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    Amikor olvasni kezdtem Kriston Vízi József 2004-ben megjelent könyvét, vendégségben éreztem magam saját szülőföldemen, Palócföldön

    The Sacrifice of Atonement in Roman Catholic Communities in the Székelyföld Region

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    In the light of the Marian apparitions in the 20th-21st centuries, people today are in a crisis situation characterised by alienation from the church and the faith, selfishness, the proliferation of sin, from which the way out would be atone-ment, accepting a sacrifice of atonement. From the mid-20th century a growing number of private revelations in Hungary and Transylvania face us with the same phenomenon and solution to the problem. The study presents a few atonement practices that have appeared in the last thirty years in Roman Catholic religious practice in the Székelyföld regio

    Decline in corporate lending in Hungary and across the Central and East European region during the crisis

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    Escalation of the global financial crisis in autumn 2008 ended the economic boom in the Central and East European region, which had been financed by external funds and accompanied by dynamic expansion in credit. During the recession, corporate loan portfolios started to decline in nearly all countries in the region. The question arises as to what role banks played in this process: by restraining their credit supply, did they contribute to the deepening of the economic recession and to a slower-thannecessary recovery, or has the contraction in corporate lending resulted from shrinking corporate credit demand caused by the recession? The question is of particular relevance to Hungary, which recorded the steepest decline in corporate lending in the region. In this article, we look at 9 countries1 in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States to provide a comparative presentation of developments in corporate lending and interest rates across the region and explore the reasons behind the differences observed. Available information appears to support the assumption that in Hungary – as well as in the Baltic States – the tightening of credit supply may have contributed more to the decline in corporate lending than in other countries of the region. This can be attributed primarily to Hungary’s reliance on external funds and vulnerability. At the same time, these results should be interpreted with the utmost caution for a variety of reasons. On the one hand, caution is called for because of the weakness of the analytical framework applied, as well as due to the limited reliability of the underlying data. On the other hand, the CEE region is far from homogeneous: the economic structure and development path of individual countries reveal more differences than similarities, rendering the comparison of certain aspects of the developments rather difficult.corporate lending, banking, CEE region, lending surveys, credit conditions, parent banks, corporate loan demand

    Some Historiographical and Methodological Issues of 20th Century Hungarian Biography Writing

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    This paper attempts to provide a concise overview of some historiographical and methodological issues concerning the composition of the political biography of Vitéz Emil Borbély-Maczky (1887–1945). In the first part of my paper, I present some major accomplishments of 20th-century biography writing in Hungary, briefly covering the methodological context in respect of political biography vs. total biography. In the second part, I investigate the problems and opportunities of genre classification emerging during the composition of Emil Borbély- Maczky’s biography by presenting available sources. The primary goal of this paper is to set the biography of the most important public figure in interwar Borsod County into the context of 20th century Hungarian historical biographies

    Baja város nyomdái 1945-ben

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    The history of the printing houses in Baja has not yet been written, despite the fact that there has been a printing house in the town since 1857. The three questionnaires from the time of the post-World War II resumption give a glimpse into the history of printing houses operating in the city in the middle of the 20th century. In 1944, there were seven printing houses in the city (Bakanek és Gádor-nyomda, Corvin-nyomda, K. Bencze Albert nyomdája, Rózsa-nyomda, Stáhl Károly-nyomda, Új Élet Nyomda). Among these printing houses, the machines of the Catholic Új Élet Nyomda (New Life Printing House) were demolished, and their raw material was taken away in 1944 after the invasion of the Soviet troops. Albert K. Bencze was sentenced by the people’s tribunal to one year in prison, and his printing house was taken over by the Communist Party of Baja. The owner of the Dezsõ Rózsa printing house died in February 1945, and his printing house was operated for some time by the Social Democratic Party. From the questionnaires, we can also find out a number of technical data about the printing houses, such as what machines they worked with


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