1,261 research outputs found

    Safe Concurrency Introduction through Slicing

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    Traditional refactoring is about modifying the structure of existing code without changing its behaviour, but with the aim of making code easier to understand, modify, or reuse. In this paper, we introduce three novel refactorings for retrofitting concurrency to Erlang applications, and demonstrate how the use of program slicing makes the automation of these refactorings possible

    Modelling Realistic User Behaviour in Information Systems Simulations as Fuzzing Aspects

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    In this paper we contend that the engineering of information systems is hampered by a paucity of tools to tractably model, simulate and predict the impact of realistic user behaviours on the emergent properties of the wider socio-technical system, evidenced by the plethora of case studies of system failure in the literature. We address this gap by presenting a novel approach that models ideal user behaviour as workflows, and introduces irregularities in that behaviour as aspects which fuzz the model. We demonstrate the success of this approach through a case study of software development workflows, showing that the introduction of realistic user behaviour to idealised workflows better simulates outcomes reported in the empirical software engineering literature

    Development of Transformations from Business Process Models to Implementations by Reuse

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    This paper presents an approach for developing transformations from business process models to implementations that facilitates reuse. A transformation is developed as a composition of three smaller tasks: pattern recognition, pattern realization and activity transformation. The approach allows one to reuse the definition and implementation of pattern recognition and pattern realization in the development of transformations targeting different business process modeling and implementation languages. In order to decouple pattern recognition and pattern realization, the approach includes a pattern language to represent the output of the pattern recognition task, which forms the input of the pattern realization task

    Refactoring for introducing and tuning parallelism for heterogeneous multicore machines in Erlang

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    This research has been generously supported by the European Union Framework 7 Para-Phrase project (IST-288570), EU Horizon 2020 projects RePhrase (H2020-ICT-2014-1), agreement number 644235; Teamplay (H2020-ICT 2017-1) agreement number 779882, and EPSRC Discovery, EP/P020631/1. EU COST Action IC1202: Timing Analysis On Code-Level (TACLe), and by a travel grant from EU HiPEAC.This paper presents semi‐automatic software refactorings to introduce and tune structured parallelism in sequential Erlang code, as well as to generate code for running computations on GPUs and possibly other accelerators. Our refactorings are based on the lapedo framework for programming heterogeneous multi‐core systems in Erlang. lapedo is based on the PaRTE refactoring tool and also contains (1) a set of hybrid skeletons that target both CPU and GPU processors, (2) novel refactorings for introducing and tuning parallelism, and (3) a tool to generate the GPU offloading and scheduling code in Erlang, which is used as a component of hybrid skeletons. We demonstrate, on four realistic use‐case applications, that we are able to refactor sequential code and produce heterogeneous parallel versions that can achieve significant and scalable speedups of up to 220 over the original sequential Erlang program on a 24‐core machine with a GPU.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Abstraction, Visualization, and Evolution of Process Models

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    The increasing adoption of process orientation in companies and organizations has resulted in large process model collections. Each process model of such a collection may comprise dozens or hundreds of elements and captures various perspectives of a business process, i.e., organizational, functional, control, resource, or data perspective. Domain experts having only limited process modeling knowledge, however, hardly comprehend such large and complex process models. Therefore, they demand for a customized (i.e., personalized) view on business processes enabling them to optimize and evolve process models effectively. This thesis contributes the proView framework to systematically create and update process views (i.e., abstractions) on process models and business processes respectively. More precisely, process views abstract large process models by hiding or combining process information. As a result, they provide an abstracted, but personalized representation of process information to domain experts. In particular, updates of a process view are supported, which are then propagated to the related process model as well as associated process views. Thereby, up-to-dateness and consistency of all process views defined on any process model can be always ensured. Finally, proView preserves the behaviour and correctness of a process model. Process abstractions realized by views are still not sufficient to assist domain experts in comprehending and evolving process models. Thus, additional process visualizations are introduced that provide text-based, form-based, and hierarchical representations of process models. Particularly, these process visualizations allow for view-based process abstractions and updates as well. Finally, process interaction concepts are introduced enabling domain experts to create and evolve process models on touch-enabled devices. This facilitates the documentation of process models in workshops or while interviewing process participants at their workplace. Altogether, proView enables domain experts to interact with large and complex process models as well as to evolve them over time, based on process model abstractions, additional process visualizations, and process interaction concepts. The framework is implemented in a proof-ofconcept prototype and validated through experiments and case studies

    Investigating Concurrency in the Co-Simulation Orchestration Engine for INTO-CPS

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    There is a tendency to expect, that taking advantage of multicore systems by using concurrency improves the performance of an application. To investigate if this is true, a case study was performed where different concurrency principles were applied to an existing application called the Co-Simulation Orchestration Engine (COE), which did not utilize concurrency. This was explored in the context of Co-Simulation using the Functional Mock-up Interface, as applications executing Co-Simulations should be performant to enable the use of increasingly complex models.Co-Simulation can be useful in the development of Cyber-Physical Systems, as it can be used to simulate coupled technical systems or models and thereby examine the behavior of the systems.The investigation was carried out by refactoring the COE to make it suitable for implementing concurrency by limiting the spawning of threads and synchronization between threads, along with maximizing the workload for each thread. Three different concurrency features were used in three different implementations: Parallel collections, futures, and actors, which were evaluated based on selected quality attributes. These implementations were tested against the non-refactored sequential COE and each other by performing different simulations using different models.The case study showed, that concurrency can be used to increase the performance of the COE in some cases. Based on the analysis carried out in this thesis project, a set of guidelines were created to generalize the process of applying concurrency to an existing application

    The JStar language philosophy

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    This paper introduces the JStar parallel programming language, which is a Java-based declarative language aimed at discouraging sequential programming, en-couraging massively parallel programming, and giving the compiler and runtime maximum freedom to try alternative parallelisation strategies. We describe the execution semantics and runtime support of the language, several optimisations and parallelism strategies, with some benchmark results