13 research outputs found

    XML-based formal specification comprehension

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    Tools and verification techniques for integrated formal methods

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    Semantic web and formal design methods

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    Complementary formalisms - synthesis, verification and visualization

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    Object-Z / TCOZ and Timed automata; Projection and integration

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    A formal modeling approach to ontology engineering

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    Despite the effectiveness of requirements formalization in producing accurate requirements documentation and deepening the developers\u27 understanding of the envisioned systems, this technique can hardly be accepted by software industry mainly because it requires mathematical sophistication and considerable experience in using formal notations, which remains a challenge to many practitioners. Many methods and tools have been proposed to deal with the problem by providing general guidance or automatic support in transforming informal requirements into formal specifications. However, they fail to accomplish the task when encountering incompleteness and ambiguities in the informal requirements. To handle this challenge, this thesis describes a pattern-based approach to facilitating the formalization of requirements. In this approach, a specification pattern system is pre-defined to guide requirements formalization where each pattern provides a specific solution for formalizing one kind of function into a formal specification. All of the patterns are classified and organized into a hierarchical structure according to the functions they can be used for formalization. The distinct characteristic of our approach is that all of the patterns are stored on computer as knowledge for creating effective guidance to facilitate the developer in requirements formalization; they are "understood" only by the computer but transparent to the developer. Based on the pattern system, a method that guides the requirements formalization process by applying the pattern system is described. To facilitate the understanding of the guidance produced by the pattern system and the utilization and maintenance of the pattern knowledge, a method for representing the pattern system is proposed where attribute tree and HFSM are adopted. These two notations are used to represent different parts of the pattern knowledge. The method for applying the pattern knowledge represented in the two notations is given. We also describe a prototype tool that supports the pattern-based approach. The tool derives necessary functional details of the intended requirement through interactions with the developer and generates a formal specification according to the obtained information. Two experiments on the tool supported approach are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.博士(理学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Model checking concurrent and real-time systems : the PAT approach

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    BIM in the construction industry

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    En las últimas décadas, el término modelado de información de construcción (BIM) se ha mencionado en una amplia gama de esfuerzos de investigación de la construcción. BIM es una nueva solución para la recesión sin precedentes en la industria de la construcción, es decir, pérdida de productividad, escasez de mano de obra, sobrecostos y competitividad severa. La tecnología BIM proporciona muchos beneficios: detección rápida de conflictos de diseño, regulación automática de diseño algoritmo de verificación, visualización de realidad virtual/aumentada y entorno de trabajo de colaboración. BIM los expertos, así como los profesionales de la industria, enfatizan la importancia de las aplicaciones BIM en el campo de construcción. Dado el rápido desarrollo y adopción de BIM en la arquitectura, ingeniería, y construcción (AEC), están surgiendo nuevas tendencias relevantes para la investigación de BIM, siendo sumamente útil no sólo para los académicos sino también para los profesionales.In recent decades, the term building information modeling (BIM) has been mentioned in a wide range of construction research endeavors. BIM is a new solution for unprecedented recession in the construction industry, i.e., productivity loss, labor shortage, cost overrun, and severe competitiveness. BIM technology provides many benefits: prompt design clash detection, automatic deign regulatory check algorithm, augmented/virtual reality visualization, and collaboration work environment. BIM experts as well as industry practitioners are stressing the importance of BIM applications in the field of construction. Given the rapid development and adoption of BIM in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, new trends relevant to the research of BIM are emerging, being exceedingly helpful not only for academics but also for practitioners