22 research outputs found

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    Distributed Video Coding: Selecting the Most Promising Application Scenarios

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    Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a new video coding paradigm based on two major Information Theory results: the Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv theorems. Recently, practical DVC solutions have been proposed with promising results; however, there is still a need to study in a more systematic way the set of application scenarios for which DVC may bring major advantages. This paper intends to contribute for the identification of the most DVC friendly application scenarios, highlighting the expected benefits and drawbacks for each studied scenario. This selection is based on a proposed methodology which involves the characterization and clustering of the applications according to their most relevant characteristics, and their matching with the main potential DVC benefits

    H.264/AVC to HEVC Video Transcoder Based on Dynamic Thresholding and Content Modeling

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    Side information exploitation, quality control and low complexity implementation for distributed video coding

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a new video coding methodology that shifts the highly complex motion search components from the encoder to the decoder, such a video coder would have a great advantage in encoding speed and it is still able to achieve similar rate-distortion performance as the conventional coding solutions. Applications include wireless video sensor networks, mobile video cameras and wireless video surveillance, etc. Although many progresses have been made in DVC over the past ten years, there is still a gap in RD performance between conventional video coding solutions and DVC. The latest development of DVC is still far from standardization and practical use. The key problems remain in the areas such as accurate and efficient side information generation and refinement, quality control between Wyner-Ziv frames and key frames, correlation noise modelling and decoder complexity, etc. Under this context, this thesis proposes solutions to improve the state-of-the-art side information refinement schemes, enable consistent quality control over decoded frames during coding process and implement highly efficient DVC codec. This thesis investigates the impact of reference frames on side information generation and reveals that reference frames have the potential to be better side information than the extensively used interpolated frames. Based on this investigation, we also propose a motion range prediction (MRP) method to exploit reference frames and precisely guide the statistical motion learning process. Extensive simulation results show that choosing reference frames as SI performs competitively, and sometimes even better than interpolated frames. Furthermore, the proposed MRP method is shown to significantly reduce the decoding complexity without degrading any RD performance. To minimize the block artifacts and achieve consistent improvement in both subjective and objective quality of side information, we propose a novel side information synthesis framework working on pixel granularity. We synthesize the SI at pixel level to minimize the block artifacts and adaptively change the correlation noise model according to the new SI. Furthermore, we have fully implemented a state-of-the-art DVC decoder with the proposed framework using serial and parallel processing technologies to identify bottlenecks and areas to further reduce the decoding complexity, which is another major challenge for future practical DVC system deployments. The performance is evaluated based on the latest transform domain DVC codec and compared with different standard codecs. Extensive experimental results show substantial and consistent rate-distortion gains over standard video codecs and significant speedup over serial implementation. In order to bring the state-of-the-art DVC one step closer to practical use, we address the problem of distortion variation introduced by typical rate control algorithms, especially in a variable bit rate environment. Simulation results show that the proposed quality control algorithm is capable to meet user defined target distortion and maintain a rather small variation for sequence with slow motion and performs similar to fixed quantization for fast motion sequence at the cost of some RD performance. Finally, we propose the first implementation of a distributed video encoder on a Texas Instruments TMS320DM6437 digital signal processor. The WZ encoder is efficiently implemented, using rate adaptive low-density-parity-check accumulative (LDPCA) codes, exploiting the hardware features and optimization techniques to improve the overall performance. Implementation results show that the WZ encoder is able to encode at 134M instruction cycles per QCIF frame on a TMS320DM6437 DSP running at 700MHz. This results in encoder speed 29 times faster than non-optimized encoder implementation. We also implemented a highly efficient DVC decoder using both serial and parallel technology based on a PC-HPC (high performance cluster) architecture, where the encoder is running in a general purpose PC and the decoder is running in a multicore HPC. The experimental results show that the parallelized decoder can achieve about 10 times speedup under various bit-rates and GOP sizes compared to the serial implementation and significant RD gains with regards to the state-of-the-art DISCOVER codec

