloadditions

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    1,3-Dipolar reactions of imines of both acyclic and cyclic α-amino esters with a range of nitroolefins using a combination of AgOAc or Ag2O with NEt3 are described. In most cases the reactions were highly regio- and stereospecific and endo-cycloadducts were obtained in good yield. However, in a few cases the initially formed cycloadducts underwent base catalysed epimerisation. The stereochemistry of the cycloadducts was assigned from NOE data and established unequivocally in several cases by X-ray crystallography