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    This study aim to know about 1) the influence of family, peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the use of Internet on student’s interest in learning electronic for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, 2) from family, peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the use of internet, which is the most influential factor on student's interest in learning electronics for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. The subjects are 99 students of competency skills audio video at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. The variables are the family environment (X1), the peer environment (X2), the teaching method of teachers (X3), the use of internet (X4), and student’s interest in learning electronics (Y).The Techniques of data collection use questionnaire and the analysis method use 4 Predictors of Multiple Regression. The results show that the family, peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the use of internet have a positive and significant impact on students' interest in learning electronics for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, it can be seen from Rhitung (0.616) > Rtabel (0.195). The relative contribution of each variable is the use of Internet at 66.3%, family environment at 12.27%, teaching methods of teachers at 11%, and 10.5% of peer environment. Thus, the factors that most influential on the student's interest in learning electronics for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta is the use of Internet. Keywords: family, peers, teaching methods, internet, interests in learning electronics

    Particles mass flow rate and concentration measurement using electrostatic sensor

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    In many industries where flow parameters measurement is essential to control manufacturing process, the use of a reliable, cost effective and high accuracy instrument is an important issue. Appropriate measurement method and design leads to improvement of pneumatic conveyors operation and process efficiency. This paper present an instrumentation design based on passive charge detection using a single electrostatic sensor. Two different sensor electrodes are applied to show the flexibility of electrostatic sensor application. A time domain signal processing algorithm is developed to measurement of mass flow rate and concentration profile from acquired electrical charge signal. The findings is led to a low cost and high accuracy design, the experimental test results of the design shows less than ±5% error between measured parameters and reference reading acquired from the manual weighing

    Analisis Wacana Lha.... Dalah! Dalam Surat Kabar Joglo Semar Sebagai Materi Ajar Di Smp: Tinjauan Mikrostruktural Dan Makrostruktural

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    Penelitian ini bersifat analisis dengan mengambil materi wacana Lha...Dalah! dalam surat kabar harian Joglo Semar. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu (1) Menganalisis aspek mikrostruktural dan makrostruktural yang terdapat pada wacana Lha...Dalah! dalam surat kabar harian Joglo Semar edisi 28 Maret-2 April 2011 dan tanggal 6 Juni-18 Juni 2011. (2) Mengetahui kesesuaian wacana Lha...Dalah! sebagai materi ajar MPBI di SMP. Bentuk penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wacana Lha...Dalah! yang terdapat dalam surat kabar harian Joglo Semar edisi 28 maret-2 April dan tanggal 6 Juni-18 Juni 2011. Sumber data pada penelitian ini yaitu surat kabar harian Joglo Semar. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode padan intralingual. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu (1) menemukan kajian mikrostruktural dan Makrostruktural yang membangun wacana Lha...Dalah!, serta menemukan relevansi antara wacana Lha...Dalah! sebagai materi ajar yang sesuai dengan Standar Kompetensi (SK) dan Kompetensi Dasar (KD) di SMP. (2) kajian Mikrostruktural meliputi aspek gramatikal (pengacuan, penyulihan, pelesapan, dan perangkaian) dan aspek leksikal (repetisi, sinonimi, kolokasi, hiponimi, dan ekuivalensi). (3) Menemukan kajian makrostruktural yang membangun wacana Lha...Dalah!, meliputi konteks situasi dan konteks sosial

    TAJAHUL AL-ARIF DALAM AL-QURAN (Studi Terhadap Kalimat-Kalimat Yang Mengandung Uslub Tajahul al-Arif dalam Surah Yasin dan Al-Muluk)

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    Perkembangan Metode-Pendekatan dalam Penelitian Agama

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis perkembangan metode-pendekatan dalam penelitian secara umum, baik metode-pendekatan teologis-normatif, ilmiah maupun fenomenologi. Metode pelaksanaan kajian ini adalah metode historis dengan menggunakan data kwalitatif. Data diperoleh melalui studi pustaka. Hasil kajian ini menunjukan bahwa metode-pendekatan yang paling awal dikenal adalah metode-pendekatan teologis yang bersifat normatif sejak jaman Yunani, Romawi kuno dan berlanjut hingga abad pertengahan. Pendekatan ini mengalami perkembangan secara pesat dengan munculnya sederetan peneliti dengan karya-karyanya pada abad-7 sampai abad ke-9 M. Sebagai kelanjutan metode-pendekatan normatif adalah metode-pendekatan ilmiah. Metode-pendekatan ini mulai mengalami perkembangan pada abad ke-19 M. ditandai dengan munculnya sederatan peneliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan ilmu-ilmu sosial. Metode-pendekatan selanjut yang banyak digunakan peneliti agama  adalah metode-pendekatan fenomenologi. Pendekatan ini mengalami perkembangan sejak abad ke-20 M. hingga dewasa ini. Sebagai indikasi perkembangan metode-pendekatan ini ditandai munculya sederetan fenomenolog dan karya-karyanya

    Diskualifikasi Pasangan Calon Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Bangkalan Madura Perspektif Fikih Siyâsah

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    Abstract: This article discusses about the disqualification of the candidate of regent and vice regent in Bangkalan-Madura within the Islamic political jurisprudence perspective. In a decision No. 136/G/2012/PTUN.Sby, the Surabaya State Administrative Court decided that regent and vice regent in Bangkalan-Madura, which is signed by the leader of the National Unity Party (PPN), is legally flawed on the basis of article 1, paragraph 12, article 57 paragraph 3 of Regulation of KPU No. 6 year 2011. The decision is by the consideration that the National Unity Party is not a new party. It is just changing the name of the Regional Unity Party that should remain as chairman and secretary of the DPC PPN of Bangkalan-Madura. The judge of the Surabaya State Administrative Court within his legal decision No. 136/G/2012/PTUN.Sby set the proposal of the regent and vice regent in Bangkalan-Madura. &nbsp

    Ultimate boundedness of droop controlled Microgrids with secondary loops

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    In this paper we study theoretical properties of inverter-based microgrids controlled via primary and secondary loops. Stability of these microgrids has been the subject of a number of recent studies. Conventional approaches based on standard hierarchical control rely on time-scale separation between primary and secondary control loops to show local stability of equilibria. In this paper we show that (i) frequency regulation can be ensured without assuming time-scale separation and, (ii) ultimate boundedness of the trajectories starting inside a region of the state space can be guaranteed under a condition on the inverters power injection errors. The trajectory ultimate bound can be computed by simple iterations of a nonlinear mapping and provides a certificate of the overall performance of the controlled microgrid.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur