67,436 research outputs found

    Ethics and Character Formation in Sports: A Philosophical Perspective

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    The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) famously proclaimed that “God is dead and we have killed Him.” Might one say similarly that in today s “winner take all” society “sportsmanship is dead and we have killed it”? Is the very concept no longer relevant in the modern age of competitive sports? In this essay I will show how three long dead philosophers—Aristotle, Kant, and the aforementioned Nietzsche—still have much to teach us about sportsmanship and its continued relevance for the present day

    Der "Nietzsche-Thesaurus" des Nietzsche-Online-Portals

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    Der Beitrag stellt ein Thesaurussystem zum Werk von Friedrich Nietzsche vor, mit dessen Hilfe es möglich sein wird, online nach Nietzsche-Zitaten zu recherchieren

    Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer

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    Cataloguing: Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer / By Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). [Götzen-DĂ€mmerung. English]. Translation of text, afterward, notes, letters, and appendixes by ©Daniel Fidel Ferrer, 2013. 1. Philosophy 2) Metaphysics 3) Philosophy, Germa 4) Philosophy, German -- 19th century 5) Philosophy, German – Greek influences I. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 II. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952

    Körper und Schrift als GedÀchtnisspeicher. Vom kommunikativen zum kulturellen GedÀchtnis

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    Jan Assmann bietet eine Neudefinition der von ihm selbst geprÀgten Begriffe des kommunikativen und des kulturellen GedÀchtnisses an. Mit Bezug auf Maurice Halbwachs, Friedrich Nietzsche und Sigmund Freud wird der dichotomische GedÀchtnisbegriff zu dem Trichonom kommunikatives GedÀchtnis - kollektives BindungsgedÀchtnis - kulturelles BildungsgedÀchtnis erweitert. Dabei bestreitet Jan Assmann den physischen Charakter des GedÀchtnisbegriffs bei Friedrich Nietzsche und Sigmund Freud und bezeichnet dagegen die Bedeutung der Schrift in der Ausbildung des kulturellen BildungsgedÀchtnisses als fundamental

    AixĂ­ parlĂ  Zaratustra. Fragments

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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de PolĂ­tica LingĂŒĂ­stica de la Universitat de ValĂšnciaFragments d'AixĂ­ parlĂ  Zaratustra traduĂŻts al catal

    Nietzsche for physicists

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    One of the most important philosophers in history, the German Friedrich Nietzsche, is almost ignored by physicists. This author who declared the death of God in the 19th century was a science enthusiast, especially in the second period of his work. With the aid of the physical concept of force, Nietzsche created his concept of will to power. After thinking about energy conservation, the German philosopher had some inspiration for creating his concept of eternal recurrence. In this article, some influences of physics on Nietzsche are pointed out, and the topicality of his epistemological position−-the perspectivism−-is discussed. Considering the concept of will to power, I propose that the perspectivism leads to an interpretation where physics and science in general are viewed as a game.Comment: 14 pages. Version 3 with improvements, corrections. Accepted in Philosophia Scientia

    DestĂ­ i histĂČria (ConferĂšncia del cercle «Germania». Primavera de 1862)

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    Si poguĂ©ssim contemplar amb una mirada lliure i sense prejudicis la doctrina cristiana i la histĂČria de l’esglĂ©sia, ens veurĂ­em obligats a expressar algunes opinions oposades a les idees generals. PerĂČ, atĂšs que des dels primers dies de vida estem sotmesos al jou del costum i dels prejudicis, dificultats en el nostre desenvolupament natural i condicionats en la formaciĂł del nostre temperament per les impressions de la nostra infantesa, creiem que hem de considerar gairebĂ© com un delicte el fet d’escollir un punt de vista mĂ©s lliure, que ens permetĂ©s emetre un veredicte imparcial i adequat al nostre temps sobre la religiĂł i el cristianisme. Un intent com aquest no Ă©s l’obra d’algunes setmanes, sinĂł l’obra d’una vida. Ja que, com es podria destruir l’autoritat de dos mil·lennis, el fiançament dels homes mĂ©s ingeniosos de tots els temps, mitjançant els resultats de cabĂČries juvenils, com podria un sobreposar-se mitjançant fantasies i idees immadures a tots els dolors i tot allĂČ beneĂŻt pel progrĂ©s d’una religiĂł profundament arrelada en la histĂČria del mĂłn

    Nietzsche and Foucault on Self-Creation: Two Different Projects

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    This paper aims to highlight some major differences between the ethics of “self-becoming”, as it was sketched by Friedrich Nietzsche, and the so-called “aesthetics of existence”, which was developed in Michel Foucault’s late work. Although the propinquity between the two authors is a commonplace in Foucauldian exegesis, my claim is that the two projects of self-creation are dissimilar in four relevant aspects. To support my thesis I will use Foucault’s four-part ethical framework through which I will analyze each of the two projects. Foucault, Nietzsche, self-creation, will to power, aesthetics of existence, ethical substance, mode of subjectification, ethical work, ethical telos, power relations

    Schopenhauer som opdrager

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    Teksten er en oversÊttelse af en af Nietzsches tidlige tekster fra 1874 (den tredje Utidssvarende), hvor han med afsÊt i en forstÄelse af mennesket som et enestÄende mirakel udfolder forskellige refleksioner over den dannelsesmÊssige fordring, der medfÞrer en klar selvbesindelse pÄ sine opdragere og formgivere - for Nietzsches eget vedkommende Arthur Schopenhauer. Denne for Nietzsche sande filosof lÊrte ham at vÊre enkel og Êrlig i liv og tanke: at vÊre utidssvarende i ordets mest omfattende forstand, og bibragte ham endvidere en virkelig befordrende munterhed samt standhaftighed i forhold til omverdenen i hans vedvarende sÞgen efter menneskets sande vÊsen


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) konsep Erlebnis (2) konsep Ausdruck dan (3) konsep Verstehen hermeneutika Wilhelm Dilthey dalam puisi Du hast gerufen – Herr, ich komme karya Friedrich Nietzsche. Objek penelitian ini adalah puisi Du hast gerufen – Herr, ich komme karya Friedrich Nietzsche. Objek ini diambil dari kumpulan puisi dwibahasa, kumpulan puisi dwibahasa, terjemahan Indonesia oleh Agus R. Sarjono dan Berthold DamshĂ€user, penulis Komodo Books pada bulan September 2010. Data dianalisis dengan teknik baca catat. Data dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Keabsahan data diperkuat dengan validitas expert-judgment. Reliabilitas yang digunakan adalah reliabilitas intrarater dan interrater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) konsep Erlebnis meliputi: (a) pengalaman hidup Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (b) sejarah puisi Du hast gerufen – Herr, ich komme yang ditinjau dari pengalaman hidup Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. (2) konsep Ausdruck dalam puisi ini berupa ungkapan pertaubatan Nietzsche ingin kembali ke jalan Tuhan yang digambarkan oleh ich (aku). (3) konsep Verstehen meliputi: (a) keraguan Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche terhadap Tuhan yang digambarkan oleh ich (aku) (b) pertaubatan Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche terhadap Tuhan yang digambarkan oleh ich (aku)
