Diskualifikasi Pasangan Calon Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Bangkalan Madura Perspektif Fikih Siyâsah


Abstract: This article discusses about the disqualification of the candidate of regent and vice regent in Bangkalan-Madura within the Islamic political jurisprudence perspective. In a decision No. 136/G/2012/PTUN.Sby, the Surabaya State Administrative Court decided that regent and vice regent in Bangkalan-Madura, which is signed by the leader of the National Unity Party (PPN), is legally flawed on the basis of article 1, paragraph 12, article 57 paragraph 3 of Regulation of KPU No. 6 year 2011. The decision is by the consideration that the National Unity Party is not a new party. It is just changing the name of the Regional Unity Party that should remain as chairman and secretary of the DPC PPN of Bangkalan-Madura. The judge of the Surabaya State Administrative Court within his legal decision No. 136/G/2012/PTUN.Sby set the proposal of the regent and vice regent in Bangkalan-Madura. &nbsp

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