    Distributed Coding/Decoding Complexity in Video Sensor Networks

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    Video Sensor Networks (VSNs) are recent communication infrastructures used to capture and transmit dense visual information from an application context. In such large scale environments which include video coding, transmission and display/storage, there are several open problems to overcome in practical implementations. This paper addresses the most relevant challenges posed by VSNs, namely stringent bandwidth usage and processing time/power constraints. In particular, the paper proposes a novel VSN architecture where large sets of visual sensors with embedded processors are used for compression and transmission of coded streams to gateways, which in turn transrate the incoming streams and adapt them to the variable complexity requirements of both the sensor encoders and end-user decoder terminals. Such gateways provide real-time transcoding functionalities for bandwidth adaptation and coding/decoding complexity distribution by transferring the most complex video encoding/decoding tasks to the transcoding gateway at the expense of a limited increase in bit rate. Then, a method to reduce the decoding complexity, suitable for system-on-chip implementation, is proposed to operate at the transcoding gateway whenever decoders with constrained resources are targeted. The results show that the proposed method achieves good performance and its inclusion into the VSN infrastructure provides an additional level of complexity control functionality

    On the Effectiveness of Video Recolouring as an Uplink-model Video Coding Technique

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    For decades, conventional video compression formats have advanced via incremental improvements with each subsequent standard achieving better rate-distortion (RD) efficiency at the cost of increased encoder complexity compared to its predecessors. Design efforts have been driven by common multi-media use cases such as video-on-demand, teleconferencing, and video streaming, where the most important requirements are low bandwidth and low video playback latency. Meeting these requirements involves the use of computa- tionally expensive block-matching algorithms which produce excellent compression rates and quick decoding times. However, emerging use cases such as Wireless Video Sensor Networks, remote surveillance, and mobile video present new technical challenges in video compression. In these scenarios, the video capture and encoding devices are often power-constrained and have limited computational resources available, while the decoder devices have abundant resources and access to a dedicated power source. To address these use cases, codecs must be power-aware and offer a reasonable trade-off between video quality, bitrate, and encoder complexity. Balancing these constraints requires a complete rethinking of video compression technology. The uplink video-coding model represents a new paradigm to address these low-power use cases, providing the ability to redistribute computational complexity by offloading the motion estimation and compensation steps from encoder to decoder. Distributed Video Coding (DVC) follows this uplink model of video codec design, and maintains high quality video reconstruction through innovative channel coding techniques. The field of DVC is still early in its development, with many open problems waiting to be solved, and no defined video compression or distribution standards. Due to the experimental nature of the field, most DVC codec to date have focused on encoding and decoding the Luma plane only, which produce grayscale reconstructed videos. In this thesis, a technique called “video recolouring” is examined as an alternative to DVC. Video recolour- ing exploits the temporal redundancies between colour planes, reducing video bitrate by removing Chroma information from specific frames and then recolouring them at the decoder. A novel video recolouring algorithm called Motion-Compensated Recolouring (MCR) is proposed, which uses block motion estimation and bi-directional weighted motion-compensation to reconstruct Chroma planes at the decoder. MCR is used to enhance a conventional base-layer codec, and shown to reduce bitrate by up to 16% with only a slight decrease in objective quality. MCR also outperforms other video recolouring algorithms in terms of objective video quality, demonstrating up to 2 dB PSNR improvement in some cases

    Advanced heterogeneous video transcoding

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    PhDVideo transcoding is an essential tool to promote inter-operability between different video communication systems. This thesis presents two novel video transcoders, both operating on bitstreams of the cur- rent H.264/AVC standard. The first transcoder converts H.264/AVC bitstreams to a Wavelet Scalable Video Codec (W-SVC), while the second targets the emerging High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Scalable Video Coding (SVC) enables low complexity adaptation of compressed video, providing an efficient solution for content delivery through heterogeneous networks. The transcoder proposed here aims at exploiting the advantages offered by SVC technology when dealing with conventional coders and legacy video, efficiently reusing information found in the H.264/AVC bitstream to achieve a high rate-distortion performance at a low complexity cost. Its main features include new mode mapping algorithms that exploit the W-SVC larger macroblock sizes, and a new state-of-the-art motion vector composition algorithm that is able to tackle different coding configurations in the H.264/AVC bitstream, including IPP or IBBP with multiple reference frames. The emerging video coding standard, HEVC, is currently approaching the final stage of development prior to standardization. This thesis proposes and evaluates several transcoding algorithms for the HEVC codec. In particular, a transcoder based on a new method that is capable of complexity scalability, trading off rate-distortion performance for complexity reduction, is proposed. Furthermore, other transcoding solutions are explored, based on a novel content-based modeling approach, in which the transcoder adapts its parameters based on the contents of the sequence being encoded. Finally, the application of this research is not constrained to these transcoders, as many of the techniques developed aim to contribute to advance the research on this field, and have the potential to be incorporated in different video transcoding architectures